How to unleash your full potential | Dr John Demartini | Unstoppable #50

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to unstoppable I am your host Kerwin ray and today we take performance to a whole nother level we actually sit down with one of my early mentors in life dr. John Demartini now for those who have been living under a rock you don't know who dr. John is he was actually one of the key people featured on the secret but also played a massive role in my life and has been one of the reasons I am Who I am today based on the technologies and the information he exposed me to John is one of the world's most renowned and respected researchers when it comes to human behavior and how it translate into performance is one of four fathers of human potential and he embodies everything that unstoppable stands for so buckle up Dorothy because Kansas is about to go bye-bye as we get down deep and a little bit psychedelic with the one that the only Doctor John MIDI martini listening [Music] ladies and gentlemen it is my absolute honor and pleasure today to welcome to unstoppable we have the one the only John Demartini John thanks for coming in thank you for having me John made most people know you from your success in the secret that only from your success as one of the most you know the forefathers of the human potential movement but it hasn't always been the case of you traveling the world on the world one of the world's most private and luxurious ocean liners there's Genesis story here that is really quite intriguing and unique that would in many cases give a lot of people a lot of hope so where did it all begin I guess at best way to say is when I was 17 years old I had the opportunity to meet a gentleman named Paul C Bragg who was lecturing at a sunset recreation hall on the North Shore of Oahu when I was living in there and surfing and I was a high school dropout living in a tent at the time and had dropped out of school I had learning problems and one night this one man literally in one hour with one message got to me I was at the right place at the right team to meet the right teacher I guess and he inspired me that night to believe that I could someday become intelligent and then I'd be able to read and to overcome my learning problems and that night I had a dream a vision I don't Alice to describe it other than a real lucid vision of me speaking and traveling the world Wow and so I set out to do that I spent a few weeks with him studying each morning with him learning what I could from him and he said that we have a body we have a mind and we have a soul the body must be directed by the mine and mine must be directed by the sold in order to maximize human potential and to be unstoppable in a sense and I started doing the things he taught me I started to take command of what I thought what I saw what I thought you know felt about myself talked to myself he gave me a little affirmation when I told him I had learning problems he said say to yourself every single day that I'm a genius and I apply my wisdom I've never missed a day in all these years that's been almost 47 years now Wow and I just never gave up on my dream I just I I think if you stay with something long enough everybody else dies out you end up at the top I just gotta stay where they and I just have once I learned that I could read and once I overcame that that was one of the most invigorating inspiring aspects of my life is to learn I still read a lot today and I try to share whatever I learn with other people I try to fill my mind with the greatest teachings I can get from around the world from the greatest minds and try to then disseminate that information as best I can around the world one of the things that strikes me about your journey is and I've never heard this actually described in this way before is your pursuit of theologies your pursuit of anthropology psychology and all the all the studies of knowledge and because I know most people would know you're you're you're a doctor you're a chiropractic doctor so that was your was that your first body of study was studying the body well I started out because I had a health issue Ryan and I started out wanting to devour everything I could on physiology and every aspect of health but when I was about 18 years old I was introduced to an idea called a universal law and I wanted to look up what a universal law was and it took us all the way back took me back to the Greeks where they talked about the logos and then I realized that that was the order or the reason of the universe and the intelligence of the universe you might say the laws and then what I did is I divided logos into the ologies and so I made a list of every known ology at the time and I made a commitment to try to read at least a hundred books at least 100 books in each ology to uncover the most universal principles the most general laws I could get to build a foundation of knowledge that I could rest on that I could share with somebody that wouldn't be changing it would be classical it would be a foundation that could build a magnificent life back so that's what led me to wanting to study so many different disciplines which is 299 of them now and that led me to read now over 30,000 250 books Wow so I'm a haven't reader and I whenever I'm now do you have like a checklist like because you obviously counting how many books that you read say I'm metric everything yeah Rock I'm neurotic about it I'm you know I said that I wonder which every country I keep a record of every country I've been in in 150 countries now every city I get to speak in which is 2031 cities now I keep record of everything because I if you really are wanting to accomplish something a metric and let you know how to refine your actions to pursue it and to achieve it so I keep records of the things so make sure that I'm really on track or I can use that as feedback to find out what I can do to make it more effective so I keep record of things because I just from my own mmm I don't share those records with everybody but I just do it for myself just so I know that that I'm on track and then I'm accomplishing what I set out to do because if if it's a fantasy that I'm pursuing I'll know by my efforts and my outcomes mmm and if it's something truly objective that I'll see it in the in the results yeah right and so one of the things that I find fascinating about what you do you have studied $299 jeez and you've been able to distill the the classical tune of the universe the the universal principles and if you would have distilled the universal principles that you've discovered from such an enormous amount of study and research what would what would the be what would be the fundamental universal law that you've discovered well the most universal law out of all the studies that I've come across is actually the law of the one and a many a lot of this and I'll give you some analogies gravitation is a radial attractive force from infinite many into one over infinity space a singularity right so that's from many to one but at the same time radiation which is its inversion is going from point source out into infinite radii yeah one too many so gravitation and radiation which are two very important forces of the universe are involved in that just like the strong nuclear force is attractive its gluons that are holding the quarks together and the weak nuclear force is actually a separation of electrons or positrons from the nucleus so what is attractive and repulsive again towards or away when you are looking for a relationship and you're dating many people you're looking for the special one but once you get the one you're wondering about the many so the law the one who does the particle show it shows shows itself in every discipline so far that I've studied chemistry is attractive or repulsive it's a it's nucleophilic quartz electrophilic and you have every discipline and follows that law whether it be mathematical integration or differentiation or would be social political where it's monarchies and democracies or whether you have anthropology where you have the Out of Africa hypothesis verse the multi-regional hypothesis that is in every discipline that I've studied the law of the one in many is the most universal principles that's moving what I call towards the synthesis and synchronicity of compañera opposites as Heraclitus described moving towards oneness or the separateness the synthesis going into the diathesis and i chronicity of opposites so these these two mechanisms permanent describe it is the the law of love or strife or the law of unity verse diversity but that law is applied and it can be applied to everything we have one essence of soul and many personas that we blame and our job is to integrate the personas into oneness so we can have the