How To Unsuspend Twitter Account (Easy Guide) | Appeal Banned Twitter Account

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in this video I'll show you how you can go and appeal to go and unspend your Twitter account if you're new to the Channel please go down below and consider subscribing and once you've done that please go down below thanks for leaving a like and let's get right into this guide here we are on my phone but just a quick note this guide is going to work on any type of device regardless whether it be a different brand of phone or a PC it's going to work absolutely fine so when your Twitter is suspended it basically means when you go and log into that specific account it's going to go and stay suspended and you won't be able to even go and look at your Twitter timeline or anything like that and what you'll need to do is actually close off the Twitter app and you need to go and open up a search engine or a browser and the next thing you need to do is go to this website here which is just like so and then go and tap go and this is going to take you straight to their Twitter help center and then once you're on the help center all you need to do is tap on the search bar just like so and you need to go and type in appeal so type it in app eal just like so and then go and press return and this is going to go and load a ton of things and then what you need to do is go and tap on a peel it along or suspended account just like so and here we are and then Twitter is going to explain how you can go and appeal this account suspension or locked account as you can see it does say you're currently not logged in or logged into a Twitter account that is not spending a lot and the next thing you need to do is go and tap on logout just like so and this is going to go and log you out of any accounts and you'll be taken to a page where you can go and sign into Twitter and then once you've logged into this suspended Twitter account you can then go and complete the appeal form and hopefully Twitter will go and unsuspend your account and unlock it but it is going to do and depend why your account was originally spended a lot and why that suspension was sort of put in place and sometimes these can be more permanent and sometimes they can be more temporary all depending on the reason but anyway going and doing the application is the best chances you've got of getting your account back there's no guarantee but if you found this video useful please go down below and Excel leaving a like peace
Channel: GuideRealm
Views: 199,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to unsuspend twitter account, how to unlock twitter account, how to unsuspend the twitter account, unsuspend twitter account, twitter account suspended, suspended twitter account, suspended twitter account recovery, how to unsuspend twitter account for tweeting something harsh, twitter unsuspend my account, how do i unsuspend my twitter account, how to unsuspend twitter account in mobile
Id: UM6_FC9PsaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 50sec (110 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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