How To Use Apple AirTags Tutorial - AirTag Tips & Tricks

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hey everyone welcome back this is dan from dhtv and today i have the how to use the apple air tags tutorial and we're going to be going over everything you can do with them including air tags tips and tricks let's get started all right so like i said we're going to go through everything you can do with these air tags here starting from the basics and setup and going more in detail with more advanced features tips and tricks so if you do want to skip ahead there are chapters with timestamps in the description you can click on those and skip to exactly what you want to learn all right now the first thing we're going to focus on is actually when you unwrap this as soon as you pull this tab off of these air tags here that's going to enable the battery on the back and it's going to start to sort of burn through its battery so we pull the tab you hear that little chime and that means the battery is now activated and it's going to start draining down over time fortunately you can change the batteries on these and i'll show you how to do that a little bit later now once you have your air tag unwrapped and the batteries activated how to connect the air tag to your iphone is pretty simple you're just going to unlock your phone and put it down near the air tag like so and you can see that the airtight connection options will appear very similar to airpods we'll tap connect you want to choose the name of your air tag so usually what it's connected to you even have a custom option down here let's just say wallet for this example and tap continue you'll see your apple credentials here for your ids you do need to have your phone connected to an apple id and tap continue it'll go through the setup process takes just a few seconds and now you can see that it's connected with the name daniel's wallet you'll see a little map of where it's located at this moment you'll have some options here to use precise finding play sound directions on map i'll show you that a little bit later in the find my application but for now we can tap done so now that we have our air tag set up pretty much we don't have to do anything at this point unless we lose something so if we lose this air tag for example where you're going to go to find it is the find my application on your iphone now this should be there already and it's used for all of your ios and mac devices to find them so you locate this application on your phone and open it up it'll open up to a page similar to this depending on how you have it set up it might be in the devices section we're looking at items because that's where the air tags are located now in this section here you can see we have my backpack which is actually this air tag i set up earlier we also have the wallet which i set up on screen and you'll see the addresses underneath of their last known locations or where they're located right now and you can see these two say now for example let's say we did lose these air tags we can actually tap on the one that's lost so we'll tap on the wallet a map will appear of its last known location right now it's saying with you but if it wasn't with you and it was disconnected it would show you a different setting here now we can tap to play the sound if it's in a location for example let's say you lose it in the couch or something like that where you are now it knows where it is but you can't find it you can tap play sound and that's actually coming from the air tag itself once it's found all you have to do is tap on the sound or it'll stop after a certain amount of time you also have the precision location or find option so if you can't hear the sound of your air tag this will give you some location and direction that will help you locate it so let's say these were a little bit further away for example on another floor you can tap find and it'll kind of give you a map location searching for the signal try moving to a different location let's just kind of move around here and you'll get this sort of arrow that's going to direct you and if i turn to my right or left it's going to say turn to your right and kind of guide you as you're walking almost like a hot and cold game you might have played as a kid and when you get close enough to it for example i'm gonna actually bring it towards the phone that's what it looks like and you can actually feel the haptic feedback in your hand while you're doing this so that's pretty much how that would work you also have options here to access a light so if you need a flashlight maybe you're in the dark and then you also can play the sound the same way i showed you earlier now if you ever run into the situation where you play the sound and the air tag is just not found it's not ringing you can't hear it this traditionally means you've lost it or it's not in range of your iphone now these air tags have about 30 feet give or take depending on where you are and also they are a little bit waterproof so about a meter for 30 minutes but otherwise you would want to walk around your house wherever you think it may be lost to see if it is reachable but if you get this notification and it's not popping up you then want to scroll upwards and you have the notifications here we want to make sure these are enabled and we have a mode called lost mode now when we enable lost mode it's going to create this very unique setting here where it's going to notify you when it's found it's pairing lock which means that no one else who may find your air tag can unlock this and pair it to it so that means it's yours and it's locked you also have a section here where you can leave a phone number and a message to be displayed for the person who finds this item we'll tap continue we'll enter in our phone number then tap next just ensure that your notification when found is on you can see the phone number and a little note and then when you tap activate lost mode will now pop up as enabled now if the air tag is found by someone for example i have another phone here and they take the air tag place it depending on where nfc is located so on iphone is usually the top they just place it on the back of the phone like this with the plastic side up and you'll see a little web page open up so again we'll just put it up close it pops up tap on it and you'll get a page like this here and you can see that it says this item has been lost please call me and the phone number is right there they can tap on the phone number and they can call the person who may have lost to the air tech now that's if they want to be a nice person and help you find the air tag so that's pretty much the process that you would go through in lost mode now if it is