biggest influence on the many nests so this this law i've yet to see violated it shows up in quantity quality it shows up in similars and differences it shows up in every discipline so that is the most universal law so far the synthesis and synchronicity of opposites which is love to the dynasty and diocese of opposites which is judgment right and how would you use that in a way that is practical for human performance because that is it's a pretty that's a pretty incredibly deep ex explanation to some people who sitting on what the do need to say well and they'll be like a small percentage of people who understand and it's beautiful it's it's it's like a symphony of an orchestra of intelligence but when you look at it from the practical aspects of a comic carpenter or I'm a I'm a mom or I'm a I'm just an entrepreneur just trying to make my wife how do we use that in a practical way for Human Performance a better performance for better quality of life ah well that led to my development of what I call the Demartini method so let's say you're walking down the street and you meet somebody and you look up to them and you admire them and you're attracted to them and you're too humble to admit what you see in them is inside you you assume they have something you don't you disown what you see in them you deflect it and you in a sense dismember it from your mind in the process of doing that you put them on a pedestal you put yourself in a pit you exaggerate them towards an expansion and you minimize yourself towards a contraction expansion contraction radius verse gravitas then what happens is you can also meet somebody that you can look at and you can despise and resent and you're too proud to admit what you see in them is inside you and now you put them down and shrink them and expand you with pride those to lead to an inequity of perception the moment you do anything that you infatuate with or resent or put above you or below you automatically occupy space and time in your mind and runs you so your mind has noise in it because what you've done is when you're infatuated you're conscious of the upsides but you're unconscious the downsides when you're resentful you're conscious of the downside you're unconscious to the upsides the moment you have a conscious and unconscious split you divide your mind from one to many and disempower yourself look the sign is you put your personas on which are masks the pride mask or shame mask this isn't you this is the false you the facades that you cover your bad body and mind with the moment you do that you disempower yourself because you're disowning parts of that the truth is you have everything you're both hero and villain you're both saint and sinner you have void voice vice and virtue so putting people up or down and putting him in your heart he's a disempowering act so judgment disempowers us and allows us to get to the Peter Principle of incompetency of managing our perceptions and actions in life so by using the law of the one-to-many you going in there and you're owning the parts whatever you perceive in them I ask people go to a moment where and when you perceive yourself displaying or demonstrating the specific trait action or inaction you perceive in them displayed and demonstrated by them within yourself and identify where it was and when it was and who you've demonstrated to and who perceived you that way and own all the parts then you level the playing field you're not above or below people you have now equanimity and objectivity you're seeing things for the whole not the parts and you re empowered and then you've extracted from your misperception of fuel of opportunity to go do something and transcend what you are judging when you do you now function from a higher level of performance a transcendent state instead of an eminently emotional state and as Warren Buffett says that you can't manage money until you can manage your emotions and transcend the emotions that would allow you to manage money and manage leadership manage relationships manage health every area of life is affected by that judgment split and is healed by the ability to integrate and own all the parts because it's one of the things I remember learning from you is what the moment we judge something we no longer see it to equal and opposite because we have a bias and in order to be able to make the best decisions we need as much information as possible and by removing bias by removing judgment we actually have access to more information of both the negative and the positive side of any equation to be able to make better decisions exactly we have different layers in our brain we have the forebrain the medial prefrontal cortex the executive center which allows us to see things objectively an objectivity means even minded and we have the subcortical regions the amygdala which is involved in avoiding pain seeking pleasure avoiding predators seeking prey avoiding with instinct pains and going with impulse towards pleasures this in order to survive out in the wild that part of our brain had what they call a confirmation biases and dis confirmation bias is a with a positive slant a positive you might say bias to make sure we were protected from predators eating us and for praise getting away from us so we exaggerated with subjective biases all the way to infinity over 1 + 1 over infinity with our perceptions when we're highly emotionally charged and we distort our reality and the degree that we distort it we don't see the magnificence of it then it runs our life there's a hidden order in our existence and when we actually see things in a perfect balance we access the hidden order in our parent chaos and whoever has the most order is the one that gives the orders they're the leaders they're the ones that have the most certainty but the second we have the subjective bias distorting our reality we're caught automatically being run from extrinsic sources exogenously instead of actually being intrinsically called towards a purpose in life and that's why purpose Telos the calling in the metier or the primary object or the mission in life which takes us into our executive center gives us a mastery of our future instead of being a victim of history would become a master of destiny one of the things that I um I also glean from you is the how we develop and retain charge which often happens is there a motive as a response to an emotional bias so when there is not a complete perspective of the divinity or both the equal and opposite being universal synchronously at that moment we see things with a level of perspective or judgment and then that then attaches itself to emotion or the emotion then charges it and it traps itself in the body and then lends itself to be repeated well what happens is any time you have a polarized perception and you skew it to one side with the subjective bias and disconfirmation buyers you automatically have an emotion an emotion means putting your body and emotion of either attraction by biasing towards the positive or repulsion biasing towards a negative those emotions are literally impacting anything that we perceive is more supportive or positively charged we activate our parasympathetic nervous system if we see it more negatively charged we have our fight-or-flight sympathetic nervous system those nervous system divisions create a seal choline and norepinephrine they go down to receptors called cyclic a MP and cyclic GMP to the sympathetic and parasympathetic they create kinase and phosphatase enzymes they then cause methylation acetylation of DNA and histones which then cause an expression of cells to change those cells cause an expansion contraction or a movement to the periphery or into the center and those are felt on Tona fibrils and fibers inside the body and tissue as tensions or compressions and we actually feel physiologically what we're perceiving in the outer world so many times we when we have biochemical imbalances in the brain which we the pharmaceutical industry wants you to believe is just imbalanced for no reason but it's actually imbalanced because of the perceptions we have mm that's why the quality the life is based on the quality question to ask which makes us aware of the unconscious which allows us to see things fully conscious and free ourselves up for the emotional baggage that we carry around that runs our physiology and distracts us from empowering our life so if someone's carrying some emotional baggage in their guy well you don't understand this is bad this was a terrible event this what you don't understand you don't have my perspective where's the first place that you start to get someone to see the the greater order so that they can become the one who is giving the orders versus the one who seems to be receiving them well our our amygdala is