How to Upgrade Mac Pro 2010/2012 5.1 processor dual Xeon X5690 and 128GB 1333MHz 10600R DDR3 memory

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hi everyone so here's the video about how to upgrade your 2010 and 12 Mac Pro in 5.1 5.15 comma 1 the old trash can well you can grab one fairly cheap from ebay and all the parts you would need to upgrade the CPU and the memory and also you can get a lot of graphics card upgrade for this particular model but I'm not gonna include that because anybody have a different need some ugly GeForce video cause someone needs am the video card at this point of time it is better to have an am the video card because the metal support it 100% video I am these video cards only Apple and NVIDIA has some kind of beef for years now and they cut off the driver support actually in Moab already so no matter I want to circumvent it and download the web driver which worked so far it's not going to work anymore in more other especially from the latest revision of Mahara and Catalina we're gonna buy it there is no hardware support which means your graphics card gonna work if it has metal support it's not gonna give you the hardware acceleration which you would need to do practically anything on your Mac so as you can see I took out the CPU tray and started to unscrew the heatsinks in a crisscross pattern it helps not to break the pins underneath the CPU and also it releases gradually attention over the CPU socket and now you can just place the heatsink right next to the tray and remove the other tray add the other heatsink the CPU I'm using the Xeon x5 9 five six ninety that's the fastest CPU can get also you can get it from eBay and you need two of them if you would like to upgrade a single trace CPU board single Trey Mac Pro then you want to leave the w3 960 one thing you have to make sure to have a another computer preferably a dell and HP workstation to test the cpu because there are many sketchy sellers I have a couple of stories what kind of CP was I got from ebay for example at some point I was able to hit by a x5 960 which was actually got its heat spreader the metal part on the top replaced and it wasn't actually just 55:20 CPU but I have obviously noticed it in my work stations BIOS that it is different CP so they can change the lid there can be memory channel fault so some of the memory modules not going to work for example yeah I'm showing the trade Locker this is not for this upgrade this is for the 2009 Mac Pro also this flyer is for the 2009 Mac Pro upgrade which I'm gonna make a video about it later so back to the CPU you can have a lot of faulty CPU from eBay so make sure you have a unit in which you can test it because in the Mac Pro you can also test it but the memory is much less forgiving waited 40 hardware thing was with the memory I would just showed you Steve ddr4 fastest memory the line 1333 megahertz once the 10600 are modules they work just fine make sure you test those as well before you use them a faulty memory can be a real headache after you booting up your Mac Pro also using these faster cleaning to clean the parts which you're gonna see which parts I'm cleaning and why it is important I'm gonna explain also this thermal face the Arctic silver 5 it worked out for me just fine and it's still one of the best thermal paste on the market and yeah there is a USB drive ready with High Sierra which I suggest to have the latest revision because there's the last revision which works 100% with all graphics cards like g-forces and AMD cards after that in more other you lose support for the Nvidia cards so I'm not installing them or any more on these all units yeah what I would suggest when you disassemble the unit take every part and clean done because obviously if you leave dust that can cause connection issues in between the parts and you don't want that diagonals dust particles because it is really hard to find out so as you can see I'm using my usual duster a thick one which is quite efficient it's not like the canned compress there and well just go through all the parts the cpu so cast the memory slots and just blow all the dust out of it you can see I'm taking it really everywhere off the board so I'm making sure that is there will be no connection issue also the same goes with the heat sinks and suggest and also then you're gonna see although the video is not that great when I'm cleaning the dusting about the Mac Pro's case actually and also there are some conductors there which you have to make sure it is dust free yeah going back so I already described the memory and also described the CPU type just make sure you test those before you use those also you can install any SATA 2 or later SSDs for the best performance or for even better performance and some additional cost like you can install a PCI Express card and then nvme SSD on it and that can be used as a boot drive from I Sierra and the ball which is giving you not much options but it's at least it works and if any I have an AMD card it gonna work in more as well so those are the areas obviously GTX 680 which I would suggest to use because that's the main 100% supported Apple GTX and video card the last one and maybe the seven five 7750 over seven 770 cards are a good choice from AMD side but I never tried those and obviously the original graphics card are just fine as well if you are not happy heavily rely on graphics intensive tux tasks that you a music editor or something like that yeah I'm just cleaning the chassis I'm trying to clean out all the PCI Express slots as well as the cognac doors like the CPU board connector on the bottom and also I'm gonna take out the DVD drive and blow out the dust behind the DVD drive through the power supply so making sure that there are no dust mites and dust particles in the PSU at least as much as I can with this dust blower yeah this is nice to have a clean unique to work on so so the other thing you can upgrade as you can see the DVD tray actually have two slots in it and you can buy quite cheap these extender frames for SSD so I can install one more SSD under the DVD drive yeah this is the portion I'm cleaning the PSU and then all the connectors again because the PSU has a lot of tasks usually and it trickles down to the lower parts of the unit so yeah this would be the upgrades I would suggest you can buy those obviously cheaper only being used run some tests in another unit and then install them just to make sure they are working and then obviously as I mentioned I'm using these are colic wipes which dries fast to clean of every crucial parts which includes the CPU trays and the CPUs themselves obviously the CPU pins can be a little bit not rusty but corroded or something like that some residue from previous use it is advisable to clean it also the top part the heat spreader the metallic part where you can see the maid and the name and the model number of the CPU to make sure there are no dust particles when you apply the thermal paste same was with the small metallic thermal resistors on the CPU board which you want to see soon because those get dusty and if they not connecting properly with the heatsink then it can miss read the thermos and the ordinate can spin the ventilators faster so these are determined detection units thermal resistors and then the other side obviously has to be cleaned because you have two CPUs if you have just one CPU tray then you have to do this only one and also the same goes with the sinks