How to use a Bridgeport and its features!

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[Music] we talked about the bridgeport milling machine remember that yes and where do you think the bridgeport was made i'm thinking bridgeport connecticut right on right now very good and when what year take a guess um well i know the dinosaurs roam around somewhere that's right yeah dinosaurs were running them [Laughter] right so 1936 is when it was founded first bridgeport was shipped in 1938 and the guys that founded it was rudolph banau wow way back then way back then 100 years and they've made hundreds of thousands of them since then but anyway i thought it'd be really cool to talk about the anatomy of the machine right about how it's constructed and what the features are and how to use them okay but keep in mind that it is the most vertical uh the most versatile machine in a machine shop why because it can act as a drill press or as a milling machine there's so many things you can even do shaping with you can do slotting with it you do all kinds of things so for a tool shop that just wants to do onesie twosies threesies and doesn't get involved in production production it's a perfect machine for that and that's why it's been so popular and there's been a lot of knockoffs people that have tried to make them like bridgeport but they're just not they're like the microsoft of machines back then that's exactly right they are today they're still they're expensive but uh they're worth every nickel so sure how about we go in the back we take a look at a bridgeport and we'll talk about it all right let's go back there okay glenn how you doing bridgeport all right i'm going to walk you through it all right this is if you don't know anything about the machine i know nothing okay that's a good thing so the idea of this video is to make sure that we introduce the bridgeport the most versatile milling machine or machine really ever made a tool maker's necessity in a machine shop because it can do so many things one up 10 up whatever so let's go from the very beginning all right i want to show you how to turn the machine on okay and why you need to engage the high gear low gear and how you can adjust the speed we're going to start with that so glenn i like your suggestion about moving from the shop and going up front and doing a voice over showing each detail of the machine so thanks for that i think that's great close-ups it's a great idea and we get rid of the the background noise and i think we can control it better and i'm sure that our viewers are going to watch and like this much more uh up front here all right so there's the on off switch okay and there's a lever right below it right there that's a break that stops the spindle it's not just on and off it is that but it's forward in reverse and you have to pay attention to it it doesn't say on and off what it says is high off and low so why does it say that because there's a back lever a back gear lever that is it's marked high low and the two have to be coordinated so right over here is the high low lever so that it's called the back gear hi-low lever this is going to indicate there's proper switch position they should be positioned alike or the spindle is going to run backwards right here is where you actually move the quill or the spindle up and down and you can't quite see the spindle there but you get the idea the the lever also pulls out there's a pin in there say pull it out you can engage it and keep moving it up or down in this case we're moving it down you can see by the uh the left side where the threaded rod is right so glenn right here you'll notice that there are two little white windows there and they indicate the speed of the spindle and by the way you don't want to change that spindle speed without it running it needs to run okay now why are there two windows well one shows the speed in low gear and one shows the speed in high gear okay so that's why you have two separate windows the one on the left is for low speed and the one on the right indicates a high speed when you're in high gear okay okay so right here we're going to show how the spindle goes up and down right and you can see it's in the down position right now and how did that happen glenn you pull the button right there now that makes it go up that's three position there's in neutral and out so you can put it in neutral so it doesn't function at all what's the knob he keeps grabbing right there ah it's another good question that changes the feed rate so you can adjust it to slow medium and fast from six thousands per revolution to three thousands per revolution and only one thousands per revolution without using the break right yeah the break is just to stop the spindle again remember when you're changing speed the machine wants to be running now right here what we have is what we call there's the there's three axes x y and z this is the x axis which means that's right to left okay right here we're setting the vernier that's on a slip ring so you can move that around to whatever you want and the the knurled part in the very front is where you grab it to turn it and below that but where the handle is there's another knurled knob that knob you can lock so that locks that vernier in position so you move the vernier to where wherever you want it if you want to move it 20 thousandths you take it from zero move to 20 and then you lock it with the second knurled knob right near the handle yeah and each one of them is 200 000 in revolution so one turn gives you 200 000. now if we go to the next table which is the uh the y table the y table is in and out and that is the same thing right there the same vernier concept with the ability to lock it and you notice the one on the far left and we're going to get to that in a moment but that does the same thing that they all three x y and z axes are i'm sorry x y and that is a z axis of a form because it it does go up and down so really there's kind of two z-axis one is a spindle and one is the bed okay it's good to know that's not quite technically like that but right that's the way to explain it so you see that where that handle is at the bottom there and it's turned in that handle is reversed right now you can bring it back out so you can move the table up and down and for storing purposes we always put it that way so we don't catch our knee on it or our pant our pants pocket or something like that and then over to the left there is an oiler and you pull a lever up and it and it squirts oil all over the place uh to the ways etc how often you gotta check the oil there you know that's that's a really good question the it should be filled and checked every day that you use a machine okay and i when i'm running the machine i like to operate that about that oil about once an hour you just pull the lever