How to Use AI for Note-Taking at In-Person Meetings

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so here's a question for you how do you have inperson meetings and still use your AI your AI meeting recorded to capture notes and give you a summary of those meetings so in this video we're going to answer exactly just that question because I've been getting a lot of questions about it um it's actually pretty straightforward in fact it's the exact same process but I'll just kind of give you some general information about how to go about doing this first and then we'll actually show you the the implementation itself so why I pull up my whiteboard which love to do and just to kind of level set make sure everybody's on the same page so just to understand what these AI buts are actually doing um they're really just doing a few very simple things like it's they're literally just uh looking at your calendar so let's say this is your calendar right um you're looking at your calendar we're going to put an i here for for an AI right and what they're doing is they're basically trying to find meet and links right so when they finally meeting link that's all they're doing they're scanning your scanning your uh calendar looking for a meeting link and the minute that they find the leting link then they log it in their system right that they need to join that meeting at that particular time that's all that's all the AI is doing okay so in the same way that it's doing that whenever you show up for your meeting with your team members or whoever it is that you're meeting with right um it has obviously the same date and time so all it does it just jumps into that meeting okay so now do you understand that concept which you know is pretty straightforward the exact same thing can be done in inperson meeting so in this particular case if you're in the inperson meeting generally speaking um you may or may not put it on your calendar right uh I would recommend all meetings go on your calendar so whether it's an inperson meeting or not inperson meeting put it on your calendar and create a zoom link or a teams link or Google meets link or whatever tool they use for your meeting create a link for it and put it in there so when you show up for your in-person meeting in whatever building this is my building right just join the in-person meeting so you're in a boardroom you're talking to a bunch of people on the other side right join that meeting and that's it then uh the AI Gods sitting over here we'll see oh she has a meeting they don't know whether it's an inperson meeting or not so they're just going to join the meeting now this has to be running on your laptop or whatever it is the entire time while you're in that in person meeting and the hope is that your laptop has good enough some qu thing that can pick up the conversations from the other members if not at bear minimum is picking up your voice and what you would have to do is sort of repeat some of the statements to make sure that the AI is actually captured it properly right but that's how you would do it so let's just jump over to the computer now and just talk about the actual practicality of it cuz you're doing the exact same thing now actually one other point I wanted to make here which was if you don't have a name person sorry if you for whatever reason you just didn't put it in your calendar or it's just an impromptu meeting you know you're walking by the water cooler or something and somebody says hey yeah let's have a meeting right now all right so whenever you get into that meeting bring your laptop bring your phone whichever jump into the meeting with teams and then you can invite your REI or your supern normal or whichever to join that meeting also so I'm going to show you how exactly to do that so my my reed the minute I join on with re um sorry with teams it automatically jum jump I'm sorry it jumps into the meeting right away however I'll show you what to do if that does not happen but let me show you what I mean so if I open up tees or um I'm just going to use zoom because that's my primary meeting tool but this will work for any single thing okay so right now I got in 60 days see so if I CL click here and I click on join meeting right what it's going to do is let me take out the camera so I don't have this weird thing right so here see here it says unable to start Cloud recording okay that's fine I don't know why but that has nothing to do with anything so and yes it still says recording right so if you notice instantly because I have the read AI app installed it just automatically joins a meeting that's it and now you can just keep recording like whatever I'm saying right now is being recorded transcribed recorded Etc and then they'll come up with a summary of some some sort it won't be perfect but at least it's something right so that's how you would just go about doing this this is assuming that you have the app installed and let me just explain because I have another video that shows you about this app but just just in case you haven't seen that video um sometimes when you join into to zoom meeting it just doesn't log in like the teams this guy is not there right so what you have to do is you have to go to apps here and then you need to search for this very what I consider a stupid name it's called U meeting Recaps transcript recording read right so add apps right you can do a search then you say meeting me recap and meun let's try that come on really oh sorry come on there right so this is read AI click on get right and