How to Unlock Mercenary in Risk of Rain 2 - True Respite

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so you want to unlock mercenary in the quickest possible way well thankfully you're watching this video so you're gonna get what you want to unlock the mercenary in risk of rain - you have to complete the challenge true respite true respite is completed upon obliterating yourself at the obelisk now for those of you who have no idea what the obelisk is it's the thing at the end of stage 7 where there is a celestial portal yeah go through that portal and you have to obliterate yourself at this giant obelisk after you complete a parkour session not sure what that looks like well there will probably be a clip here when when I'm talking that'll show you what this looks like but the gist of it is you have to get to stage 7 and upon completing the teleporter event at stage 7 don't go through the teleporter there will be a celestial portal that spawns it'll pop up in your chat to remind you don't go through the teleporter go through the celestial portal it's kind of like a very light green like blue green blue I don't know the color but he'll but anyway go through that portal now once you go through the portal you have to complete the parkour all the way down there's going to be an obelisk and then there's gonna be a teleporter hit yourself on that obelisk it's gonna say are you sure and you're gonna want to click yes I am sure stop telling me what to do game and you will obliterate yourself at said obelisk keep in mind that if you do obliterate yourself at the obelisk this ends your run completely you you know don't get to play anymore that being said the first time you do it you unlock the mercenary which is the whole goal of this video and you get 5 lunar coins every other time you do it so you get 5 lunar coins when you unlock the mercenary for the first time and then you get 5 for every time afterwards this is the main way of farming lunar coins on risk of rain - it's part of a video I did so huh free plug and also if you've never unlocked the artificer before this is the main way you should be legitimately collecting lunar coins you do this 2times and you'll have enough for unlocking the artificer so this kind of goes hand in hand together unlock the mercenary first then get the artificer that's the stage of how you do this also what you also need to know is that there is a new mechanic in the game that's been out for a couple months now but some of you might know and that'll be number two tip it up beads of fealty beats of fealty once you collect these they're a lunar item then obliterating yourself at the OP Allah suona mmediately kill you instead you'll be going up against twisted scavenger that will kill you regardless if you somehow managed to kill this twisted scavenger then it will actually count as you ending the game you just get more lunar coins I think you get ten lunar coins at the end but it counts as you obliterating yourself diabolos so if you have beads of fealty you're actually making it a little bit more difficult to unlock the mercenary for yourself you have to fight this epic final boss battle but if you do kill the twisted scavenger and you have never obliterated yourself the obelisk it still counts as you unlocking the mercenary true respite yeah anyway that was a lot of rambling for one video so you know you're welcome like comment do your thing etc etc see
Channel: rndThursday
Views: 179,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Risk of Rain 2, Mercenary Risk of Rain 2, risk of rain 2 gameplay, risk of rain, Risk of Rain 2 mercenary, risk of rain 2 mercenary unlock
Id: JuvQ8Pg3zvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 29sec (209 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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