How To Tune Your AFC On 12 Valve Cummins!!! *FREE HORSEPOWER MODS!*

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[Music] well family today starts again yesterday we tried to get a little bit more fuel for the old girl and guys it just wasn't enough so I want all of the fuel now so that's what we're gonna do what is up everybody welcome back to another video here on Lawton proud if you guys have not joined the team first off what do you doing bro smash the subscribe button let's go let's keep growing let's keep moving forward and let's get right into this video yesterday guys just to brief you I tried to do a number zero fuel plate on the truck I thought maybe that would increase you know a little bit horsepower a little bit more smoke I mean come on I know there's gonna be some guys that crack on people who are just trying to roll a little bit more coal but this my truck does not puff a freaking dusting of black smoke and I'd like to have at least a little bit all things aside it didn't work I didn't really notice any horsepower increase I didn't really notice any more soot whatsoever which it's not all about some guys okay I get it I get it I get horsepower smoke black smoke does not mean horsepower I understand but for some people they just kind of like I don't know they just kind of like I don't know why I don't know why she just one of those things today what we're gonna try to do cuz it's not very difficult screw it I'm gonna just take off the whole AFC housing again I'm gonna - now I'm gonna do a little bit more grinding to some parts I'm gonna be tuning the smokes crew I'm gonna be messing around with some stuff in there so guys I will just cut the crap and I'll get right to the point I'm not gonna film disassembling everything again if you guys want to watch all that boring crap go watch here so use video I just assembled all this crap I didn't you everybody step-by-step but I gave you the gist I'm just gonna get right to now getting everything taken out and I'll get back to you once I have the AFC housing actually out of there and we'll spend most of our time focusing on what we're actually doing to that AFC housing to get those gains and to get that change in horsepower in smoke okay so what we're gonna do is get right into that first off if you guys have not yet smash the like button for this video if you guys are excited to see this just like I am and if you guys are looking for some more content guys I post every single day this is where it's happening if you guys want to join a family join a group of guys who just have a passion for this kind of stuff it's not necessarily the craziest build stuff every day as I'll stress you guys but it's just Mike's in the garage sharing my passions and my hobbies with you guys of similar interests so thank you guys so much for staying tuned well let's get this AFC housing out of here really quick like I said I'm not gonna show you all of these steps but I'm gonna show you the basics of what you are going to need to complete this project first off a small socket I believe this is a quarter inch drive if I'm wrong I apologize but you're gonna need a short extension a little bit longer extension I think that's a six inch extension a ten millimeter socket and an eight millimeter socket I think I held those in the reverse order this is the 10 this is the eight my I'm pretty sure that's all you're gonna need and you are gonna be able to do pretty much all of these steps okay okay guys so here's the AFC housing that we were fishing to get out of there like I said if you guys wanna see yesterday's video I did the zero fuel plate and let me show you exactly what the scoop plate is just in case you're stopping anew today because family members joining every single day here's your fuel point you just take out those two screws that one on the bottom the one right there above it you take that out and there's gonna be like almost like a little jaggedy stair-stepping little plate down there connected underneath that um I guess that other plate on top and then all you do is you take that little jagged thing and you cut it straight down and that's Colin that's considered a zero fuel plate but what we're gonna be doing today since that's already done and slid back is tuning the AFC housing a little bit now there's some things in here there's some washers there's some Springs or some screws and stuff like that and what we're gonna be doing is kind of jenkin with that stuff and now I'm not gonna be responsible for anybody who has like strict laws like for example I know some guys in California those of you guys who know dipp'd Diesel pretty much with those trucks out there like if you tamper with anything I mean they're all over you guys about that stuff so it makes you guys just make sure it's legal wherever you are pretty much I don't know if it's really legal or recommended anywhere but for me personally I'm holding this to myself I want to do this on my own for my truck nobody's gonna take the blame for anything and I hope you guys are gonna be the same way when you do it for your vehicle so anyways guys let's try to disassemble some of us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now before we get too far here let me kind of show you what we've got going on thus far here's your AFC housing of course there is this plate thing on the back of it there's a tamper proof screw on the corner of that all I did was I took a