How to Turn Your Horse

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one of the most common things that i see is people that try to turn their horse like their car so you know how like when you're steering a lot of times like if you're gonna turn your wheel to the left you kind of do [Music] this right hello i'm amelia today i'm going to show you how to properly turn your horse and recently i was i had a zoom call with a bunch of my students and i noticed that a lot of them were using way too much rain to turn their horse and not nearly enough of their leg and their body position so i'm gonna go here and i'm gonna show you what i see students do a lot when they want to turn their horse so a couple of things one of the most common things that i see is that people like their reins are way too long and so when they go to turn they have to do like this huge movement like this with their hands to get their horse to turn so again this is incorrect but a lot of times people like do like this huge thing to get their horse to turn the other incorrect most common thing that i see is people that try to turn their horse like their car so you know how like when you're steering a lot of times like if you're gonna turn your wheel to the left you kind of do this like you're turning your car to the left and now you're like turning your car to the right so those are both incorrect the correct way to turn your horse if i'm going down the rail here and i want to turn i close my outside aids and outside leg and i push my horse off the rail from the outside aids so let me show you that again i'm trotting down the rail i'm going to make a little half halt with my left rain i'm going to open my right rain away from the rail and ask my horse to turn like that so you notice how the aid is much more subtle when done correctly and i always start with my leg so half hold now i'm going to turn left so my right leg is closing on him my inside rain is a little flexing and giving there so half out the right rain inside rain is flexing and giving good boy and notice how my hands are very subtle my left hand stays on the left my right hand stays on the right i don't let my outside hand come up it's got to stay right there by the withers so that i can correctly turn my horse the other thing you'll notice is that i'm not leaning to the side so i'm staying straight above him like imagine a string pulling me up to the sky i'm not leaning to the side so that's really important to consider that less is more you always want to think about whenever you turn like if you're making a circle think about turn and release the aids turn and release the aids i have another youtube video that i'll link in about the diamond where you basically instead of making a circle you create a diamond so that you have that opportunity to turn and then release the eights so hopefully this video helped you to maybe show what you're doing wrong let me know in the comments if you do the steering wheel turn when you're riding your horse and also check out in the description i have a free mini course on rider position so that's a good way to get you a little extra help with your position which will help with your turns so thanks so much for watching and we'll see you in another video [Music] you
Channel: Amelia Newcomb Dressage
Views: 17,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dressage, horses, equestrian, dressage training, amelia newcomb dressage, how to ride a horse, horse riding lesson, dressage lesson, dressage instructor, horse riding training, dressage rider, Turning Your Horse, How to turn your horse, how to steer a horse, Steering your horse, horseback riding, Mistakes while turning your horse, amelia newcomb dressage youtube, Amelia Newcomb Dressage
Id: qfy6-o-aC5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 3sec (243 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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