How to Use 2024 to Get RICH (Do This NOW)

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s and I hope you've had a glorious Christmas and that your voice isn't quite as scratchy as mine is what's going on well I think you need to understand the setup we have right now on the market because it's exceptionally unusual and there is a whopping opportunity ahead of us in 2024 most people will miss it and most people will also miss what's coming afterwards um and I want you to understand it that's really what the whole point here as always is get you to a place where you can become a better investor better informed investor make better decisions and maybe encourage you a little bit to push you beyond your comfort zone and encourage you to really learn how money actually works that's kind of my mission here to make a million people financially free and let's get cracking I've missed these live streams I must say I really have I I hope um I'm not the only one thanks for tuning in guys appreciate it let's get cracking then before we do I want to encourage you to join me live literally in an hour I'll be doing a live trading training and I'm doing this one because a lot of you guys been saying just before the holidays hey could you do one during this kind of low season and therefore I said all right fine I'll do it because I appreciate a lot of you guys might be off work you might have a little bit more time even if you are working there might be a little bit less going on so you might be able to join us here live in an hour at Felix weinar now let's have a look at some real data and I always show you the hard data so you can come to your own conclusions it's not necessarily about my opinion or interpretation of that but to allow you to actually have the data that Banks get right invest in Banks get all this data every single day and retailers that's you and me retail investors usually run around in the dark chasing something that's already uh been happening um right so Goldman sacks the um the bankers with the golden heart um of ice and uh and you know everything else they predict that the US economy isn't going to grow at the blue blomberg consensus of like 0.9% or at the beds consensus of 1.4% no Bloomberg saying it's going to be like almost 2% so they're basically saying next year the US economy is going to grow to about 2% and that is a massive beat to what everybody's expecting and they're saying well people underestimated the US economy in 2023 they'll do it again in 2024 and we can argue about where the GDP growth is going to come from is it the biggest debt pile up ever ever accumulated by a government outside of Co or is it is it actually the economy really sputtering to life well we can we can look into that but it's an important thing to bear in mind because this obviously influences stock prices but at the same time the big banks are not really predicting much of a rally look at Goldman Sachs 5,100 S&P at the end of the year where is it trading right now SPX it's trading at 4774 so what did they say 5,000 100 okay so 5,100 minus 4774 that's 326 points over 4774 that's a 7% That's a 7% in increase which is excuse my scratchy throat which is not bad but also isn't exactly glorious right okay too much talking excuse me try to do something about [Music] this excuse me for coughing in your here that was not the intention um we'll see how far we get hey um um these things should hopefully do the trick now okay there just going to be um less words and more reading um right so we at the moment in a position where exposure to us equities is pretty high which is a good thing it means excuse me guys the market is reasonably well positioned now at some point that is going to come down again and we're going to talk about that in a second but we're not not quite there yet in my view we've also had okay this is really not conducive is it sorry about that um I know I know coughing today just the throats beenin been sore today which has not been helpful okay so December has been the biggest inflow into the um spy since 1993 that's pretty pretty massive isn't it and what does that mean mean well it means obviously December was brilliant it also means the Santa rally is likely to kick off today by the way because the santra rally is something that happens the last five days of the year and the first two days of the year so it's that 7-Day trading window which is a pretty short one and on this chart here Christmas color chart you have in green the positive Santa rallies and then red the ones where people didn't believe in them and E that prsh tea absolutely and um we'll we'll we'll we'll soier on for a little bit here okay this this won't be a long one I W to torture you for too long but normally what happens is that the first half of the year uh half of December is pretty flat and then you get this this kind of whoosh effect here and this is what seasonally happens in the last half of 2020 last half of December so we are expecting a very very nice finish to the year if you look at seasonality alone if you do get however a whopping end to December what then happens is that January starts off slow surprise surprise because the market zigs and Zachs and that's also what I'm looking at with Beyond 2024 here so there is one very very good piece of news however for us who are going to invest in stocks in 2024 and it's this in 2023 a trillion dollars literally an entire trillion which is a staggering sum moved into money markets now what a heck are money markets money market funds are debt funds so government debt generally and they been into that because people like me have been shouting off the rooftops for a year by government debt you're going to make a lot of money and um people who did have and most of them are probably now exiting those trades so where is that trillion dollars going to go well it's actually making a nice profit and it's therefore not only growing but it's going to try