found you can tap here and you can turn off lost mode let's say you found it in your house maybe the battery died who knows turn it off right here turn off otherwise you're pretty much waiting for them to be found and someone to find them for you now let's get into some air tags tips and tricks the first one is how to replace the battery on your air tags now from time to time you may need to replace them they should have about a year's life if i'm not mistaken but changing the battery is pretty easy pretty convenient with these as well so just on the back you're just going to press and turn with two fingers like so it should pop right off and the battery is this one right here i hope you can see it and i'll link you to this battery in the description from amazon they're really cheap and they pretty much last that year's time and you can actually pick them up at the dollar store as well now putting the back case back on you just want to align these little clips with the back of the case and then again this time you're just going to press and turn clockwise you'll hear a chime that means you're back in business now if you ever need to reset the air tags because like anything they can you know have some issues maybe they're not working correctly you need to reset them resetting it is a little bit annoying but it's pretty easy so again on the back you're going to turn so press and turn counterclockwise and you're going to remove the battery you're going to do this five times so you remove the battery put it back in remove the battery put it back in you got to do that five times so we've done it twice three four and five the fifth time it resets now you just want to put the back of the air tag case on now when you unlock your phone bring it close by you'll see that it is reset and can be connected for the next tip we're going to open the find my app once again and we're in our section here where we can see all of our devices we're going to tap on the backpack and we're going to scroll up if you ever need to remove an item you can just tap remove right here you'll get this information so if you want to remove the tag this item is linked to your apple id removing this item will allow to be activated and used by another person so keep that in mind so maybe you have too many i have four you can remove it tap remove it's removed from your apple id you can give it to someone else they can use it for their own use or if you have a new phone it's not going to be the same apple id you want to connect it again that's all you do so again here tap remove and it's as simple as that you no longer see that air tag in my find my app now if you ever want to rename your air tag you can do so as well from the find my application here so we'll tap on this one scroll up again we're going to tap the rename item here we have it named wallet let's use a custom name this time and we can choose an emoji for this little picture that's going to be beside it so any emoji you want you can use the whole list here let's just say we'll put a pair of pants and we'll call it pants maybe a really nice pair of pants you don't want to lose tap done and now you can see at the top they're named pants and if we x out you can see even the little icon in the circle where it's located has a little pair of pants on it as well now as good as these air tags are there is a possibility that someone may or may not try to use these in a malicious way so safety is really important and that's what we're going to talk about right now first off if you ever get a notification on your phone that says air tag found moving with you you want to take action right away you either want to look for that item or figure out what's going on and you want to tap on that notification it'll prompt you and it'll give you a safety alert on your phone that's going to say that your current location can be seen by the owner of this tag so right there you know that the owner of this tag potentially could be tracking where you are now in most cases it's probably a situation where you were driving someone they left their keys in your car and that notification may help you find those keys and you can then notify your friend or whoever was with you that you have them but in the situation where the tag is not someone you know you don't realize where it's coming from and you find it in your bag you want to disable it and it's pretty easy to disable these tags this is the page right here i'll link you to this in the description as well because it's important so you can disable it all you have to do is on the back of the tag two fingers press down and turn counterclockwise and just remove the battery when you remove the battery you're essentially killing the power to this that way whoever put that in your bag can no longer track you additionally if you get that notification and you can't find where that tag is let's say they threw it in your car and you've been looking everywhere it'll start to beep at some point after it's not found for a while it'll start to beep so that way you can find it and hear it and take action on it if it's needed so again probably not going to happen too often but in the situation where you hear this or get that notification those are the steps to take and again with your safety you always want to be vigilant so it's really important to know and understand how this works so that is the apple air tags tutorial if you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments i'm happy to help you out the process is pretty easy as i showed you but obviously things can come up so definitely feel free to ask as always there's a link in the description to a full playlist of great iphone tutorials tips and tricks so if you want to learn more check those out don't forget to hit the like button subscribe to the channel for more videos click the bell notification box to be notified when i post new videos as many more are coming and if you want to help support the channel there's a patreon link in the description as well thanks for watching i'll see you in the next one
Channel: DHTV
Views: 254,871
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Keywords: how to use apple airtags, how to use airtags, airtags tutorial, airtags tips and tricks, airtags tips, airtags tricks, how to find lost airtags, how to use airtags with iphone, how to connect airtags, how to setup airtags, how to use precision finding airtag, how to use lost mode airtag, how to replace airtag battery, how to reset airtag, airtag found moving with you, how to disable airtag, apple airtags, airtags, airtags iphone, how to airtags, how do airtags work
Id: utWrV3ACHfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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