trying to avoid predator and seek prey and it wants to blame things on the outside and look for saviors on the outside that's one of the reasons why religions have done so well and pharmaceutical companies have done so well they can blame a germ or blame a disease and give some sort of solution on the outside instead of having people be accountable which means to be able to bring a balance sheet into their perceptions accountability to their perceptions that's the master so the majority people want to be you know think that there's a perpetrator out there are there and some innocent victim of some event but the real truth is that there's nothing there except a misperception and I I've been blessed to work with all types of things I had a lovely lady who was an Israeli leader and I had on the opposite side of the table a Palestinian leader just wholly well and the Israeli leader was charged as a person across the the the desk there and I am I was to mediate this and she said dr. D Martine do you believe in absolute evil and I said absolutely not and she said well I do and I said well that's probably why you're having difficulty making resolutions and I said what exactly let's let's define the individual so give me an individual that you think represents that that she's looking across at the table and she basically doesn't say his name but I have one and I said great now what specific trait action in action does this individual display in your perception that you perceive to be just you know resenting that you resent and you despise that you think is absolute evil she said well intolerance I said and she's not able to see that she's being intolerant at that moment yeah and I said okay great so intolerance now go to a moment where and when you perceive yourself displaying or demonstrating this particular trait that you despise most which is intolerance as I never do that I'm always tolerant and I said right now you're demonstrating intolerance so let's not distort our reality let's go and identify I made her accountable and I asked her to come up with 38 she came up with 38 examples of where she was intolerant until she was humbled and when she was humbled she her judgments calmed a bit I said now go to a moment where when this individual that you were judging was intolerant okay in that moment how did it benefit you it didn't it was bad I said no you're choosing to see only the downsides what's the upsides everything has two sides what's the upside to it I can't see it I said that means you stop looking let's look again and we looked and we looked and we found 31 different things over the next two hours took two hours to go through this exercise and 31 different benefits that until she started having tears of gratitude in your eyes for the man sitting across the table and she goes she realized that her career was based on that men without that man there's no career there's no followers and she's all of a sudden realized that the very thing that she loves doing that gives her power and influence comes from a man like him and then she realized that the drive and determination her studies her her opportunities the way she raised her children the impact she's had on society all came from that and she broke down in tears and I said now you asked me a question do I believe in absolute evil and she said I don't need to answer asked that question anymore I said can you see that you had a subjective bias and a confirmation bias on the things you wanted to see and a dis confirmation bias on the things you didn't want to say and that's because you've been wounded in the past and you're down in your miglin your middle is got a bias and your erring on the false positive perception and I had to educate her about her perceptions because what she was doing is wanting the other person to abide by her rules in order to make peace and of course they were on the other side willing to do the same thing and so there was stalemates and too you can actually see the reflection and have reflective awareness where the seer the seeing in the scene are the same you can't transcend those conflicts so she calmed down she was tear jerks by the process and she had her heart open and realized that this very very conflict may be based on and then she had another fear she had a fear of what would happen if all of a sudden her other followers didn't understand this and she would lose her followers and I put her in a conundrum I said what are you dedicated to having a bunch of followers and lying about what your real mission is wanting to resolve this conflict and she had to face the truth about her own conflict she says I really realized that I'm now confronted by what I really am really truly trying to do here I said so do you were under resolve the conflict and educate your followers on what's possible or do you want to be seen with pride in front of your followers and keep perpetuating this illusion which would you prefer Wow I'm hoping she chose well I have a meeting with them when I get back here when I get back personally I found the ability to do this has been one of the most because I'm someone who used to live with debilitating anxiety because of the the bias in perspective the the judgment that was laid and the emotions that were charged and the word arrives and triggered as a result of a perspective and so for me personally I found this incredibly rewarding not just from general life but from alleviating enormous levels of you know social anxiety but one of the things that I've found that has come with this is the requirement for absolute responsibility you know on some level a level of extreme ownership about every single manifestation in your own world and able to look at every single manifestation as your own world as something that has come either through you from you or Co part of you and then be able to go through this process of balancing it out but for someone who's like perhaps early on their journey and they go Calcutta ask these questions I've got to see both sides but how do you ingrain that next layer of responsibility so that they start seeing it as it's not something that's happening out there it's something that's actually happening in you it's not just an intellectual process of ticking boxes and looking at positive negative in both sides and where I show up like that and how they shot and how do you ingrain that or integrate responsibility into this process well there was a Greek Greek philosopher and Naima Pictish who said at first we blame others then as we evolved a little further we dark blaming ourselves and then when we finally become awake and we realized there's nothing to play so we have a tendency to want to hold on to our pride on the inside there for a resists accountability and hold on to infatuations to avoid the challenges that we inevitably attract to break our addictions to the infatuations if we're addicted to pressure we attract pains we're addicted to protection we attract the violence whatever we're addicted to which keeps us Juvenal independent stops our growth and makes us in a sense weakened we attract its opposite to make sure we grow because maximum growth and development occurs at the border of support and challenge sown or to help somebody do it is to make them fully consciously aware of every moment frame-by-frame of whenever they thought there was an imbalance perspective make them aware by asking the right questions to the other side that was present that they ignored with their bias so the moment they're elated where they depressed from amorta they're infatuated where's the other side where's the downsides and train them to see both sides of things because you don't have objectivity unless you do mmm if I walk up to somebody and I I do this in my breakthrough experience seminar quite often I'll see a lovely girl there and sit in the front row maybe and I'll say you mind if I use you as my guinea pig and they'll go okay I said if I was to come to you and I said to you're always kind never cruel always nice never mean always positive never negative always generous never stingy always giving never taking always considered never inconsiderate always peaceful never wrathful would you believe me she'll pause and she'll go no I said would you agree your intuitive meter would go off and say no that's not exactly true and she goes yeah if I came to you and I said that you're always mean you're never nicer Roy's cruel you're never kind you're always taking you're never giving her always stingy never generous always wrathful never peaceful oh he's inconsiderate never considered no he's negative never positive would you believe me she goes no I said your meter go off again she goes yeah are you immediately thinking of moments where you were the opposite of what I just said yeah I said