How To Upload Your Project On GitHub 2024! (Full Tutorial)

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yo hello everyone and welcome back to a brand new video today we are dving into the process of sharing your projects on GitHub in 2023 whether you're a season developer or just getting started showcasing your work on this platform is crucial for collaboration and visibility in this tutorial I will guide you through the steps to effectively upload and manage your products on giab so let's get started before we start with this video make sure to watch it from now till the end so you have the full information so guys obviously the first thing is to head up to GitHub and then the best thing to do is to sign in to your account so simply make sure to sign in to your account as you can see here and that after that click on sign in you you will be able to log into your account if you don't have an account already click on create an account and just simply put your email right here so now let's sign in and so here we are now guys the next thing as you can see here we are in my account so the first thing is to create your first project so are you ready to start building create a repository for a new idea or bring over an exciting repository to keep contributing to it so click on here to create a repository and now we have to fill all of these informations so here the first thing is to put the owner it will be you obviously the next thing is to give it a name so give the project a name for example let's say um calculator there we can add here description about the project and here we can choose if we want to make it public so anyone on the internet can see this repository you choose who can commit or you choose who can see and commit to this reposer which is the private one so for me I would choose the private one because this is a tutorial so here we go initialize the repository with add a rym file so here make sure to add it and here basically depending on your project uh like informations and details so normally here I would literally choose what kind of flame language am I using here so just choose the languages that you are using in your uh project so for example here let's choose python here we go and here chose a license in case you had any licenses you can use them or here you can simply just ignore it so it is completely up to you once you feel like you are done simply click on create repository and it will be created so now we have these two files but we didn't actually have anything on on them so we didn't actually import our project so how can we start importing our projects so here as you can see you will find your project so Jump Right In And as you can see here we can link a project and here we can create a new projects in case you didn't have any projects previously created so here we can simply create for example a new issue let's give it a name here give it anything and then click on create so this is for project now let me just go back here to the project section here we go repositories and now let's click on this one so basically we have this post here where we can literally leave our description to our project like here we can leave details about uh anything about our project like we can say here make sure that you run it with administrator Privileges and we can simply leave that as a comment changes and then commit changes and there we go so now we have made some changes in our like description but still we didn't import our project yet so how can we add our project to these files as you can see simply by clicking on ADD file upload files and basically here you can upload your file and upload your projects so you could either here choose your files so you can either drag your files let's say for example here we can open this file and we can take whatever like any picture that can actually be useful for us for example this picture and we can click here processing your files and we have added this picture if I clicked on it this is what we will receive which is a picture the same goes for your project guys you simply have to drag your files or simply import them just by clicking on ADD file right through here click on upload file or create a new file and here we can give it a name so name your file let's name it for example uh like like let's say crack commit changes and here we have created this crack file so inside of this file itself we can actually add new new files and edit this one or download the raw file like that so as you can see it is a text file empty but yeah you got the main idea so this is basically how you can start uploading files or your projects in general inside of your GitHub projects or accounts it's not really that complicated it is very easy inside of here as you said guys this is these are basically your projects so here let's say that you want to work on this project so here we can add uh like an item from our repository which we have created already so here we go now we have here all the uh the items in our calculator uh the repos is either mty or all items already added to this project so I have already added them to this project since where I have created this uh while I was creating the repository so they are related to each other also in case you didn't find any files you can simply just search here for the item names and you will be able to find them so basically this is how it works here so let's do a recap for you guys the first thing is basically either to click here and create a new Cod space inside of this Cod space you can create a new project and inside of this new project you have to create a new repository or you can just skip all these steps and create a new repository directly after that you give it a name and you give it some details as a description and what language are you using on this file also you choose if you want to make it public or private and then you create the repository after you finish with this step the next thing that comes out in our way is to Simply give it uh like the files so we have to upload the files inside of the repository itself directly so as I said here let's click on calculator click on ADD file and create new file if you want to like put the files inside like a folder and collect them together or upload files and it will be added in this list right over here so this is basically it so thank you guys a lot for watching that was just the resume about this tutorial I hope you learn something from it it is very easy guys to actually upload your files or your projects inside of your GitHub accounts I hope you had enough informations if you do have any more questions don't bother yourself on writing it in the comments just make sure to write it all thank you guys a lot for watching and see you guys in the next tutorial
Channel: Easy Solution
Views: 4,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: upload your project on github, github, github tutorial, how to upload project on github, upload project to github
Id: CUWCHhY3r3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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