How to use ChatGPT-4 Free | FREE GPT4 API Key For AI Apps

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welcome to the world where AI meets creativity for free in today's video we're diving into the magic of AI applications without spending a dime that's right I'm here to guide you through using a gp4 API key absolutely free we'll craft a creative writing assistant app together and you'll learn how to ignite your AI Journey if you've ever dreamed of building smart apps without the Hefty price tag buckle up because we're about to turn that dream into reality with open- Source powerhouses GPT 4 free and gradio whether you're a beginner or just curious about AI this video will show you how it's all possible let's get started before we move into build AI apps using free ipk first I explain something about open- Source GitHub projects GPT 4 free and gradio let's move to GPT 4 free imagine unlocking the power of AI without reaching for your wallet enter GPT 4 free a groundbreaking toolkit on GitHub by xtechi this isn't your ordinary API it's a robust proof proof of concept A multi-provider package that juggles requests with finesse managing load balancing and flow control like a pro what's more it's 100% local no Cloud no hidden fees whether you're generating text or crafting images gp4 free has you covered and with GPL 3.0 blessing it's all about transparency and community-driven enhancements check out the GitHub repository for step-by-step instructions Docker setups and a userfriendly API ready to transform your Creative Vision into reality with GPT 4 free okay let's move to next gradio now let's pair that AI press with a dash of Simplicity gradio is the open- source secret ingredient for the modern python Chef whipping up interactive web apps in a Flash no webd expertise no problem gradio transforms complex machine learning models and python functions into user-friendly interfaces with just a few lines of code it's like having your personal web wizard taking care of hosting and showcasing your AI models to the world dive into gradio GitHub page where the possibilities are as vast as your imagination from data collection forms to intricate ml app demonstrations gradio is not just about building AI it's about bringing it to life for everyone to see and experience all right let's dive into creating our own AI application using GPT 4's free API and gradio first I'll start by opening my visual studio code editor I'll navigate to my project workspace and create a new folder named chat app after creating it I'll open this folder in Visual Studio code to get started next it's time to open a terminal window I'll simply go to the terminal tab in Visual Studio code and open a new terminal window I highly recommend especially when working on a new python project to create a new python version virtual environment this helps in managing dependencies more efficiently so I'm going to set up a new python virtual environment using cond I'll use the command cond create and chat app python the 31.0 and hit enter upon execution I receive a warning indicating that a chat app virtual environment already exists in my system to proceed I choose to input why to remove the existing environment and create a new virtual environment after confirming with why the process continues once the virtual environment is created it's essential to activate it so I'll use the command cond activate chat app and hit enter this activates my chat app environment now that my environment is is set up and ready I clear my terminal to keep everything tidy using the clear command the next step is to visit the GPT 4 free project page to begin installing GPT 4 free this will be our gateway to tapping into the capabilities of GPT 4 without the need for an API key leveraging the power of open source for our chat app project let's move forward with the installation you've decided to enhance your project with more capabilities by installing all supported apis via the python pii package to accomplish this navigate to the getting started section and find the appropriate installation command copy pip install u4f all and execute it in your terminal by pasting and hitting enter once all the package dependencies are successfully installed it's a good practice to clear your terminal window to keep your workspace organized The Next Step involves structuring your project navigate to the project folder section and create a new file named app ply this file will serve as the heart of your application where you'll interact with the gp4 free API client to make use of the gp4 free project for text generation visit the gp4 free project page and locate the usage section here you'll find sample code to call the client using the GPT 3.5 turbo model copy this sample code and paste it into your [Music] file your next steps involve importing the gp4 client creating a client response message and cleaning up the code to remove any extraneous characters ensure to print the response message to the terminal and save your app Pi file to witness your code in action run the file in your terminal using the python command now let's observe the response message Begin by sending a hello world message to which your assistant responds with hello how can I assist you today experiment with a different query next for example ask what is AI and save your file run the file again using the python command to see the new [Music] response you receive a detailed explanation about AI including insights on how AI works and various types of AI such as self-awareness theory of minds and limited [Music] memory this exercise allows you to explore the extensive explanations of AI provided by your chatbot showcasing the power and flexibility of using GPT 4 free for Aid driven applications first I'll clear my terminal using the clear command to maintain a tidy workspace curious about the capabilities of different models I decide to switch from using the GPT 3.5 turbo model to GPT 4 to explore how it reinterprets the question what is AI with possibly more depth or examples by installing GPT 4 free and creating a client to communicate with it you've seen how it can be incorporated into your AI applications whether for an AI writing chatbot or any other personal assistant use case it's truly remarkable how seamlessly gp4 free facilitates these interactions now let's take everything a step further by creating a new AI chatbot