if I went to you right now and I said sometimes you're kind sometimes you're cruel sometimes you're nice sometimes you mean sometimes you're positive sometimes you're negative sometimes you're peaceful sometimes wrathful etc would you believe me she goes yeah I said a person could never have certainty as long as they skew their perceptions to one side their intuitions always trying to whisper the other side to them but sometimes they're too stubborn to listen to what their intuitions guiding them to do to liberate them from the emotional baggage so they can live present and purposeful and objective and their Executive Center as a leader so mastering that skill is simply just asking the right questions and holding them accountable on a moment-to-moment basis to see the hidden order in their cast there seems to be a very strong underlying currency of consciousness that is required to live like this on a moment-to-moment basis how did you or how do you with individuals help propagate the consciousness the self awareness the self consciousness that's required to be able to have this as a default mechanism a default mode network within the brain because for some people I've observed this even through your own work as I can coming into an event and when they're in the event and someone's instructing them they can go through that process they can have the realizations they can experience the divinity and the gratitude but then the moment they leave their their default mode Network kicks back in again and they find it very difficult to you know rationalize or departmental eyes the whole process so what was your journey to consciousness that enabled you to see this in all of its glory but more in the moment-to-moment basis and where I'm heading with this is you know hindsight's a beautiful thing right and I've had I learned this from you how do you take hindsight from being something happens to years from now to something that actually literally happens in the moment to the point where it actually doesn't exist because it's not required well there's the wisdom of the ages with the aging process by having a period of time between the two pole two poles of a perception or there's the wisdom the ages without the aging process by seeing it now it's seeing both sides now that's wisdom wisdom is the instantaneous recognition that crisis has blessing and the two sides are always present because they're entangled just like in quantum entanglement particle nanoparticles are inseparable even though they could be thousands of miles away they're still inseparable and they function as a unit every event even though it seems to be one-sided always has its opposite pole to balance it there's in the brain in neuron magazine March 2016 science aren't basically published it that showed that that in the brain there's never memory without anti memory and they're there electronically to poised the brain otherwise there's actually brain noise and damage to the brain and causes schizophrenia team ionizations so our brain automatically has the information there but we're choosing not to see it so it's the training it's like any training just like the martial arts of you know Bruce Lee he practiced and practiced and performed and Michael Jackson same thing and Michael Jordan the same thing they sat and practiced and practice and practice I think that when people come up to you and say oh you're gifted it's not really true it's like Michael Lanza when they asked him how he did the the great two paintings if you saw how much work I put into it you wouldn't think it's so great the real truth is it takes the mastery and the work of doing it and practicing it you know the difference between an amateur and a professional is one is practicing in between the performance one's practicing at their performance it's the willingness to have a purpose for doing so if you really saw the significance of have mastery could help your life and the seven areas of life and you had it high enough on your values that there was nothing else more important you would master it but if you have other things that are more important to me to gratifying pleasures that you seek or whatever instead of mastery then you won't Mahlon eight that higher advanced part of the brain the lower brain has larger diameter owns that fire faster for emergencies in case of predator and prey the higher part of the brain has has more refined in smaller neurons but they become myelinated and used and speed up their conduction if they're used but if you don't feel your day with high priority actions that inspire you your day will fill up with low priority distractions that don't if you don't feel your day with absolute mastery of seeing both sides of things your brain will automatically go into subjective bias it's simply a training process and it's like any other skill there's no human being that can't master it they just have to have a high enough value on mastering is there a practice below the practice and I guess what I'm referring to here is meditate like mindfulness meditation because to me one of the things that I found to be supremely helpful with my process with my journey with my ability to be able to do this you know from a moment-to-moment basis is by practicing and fostering and propagating our level of consciousness through practice you know meditation every single day twice a day or whatever the practice is is meditation something that you think it plays an important or a key role in this process is that introduced to meditation alpha meditation in 1972 right I then studied a variety of forms of meditation in 1975 I stayed TM meditation with the Maharishi I had many different Indian gurus that I came across over the years that taught different forms of meditation I learned a little of everything that I could I study the physiology of what the mind does the breathing mechanisms they all have a place as long as you're using it for integration and not escape mmm because some people and I've seen it at many locations that I've lectured at where people are going there is a meditation to escape the world instead of to find the magnificence in silence so what sometimes we go oh I'm stressed I need to go meditate instead of actually meditating and finding the hidden water in what you thought was stress yeah there's only two forms of stress everything that anybody has it is ever perceived as stressful boils to two forms the perception of loss of that which you seek and the perception of gain of that what you're trying to void every single stress you will ever face in your life boils to those two down in the middle so if you know how to see with the unconscious and ask the right questions inside your mind during a meditation you can actually poise those imbalances that are poisoned and you can actually neutralize that bring your mind into full consciousness mindfulness and no longer be needing to avoid something or seek something than the two attachments of the Buddha the Buddha says the desire for that which is unavailable in the desire to avoid that which is unavoidable as a source of human suffering so as long as we're trying to get something for nothing or trying to get rid of something we're missing out on the magnificence of what each of those are trying to pair off as a pair at the same time trying to teach us everything is trying to our physiology psychology sociology even our theology is attempting to get us into the poised authentic state where we're integrated where we actually have fullness and therefore meditation used that way it's very profound is it also fair to assume that the more you engage in this type of a way of life that the more meditation enables you to do what it was they're designed for in the first place yes because eventually you realize that when uses meditation wasn't really designed to relieve stress it wasn't no no it was it was to become awakened to need an order in the apparent chaos I I'm not I see many people escaping the animal agnostic mind is not really accessing true meditation it's trying to escape things it's used as a bullet searching but not I don't I don't look for ecstasy or bliss that's a that's a the lowest level of morality the lowest level of religiosity the lowest level of of consciousness is the avoidance and the seeking mechanism and the highest level is the poised realization there's nothing to avoid or seek there's something to honor and so good because we think there's something missing and we think there's something about to happen and we're basically automatons reacting to misperceptions from the external world the second we realized that there's always a pair of opposites frame-by-frame in our life which we could call love John Archibald wheeler who believed in in participatory universe believed that the love was