How to Unshrink Baby Clothes

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hi i'm josephine today i wanted to show you how to unshrink baby clothes i'm sure this method works for normal adult clothes as well but since this is a parenting channel i'm just gonna say baby clothes during my daughter's newborn stage i was so spacey that i couldn't tell if she was growing a lot or if her clothes were shrinking turns out it was both um my dryer's default setting is set to medium-high heat and all her clothes said dry tumble dry low so that was my fault oops lesson number one don't be lazy i was just too lazy to press a couple buttons to change the settings anyways um i didn't realize how much her clothes were shrinking until i switched her over to zero to three month sizes and after the first wear it looked a lot more snug so i knew something was wrong and i needed a figure way to unshrink her clothes because i was going to waste so much money buying new clothes so if you're already stuck in this dilemma like i was i'm going to show you a way to unshrink baby clothes here i have two newborn size sleep and plays uh they came in a pack of two so the material and the cut are identical i got these from carter's so they're the same size right now they both shrunk equally i have a handy dandy tape measure right here the locking mechanism broke so let's see how this goes it's about 15 inches from heel to toe right now let me try to show you so you believe me or not heel to toe just a heel to toe sorry collar to toe or collar to heel oh my goodness okay it's about 15 inches from collar to heel i don't know if you see that just take my word for it okay so i've already tried this method on some zero to three size i keep saying that wrong zero to three month size clothes but i haven't tried it on this particular set yet so what i'm going to do today is i'm going to put one through the unshrinking process and i'm going to leave the other as is so we can do a little side-by-side comparison afterwards so step one you're gonna need a bucket or a sink and some baby shampoo so right now i just have this generic target brand baby shampoo that i bought to clean makeup brushes i don't actually use this on my daughter so you could probably just use whatever kind of baby shampoo you have at home so let me let me do this i'm gonna put an arbitrary amount of baby shampoo in here oops that was a lot uh since we're not baking it really doesn't matter how much you're putting in there just just wing it add some warm water so cold water is not gonna do any unshrinking and hot water is gonna damage your clothes even more or it's gonna shrink it so warm water and baby shampoo i've already warmed up the water on my faucet so that's why i'm able to just go straight from the tap see i'm gonna unshrink this pink one over here so what you're gonna do you just get dunk it in there and let it soak for a while um again soak it for an arbitrary amount of time but at least for half an hour because you know as a mom with a newborn or infant you're not gonna have time to be able to be on a really set schedule so just do what you can stick it into the bucket or sink to soak and then come back to it whenever you can so that's step number one all right step two stretch it out so i've had this soaking for about an hour now first you want to just do a couple of stretches while it's still in the water so i'm gonna stretch it out a little bit underwater then i'm going to ball it up squeeze out some of the water and then keep on stretching hopefully i don't break it i'm not pulling too hard so don't pull too hard okay it looks longer already okay then wring out the water don't ring too hard though because you don't want it to get misshapen but just do some gentle squeezes wring it out step three rinse it out so i've already replaced the soapy water with some fresh water i usually do two or three rinses because the shampoo that i use has a really strong smell and i'm just not all about that the smell really bothers me so i try as hard as i can to get it out so rinse it out give it another stretch ball it up again squeeze out the water kind of like what you did at first stretch it out make sure you're stretching both feet because you don't want them to be uneven and then bring it out and again gentle gently ring it you don't want it to get too misshapen now you kind of want to shake it out reshape it and then as an optional step four you could lay a towel down and just put the clothes on there and put another towel on top of it and press down on it to dry it or you can also toss it back into the wash with the rest of your clothes if you don't want to rinse it or if the smell is just too strong and you can't get it out um i'm not going to do this i'm not going to do that right now i'm just going to go straight to step 5 which is to hang dry it so i'm going to put mine on this drying rack over here i think it'll actually work better if you use the hanger but i don't have any uh hangers for baby clothes so i'm just gonna leave it right over here to dry overnight and i'll see you tomorrow so and we can check together if it worked or not all right you guys ready for the big reveal here's the original sleep and play remember this one was 15 inches long from collar to heel i got it right this time and here is the one that went through the unshrinking process does it look bigger already well let's see i have my handy dandy measuring tape that doesn't lock it is now 17 inches from collar to heel we got an extra two inches out of this here let me do a side by side comparison for you can you see that yeah it's significantly longer so lo and behold this process works now i'm thinking what if i just bought every other size and i just shrunk it intentionally the first time so i could get a couple weeks of wear out of it and unshrunk it later on i don't know if that's a good idea or not let me know in the comments below what you think also let me know in the comments below if you have any other unshrinking methods that you prefer to use or that you think work better i would love to hear about them and try them out for myself i hope you found this helpful please like and subscribe if this was helpful for you i'll see you next time bye
Channel: Jo Mama
Views: 3,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shrink, shrunk, shrank, unshrink, baby, clothes, stretch
Id: rz-znZYOPSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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