How to upgrade Fortigate Firewall firmware using CLI command [VM/Hardware]

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in this video i'm going to show you how you can upgrade the 48 firewall using cli and on my screen is the support portal where you can select the product and the platform in my case it is zen and this is the file that i should download to upgrade the existing photigate firewall and if you go to the upgrade path tool you can select the information like product current version and the version that you would like to upgrade to and if you click on go will show the upgrade path along with the build information one two five four as you can see on my screen the file name one two five four is required in this case and i have this file already downloaded and let's try to check the current firmware version on the fortigate fiber as you can see on my screen 705 is the version and 0304 is the build number let me try to check the connectivity to our tftp server this is the tftp server hosted on the window server okay there seems to be an issue with the connectivity let me fix that i'll pause the video okay so i have fixed the connectivity to my tftp server and my pings are reaching the tftp server so the command is execute restore mhdftp and the file name on the dftp server which we have downloaded from the 40k support portal let me try to copy the name here and then at last you will have to specify the ip address of the dftb server and you will have to click on yes to proceed so on the tftp server you can see the status the progress part is showing that the file is being fetched by the fortigate firewall once the firmware is fetched on to the fortigate firewall repository on the local machine it will then try to restart the firewall to apply the firmware so now as you can see i have lost the access to the firewall because it is rebooting make sure you do the uh proper configuration backup before proceeding with the firewall upgrade to avoid any sort of failure now that the firewall is up let me try to check the firmware version ideally it should be seven two one one two five four and as expected it is seven two one one two five four build number and if you would like to have a reference documentation well i'll share the link in the description that's all in this video see you in the next one and please do not forget to subscribe to the channel and hit the like button you
Channel: TechTalkSecurity
Views: 5,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how, to, update, upgrade, updating, upgrading, firewall, fortigate, security, using, GUI, config, cli, gui, CLI, command, check, vm, virtual, appliance, download, files, firmware, software, device, current, backup, hardware, steps, step, tutorial, fortinet, 7.2.1, 7.0.5, 7.0.6, 6.4.0, 6.4, 7., process, version, use, latest, automatic, simple, technique, upload, upgrade fortigate, how to, fortigate firewall, how to upgrade, ssh, access, cmd, restore, execute, execute restore image tftp, tftp, ftp, TFTP, FTP, server, setup, built, number, path, tool
Id: C_7Ay-0m-Qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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