all there was that's all there was everything is actually just a frame-by-frame experience of love at all scales of existence for eternity for human beings that we are just not at that level of awareness to see it we're polarized by bias or polarized by an animal mind which is trying to avoid predators and seeking prey instead of being a human being and the human being is something more profound a human being is capable of doing something that's trans send it to that we have the ability to find meaning as Viktor Frankl says and transcend even the will to power or the will for pleasure and to be able to have something that we see and and actually see in a state of grace we have that accessibility so it's all about the questions we ask in life and training people on how to ask those questions is my job you're pretty work dude and it's clear that you've done an enormous amount of work internally externally you've built knowledge you've also developed and refined your own knowledge but I'm also curious as to other things that have happened in your life that have perhaps awoke I woke in you to other other perceptions that have been quite significant what's your experience with psychedelics when I was a teenager I did psychedelics I was 13 when I first took my first hit of acid I was back in I guess that was 67 so I did that I did quite a bit of that when I was a young boy I did also mushrooms and try different psychedelics when I was living in Hawaii that was sort of a normal way of life over DMT they didn't really have thing called DM Talia Ron they sold at that time yeah but you know one day I was sitting on the beach at Holly IVA sorta on the north northwest shore there in Oahu and I was sitting there with a buddy named Jimmy and we were stoned and we there's a little dog named root dog that was sitting there root in the ground Aaron we're watching this dog and giggling and we just come in from surfing and so it was about 10 o'clock in the morning or 10:30 and all of a sudden we looked over the bluff towards the beach we saw this guy with his legs up in this guy and we didn't see his that he was actually doing a headstand but it all we could see is from about his shoulders up and it looked like a guy had fallen from the sky and hit the ground like an arrow like an ass the other day when we were looking up in the sky trying to find out where'd this guy come from kind of in an altered state and we just looked at that and we thought we couldn't believe it you know go wow that must have hurt you know and thinking how that how that guy endured that he just boom stuff right into the sand and then all of a sudden his legs came down and he all of a sudden reversed and he stood up and when he stood up we're watching this and we're going wow this guy's alive he made it and then he when he came back up and stood up he'd looked directly at us and walked directly to us and this is about a hundred yards away not quite a hundred no 50 60 yards away maybe and he comes over to us and he sits right next to us and we're a stoned and you know when you're stoned if you put your hand on the side of your face where you can't see him he can't see you in your mind and he looked at us and he just stared at us he said you guys are high man and go yeah we're high he goes really high and go yeah we're really high man and he goes would you like to get even higher and I go we're like whoa man he says then learn how to meditate ooh and I said to myself what the hell is that yeah and he introduced me to meditation at that point it was shortly after that that I nearly died and then I met Paul Bragg and he introduced me to meditation mmm I've never done a drug I've not had one drug not one aspirin not one antibiotic not one drug in my body since that day mmm Wow so I don't what when I learned what I was capable of doing with my mom consciously I transcended the need for external needs mm-hmm I'm not saying that they didn't have a place they were a journey they expanded my awareness to what was possible in my mind but I have absolutely no desire for that today because I realized that I have the power to do all of that every single thing that I was able to access I can do consciously now do you think psychedelics play a role in the third wave of the awaken because if they're saying that a psychedelic seminar Magni resurgence not just from a consciousness perspective and an awakening perspective but also from a performance perspective as well marketing is becoming quite popular well the gentleman it's really initiated as a guy named David Nutt is into Imperial College in London I've had time to spend time with him we've had conversations we met on a plane actually and he was going to help me with a research project on my method on it's on what it can do to access States but he's very much a promoter of of that if it's used wisely mm-hmm I can't guarantee that everybody is using it wisely yeah I can't guarantee that you can always govern and control exactly what you're going to experience and I can't guarantee that you can't get caught in some a manic pursuits of euphoria's and then get bipolar dies from that but if used wisely I think and understood what it's doing I think that that could have a place but again I've been able to access each of those states without having to take something to do it so now that I know what I can do in my own mind to access those regions of the brain I I have not found a need for it myself but I think that many people are going through that experience and they'll experience it and they'll learn from it and they'll they'll realize what it's capable of doing but you will also have some vulnerabilities because sometimes it's not necessarily you don't really know what you're about to experience yeah it depends on this setting you know I had a gentleman that went for a high Wescoe journey in Peru and went down the river and found himself vomiting on the edge and falling into the river and got bit by a bunch of piranhas and then he end up having nightmares and this whole experience Wow not so fun oh wow so yeah you want to make sure you're in the governed environment where there's there's a place for your mind and be distracted if you can be you can be psychiatrically split by that also yeah Ron because I found it quite interesting as a tool to introduce to altered states yes and then I discovered holotropic breathing yeah and I started using holotropic breathing at night and I couldn't refine it until one day I got my technique down and all of a sudden like oh my god hello tropic breathing can bring some some breathing techniques consistent holotropic breathing are consistent breathing in certain gradations it can govern certain parts of the brain so there's ways of doing it without having to take the drug and and it's because what they are is analogues inside our normal chemistry mmm and we have access to changing those chemistry's I'd rather find out what is the psychological perspectives that activate the different chemistry's and to be able to have conscious manner ease you know mass mastery of that personally mmm that's what I've been studying I've been staying to brain for over 45 years and I'm more interested in knowing how my perception a breathing technique a ratio of perception what are the transmitters that are being turned on and turned off and learn how to do it consciously yeah I think I think that the the shamanistic animistic stages of religiosity was an early stage and it helped in increase linguistics it helped us and expand what's possible but we can also get trapped in a by polarized state if it's not been governed properly a great purpose you talk a lot about purpose and when people aren't on purpose at the moment when you are full of purpose you will fill your life full of purposeful and meaningful things that will inspire you and lift you up and give you the energy that's required I find it fascinating that once I learnt and I tapped into purpose motivation I've never I've never had to read another motivational book again people say to me how do you would like what do you do get motivate like I can wake up it's like once it's installed within you there is no longer this external requirement for you to be fed approached prodded pressed supplemented in order to feel that way but one of the things I find really interesting is most people here will so how do I do it what's all you've got to connect with something greater than yourself like what is your reason for being your purpose and you you are fundamental and more as one of those teachers that helped me really connect with that but when you're working with someone who's like I don't know what I'm here to do my life is full with stuff that is unmeaning 'full I am unmotivated and I am unfulfilled where's the best place to start to help