chisel and i chiseled down a crust right into the center of it so it was basically like a flat head and then I took it out with a flat head impact a little bit same thing for this little cap please these parts I'm saying for this cap that was over top of the back of this plate there is a there is a tamper proof and then a normal flat head style there and all I did was I did the same thing took a chisel to it tamper proof screw chisel route so had that crust in it and then just took it out with the impact now what you're gonna do is you're gonna take this big washer that's got this more build outside and this smaller one the big one used to be on the back side of this on the inside cup side of this we're gonna do is just flip that to the back put your thinner washer on the front side and basically what this is going to do is it's going to this keep setting from bottom and out in there but we're gonna do when you swap that around or you're gonna give it a little bit more player instead of actually reusing this big washer that was in the FC housing itself what I'm gonna do is a trick that I heard from some people down in the comments and that's just taking a big old flat washer and you can just you know use this one factor and then also just use this flat washer on the backside of that what you can actually do that helps out is just take this leg that's down here just slide it forward so you don't have to fight that spring step back on there put your put your nut back on make sure you tighten that back on there a little bit but that's all we're gonna do for that portion now what we're gonna do is take the here's the diaphragm on the backside of that there's another ten millimeter just gonna take this break that one loose as well for this step you might need a flathead screwdriver something I happen to have one sitting up here gonna slide that over just like that try to get behind that pry this out just like that and that's how you're gonna get this out now you're gonna do with this you want to take off about an eighth of an inch through trying to do it the way that I am so what you can do here is right with the two inch mark starts which is basically right below this metal tab here where it restarts at 1/8 inch basically hold that there and then look at we're on 8 inches take a screw or a flathead screwdriver or something kind of make a little scratch in the metal right there around 1/8 inch so you know where to stop on the grinder it's pretty hard to screw one of these up but you know just just to make sure that you're doing it as precise as possible [Applause] [Music] well guys we got this ground down an eighth of an inch very flush clean if you guys don't have a grinder not sure to tell you but I think most of you guys either your family relative somebody'll have a grinder grind that down 1/8 of an inch of course after doing all that grinding what you want to do is make sure that the inside of this piece here is not packed full of metal shavings that I just did as I push this down through and there's a bunch of metal shavings and you wanna make sure you clean all of that off you don't have a bunch of that crap in there a little bit of something is not going to hurt but make sure that it is as clean as you can possibly get it just to prevent any possible damage because you want to make sure that this part can fluently slide across the track we're up in that groove just back up in there I should snap right into place Center up this tab again on the back I don't know if this really has a huge deal to do with anything but better safe than sorry no nut and washer your bolt and washer back in there take your ten millimeter wrench tighten it back on now the upgrades that I was gonna get for this like I said is gonna be that spring that's on the inside of here like I said it's pretty easy to do this I'm doing this a little bit slower pace so I can kind of show you guys what I'm doing so you guys can do it yourself too but when I redo this again within I don't know a handful weeks here I'm gonna take that spring out and swap it out with a with a lighter one from diesel Auto power so you're gonna do here is you're gonna take this back plate and just put it back on there [Music] [Applause] the nice thing about these AFC housings once you've taken them apart once you pretty much know how to do it just keep all of your stock parts in a little baggie or something in your glove box now what we're gonna do is we're gonna mess with the aka smoke screw which is this guy on the back here now what you're gonna have to do I believe it's ten millimeter take your ten millimeter wrench loosen this guy up you're just gonna rotate this screw in right here until you see this foot start to move a little bit you can pretty freely move this screw I'm gonna keep on moving it okay now look very very closely at this foot right here watch it move okay not moving yet right there look very careful see it moving so as soon as you see it start to move just a little bit right there you just stop now this is at least the way I'm going to do it you guys can do whatever you want and tighten this back down now of course you're just going to take this little cover plate here pop it back over that now these tamper proofs make sure that they're snuck too but I don't crank them down in there hard because with your new modified flat head screwdriver style head on there they're not the most reliable to be able to