and find the next big return which you would likely expect it to be a circulating back into stocks so therefore if you compare that through the entire inflows into stocks in 2023 which were 152 billion we have a potential of about a trillion dollars plus um in 2024 I'm not saying it's all going to flow into stocks but there is certainly plenty of ammunition out there to make 2024 a glorious goldplated year and if you look at the inflows into the stock market generally here let me put a line in here at 200 billion that's a pretty exceptional year um this was this was uh the uh Biden power um you know stimulus s off co uh that's that was an unusual one one but but typically in in most years you get that sort of 150 billion INF flow um with rates going down as quickly as we would expect them to you should see a huge amount of money pil into stocks which stocks well honestly probably the big ones and to some extent the non-profitable tech for the people who are a little bit more uh um looks like a bunch of dancing caterpillars yes it's the amount of inflows you get into equities and a interesting chart isn't it um so you also have and this is also good news you have profit expectations that are actually going up so in in the long run earnings per share profits that is per share um Drive the stock market so if they go up it's a good thing and they are actually going up they are going up quite nicely especially on the tech front so that's a again supportive for a great 2024 so what's with the what what's with the scary story then well 2024 could genuinely be a glorious year for investors the question really I think to ask yourself is what are you going to do differently to benefit from it because if you look at 2023 2023 was the 12th best year since 1980 when greed was still good on Wall Street um so therefore it was just a great yeah it was a great year for for for markets it was fairly hard to not make money in 2023 and um the question is how do you do it better now if you wanted to be say an NFL player now you might argue okay I'm too old or Too Short or too something I'm I'm I'm let take that out of the equation for a moment say that you are physically in your Prime and you could be what would you do well you'd probably join a team you'd get a coach the team would probably have a coach you might get personal private coaches you'd learn about nutrition and you'd exercise and you'd train and you know you treat your body like a temple um that's typically what you do right and you'd practice and do the all the time say if you wanted to be a great chef what would you actually do well you'd probably go to Chef School wouldn't you I mean maybe try and learn it on your own but you'd probably want to go to Chef school and if you wanted to say restore classic cars what would you do well probably can't really go to classic car school but you'd find a club you'd find people who are doing it and you'd learn from them or a great mechanic or something like that and you'd you'd learn and practice and emulate right but um what would you do if you got this guy this is Winston um when I got this guy I got um three dog trainers stuck with one in the end because I didn't know what to do with a dog and and now he's the most well- behaved Happy Hound um I've come across really in a long time so okay dogs yes but with money most people think figure it on your own that's what I was taught parents said yeah just you know take the money to the bank pretty much any old banker and uh hopefully you'll make 8% on average and that was sort of it I'm like but given that we spend almost all of our Waking Life earning money why do we spend almost no time at all managing it and almost zero time really becoming amazing at managing it we just think it's something we can't learn or if we think it's something that we have a natural gift for and it can happen just by throwing darts at random stocks that seems to be the process of most retail investors and I want to encourage you to make 2020 for the year where you're no longer doing that and that would make me tremendously happy now I'm Not So Vain yet that I think I'm the only person in the world who can teach you that absolutely not but I'd highly recommend you go out and you find somebody you can learn from to become a a great money manager um and it is a great Scandal that you were not taught this at school I agree but that's never going to happen walt street gives three bill3 billion dollar a year to a Washington's politician to make sure that that doesn't happen and um why because you were sitting ducks for um for Wall Street right that's just the way the industry likes it so if you look at 2023 being this glorious year that's has the followup year to a glorious year like 2023 is usually a plus 8% year which is sort of funnily enough what I was taught to expect but what happens after that well if you look at a stock chart you will have realized it does something a bit like this right and then it does something a bit like that and then it does something a bit like that um and I suspect we are I don't know somewhere around something like here and I think we're going to go quite a bit higher and then at some point something's going to break and we're going to go lower and the unfortunate thing is that what retail investors continue to do is that they buy up here and they sell down here and the only people who really enjoy that are the Brokers because they make money regardless um but you basically hand over all your hard-earned cash to some bastards on Wall Street which isn't really probably not really why you went to work to start with right you you did it because you wanted to buy that house look after your family and become financially free and actually do what you want to be doing with your life rather than commuting and sitting in a cubicle and sitting in pointless mindless meetings that go on forever so what I want to say to you is really like respect