someone really identify and connect with why am I here is them greater meaning that this my current existence well every individual regardless of gender age or culture lives moment by moment with a set of priorities or values things that are most important to least important in their life I have a high value in research in teaching traveling have a low value on cooking and driving I haven't cooked since I was 24 and haven't driven in 29 half years they are on so I don't do I learned a long time ago don't do low priority things or you'll devalue yourself stick to the things that are most inspiring if you want an inspiring life and delegate the rest which gives you the accountability of going out and doing something that serves people to earn the income to delegate so if you're not living by the highest price if you just listen to that rewind that and listen to that again sorry keep going if you're not filling your day with the highest priority actions that really call you inspire you your life is gonna fill up at low party distractions as a feedback mechanisms to self depreciate you to associate pain with things that aren't important to you to try to guide you back to what is so self-depreciation and negative thoughts and fears and things are not enemies their feedback mechanisms guiding us to what's true for us so whatever's highest on our value we're spontaneously inspired from within that's our calling our highest value is our purpose our purpose is the most effective and efficient pathway to fulfill the greatest amount of voids to the greatest amount of values and the voids are all the disowned parts because of our prides and shames and judgments of the past that are stored in the subconscious mind that are trying to vie for attention with our intuition back into our purpose so the second we live by our highest value we automatically have the calling the menti air the primary objective the end in mind the most meaningful pursuit most inspiring pursuit we have and we don't need motivation again I don't need motivation to get up and do researching and and teach and do what I love doing I don't I'm not a motivational speaker you're not known motivational speaker motivational speaker uses pert or rhetorical persuasion to get people to do things with pleasures and pain stacking to get them to do something they don't want to do to try to sell what they want to sell a real inspiring teacher in my opinion is somebody who is helping people access their own highest values so they can set sail as captain of the ship and master their faith according to their own calling to make a real difference because you can't make a difference subordinating and living in the shadows of other people in conformity you can only do it by standing strong independent and creating an original idea that serves people by being original in your thinking and that comes from living authentically according your own unique values at our fingerprint specific so I'm getting the sense intuition and purpose are intrinsically linked intuition is trying to make you conscious fully conscious of the conscious unconscious at the same time in the conscious so if I'm infatuated with somebody my intuition is trying to point out the downsides if I'm resentful to somebody it's trying to point out the upsides so I can see both sides so I can love the person if I can't love them I'm not loving me and I'm distracted by those emotions of pride shame infatuation resentment those are the impulses and in streak instinctive that are distracting all distractions or impulses or instincts that are trying to seek or avoid something then arose elusive so the second you intuitively listen to the unconscious and make it fully conscious you're liberated from the bondage of those emotions which are the animal nature you're liberated from the the lower flame you might save the Kundalini of the Indian mystic and liberate it into the moksha or liberation or Satori of the mind so if a people whose world is so noisy that they find it difficult to be able to interpret what their intuition is telling them to connect with something greater than where they are right now well what are the best questions that you can ask someone to help them identify connect reinvigorate or just know what they hit well how do you connect people with their purpose what are some of the best questions the number one reason that people are unclear about it is because they compare themselves to others they put them on pedestals they inject the values of others into their line they cloud the clarity of their own calling and then they say to themselves I don't know what my purpose is but what it is is they're comparing their actions to other people and whenever you compare your actions to other people's values you're going to think you're making mistakes and you're gonna think you're sabotaging and you can't stay focused and you're what's wrong with you and yourself depreciate which are all symptoms to let you know you're not being yourself you're trying to live in on somebody else's shadow and not standing on their shoulders so it's our comparison to other people that lead this so the question to do is whatever we see and others look within it and find it within the hero and the villain at the level of the soul nothing's missing inside us at the level of our senses things appear to be missing we're too proud or too ashamed to admit we have those when we finally embrace that whatever we see around us is us and we finally own our hero and villain own our sentence in our own our virtue advice and become a fully functioning individual without trying to get rid of after yourself to love yourself you now are able to be clear and mission do you think we live in some kind of elaborate energetic illusion that has been governed by a higher intelligence that is directed independently by a cluster of thousands of galactic souls that give this perception that what we're experiencing right now in reality we're in truth it's just an incredibly sophisticated illusion you mean it's just a simulator there's a lot of us might say yeah it's not so much the simulation theory weird no I'm not asking are we hurtling through space right now looking to recolonize another galaxy a planet and we're currently in the heart is some form of hyper suspension no I'm genuinely curious at an energetic level because I have had some transcendental experiences through holotropic breathing through DMT through ayahuasca through other forms of you know conscious altering mechanisms that have made me really question you know the the fundamentals of reality go oh I'm not sure this is so real and it's not a bad thing I actually see it as something that's quite positive you know cuz I had this at this moment when I perfected my holotropic breathing technique where all of a sudden I felt this back pressure in my compression of breathing and then all of a sudden I was like oh and I had this awakening come through me and I had this incredible sense of awareness that you are just create your your soul is coming through this being and manifesting things that is just fun for your soul and in that moment I was it's like wow like everything was vibrating nothing was real everything was fluid in nationals it's like and I wasn't on anything I was just like wow is this real or is this just a really sophisticated elaborate quantum mechanical illusion that has nothing to do with science or anything it's just a pure expression of consciousness every time every weekend 43 weekend's out of the year I do a program called the break to experience you participated familiar and I've done it 1,000 67 times now and it is in there but one of the things that I help people see usually on Saturday night after they've done the method it throughout the afternoon they all of a sudden reach a state of transcendence which means that they're they stopped the noise in the brain they the judgment had been transcended on some person that they resented the most and all of a sudden they reach a point where they just have tears come out of their eyes there reaches state what some people call grace they feel love deep love for the person that they had resented and they we pick somebody out of the room to represent a surrogate for that and they communicate and sometimes they can't even speak they're in such grace but they'll communicate their appreciation love for this person while they do it their mind perceives not the person sitting in the chair but the person who did the exercise on and that person could even be passed away ten years but they'll be sitting there looking and seeing this person there they'll also notice that there's no room there's nobody else in the room except the being that they're actually loving and then they realize that their mind in their normal daily