How To Use A Mixer In Your Dj Setup

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what are people is there an aka DJ Barney and welcome back to my videos this is actually a special video by request it's actually a how-to everybody's been asking me how do I connect all my stuff this is not the only way to do it this is my way to do it but the main reason people comment is how to use a mixer and all your setup this is the best option in my point so my show you guys how I used to connect all my stuff straight from my controller to the speaker without using the mixer and then I'm going to show you guys how I can make all myself with the mixer and why it's a great idea to invest in a mixer I'm actually using a pioneer SR and these are the components to them it's uh often unbuttoned I mean switch and then the USB which I run the USB straight on to my laptop which gives it the power and then these are the quarter inch which I used to use this one straight to my speaker so that would give it the sound sending it out to the speaker I didn't use the rca's I'm gonna show you guys how I used to use the quarter inch and how I switch to the RCA s in a little bit and then the booth and master and then this is a booth level and then this is the aux the level and then I would usually connect this straight to my laptop just in case I wanted to play from iTunes or YouTube so but that simple setup this is how it would sound and honestly it's not bad especially without using the mixer but I'm gonna show you guys why I switched over to the mixer and how I connect my mixer now with all myself so this is the mixer that I've purchased it's a Yamaha mg 10 X U and the reason for the U is because of the USB it uses which you connect it straight to your laptop but this is an actual 10 channel mixer the reason I got a 10 channel mixer was honestly because of all the things and we do karaoke so it was a multi-purpose it wasn't just for mic DJing but this is the one I got there's plenty of other ones there's Berenger makkhi Yamaha they have a smaller ones like a 6 channel those are like under 100 bucks so you guys could I'll probably put the link on the description of all the different ones that they have but to me this is the best one because you have multiple channels you could connect all kinds of stuff just in case someone else wants to connect something I'll see your stuff you could go ahead and do that so I'm going to show you guys step-by-step how I went over from my controller over to the mixer and it's simple so you take out the quarter-inch and you put it on your output this sends out the sound to your speaker and what I added was an RCA cable I can I fit the master over to one of the channels make sure that the mixer you have has RCA because not all of them have the RCA so this one has two actually and I'm gonna show you why I got this one because of these two so I took the aux cable instead of running it through here and I'm gonna show you I'm gonna tell you guys why and I connected it to the other channel so this is how it sounds with everything connected straight to the mixer so that's how it sounds it's not complicated I know it's overwhelming with everything but I'm gonna show you guys why it's a great idea to invest in a mixer just in case this happens so this is the reason why I think you guys should invest in a mixer for instance you're playing right let's say the controller gives out your laptop freezes something happens and the kills of music from everything literally connected to your controller to the speaker you're literally gonna have no sound and meanwhile you're getting all this fix everything's gonna be silent which it has happened to me and it's the most awkward embarrassing feeling ever so this is the reason why I figure I should have this in a mixer let's say that happens you at least have your phone iPad iPod let's say that's happening you come to your phone so meanwhile you're getting everything situated over here trying to fix what's going on you at least have that as a backup to play music probably have a playlist ready that is the main reason I think I should invest in a mixer like I said you guys don't need a big mixer like mine or medium sized mixing like mine for controller 6 controller would be perfect as long as there's RC aids you should be fine because you can connect your controller on to this I don't know how other controllers work but the SR that's my way of mixing of connecting everything and mixing everything together like I said I've been in situations where it made me think how should I do it nobody taught me this and this is the reason why I'm showing you guys why you should guys should invest in a mixer instead of hooking everything up from your controller so that was my way of connecting everything hopefully this was helpful to you guys think this could help someone you know make sure you share it with them because like I said this is not the only way to do it this is my way to do it there's plenty of other ways to stop probably other videos which I still haven't seen but like I said for you guys have been requesting it here you go this was my way of connecting everything and in the comments below also let me know how you guys can make your stuff if this is similar to what you guys have or did I miss anything like I said let's all connect in the in the comments below so just in case you guys have a more videos let me know I'm willing to do it like I said I'm trying to do away with the gay gloves for now since I don't have so many gigs coming up I want to do more DJ related stuffs so make sure you like comment subscribe turn on the notification bell and all that fun stuff and remember guys no matter what happens the positive beats
Channel: DeejayBarney
Views: 41,299
Rating: 4.8265734 out of 5
Keywords: how to connect dj set up, how to hookup dj set up, how to connect speakers, how to connect mixer to speakers, how to connect dj controcler to mixer, djing tutorial, beginner dj, dj tips, dj tricks, how to hookup dj, how to use a mixer in dj det up, tutorial, how to, dj, jbl, ev, eon 615, elx12, pioneer ddj sr controller, yamaha mg10xu
Id: vwYRrwgvwKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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