yourself and respect your money in 2024 if you did that it'd make me tremendously happy um you are super welcome to join me in literally 45 minutes for a life trading training and I'm not saying everybody has to become a Trader but I think understanding the basics of it and the rules of it is important I'll give it to you for free and it'll help you make better decisions because you have get your eyes open to a whole world and then you might be like okay that's one thing I could do I sort of grasp the concept of that now I know what the rules are that family offices used that manage millions of dollars or funds used that manage millions of dollars um and maybe that's to many maybe it's not for me but unless you actually come and join us for an hour life you won't know having said that if you um think this guy with a cat here is is repellent but you somehow uh resonate with a message of becoming a great money manager yourself then go out and find somebody who doesn't wear a creat and I I I I'll salute you for for doing that just the same but seriously 2024 should be the year where you no longer hope and wish and pray that your portfolio goes up and that the market doesn't crash because you actually have managed your system you manage your risk you know your investment strategy and you know the trajectory and the path that you're going to be on and you can enjoy it and then the next step will be being able to live of your Investments and and really enjoying life and and and I think you get a whole level of energy and enthusiasm for everything around you so yeah that's kind of my little um post Christmas pre 2024 message to me to you rather um we've got a couple days left in the year and um yeah seriously Money Matters Most arguments most trouble in life with people somehow evolves around money so Master it and it'll become your friend but you do need to know the rules and the rules are made by Wall Street so you need somebody who's sort of EX Wall Street to teach it to you um morning to North Carolina you guys got any questions super happy to to to to take a couple here uh put them out into the chat Christopher you're very kind yes my my throat is a little on the sore side um Howard biggest dilemma when to cut losses yes absolutely and again I think every single time you get into a position before you do you need to write it out you need to write out and I know in hindsight that isn't very helpful but you can start doing it for anything new you do write in why you got into it what are the measurable criteria that you got intered for so you can tell whether they changed say EV company how many cars are they selling what are their gross margins what is their growth their revenue growth you know and secondly at what point are you getting out is it a movement in the stock price is it not hitting a certain price point within a certain time period what's your investment Horizon once you've distilled those things down to a piece of paper that you can refer back to like a little notebook or something then you no longer have to worry about those things and it means that emotion won't come and haunt you um and honestly that's actually exactly what we're going to talk about in the in the in the Life trading webinar because for Traders it's exactly the same thing most Traders are terrible adjusting a losing trade so we make sure we make all those decisions at the beginning and automate it so that we don't have to have those conversations in our head because we're just not very good at it righty here guys any other questions pop them in the chat I appreciate um ginger tea Thomas right sounds good I shall um I have been I have actually pretty much chilled today which is quite nice um actually I watched Goldfinger today which was quite quite Pleasant um nice old Shan connory Bon film um with a bit of south of France thr and so on do you see a crash I don't to be honest at the moment I I just don't I just think we are in a a little bit of a goldilock situation where the government has bailed us out there is all this money in Money Market funds the debt funds which interest rates coming down is going to leave those funds and it's probably going to find its way back into the stock market we seem to be having an economy that isn't isn't collapsing you believe Goldman is going to grow 2% next year and yes there's a banking crisis looming but the FED will definitely bail them out and they'll likely do that January or February I would have thought and the Market's going to shrug it off probably so kind of there's always going to be something that could be unexpected don't don't um discount that but other than that at the moment it actually looks pretty good earnings look pretty good growth looks pretty good um when you have a year as good as this one typically your follow on year is is pretty solid so not a lot to complain about right now umia you thought this PR pre recorded nah no I I don't do that that would be really weird if I if I put out a live it's live um otherwise it's going to be pre-recorded um how was Philippines oh Philippines is glorious absolutely glorious it's a yeah really fun place to go if you haven't been it's a fantastic people and lots of parties and um lots of food and and that kind of thing have you got completely out of your bond play says Hunter at the moment yes I'm still thinking about whether to find another one but I haven't quite found one yet so was a nice return from it but given how much yields have come down it kind of makes me wonder like has The Sweet Spot possibly passed and would we just be being greedy setting up the same thing again and hoping for the same outcome so I think I'm probably going more into stocks and real estate this year rather than bonds and I mean this year I mean 24 Maran I hope your growth stocks are recovering they they should be somewhat right with rates coming down hopefully you've got some half decent ones in there and then they will actually