activity is elusive even though it's empirical to the scientists it's actually elusive and it's not really the whole picture and then they realize that yes this was just a reality but not the whole picture and when they start to love somebody and they transcend it regardless of space and time it's because they could be a thousand miles away and you'll feel there in present or they could be dead ten years and they're feel that they're present with them then you realize that in a state of grace a state of perfect equanimity that we have access to completely broader more magnificent actuality what's actually there not just a local reality that we happen to be momentarily living in as a less inferred transcending our judgments so that I think there is something that's greater Leibniz and his discourse on metaphysics in the first first portion of his book said that there was a divine perfection of divine beauty a divine love a divine order a divine magnificence in the universe that few people ever got ever get to know but those that do and those that have a glimpse their lives are changed forever I set out since I was eighteen to find a science to help do that develop that science to help people see that but I do believe that there's something that has definitely more transcendence in our day-to-day lives but most people are caught in their impulses and instincts and survival mechanism instead of a self actualized thrival mechanism and realizing we have a vast contribution to make on the planet i always say that the magnitude of space and time and our inner most dominant thought will to determine the level of conscious evolution we've obtained and if we have a vast infinity of awareness it's impossible to be judging the overview effect of going into space what makes us look down and realize the trivial nasaw what's going on down below and all the border disputes and all the changes and although judgments we have down there have no meaning the broader we are in our conscious awareness to less we have time for judgment the less we disown parts the more we feel whole and the more we have actualized self actualized and spiritual actualized what's possible for a human consciousness when you become fully self actualized like what do you you know we hear about the are you talking about enlightenment what what do you think is the greatest form of transcendence like what what does that look like well I don't I don't want to say that there's ever a full enlightenment I think it's a relative enlightenment mmm I use the analogy because when I see gurus that say they're all enlightened I I walk up to them and I said can you give me an answer or whether I'm going to pass gas or I'm going to stand here without it and they'll go I don't know and said well then you're not fully enlightened and joking with him see what I I think Einstein said it beautifully when he said that we live with holy curiosity it's wiser to live with holy curiosity than to think you've got it lightened so I think with this way imagine of the earth spinning around now it's about eight thousand miles in radius and it's about twenty four thousand miles and in circumference right and so if you look at that the little guru that's sitting in the lotus position going around like a hamster wheel around a hamster cage going around and saying I'm enlightened I'm enlightened I'm enlightened if you see that you realize he's actually trapped on a planet and he's very stuck in a little domain if he goes out too far he'll explode if he goes in too far he'll implode and he lives in a very limited thing with his visual as auditory as smell he's a very finite little world then imagine from the Sun looking back at the earth 93 million miles away one astronomical unit you can't even see the earth so from the sun's perspective that little guy on the planets not visible so his awareness is an infinitesimal then if you go to 28,000 asked you know light-years away and that's 86,400 seconds a day times 365 and a quarter days and then you multiply that times 28,000 and that tells you how long it takes to get to the Milky Way at the speed of light and you go there and you sit there and you can't even see through the gas and dust and the cosmic hydrogen you can't even see the solar system let alone the little planet and so the person that's going a mine light and I'm enlightened I'm enlightened is is an infinitesimal nothingness then if you look at the lani Ceylon ek supercluster our particular Milky Way is an infinitesimal speck to to the center of the Great Attractor in the middle of that we don't even exist we're not even visible in our Milky Way so when if somebody says they have a universal awareness I say that's delusional that's an exaggerated pride it's wiser to live with holy curiosity and continually dedicate and focus your attention and see what you can learn today mm-hmm something that I've also taken with me from you is the law of thermodynamics it's not your law but it was something that he was highlighted by you in a really practical way where energy isn't created or destroyed it's is constantly changing form and I know Sun Frost's of philosophers have gone and say by the thought that would be actually controlling it where I found this incredibly helpful was when you know we experienced the perception of loss because I know one of the things that you do is you've dealt with a lot of people who have lost loved ones and they've been experiencing incredible levels of grief you've been able to bring them to states of complete gratitude with tears and grace you know pouring through them to be able to see that the person hasn't actually left they've just changed form how do you explain that to someone in a nutshell that that particular method I've done 3571 deaths now right and at Keio University in Tokyo they're doing a study on it they've done two pilots now on it they're doing a write up study on it right now because they they didn't know how this could be done they didn't believe it was possible and they've seen it now alive I've used it at the Christchurch earthquake I've done it it's a tsunami in Japan and Ishinomaki we did it recently at the earthquake and Japan again they bring us in to help resolve some of the griefs but people what happens is grief is a perception due to perceptions of loss of that which you're infatuated with or the perceptions of gain of that which you are resenting so when people talk about their grief and you ask them what are you grieving they will always make a list of the things that they admired about the person that they miss they will never tell you the things they despised that they miss because you don't just you don't have a grief over the loss of things you despised you have relief and relief in grief or entangled poles of one magnet inside the mind that makes up love so anytime your infatuation you're going to grieve their loss when America was celebrating the loss of Saddam Hussein the people that loved Saddam Hussein were grieving over in Iraq so though if we resent him that we're going to be relieved celebrating if we were grieving him it's because we had an infatuation with what he was and we missing two parts we admired so it's purely a ratio of perceptions that cause these these responses that's why I don't pay much attention to him because I know they're just incomplete awarenesses so what I do is I make him aware of the unconscious and find out what is the downside of the traits that they admired and level the playing field and when they do the grief goes and I show them that whatever the trait was that the person had and displayed when they die it gets dispersed in a variety of other people there's a conservation of the traits and but first think of what do you mean and I make them accountable I say okay the moment your mother passed six weeks ago what is the trait did you miss what's the behavior or the action or inaction that she displayed and demonstrated you admired that you know miss well I miss her cuddles or at guidance or her hugs or a sense of humor they'll usually say and I'll say okay now the moment she passed from that moment till today one or many male or female closer dish themself or other who is now displaying those traits and we go through and do a quantitative analysis of where it is and and people that have increased it or showed up back in their life that's now demonstrating it and to their surprise and to their amazement it's not missing it's just dispersed from one to many the law of the one to many again and at death it goes from one to many at Birth it goes from many to one and so what happens is the moment they actually realize that they go oh I'm not missing all those traits they're actually in a form and what's interesting those forms that are there are more in line with their highest