up and it gradually goes down and lubricates all the important parts so here you'll see that lever that moves the table the bed up and down is in the movable position and now up here we're at the top on the bed we're showing three different setups two vices and an angle plate holding apart so another one of the most beautiful things about the bridgeport machine is that you can do multiple setups at one time using one bit right yep okay sure you could use one or use fire whatever you want but i can go from job to job so here right somebody says hey i need three of these joe and i can do that one i know i need four of these i can use the other vice and so forth without having to take it off and put it back on that's nice that's a good feature it's a great feature now this gets complicated let me explain some of this to you a lot of stuff there right yeah what is that it's well side view of what well this is again the versatility of the machine it's pretty amazing in that you'll see on the far right whether it says the bridge port there there's a vernier scale on the bottom there that whole head comes in and out the part the vernier that's kind of like a half moon yeah that allows you to take that whole head and tilt it forward and back okay yeah and there's lock screws there that you can see that once you do that you need to lock it in position and do you need two people to do this well it's not is it real not really because it's so heavy but there's an adjustable bolt right at the top okay kind of helps you and you can and that there's a rack gear in there and you can loosen that and move it once you loosen the lock bolts you can put a wrench on that top bolt and get it where you want it adjust it on the vernier and then lock the bolts back down oh where are we at now ah good question this is that whole bridge board head that supports the feed head and all of that this is the i would call it the bed for the length adjustment which means this is another versatility of this machine you can move that whole spindle out or you can retract it so it gives you the opportunity to extend even beyond the table if you had some long job that was sticking out there and you had to get to it for whatever reason yeah it's pretty cool so it actually does the whole measurement yep so there's two lock bolts you see them right there you have to loosen those and then there's right in the middle is the adjustment bolt so you put a crank handle on there and you crank that and that moves okay that's on a rack gear so that moves it in and out pretty cool isn't it yeah it's real cool okay we're in the front right yep we're in the very front now that's a head angle adjustment which means you can tip that right to left so we talked about it being able to go in and out now we're talking about it being able to go right to left wow so those four bolts have to be loosened all four all four and once that's done then we go back over here okay and we there's a crank right up there at the at the very top where it says right there adjustment bolt yep and that's on a worm gear as well so you crank that and that'll tip that head so so you won't lose it it won't fall in your in your lap now when you say crank it when you turn it it'll move or yeah correct it's not a gear okay so you actually actually put a crank on there or a handle on the wrench whatever and then you you gradually move that and that tips ahead and you can see what it's doing how far you're moving it based on the vernier right there yeah now in the event that you want to really make it accurate once you put it back to neutral what do you do then how do you know that it's flat the vernier is pretty close but it's just not dead accurate so that's when you have to go in there with an indicator and sweep the table in fact we have a video on that on how to sweep the bridgeport table and and true it in as we call it so moving on to the next part right here is where you can rotate that big round vernier that you see there that whole assembly above there will go all the way around right to left wow so the whole big the whole yeah everything now there's two lock bolts right there on each side two on this side and two on the other side there they are so you have to loosen those before you can move the bed in a circular motion people in the drill away from the bed if you do that i'm sorry doesn't pull the drill away from the bed yep exactly okay but if you had a part sticking way out yeah okay you know you let's say that you had to come way out here though two feet or something it would give you that versatility that far just amazingly versatile machine they they just didn't forget a thing so that gives you an idea of what we're doing there here we have a readout which most machines are equipped with because it's just not that much money anymore it's a few thousand dollars and it gives you a great uh act great deal of accuracy and it's it's easier to use in the verniers so if you don't have the readout then you've got to use a vernier scale that are on the tables otherwise the readout came after this machine was built right so how they my question how they wired in there to keep it so accurate well they have to put what's called scales in there they have to mount these scales on each of the axes which is the x and the y and uh and that's how they do it so that then gets wired into the box and away you go that's real cool okay so there you go glenn i really liked your idea of coming up front here and doing this it made a lot more sense frankly but you know for those of you that want to see the bridgeport in operation we have several videos showing that one of them was as we talked about truing the table another one was using a boring bar one was using the fly tool cutter so there's a whole bunch of videos that we have showing the machine in operation that's why i didn't think it was necessary for us to show this in operation at this time right so folks uh keep watching us you'll find us on facebook instagram twitter there you go youtube so again folks thanks for watching and uh always welcome to hear your comments and we'll look forward to responding to them uh so keep on watching and hope to see you next time around yep okay folks so thanks for watching i want to bring up the fact that this video can be pulled up on your smartphone while you're in the in the shop and should you be back there and you have some questions about the operation of the machine or the features pull the video up and take a look at it and hopefully that's going to help you out in the shop so again thanks for watching [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SuburbanTool Inc
Views: 241,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fDsr9sQH4Js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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