How To Use Avada Studio

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[Music] hi everyone in this video we're going to look at a much anticipated feature released in avada 7.5 cultivator studio this awesome feature allows you to add a huge variety of professionally designed content blocks of various types throughout your website make sure you subscribe to our youtube channel to keep up with all the latest videos like this one and if you don't want to miss one click the bell icon to get notifications of all new videos on our channel okay let's begin avada studio brings a new level of power to the evada website builder with avada studio you can rapidly build content with a huge range of pre-built content blocks and then quickly customize them with your own content it all starts at avada dot studio this showcase website displays all the available pre-built content in avatar studio and you can quickly sort it to browse the various content blocks as you can see down the side there are many different types of content blocks available there are templates headers page title bars content sections footers as well as containers columns single elements icons forms and even postcards going into a category you can see all the content blocks of that type and you can even further refine your selections by selecting the various categories and if you click on one you get a full screen preview of the content the website will be constantly updated as well to offer new and exciting content blocks and features going forward okay so now let's move over to an install of avada to see the various places you will find avada studio there i have a clean install here and i'm on the avada dashboard to access avada studio your site needs to be registered first i've done that and as you can see there is a studio link in the top menu if you have registered and still don't see a link here it's likely the feature is not enabled you can turn avada studio on or off in the global options under advanced features okay so let's head to the evada studio page all the content blocks are sorted into their categories along the top much like we can see and sort the content blocks into their various categories and you can click the magnifying glass icon to get a full-size preview the main difference here is the save icon with this you can add your favorite content blocks directly to their relevant home in nevada with a single click for templates containers columns elements and postcards this will be the evada builder library for headers page title bars content sections and footers this would be the layout section page for icons and forms these are saved to the icon page in the form builder page respectively you don't have to save any content blocks from here to use them as they will also be available through the avada builder this is just a quick way to save them for future use there is one exception though with icons to make the studio content blocks available you need to save them from here so they are available when adding icons into your content so while i'm here i'll go into icons and save one of these i'll also save a form and a postcard then we can see how we can make use of these a bit later new content will be added to avada studio regularly but at the top there's also a sync avada studio button to make sure you have the latest content blocks okay so now let's look at the various places you can add avada studio content into your pages i'll just start with a blank page in avada live avada studio is of course also available from avada builder if you're still using the back end interface but i prefer to use avata live as we can see there is a nevada studio button right on the starter page this opens the library straight to the studio tab from here you can add any of the avada studio page templates these are full page layouts so to add this content from here i just mouse over the desired template and replace any existing content or add it below or above any existing content in this case i'm on an empty page so it won't make a difference which one i choose a dialog appears showing the import process and the content appears in the builder now that's a quick way to build a page one thing to realize with imported studio content is that you're not just importing a layout but also the content in it it will import images videos menus forms postcards and icons whatever is needed for the content the images used are sourced from free resources but for image licensing questions please check the licensing doc linked below in the video description if you change your mind with the imported content you can just use the clear layout button on the toolbar alternatively you can just head to the library from the toolbar and replace the content note here how the library opens on the websites tab this is not a part of avada studio but they are also full page layouts this is where you can import any of the individual pages from any of the 80 plus pre-built websites please see the link below the video here for more information on that process okay so if we head to the studio tab we could now add a different template and this time the choices we have are much more relevant here i will choose replace all page content and when the content finishes importing we can see only the new content okay so that's templates now the next four types of avada studio content blocks headers page title bars content blocks and footers are all layout sections and designed to be used in nevada layouts so we'll look at these in a minute but while i'm on a normal page let's look at the next three types of studio content containers columns and elements i'll just clear this layout these content blocks are added in the same way we add any content for example if i click on add container here i can just head to the studio tab and all the container content blocks are ready and waiting we can filter the blocks along the left hand side and preview them by clicking on the magnifying glass icon when we found one we want to use we just need to click on the plus button and wait a bit while the content is imported when that is complete the container is added to the page including of course any columns and elements required for the layout most content blocks will work with both default templates and 100 with templates and of course once the content blocks are imported you can customize them in any way you wish the columns and element content blocks work in exactly the same way you can add a studio column into an existing container or if you prefer you could add a blank container and add it in there i'll just add a new empty container after this one and then add a column so now