How to use chatGPT directly in VS Code with Code GPT

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hey there I wanted to show you this really cool extension you can use that allows you to use chat GPT directly within vs code it's called code GPT and to get it you go to extensions you type in code GPT and it's the one with 500 000 downloads and I've already installed it here but basically all you have to do is install it and add your openai openai key and just restart vs code after you've installed it and you'll be able to use chassis beauty within your within your within vs code and so we can do things like highlight code and ask it what it means so over here is all the code GPT commands we can explain what this does we can do a bunch of different things using code GPT we could highlight the code and we can ask it questions like explaining it right unit test or refactor so let's click code GPT chat here let's ask it to explain the code so it's going to write what the code does code checks whether the code is being executed on the client side or not that's right type of window and then it's just talking about the local storage values that are being set in the state so this looks good we can also ask it to write unit tests unit test code GPT and then we'll do that so I never write either codes Unicode testing so this isn't particularly useful for me but if you work at a big company it makes life a lot easier you can find problems to find problems you're going to need to highlight all of the code otherwise it won't have context like for example if you if I just highlighted this it might not think I've imported the state so for that you're set up the state so you're going to have to highlight all of this if you're going to ask it what's wrong with it and another cool thing you could do is you can ask it to write code directly within vs code so we can say write a function that gets everything from local storage save it and then you do command shift I at the end of it we'll say I'm thinking and then it will open up another file with whatever you've asked that you're right so here we have that here and this looks good it's getting everything from local storage so you can just copy it and put it into here don't save so yeah hopefully that's useful and how you can use chassis directly within vs code it opens up a lot of possibilities the extension is still pretty new it seems like but it's quite useful if you need to do things like unit tests or explain code in a big repo so check it out and let me know what you think
Channel: Tosh Velaga
Views: 10,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vJQhI8gIsJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 5sec (185 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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