values than the Reap previous form which makes them realize that they're conscious in participating in that transformation and then once I do is I go and qualitatively balance it by finding to draw back so the thing they were infatuated with and the benefits of the new form and once those are equilibrated there's no way a person can have grief I guarantee it money-back guarantee has never failed once and since 1984 since I developed the method and it blows people's minds when they say it is quite profound I've seen you demonstrate it live on stage Wow have you ever had opportunity to integrate this within yourself with the loss of someone who was because I'm gonna assume there's proximity of loss right you know it's one thing to lose perhaps a great-grandmother that you maybe you know saw once every 12 months at Christmastime versus you know your mum who perhaps you've been a little bit you know disentangled from for some time versus losing you know Italy like a child at the age of 7 or 8 or 12 or 13 or a partner like on the on the day after a wedding or something like that have you experienced within yourself that this process requires the level of the level of the level of application this process really will be determined by the proximity of that connection well it's not the proximity necessarily although it you could sort of say it proximity it's it's the degree of infatuation yeah okay so if you're a let's give an example because yeah the answer is yes when my wife passed away 15 at 14 a half years ago I got the opportunity to use the method immediately D G weeks did you and I guess this is where my question is going because for those people don't know Athena star woman wasn't always your wife yes you guys were an incredible power couple of the cosmic order but when she passed did you find yourself actually experiencing grief that required you to use your own tools I didn't require that I did it as it was going right as she we found out in October that she was she had cancer and that she's probably got about two months to live got it so what I did is I used the tool as it was going as I noticed certain behaviors declining Iran so I did 139 different things because I was curious as a research to what exactly happened cuz I didn't I don't have somebody dying in my this close yeah I understand so I I was doing that as it was doing and as there was fading I was watching who is emerging and what were the benefits and drawbacks and was balancing it out because I want to make sure that I loved her not infatuated with her I don't want to put people on pedestals and put pits I would him in my heart because if you love somebody you'll feel their presence if you infatuated gonna feel the grief of their loss if you resent him you're gonna feel relief over their loss so I wanted him to love him so I could feel her presence and that was the thing so I was doing it as I went and some other time she actually passed I pretty well cleared most of those things and then a few that I had when she actually passed were clearance so I did not have be grief for days after she passed Woman's Weekly magazine there was a lovely lady that came to interview me about the whole thing and I had to help her go through the method in order to finish the actual interview because she was great I was grieving more than I was well how are you doing this I said because I love Athena I didn't infatuate with Athena yeah I know more things about Athena than not some of her friends that infatuated with him yeah and she was a she was she actually had more that was amazing actually because when I asked her when she was actually about to be told that she knows she's got two months to live I said so how do you want me to respond would you like us to go for a second opinion third opinion would you like what would you love to do and she said I just want you to love me the way you've always loved me nothing more mm-hmm and I went Wow and I said okay she did not have her big reaction to that which I thought was amazing and I said okay she's embraced which through this reality she's not gonna fight it the doctor said if even if you tried some things that's probably not gonna do anything except cause more aggravation on the departure and then about six weeks before she passed we held hands I remember the medical doctor was there we held hands and she said to me we just held hands it was one of those tear-jerking moments it wasn't a sorrow it was a gratitude for all the things we had gotten it and she said you know we've climbed the Himalayas we've climbed the Andes we've climbed the Rockies we've climbed the Alps we've been to with royalty we've we've lived on a most amazing yacht we've had penthouses we've met with leaders we've done movies together we've done we've had an amazing life thank you for being my star man and I said well thank you for being my star woman and she said it's time for you to now find you another new young star girl because your star woman's about to go on and it was one of those moments you just embraced each other it's a very loving moment and and she just was able to handle that I mean sure she had some moments where she was attached to things that having difficulty but it was a great opportunity for us both to see what love was about Wow John I can say yeah I'm wholeheartedly I absolutely love you with my whole heart I am eternally grateful for all of the lessons the awarenesses that gives the impact that you've had on my life and you'll never fully be able to truly know what it is that I'm saying right now that I'm sure on some level you feel it but I would love to pay it forward in some way you've written so many books I wouldn't know where to start but if someone was willing to find out more we've also got the breakthrough experience you've got the Imperius experience is still running in periods oh yeah you've got all of those like nothing else but it for someone who's wanting to explore more of your work where's the best place to start all I have to do is go to the website dr. T martini calm and just let their conscious go for a ride because I think there's all kinds of things there there's all types of interviews of thousands of interviews there's events there's products there's youtubes there's I think a person could stay on there and be educated for probably eternity one last question what do you want to be remembered for I really believe that there's a magnificence in the universe that few people actually get to see mm-hmm and I wanted to make a contribution and develop a methodology to help people see it why and that's what I'm trying to do with breaks experiencing the breakthrough experience is not just another rah-rah kind of thing it's it's a it's my life's work trying to help people get a glimpse of the magnificence of who they are in the universe that they're in mmm and and as liveness said those that do their lives are changed forever I don't want people to be motivated just like you said you're not motivated you're inspired from within you're intrinsically called I want people to access that because when the Y is big enough the house take care of themselves the rest of the stuff falls into place I want them to be able to say at the end of their life you know when you asked the question did you do everything you could with everything you were given you wanted to say I friggin did it well I'd say you've succeeded in your life's purpose now it's just a matter of I guess scale and for those people who are listening absolutely absolutely highly encourage the breakthrough experience I think I've done that three times now and even just sitting here talking to you now I'm like I think it's time for tune up yeah it keeps evolving it I have no doubt because you obviously keep evolving your organic in nature but John thank you so much for coming to unstoppable really appreciate for those people want to find out more dr. Demartini comm breakthrough experience and yeah everything else on there thank you so much for your time thank you for the lovely pleasure they have guys thanks for tuning in to unstoppable with me your host Kerwin ray and do me a favor don't forget to drop me a review on iTunes we'd love to hear what you think I love reading what you guys have to say and your reviews make sure we keep creating killer content just like this if you want to start to date with me and all my movements please jump onto the website Kerwin Raycom and also check us out on social media at 2 Kerwin reign
Channel: Kerwin Rae
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Keywords: Kerwin Rae, kerwinrae, Kerwin, Rae
Id: XPo5spLFoNI
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Length: 65min 23sec (3923 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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