i just go to the studio tab and i can see all the available studio columns columns have a size and as you can see from the previews here some of these are full width columns and some are much narrower but again you can always change the size of the column once you have imported it to suit your design i'll just add this one here this comes in as a one-third column but let's change this to one-half then i'll just add another one in next to it and this one is already a one-half column so it fits nicely finally there are the studio elements i might add one here towards the bottom of this column and in this case i might go into the container these columns are in and change the column alignment to stretch so as you can see any of these pre-configured containers columns or elements can be edited as you wish once they have been added to the layout but they are great building blocks for you to use when designing your content instead of doing everything from scratch okay let's move on what about headers page title bars content sections and footers these content blocks are layout sections and designed to be added to your site via avatar layouts as you probably know avada layouts allows you to build custom layouts for any area of your website if you save any of these from the avada studio page they are saved directly to the layout section page but you can also add them from a layout section itself i've got a new header layout section created here and i'm going to add a pre-built header from avada studio so i just click on studio here and the studio dialog opens with all the available headers there is a wide range of headers to pick from and more will be added regularly there are even a few side headers here for my example i think i will add this one i have the choice of being able to add it in various ways but on an empty page again that doesn't matter i'll just add it in and here's my new header ready to be customized with my own content as you can see here with this example there is a top container and then two menu containers one for desktop and another for tablet and mobile if you're unsure about responsive containers you can just go to the extras tab and have a look at the rendering logic as we can see here on the first menu container this one is set to render only on desktop devices and the second one is set to only render on tablets and mobiles as we are in the layout builder you can see both but on the front end you'll only see the relevant container adding studio content for the other three layout sections is much the same when creating a page title bar layout section a content layout section or a footer layout section there will always be a studio button on the starter page and a studio tab in the library and a range of different content blocks you can use to quickly build your layout sections in no time at all here for example are all the page title bar content blocks the content section blocks and the footer blocks and just remember new content will be added regularly to these areas so in time it will become a huge library of ready to go professionally designed resources once you've customized your layout section with your own content of course you then just need to assign your layout section to a global or conditional layout for it to be used on your site check out the getting started with avada layouts video linked below to better understand layouts if you're not familiar with them yet also one thing to remember with avada studio content is that every time you import a content block you're importing the content as well which means images imported into your media library and menus added to your menu page etc so if you import a lot of content blocks and don't end up using them you'll probably want to clean up a bit after yourself if you want to remove all studio content from your site there is an option at the bottom of the builder options page where you can remove all avada studio content use this with caution however as it will remove all content imported to your site from the avada studio page as well it will delete any imported content such as images or videos from the media library any content blocks you have added directly to a page post or layout section will remain however just with any imported content removed okay let's now move to the last three types of avada studio content icons forms and postcards with the icons you need to save these directly from the evada studio page as i did at the start of the video but forms and postcard studio content can also be added when adding new forms and postcards let's look at all of these i'll head to the icons page and here we can see the icon set we saved earlier to use these icons is just the same as any icon once there is a custom set imported we can access and use these icons anywhere we find the icon picker i'll just go back to a page and edit this button for example there's an icon picker on the design tab and along the top of that we can scroll across to use the imported custom icon set and add the icons into our content okay let's now look at forms and postcards so if i go to forms we can see the form i saved here straight from the avada studio page or if we prefer when we create a new form we can add the avada studio content straight into the form from here we would edit and customize it before adding it into our page content with the avada form element then there are the postcards these are imported into the evada library and if i head there we can also see the postcard i saved earlier but if i just add a new postcard from here it opens into the builder there is no starter page with postcards but i can just open the library tab and head to studio and add a postcard from here once it's imported we could edit it to suit our needs or because a postcard will always be dynamic content we could just use it directly as is in our content with the postcards element okay so that's avada studio it's a real game changer with regards to building page content and as it evolves it will no doubt become an even more amazing resource thanks for watching let us know in the comments what you think of this fantastic new feature okay this concludes our video on how to use avala studio make sure you subscribe to our youtube channel to keep up with all the latest videos and if you have any questions or need assistance please create a support ticket and our team will gladly assist you as always we want to thank you for choosing avada
Channel: ThemeFusion
Views: 3,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ThemeFusion, Avada, WordPress
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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