complete with a user interface using gradio heading over to the gradio GitHub page you'll find all related links in the video description for easy access gradio enables the creation of user interfaces for python applications effortlessly to get started with gradio I'll first navigate to the installation section on their GitHub page copying the installation command I prepare my environment by clearing out the existing code in my app pomi file to start a fresh having previously installed GPT for free I now use the command copied from gradio documentation to in install gradio in my system once gradio is installed I clear my terminal again for clarity and return to my app puai file to begin coding the app the first step in coding the app involves importing the necessary libraries including GPT for free and gradio with the Imports in place I proceed to initialize the gp4 client setting the stage for our chatbots brain next I Define the chat bot response function this function will dictate how our chatbot processes inputs and generates [Music] responses following that I create the app's user interface using gradio this includes setting up the input section where users can type their questions the output section where the chatbots responses will be displayed and adding a title or description to provide users with some context about the chat bot finally I launch the gradio interface save my apppi file and prepare to test the new AI chatbot this process illustrates how accessible and Powerful tools like GPT 4 free and gradio are in bringing sophisticated AI applications to life enabling creators to build interactive and intelligent systems with ease let's head back to the terminal and launch our app by entering the command python once the app is up and and running navigate to The Local Host URL in your browser to access it upon opening the app you're greeted with a Sleek user interface the title AI assistant chatbot prominently displays at the top setting the stage for what this app offers below the title there's a description that reads ask any question and the AI assistant will respond to your questions this brief overview informs users about the app's purpose and encourages interaction moving on to the core functionality the input and output sections are intuitively designed for ease of use Let's test it out by starting with a simple greeting typing High into the input section the app takes a moment to process before replying with hey there how can I assist you today curious about the ai's understanding I next ask what is AI and press submit the GPT 3.5 turbo model swiftly generates a response offering an explanation of AI to further explore the chatbots capabilities I pose another question what is AI and explain like a child and submit it this time the AI chatbot crafts a more child-friendly explanation of AI showcasing its versatility in responding to varied requests now suppose I want to create another AI assistant app focused on a specific use case like enhancing creative writing skills let's start fresh by clearing everything and writing new code for this purpose first up I import the necessary dependencies for gp4 free and gradio following that I initialize the gp4 client laying the groundwork for our creative writing assistant next I Define a function specifically for generating creative writing prompts this function will power our app's ability to inspire writers with unique and engaging prompts with the function in place it's time to design the user interface with gradio this includes creating an input section for users to request prompts an output section to to display the generated prompts and adding a title or description to provide context about the app's focus on creative writing finally I launch the interface save my file and get ready to test this new creative writing assistant app this process illustrates not just the technical steps required to build AI powered apps but also the creative possibilities these Technologies unlock for developers and creators alike heading back to the terminal it's time to run our app file with the command python app. TI and press enter once the app is successfully running I open the Local Host URL in my browser to see what we've created the user interface greets me with the app title creative writing assistant the description beneath the title sets the tone Unleash Your creativity get inspired with unique story ideas prompts and plot twists this is followed by the input and output sections where the magic magic happens to kick things off I decide to test the waters with a simple High message almost instantly I receive a welcoming response hello how can I assist you today feeling encouraged I move on to one of the example prompts a story about A Lost Civilization discovering technology after submitting I eagerly await the assistant's creative output as expected my assistant crafts an intriguing story for me showcasing the power of our setup I decide to experiment with more examples each time amazed at the unique and creative responses generated by the AI assistant and there you have it folks a full-fledged AI assistant crafted from the ground up harnessing the capabilities of GPT 4 free and gradio all without the need for any API key or subscription fees we've opened the door to Endless Possibilities with python and this is just the beginning stay tuned as we venture into the realm of JavaScript with nextjs for our upcoming AI projects there's a whole universe of innovation waiting for us and we're just getting started if you're as excited as I am about this journey hit that like button smash subscribe and turn on notifications so you won't miss out on any of our future Adventures keep coding stay curious and as always happy learning until next time
Channel: AutoGPT Tutorials
Views: 5,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to use ChatGPT-4 Free, how to use gpt 4 for free, how to use gpt4 api key free, chagpt 4 free, how to access gpt4 for free, use gpt4 api key free, use ChatGPT-4 Free, FREE GPT4 API Key For AI Apps, FREE GPT4 API, AI Apps, gpt 4 api key free, free gpt4 api key, chatgpt, artificial intelligence, chat gpt, how to get chatgpt 4 for free, chatgpt 4 free, ChatGPT4, GPT4, api key, free api key, FreeAPI, without openai api key, no api key
Id: cnIlohNrZRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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