start to recover as some of them have um Adam Merry Christmas to you as well do you see inflation coming back says Ken I mean that's the it's always possible isn't it that you're going to get a couple of weeks or a couple of months in a row of higher inflation data and then people start to freak out a little bit and yields pick up and um possible but at the moment I don't know the moment we haven't got the data to sort of support it so you could always speculate that something unexpected will happen but like what what would actually cause it I mean is it the labor market seems to be easing a little bit 60,000 Bankers got fired last year yeah that might make you smile um so fun for the guys and and you know a lot of those guys are like worlds Fargo and stuff they're not your uh your wal Street um you know hedge fund guys but yeah 60,000 that's 2007 2008 I think was about 150,000 120,000 something like that so it's a it's a significant amount so there is certainly some aspects of the economy that's slowing down um but that's also because deal making is slow because valuations are high and interest rates are high so he's going to he's going to buy anything right Andrea E9 first impression I think the concept's a good one I think it's good to for this is this is Neo luxury sedan it's sort of a Mercedes S-Class type competitor thing I think it's a good thing to do from a brand point of view and in terms of features in Tech I can't say it blew me away um like the suspens thing for example I might be wrong on that but I think Mercedes has the same thing it's from A supplier I remember driving an S-Class not well quite a few years back actually and driving over speed bumps and I couldn't feel them and I was like this is brilliant um you know speed to your heart's content don't do that but you know this technology has been there for a while I think um so I I I think it's good yeah they have their own chips in and all that it's all kind of good but it I was kind of hoping for I don't know what I was hoping for but I was kind of hoping for them to blow me away a little bit more than than than they have with it but let's see what it comes out as and what it looks like and then if it comes out on time but I still think from a branding point of view it is good to have a flagship like premium Flagship that kind of defines the brand and then then go down from there so I I I do like the concept of it um so yeah we'll see we'll see what it looks like 89 will be $100,000 I'm not sure the profit margins I don't know it depends on how many they make um making very premium cars is also quite expensive at low numbers so I don't think they doing this as a revenue or as a margin boost I think this is largely a a marketing boost that's my feeling I could be wrong on that right home any other questions folks any other questions do you want to have a look at the pre-market while we're here show it to you there we go this is pre-market pretty flat stuff really I mean it's also going to be a pretty low volume couple of days until early early Jan um which also means that a big buy or a big sell order can actually move the market so you can get quite big moves but at the moment Nvidia is probably the biggest thing here which is up and Tesla up 0.6% um and everything else very very very muted here this morning which is you know nothing wrong with that let's have a look at QQQ free market yeah you can see that right light volume is just sort of dancing sideways to Christmas tune um nothing particularly to worry about about will it's very kind of you thank you cytk what is that [Music] cytk kinetics so I I don't know anything about that but it's at 60% today so they must have done something right I would have thought anybody know why if some positive results of a heart disease treatment statistically significant clinically meaningful increase I I I mean no idea what they're doing working on some drug apparently so obstructive hyperopic cardi myopathy myopathy I mean honestly this this was Chinese I'd probably understand it better but yes the stock market likes it this is by the way why I don't invest in sort of speculative drug companies because I mean this is a good thing but it can also go the other way nv's mentioned you think it's a pump and dump also entirely possible PayPal it's just sort of consolidating here which is which is good that's kind of what we're looking at so you know flattish day today if you look at the moving averages they're still sitting yeah 64 is sort of the one to crack right now we haven't managed that in the last week so once they do I think then you have a shot well you then have this this resistance here 65 probably and then the next one above that is about 67 so it's a it's going to be a bit of a SLO for PayPal to recover but you know it's moving moving in the right direction righty hope so guys I shall um I shall preserve my my voice somewhat um come and join me literally in in 30 minutes uh somewhat refreshed and restored and um I will walk you through the exact steps and we'll do it together and I'll show it to you and I'll teach it to you how we trade One stock three rules how we can automate the whole thing and it's got be fun it's going to be live uh come and check it out Felix weinar it's where you got to sign up it won't be here on YouTube and I appreciate you tuning in we'll be back in uh full force tomorrow and um and Friday of course and then guess what next next week is 2024 so uh make your plans make your wishes and um I appreciate you tuning in take care
Channel: Felix & Friends (Goat Academy)
Views: 11,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: felix and friends, tech stocks, tech stocks to buy 2023, tech stocks 2023, nvidia stock, palantir stock, felix & friends, felix options trading, nio stock, stocks 2024, stocks to buy now
Id: FPAbxPld6oQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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