then click it open and then once you do that um it will ask you if you if it's not already joined the meeting it will ask you for the meeting link you you'll see an option that says add link and then you just do exactly what you would normally do you click on um participants you click on copy invite link and you just basically paste it inside of that place where it prompts you it's not prompting me because obviously I'm already in a meeting and it recognize that I'm in a meeting so it's not prompting me for that meeting L but that's what you would do to get it to join and then from there you just recard the session by itself and that will work all right let me show you the same thing for super normal because um it also has the same thing so so I actually just logged into my super normal account here and when I log into supern normal account if I wanted to invite this guy cuz I I I joined the meeting supern normal has no idea about it because well it's not on my calendar right it's an impromptu meeting so here they have it on this side here it says here upcoming meetings now the truth is I actually don't know if they have a supern normal app let's find out and hopefully they don't have a weird name for it but let's see let's find out s how do you spell it s p r n o r ml sorry don't know how to spell there we go so yeah there's nothing here right so they have they don't have an app or at least that I know of and that I can find because this search thing doesn't seem to be pretty good however I can copy that link which I just did just now invitation copy invite link right I can come across log to my super normal click on ADD invite AI to meet him click that and click invite and see your Bot is on its way right and then here there we go bam so my supern normal is now recording audio as we speak in this particular meeting and here I have the exact same thing so if I had a teams meeting running I can do the exact same thing it's allow recording yes so if I had a teams meeting and I click on new meeting right exact same process would be applied no I want to start a meeting in teams let's just do that so once I finish with that obviously I just do end end all and then that'll start sending the data to the cloud so I could recard um so it could be transcribed Etc but if I were into teams I could do the exact same thing I could say meet now get share link right start meeting oh I didn't copy the share link okay let me um let me stop a video here join copy meeting link right and then I can say then I could do so I'm in this meeting now and I could say my uh super normal I can come in here click invite invite and at some point should log in let's find out I don't know if it actually I don't know if we tested this with teams before in the meantime because I'm in this meeting here I can do this for the same for re I can come up here click on apps do a search for meetting summaries I don't know why they keep naming things like so weird but it's called meetting summaries it's right here but I'm just trying to tell you how to find it right see here super normal there we go admit took a while for it to come in so now I'm in a meeting with supernormal and if I do same thing for read AI click on that come on and save and here and now I got to paste that save link in there click and add and now I have two well it's coming but you get the ID right I have two meetings that are now joined uh two RI sorry that are joined in the meeting so hopefully that helps you um if you've gotten value from this video please subscribe I'm trying to up my subscription count see here here just click on ADD and um there now I have my two people that are in the meeting and it finished actually let me show you one more thing so I did this just recently just to show you how it works um with red because I had a meeting just just just a couple uh days ago and what it'll do it'll just basically kind of summarize my portion Dwayne Brown Dwayne Brown Dwayne Brown and it sort of just give discussion about the different types of stuff in the meeting but it doesn't actually do any single thing other than just give some general information about about I think it's cuz it doesn't know who the other participants are but that's okay now that you have this notes you can then go and clean it up add additional details Etc to it um you can download a video you can do some more stuff so in in a future video I'm going to show you I think I have an idea on how to do this even better but I'm going to show you a combination of like read Ai and um uh and dript because I think this going to work with dript in in a very interesting way so um stay tuned for more videos I've been on vacation so uh haven't been posting as much videos of lately but I'm back in the sing of ters again so you're going to see more frequent videos from me and if you haven't subscribed to the Channel Please Subscribe I got 366 subscriptions so you know any any subscription helps so thank you for your time have a great day bye
Channel: Dwain: Unfinished
Views: 2,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, technology, chatgpt, dwainbrowne, software developer, ai note taker, ai notes, artificial intelligence, ai notes generator, ai notes google meet, ai notes in zoom, ai notes microsoft teams, ai note taking, ai note taker for teams, ai note taking app, ai note taker for zoom, ai note taking app free, in person meetings, ai note taking for meetings
Id: 7AbHa_tsrqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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