How To Use A Magnet To Tell If Jewelry Is Really Gold

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so we're here with Steve from the bullying brothers and today you're going to show us how to tell if some jewelry is actually gold or not then right Steve that's correct alright so down here we have some jewelry and what's the first step to tell the first step to tell is a magnet something that most people are going to have at home something that's readily available or you can easily acquire one we like to go with a high-power magnet this is a neodymium magnet it's got about a 35 pound pole to it you're going to want a high-power magnet to make sure that you're you're testing for any metallic metallic or ferrous substance inside that jewelry or gold or whatever it is you can do use one of these how much do they go for you know if I can pick one of these up online for anywhere between forty to fifty dollars I would imagine under forty bucks okay alright so much to show is values so again gold is non-magnetic so you're going to be able to run your magnet over the gold and it should have almost no reaction now if the gold moves a little bit that's alright goals actually slightly diamagnetic which means it's going to it's going to repel a magnet ever so slightly so if it moves just a little bit that's okay but it should not attract to the magnet in any way shape or form now every now and again you'll see the clasps do have some steel or some metal inside of them so generally speaking those classes will stick if you notice I'm purposefully going over the clasp so you can see what that looks like but for the most part these guys should not stick to a magnet in any way shape or form now when we get to the fake stuff it's pretty obvious what happens again the fake stuff just doesn't so it's sticking because the non gold and silver is is magnetic inside whatever this is correct okay so basically you get a magnet and there could sticks no bueno that's correct no bueno but if it's gold or silver you'll just see like like you saw on that this piece right here that there was no react further testing would be required to make sure that this is actually gold that we're working with but if we know if it sticks it's not gold and even but bladed gold there's no value in the plating all right we're going to make a video now how to do the acid test so you could want to follow that up just click on that one and you'll know how to do that
Channel: Arcadia Economics
Views: 220,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold, silver, gold price, silver price, hunternibbles, jewelry, magnet test
Id: NQaY9PtdySM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 23sec (143 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2017
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