How to Upload Laravel Project on Hostinger Hpanel Step by Step Tutorial

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hello everyone this is Yamin and in this tutorial I'm going to show you how we can upload your LEL project to the hostinger H panel so I'm going to show you everything from the very beginning step by step so first of all let me just tell you that I have a domain over here and I have added my domain to the hosting so here you can see my domain name and here you can see the manual option but before we do anything over here let me just show you the project that I want to upload and this is the project that I want to upload to the hostinger H panel so I'll upload this and uh in order to upload this website or this project we need to make our project into Z file so let me just go to my folder and over here you can see a folder called high study a so I just click on it and then right click over here and click on show more option and after that here you can see send to option and here you can see compressed zip folder I'll click on it and it will make my project into a zip file so it may take some time so right now I'll just first for the video and there you can see my project is turn into a zip file so right now let's go back to our browser and here you can see premium web hosting over here you can see the manage option so right now I'll click on manage and then it will show us a interface like this here you can see file manager and database option and and on the left side you will also see those option as well here you can see files and database so here you can see file manager so we'll click on file manager it will open in different Tab and in this tab you see interface like this here you can see public HTML so we'll just directly go inside public HTML and this file is empty normally you will see a default. PHP file over here but I accidentally delete it so right now we will upload our project inside this public HTML folder so for it at the top you will see upload option like this here you can see upload option so we'll click on it and here you can see the file option we want to upload our Z file so we need to click on this file option and let me just go to my look new volume D and my zip file name was I study F so I'll select on it and then click open so on on the right corner down corner you will see this option here you can see my project is uploading so it may take some time so right now I'll just f for the video so here you can see that zip file is uploaded and if you're having trouble uploading the zip file then what you should do is that you need to put you need to go to your project directory and run the PSP Edition gr a CER and PSP Edition route clear and then Z your project again okay so our Z file is uploaded so right now we we just right click on it and here you can see xtag option so we'll click on extract and here you can see choose folder name if we just give a slash over here then it will extract all the file and folder to this location so right now I'll just click over here extract and then you can see extract is complete so right now we can just delete this ZIP here because we no longer need this Z file so we'll go inside this folder and right now what we are going to do is that we're going to select every file and folder from here so we'll press crl a it will select everything and at the top you can see move option so we'll click over here on this icon and then we'll select this folder and here you can see the move button so if we click move all the file will be move to the public HTML folder okay so right now click move and there you go so right now let me just show you uh if we just go inside the public _ HTML folder there you can see all the files and folder over here so right now if we just go to our domain location # let me just go to the location here you can see 403 Forbidden access to this file is denied uh the reason is we do not have any hxs file over here so first of all we need to click over here new file and here we need to give the name HD access and then click create and also create the file. hxs it will take you over here here you can see you can write your code so I need to copy some code over there so I'll just copy it from here contrl C and I'll also give this code in the first commment just check it out and we'll paste it over here okay so after that we click on this save icon on the right corner click save and it will be save so we can just close this right now so right now we have hxs file over here and if we refresh over here it will give us OT the access Delight for user root uh using no password so right now we need to set up our database so for it uh what you need to do is that we need to go to the databases over here here you can see beside file manager we have the database option so we'll click on databases so here you can see mySQL database name MySQL username and the password field so we need to fill out those field so let's say the database name will be H study hire study and let me just copy this and we'll have the same username so we'll paste it over here and here we need to give a password let's the password will be her study uh on 2 3 a a at the it will just show you so let me just copy this and uh and for now let's just put the password over here make sure we you also do the same copy and paste a pass somewhere else and then here you can see the create button we click on Create and here you can see databas created successfully and there you can see your database here you can see high study username database is high study and website name is this one and here you can see enter PC my admin so we'll click over here enter bsmi admin and here you can see three dot it is for changing the password or deleting it okay so here we'll click on enter psmi admin then it will take us to this psmi admin so here what we need to do is that we need to import our database inside this database table so uh for it here uh this is my database blog uncore project and this database is for this website so I need to export this blog uncore project so here at the top you'll see the export option I'll click on export and then here you can see the export button just click on export and it downloaded so right now I'll go back to my H panel PMI admin and I'll select this database and here we'll see the import option click on import and choose file so I'll choose a file from here and let me just go to the downloads and this is my database click open there you can see the database and if you go down here you can see the import option click on import and database is successfully imported so right now if I just go to my website here you can see high right now if we refresh okay access denied for root user because we just created a database but we need to do one more thing that is we need to make some changes in our EnV file so uh let me just go to the file manager section again here you can see the file manager option click on file manager go to public AG table then here uh we'll just directly go to thein file so I just just double click over here and then first of all what we can do is that here you can see app URL okay let me just zoom in here you can see app URL so instead of this what we do is that we'll copy this from here contrl C and we'll paste it over here and make sure to remove the slash form here after this s DB database then D username and the password so what will be those those will be the database and user that we just created let me just show you again if we just go to the database here you can see uh MyQ database name so we need to copy this from here this is the database name this is the database name and database and username are same for both of them okay so we'll also paste it for the username and we put the password uh in my notepad so over here you can see my password I'll also copy this and paste it over here then I need to click on this save icon click save and it is set so we can just close this now let me just zoom out so right now everything is set so if we just refresh about here there you can see our website is working properly so every image and every data is over here which is coming from the database table so this is how you can upload your l project in posting card so I hope you learn something new if you have any question or any problem then just let me know in the comment section I'll try to help you as much as possible thanks in for watching make sure to subscribe I really appreciate that and I hope to see you in the future tutorials
Channel: Web Tech Knowledge
Views: 1,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to upload your website on hostinger, how to upload website on hostinger, how to upload html file to hostinger, how to upload laravel project on server, upload laravel project on cpanel, hostinger, how to deploy laravel project on live server, how to run laravel project on live server, upload laravel project on server, laravel on shared hosting, install laravel on hosting, install laravel on hostinger, deploy laravel to shared hosting, deploy laravel project
Id: aoghpvu9XDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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