there are the part which has a time-out pad which one's going to connect with these timer resistors and making sure that the ventilators going to blow on an RPM on us on a speed which is sufficient to cool down the CPU so clean this one as well before you use it and obviously you need to clean out the residue of the previous time of paste and apply a new one you're gonna see I'm using it and how much I'm using it out of the thermal paste and this case you don't need to do much more in terms of preparation because unlike the 2009 model you can fit everything just like that because you have the CPU retainer bracket while the 2009 model has not come with such things so with the 2009 model which I'm going to make a video about you need to prepare the heatsink ventilators and the connectors of those and also the socket itself that you can only need to use the screw fixing liquid which I showed previously but not with this one you can use it but it doesn't really matter because they retain our brackets and the screws are made in the way so you can fully screw back the heatsink and it going to hold itself properly you can also clean the old CPUs it depends what all CPU got with the unit if it's a six core you might be able to sell it but if it's under that we probably can just bin it because it's worth noting it cost more to stand it with Romi for example then then the whole unit cost I mean the whole CPU so it doesn't really work to keep it but I just clean it and probably dump it in the end I believe this unit was a simple quad core the basic setup and I upgraded it to the highest level which is obviously the dual six core CPU the three point four six key guards Zeon's the ex five 960 also you might consider to clean the gloss after you use these dirty components and obviously there might be some residue of the old thermal paste left on your fingers you don't want that to spread all around a parts you're gonna use now you're gonna apply as much time of paste as you wish but I'm usually using this amount because that's just enough and I'm gonna spread it evenly on the surface of the scipios some of people who upgrading these not using the same technique there is not much you need to put on the heatsink on just to leave it because when you spread the thermal paste on the CPU before you install it it's gonna make sure you don't have to worry about too much time of paste staying on one spot of the CPU and applying too much pressure on the CPU socket which can cause a lot of trouble for you I mean the worst case scenario is that it can bend or pin or break it or short-circuited least problematic is if there are too much of the thermal paste on one spot it can pressure that part of the CPU socket and you can lose some of the memory channels and you might end up thinking oh my god my memory is wrong or my CPU zone obviously if you did test the course as I suggested before then you can narrow it down quite easily what is the problem it can be like that like if you apply too much to a place and you didn't spread it like I did you might having too much pressure on the CPU socket so but let's hope that's not gonna happen with you yeah so yeah that's why I was spreading the thermal paste evenly as much as you can on the CPU you can see in the video and then you can just check there are no dust particles then check your CPUs bottom there are no thermal paste residue which might get on the bottom of the CPU when you spread therapist and then just install it like that it's really easy and again you can always check your glows because as you can see the sometime of this residue already on it although I just clean it but I'm just letting the term effaced on the other CPU and after that I'm just going to clean my glows again just making sure I'm not leaving any residual in between connectors of the CPU and it is generally not a good idea having thermal paste anywhere else and the stop of the CPU then you check the other circuit obviously no dust in the circuit and check the CTOs bottom it is clean and just fit it like you can see on the video and then you just align the ventilator connect or little black connector on the top of the heatsink with the socket line it place it back to the trailer and then just use the T shape tool to screw it back in a crisscross pattern obviously to apply pressure evenly on each side and you can rotate it like five times first and then apply the rest in a crisscross pattern I would suggest to avoid any issues and you can screw it back all the way till it hits the end but don't force it when it hits the end just up there if you feel you over tighten did you just rotate it a little bit leave it back and then tighten it again but just when you reach the end you stop there that's more than enough because of the screws design they're gonna apply enough pressure if you not over tighten them the same goes with the other heatsink crisscross pattern obviously you but we did a circuit I suggest to rotate the CPU board first and then align the little black connector with the socket on the board which provides the power and data for d20 later when you align it rotate it back and follow the same crisscross pattern to tighten the screws and do not over tighten them as I suggested before what I didn't mention so far you need a t-shape and really long like 9 inch long allen wrench which has a hex 3 and 2 unscrew all the screws and screw them back there for fun it's not gonna work and it makes your life much easier to have this t-shape also when you would like to upgrade the 2009 unit when you have to happen when you have to actually count the rotations so that's why I'm using tissue which are leave a link something similar in the video description and for all the parts you saw in the video where you can find it obviously if you embark in this mission to upgrade your macro make sure you test the parts and yeah make sure you have all the tools before you start to do it and make sure you are confident to do these upgrades by yourself obviously the memory modules lining up in the memory slots and pressing on the both sides evenly till it clicks and installing all eight modules which in this particular and can cook with you on twenty eight gigs of memory which is quite great and that's why still money uses these old Mac pros because you can go up to twelve core 3.46 gigahertz and some 128 gigs of memory so operative you can match the specification of a trash can and still you have a lot of option to upgrade this unit way further than a trash can on the screen you can see the result it's quite great I know so you can see some big bunch three the registered version and a 64-bit test it does quite similar to the trashcan twelve core the only difference now at this point of time and this video was created that the trashcan steel supports fully the Catalina and more latest version by this old five point one two thousand ten or twelve or even the nine of the rubber it only supports high sierra latest revision I hope you not enjoyed it but learned a lot review the video as much as you need before you do your upgrade recorded it as it happens so you can guess how long does it take to upgrade these macros and see you in the next video
Channel: ZoltanoMoltano
Views: 14,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apple, Mac Pro, 5.1, cheesegrater, 2010, 2012, how to, upgrade
Id: OSLAY-bhfa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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