How to Upload React JS Project on Server

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hey guys welcome back in this video we're going to discuss all about how to upload our reactjs project inside our hosting or you can say that c panel right so before uploading the project you have a domain name and also hosting to upload the re project right so in my case I have a hosting inside the hostinger account and also I have a domain uh with go so I already connected them I just show you how you can upload the reist project inside your particular domain so you need to log in your particular Hosting account once you log in it then you need to just a minute I'm going to show you from SC so once you log in the account inside the Hosting hostinger account or any other hosting then you need to select the websites so inside they have a website section so I'm going to select my particular domain name like the Hop so uh also I'm going to copy it and open it in the new tab you can can't see anything else just uh uh display the I 403 so yeah so I need to open the manage and also file manager inside the file manager you need to open the uh public HTM you can't see anything else inside there once you upload the react just project inside there then you will able to see everything is appear here inside this one domain right so what I need to do on there so I need to open my reactjs project so right now this is a react JS project so if I change anything else like uh in a minute we are learning re just just to save it and I need to uh execute it to display this content so you will understand I think just a minute you need to open the server right Cod you'll able to see the particular text because I will upload the simple project just like this one we are learning react J so I'm going to close previous St so you need to open first I need to stop the server then you need to open the uh package. Json file in the packet. Json file you need to add the key and video the key name is homepage and the value is your domain name so I need to get the domain name like this one copy and just past it you need to add the comma and set the file once you done that then you need to execute another file and another command to build the project so I'm going to use npm one but once you execute it then it will give us the folder inside the folder have a many files for and also some other things so we're going to use the particular folder to upload it right so uh find out yeah in the build folder have as you can see files folder and also have a robot.txt it is very important in the IU so yeah I need to open my folder and inside it have a build folder right now as you can see before executing this one command npm uh start not that uh npm build command you can't find the folder right now so I need to execute it inside there so step number one you need to zip the file so let's zip it so this is a build project so I'm going to drag and just drop where it is in a minute in a minute I need to open this one directory so I need to get it and upload it just like simple way and you need to extra it so I'm going to extra it and write the simple just name I will I change it so inside the name have a build folder and have a file so you need to open the files right click it and you need to move it inside the public _ HTML directly like there as you can see files public _ HTML you need to move that right you don't need to uh use the a folder because I don't need that remove it and let's tie it right now yeah cool it is my wirus don't focus on that just click to continue this one side and there you go so this is react just project so I hope you are understood as well all about how you can upload the react just project inside the hosting or inside the live server you can say so thank you very much for watching have a nice day
Channel: OnlineITtuts Tutorials
Views: 2,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to upload react js project on server, how to upload react js project on cpanel, how to deploy reactjs project on server, how to deploy reactjs project on cpanel, how to deploy reactjs project, how to deploy reactjs app, deploy react app, reactjs, react, OnlineITtuts Tutorials
Id: 10DjQrT-QyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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