How to TURBO TEABAG your opponents

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I know how to do it. Ain’t hard at all also I can do the thing were you run at ledge and don’t fall off.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello everybody today i would like to show you guys a new technique and personally i think that it's going to change the meta forever this technique will give you free conditioning on your opponent and all but guarantees victory of course this would be turbo 2 first i'm going to show how to do it and how it actually works in match this is what it should look like at its best now i don't expect people to get this right away but it's fine it should be a really fast walking crouching motion like this now the only thing i want to say first of all is when you're starting it out don't expect to do it super fast this is a technique that requires years and years of practice of course first how to execute it assuming you're using the gamecube controller this works on all controllers by the way um my opinion it's actually easiest on single joy-con the single joy-con players will understand as they try this technique but with the single gamecube controller you want to basically take the control stick and put it in either the left or right notch depending on which way the left or right notch depending on which way you want to turbo t-bag you have to choose a direction [Music] now what you should do as this is happening so now you're walking you want to alternate which the the notch that you are currently in and the one right below it left notch and then bottom left notch this walking will cancel the uncrouching animation so now it's done really fast it speeds it up as you alternate between each notch quicker and quicker so that is how you execute it to see it in practice we would have to go right over to quick play [Music] all right now we're gonna see what the turbo tea bag looks like in action you're probably realize that uh my hair's a little shorter than last time and the shirt's a little different reason being you know shorter here less hairy you know you're a little bit more aerodynamic you know uh the shirt mind your own business snake definitely one of the the better characters you can get away with doing the tech get a little pregame you see the tea bag already oh yeah that's gonna be some good stuff wolf oh no these guys are known for being predictable all right let's see what does roll in oh yeah it's over the the most optimal time to turbo t-bang is that right after you take a stock uh if you're really good you can um you can go ahead and just like do it in between like neutral interactions oh that's tilting there you go gonna do a little bit of turbo tea bag here let's see he's naturally playing a lot more aggressive now he actually hit me for once in his life oh okay hold on we could this is fine i'm gonna do the tea bag in between things happening there we go see he does see who he does oh yikes that's a little double dash attack come on look at this guy look at this guy nice oh man mentally shattered this poor guy he really thought he was gonna kill me so mad he's so mad look at this watch this oh you know what i'm missing something here making him feel terrible and somehow he did okay that's fine fine whatever oh nice stupid see now he's playing campy too that's how you know he's tilted all right we just got to close it out now we got to put him out of his misery all right we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna make this dude stuff for a little bit longer oh yes oh yes we can okay he's not tilted normal get a blazer oh we knew that was coming yesterday come on now whoop that c4 might come in handy later ah yeah you're better than that big guy come on look look at this look at this oh bye oh man you know people like that they they don't come back from stuff like that they stop entering tournaments after that and that's what the goal here is trash let's go if there's one thing that i know about this character you don't even need turbo tea bag this is icing on the cake look at that not true combo look at this jump camping me you know who i am you know who i am oh baby you know what time it is after the up smashes that's all you got to do [Applause] easy peasy he was tilted he wanted to punish me so bad he went out there to kill all right for this one we're gonna try something a little different we're gonna do we're gonna throw some turbo tea bags in the middle of like advantage state and see what happens here we go a good opportunity here look at this whoa he's stuck in shield petrified whoa baby all right first dog's done more tea bag and finished oh yep that's not a real option what are you doing all right i'm like trying to say something oh he really thought you you see you if you just if you just play like that people get stupid nice one look at you go swing it like letting go of shield for what hold that real quick for me oh man oh yeah he's dead i already knew he was gonna roll i knew how shook he was oh he's alive that gives me more chances to do my favorite thing to do turbo t-mag oh yeah that was that was really obvious dude come on come on look at you running up and shielding you playing smash 4 big guy look at him tagged dab are we is anyone surprised watch this false sense of security too simple that's all it takes oh this character just simply is not real the voice is even worse all right right off stage look at him go mashing away look at him he doesn't know what he's doing intentional i have clearly intentionally gone down three stars technically two so i can show you the power why isn't that dead it's the start here we go yep conditioning beginning let's characters bonds two stocks there we go dead no we're good in a perfect world that worked out look at him he doesn't know what's going on look at him look he's panicking you love you love to see this power turbo t-bag and there it is right there well what more do you need search fin okay buddy well hope you're excited to have your day ruined oh yep there you go tea bag yep you already know what's next i knew the roll get up was coming out i was just simply not confident oh no jump you know what the worst part about it is this right here we're going for a ultra tilt here oh he's not even looking anymore he's he's too focused on me getting hit by c4 not a true combo he's just in he's he's in awe he's mesmerized here we go doing it again oh ain't baby no recovery oh yes i'd love to see it you see look how angry he is you already know let's go he got no book ain't got no stocks either let's go i watch this a little bit of this oh he's right oh i was right no jump no problem i'm gonna break his shield i think i'm gonna try breaking his shield i think he'll do normal get up shield all right he actually managed to do something even worse but i think that's my fault for conditioning him so well i still want to break his shield and then turbo t-bag i think that's the end goal for this game hold on we can do it we gotta take this off so we don't accidentally kill him right now let's try it i said we're going off stage how do you not know how to recover man come on i'm trying to disrespect you and you can't even grab the ledge how long you been playing this game jokes stupid oh we got we got a rolling wolf okay look at this dude look at this dude rolling oh get up attack you just don't know when you uh should be rolling it shouldn't be huh embarrassing oh baby you know how to tank i would have never expected it a little bit of this a little bit uh whoop into the okay i knew that was coming you did that last night oh he's too oh really you think you're you're all that huh hold up oh ho ho ho no no no no no funny anymore huh god do it back i dare you look wasting his eye frames elementary mistake here buddy uh-huh hold that i'm surprised he actually knows how to do the fast one too i like this guy he's gonna be crying in a second but i like this guy god do it oh no baby oh no here it goes oh up smash bonanza reverse nikita for the boys i shot the other way did a loopy loop and pull he's gone i i really need to put this dude in this place he's clearly having too much fun though oh no jump jump you know what i haven't been doing enough making these games close [Music] this is how you know he's a camper look at him people thought i was a camper all right fine a turbo tea bag off no on your side of this dude come on show me what you got embarrassing that's gonna be it for the tutorial guys thank you for watching please like and subscribe i'll find you if you don't [Music] you
Channel: Marss
Views: 185,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Super Smash Bros, Smash Ultimate, smash bros ultimate, smash bros, smash, marss, marss zero suit samus, marss zss, marss zero suit, panda global marss, smash ultimate montage, smash bros montage, smash ultimate combos, smash ultimate combo video, smash bros ultimate combos, smash highlights, alpharad, panda global, marss twitch, zss sucks, turbo teabag, marss turbo teabag, turbo teabag tutorial, how to turbo teabag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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