how to turn simple chord progressions into more melodies

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quite frankly I'm thrilled do I have your attention Shame Shame Shame what's a shame is these expired these expired a while ago and I didn't even get to eat them I was out of town so yeah psych I just bought them the other day and they door dashed to me they door dashed them to me and they were expired already wouldn't you check the date on what you're picking up I guess not I'm going to show you today how to turn a simple chord progression into a bunch of different Melodies cuz that's what you want to be able to do right let's go all right so step one is going to be grab a sound we going to make a simple chord progression by laying down a note you want to know how to duplicate a note hold down control left click select it like that hold shift click it again 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 this is called a fifth a note three notes up it's going to be a minor chord if we put a note four notes up from this one it's going to be a major happy sad let's make a happy Melody 1 2 3 4 five six 7 giving depth to the core progression bringing the base notes down [Music] low now let's add some more notes in the scale to make the chords more [Music] [Music] advanced now how do we turn this up into a bunch of different Melodies is the question we start by arpeggiating it all melodies are pretty much arpeggiated chords or most Loops are just arpeggiated chords in different ways let's cut some distance from the left going to the [Music] right so I want these to all hit here because this is where the cord is hitting but I don't want it to stay the same for over here so I'm going to cut some more notes and add some more [Music] [Music] Rhythm if you don't want to do this use use arpeggiators ARP presets use arpeggiated presets Electra X has a bunch of great ones I'm just going to pick a random one and I'm going to copy this core progression pretty much like this into my ARP and I'm going to put all the notes Here in the beginning now what the ARP is going to be doing is playing all the notes at different times when pario and I made these arpeggiators we sat here and just like did different patterns on the arpeggiator right here and this video is about turning One Core progression into multiple different ideas so let's turn off the Ghost Notes let's cut this pattern and paste it over here in a new one so what we can do now is change the order of the chords let's drag drag these chords over [Music] here let's change the key of the core [Music] progression now that we have a new key we have a new order we didn't have to draw new chords we just took the chords we had and moved them around that's what this is about you have a chord progression you can make a million chord progressions all day long but it's good to stretch One Core progression into different ideas each voice of this piece I have right here can have its own little story so let's come up with a story for this a note Let's Have It Go [Music] like now let's make another St story for this D note now let's make a story for this a sharp let's make a story for this other D note that's all this is really about making different stories for the notes and the different voices different voices having different stories different Melodies he [Music] I [Music] [Applause] stop eating these they're really bad for you I got a sign to not eat them because I got delivered some expired ones so quit eating these
Channel: Nick Mira
Views: 97,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick mira, producer, how to make melodies, how to make a melody, fl studio melody tutorial, how to make songs, how to make a song, fl studio how to make music, how to make music, how to make loops, how to make a loop in fl studio, how to make a loop
Id: 3jk_ap7xqnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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