How to Use CameraX With Android Jetpack Compose To Implement In-App Photo Capturing

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You want to implement an in-app camera in your Jetpack Compose Android app, which allows you to take a photo and store it in your app gallery? In this video, you will learn how. Hi guys. My name is Yanneck Reiß, I hope you're doing well and I welcome you to a new video. When in one of my latest videos I showed you how you can implement an in-app camera preview in Jetpack Compose, with the help of CameraX, one part in this video was missing. Therefore, in this video we will build up on the code base and you will learn how to extend the camera in app preview with the functionality to capture a photo and store it correctly so it gets visible in your device’s photo gallery. So now we're back in the GitHub repository I used for my last video about Jetpack Compose and CameraX and now I will show you how I extended the repository so we can actually take a photo and store it in the app gallery. So if you haven't watched the video yet, make sure to check it out. And from this point on, you should feel a little bit familiar with this code here. We still have our camera screen and in the camera screen there is still the camera content. And if we scroll down, we come back to the in-app camera preview, which we implemented using an Android View. And now there's an additional composable here, that is the last photo preview. So this preview takes the last picture we actually captured. And this captured photo is a regular Bitmap which you may already know. So but how do we actually capture a photo now using the camera library in the last video, I already teasered a little bit. Now we can just jump into the actual code for that. So we have here our extended floating action button and this action button has an onClick function, which on the other hand calls the capture photo. So we have three input parameters here. One is the context. The second is the camera controller, which is actually coming from the CameraX library. And then we also have a callback which passes a Bitmap, which is, of course, the captured photo at the end. So let's take a look at the capture photo function here. Inside the capturePhoto function, you can see that we started using here a main executor. And we also are still using the same build up for capturing a photo. But what we now do is that we access the image proxy and convert it to a bitmap. And afterward we need to rotate the bitmap and we can do that because we have the image info here from the image proxy, which on the other hand contains the rotation degrees. And this will rotate bitmap here is just a little helper function. So let's quickly step through that. We use here a matrix that uses a post rotate function, and this function here counterclockwise rotates the bitmap at the end. And then we also use a post scale, which flips the bitmap horizontally and also vertically. Then afterward we create with this information a new bitmap from the original bitmap and have the bitmap corrected from our capturing process. Afterward, we just pass the corrected the bitmap to our on photo captured callback here. And then at last step we will clear up the resources. So we just call image dot close and now with this callback function here, we can quickly scroll up. We see it gets passed to the camera content here and then finally here in the camera screen, it gets passed to the view model. And here we have the store photo and gallery function. So let's go in here. And as you can see, we have here a use case that is called Save Photo To Gallery use case. So what we finally want to achieve is that the photo gets visible in the regular gallery app of your choice, and that is handled by this use case. So we have this function here that says you want to scope launch. So we launched a new coroutine and then we call this use case here with the captured bitmap. So let's jump into that. So here you can see that we switch here to the IO dispatcher because we are using here input and output operations. So we write to our media store at the end and then we use a content resolver because we want to write to the media store. And whether you are above or equal to API version 29, which is the same version code as Q, then you use here the volume external primary. And if you're below that you use the external content URI, then we have here content values. And these content values actually describe the image you will want to save in the media store. So you have various options you can use. Like some examples here date taken, date modified, author and so on. So you don't have to use all of those. Of course, the path here is relevant and also the actual state of the media store. So you should use if you are once again above or equal to Android version Q is pending. So you say I'm currently editing this file and if you are done later in the process you would say image content videos put media columns is pending to zero. But let's quickly come back to the next line here, because here we say insert the image content values we defined here and use the image collection we defined here above in the earlier process. And with this reference via this URI here, we can actually write to the media store using the resolver once again. So we can just say open output stream, use the URI as a reference and then we can use a little helper function that is called ‘use’. So it will automatically clean up the resources after the usage of this output stream here. And then we just need to say capturePhotoBitmap compress. And because it's a photo we use here, a JPEG you could also use for example. Yeah, PNG. You want to have the full quality and want to write to the output stream. And just to mention if you have never used that before, the check not is just a little helper, so you don't have to say if output stream is not null then do this or that. You can just use here this checkNotNull and put in the output stream so the compiler knows, ‘okay, after this line, this output stream will definitely be not null’ because if it's null, an exception will be thrown here. But that's not a problem because we wrapped this whole block here inside and run catching block and evaluate this result at the end. So the next line is then the mentioned clean up. So we say here for the version greater than or equal to Android version Q once again set this is pending to zero and update the URI here once again with this value. And then at the end we return a Kotlin result. So if you want to handle some error cases which might occur, then you could do that by evaluating the Kotlin result here. But now enough of the talk. Here is the actual running app and now I can just click here, take photo. So thumbs up. And as you can see down here is the mentioned preview. But let's see if this photo actually got saved in the gallery. So let's quickly jump here to Google photos in this case on the emulator. And as you can see, here is the yeah, great photo of me. And by that we achieved our final goal. We have a fully functional camera app with an in-app preview function to capture photo and all of that in jetpack compose. Of course, the last part can also be used in the regular Android app, but in this case we focused on Jetpack Compose. But as you saw, it's not that complicated to implement a camera functionality in your Android app. Did you already have some use cases where you implemented a in-app preview and also some camera functionality? Let me know in the comments. And as always, I hope you had some takeaways like the video. 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Channel: Yanneck Reiß
Views: 4,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: android, app development, android tutorial, android studio, mobile development, kotlin, android compose, android app, android development, android UI, mobile app tutorial, android developer, kotlin tutorial, android tips, Android Studio Plugin, Jetpack Compose, Android Jetpack Compose, Camera, CameraX, Camera Preview, in app camera preview, in app camera, android camera tutorial, jetpack compose camera, jetpack camera tutorial, Photo app, photo capture, camera capture
Id: LRWkQtxGe0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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