How to Turn On Auditing in Your Office 365 Tenant

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hi everyone this is Audrey from McGill technologies I'm going to do a really quick video on how to turn on Auditing in your office 365 tenant you do need to turn on auditing to record user and admin activity in your ultra six-five tenant all right so let's quickly jump into my Emin account and in center so sign in to your Microsoft 365 admin Center with your globerman account and navigate to security admin center ok under the security admin Center go to search expand it and click on audit log search alright for those of you who haven't yet turn this on you will see this message show up here at the top to tell you that if you want to use this feature you do need to turn it on if you have not turn it on the activities will not be locked and you wouldn't be able to search for the activities no results will come back so please go and turn it on so all you have to do is click on this turn on auditing all right after you have turn on Auditing it will take the system a couple of hours before you can start to search for user activity user and admin activity so do note that anything any activities that that is before you turn on the auditing will not be recorded you wouldn't have any such history on that anything after that yes everything will be recorded okay now let me show you what is possible to be searched for okay so so that it's a pretty comprehensive list of activities that you can track back on so there are things like who has access certain files you wouldn't be able to see the content in the phone but you can see the activity on who has change defaults who has deleted a file copy the file alright for other activities those of you who are using SharePoint sharepoint tivities okay sharing and access activities with external people internal people and also something that may be interest in something that may be useful for most people are probably in the area of exchange exchange mail activities if anybody has accidentally copied certain messages to another folder where to get it back from okay and also activities around teams let me scroll all the way down to teams okay so Microsoft teams activities you can see that it's broken down to subcategories as well okay teams teams is all the way to the bottom yeah okay so go and check it out and make sure you turn this on because it comes it it is very useful when your management comes to you and say hey I somebody has moved certain files around and I can't find it so you you can come to this place and search on the activities and possibly check back on who has moved a certain file deleted a certain folder or site by accident and then you can then go and restore that action alright thank you
Channel: Gill Technologies
Views: 190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: office365, microsoft365, o365 auditing, o365 administration
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 9sec (249 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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