reuse and back them out so let's try to prevent you know future issues I just don't crank them down super tight and I mean to be honest they're not really happy now in this one it's not the champion proof it has more reliable reusable head on the back I don't mind tightening down this a little bit more but we're going to do now is adjust our star wheel a little bit so you're gonna take a big allen big allen tool here and just try to break that puppy loose just like that I had some guys in some forum so you know we have no idea how to get that tool it's too tight but it wasn't seem to be too bad at all I don't think this has ever been taken off now inside there is your star wheel it's kind of hard to see you can get it at the right angle which you're looking at there that main big thing is just a spring in there but there's a star wheel all the way towards the left side there if you're looking at it like this with these nozzles up on this side and everything else looking at it like this it's towards the left side right up against there and what guys are saying what they mostly do is about ten clicks up towards the engine and it would sit on the engine side mounted like this so that means ten clicks up I guess you could say so we're gonna try that and see where we get well I think got as many clicks as I want didn't really make any kind of clicking sound but I got to where it seemed like about I don't know ten of those teeth that I saw down in there on that wheel rotating rotated forward so I think that's all we're gonna do if the adjustment that we made today didn't do anything I guess I just suck at this but hopefully we got that little bit added power we maximize what we could with the fuel pump without spending a dime at the end of the day if you're wanting to have more power a little bit more smoke we're not completely trash or fuel economy this is probably hopefully pretty good solution to that if you are looking for more power and stuff like that but we're gonna get this all button back up and get it back in the truck see what kind of results we got as I think we are complete with the job I think everything is assembled back together properly and we should have a little bit more smoke out the tailpipe and I know I already know I already know guys like I send them beginning there's gonna be guys whole do those those know cool smoke doesn't mean Horse bar I understand I already see the comments coming there's gonna be tons of them there always is because there's the guys that are just the super hyper efficient if there's any buck smoke your truck is having major issues and then there's the guys that are just like a little puff of black smoke isn't a big deal they just kind of like I don't know the essence of it I guess going along with an old diesel truck maybe that's just me I don't know but just keep it clean down there guys I'm just having a little bit of fun to get a little bit more horsepower gains out of it get a little bit more of a visual scene out the tailpipe and that type of stuff by the way Mir should have been coming in today but I didn't have a min and I had to start my video by about 10 a.m. I have to start filming so I can be done by 3:00 p.m. and we're about 30 40 minutes away from my deadline for the day to start editing the video so it's up to you guys are on seven but let's get the trick started up everything it like I said is assembled back together all the bands everything is good it's a nice thing about these trucks are so freakin simple to modify but when you're done this thing still looks like it's a bone stock kind of the hood yet you just increase your horsepower by not ton but you can do mods and stuff like that to the engine pretty much you can get this thing increased another hunter course completely free just by doing little stuff like that to the truck so very very cool very very cool about these trucks in the way they are all mechanical is just it's a special setup an engine old-school but just really really fun to learn and get to mess with guys they do have some new stuff coming up this truck I placed an order last night I made a comment under last night's video I said guys just place another decent-sized order of stuff and I'm so flippin excited to get that set done and by the way just a couple little drops of oil under here coming from the timing cover and you guys can see up there they have a better it's focusing I can't see the camera but I'm a little bit oil dripping from the ceiling around the timing cover but I did order a KDP tab as well so I know guys say just make your own but it's ten bucks guys I'll just buy one that's you know whatever already made and I'd have to worry about that but we are going to get this read on check to see if the KDP is that done or not everything on the truck so far looks like it's bone stock so get if you may not have been tabbed or gotten to yet but regardless we're gonna take off the time and cover anyhow you know re gasket the whole thing and make sure it's all sealed off properly set it doesn't like just like you know the master ed and my white truck never drift a lick of oil but we're gonna get this one to do the same thing hopefully be completely free of any oil leaks one thing I did want to ask is do you guys think I know it might not be necessary I might not you know might just be you know nothing just for looks you guys think I should get a villa tap it cover do you also think I should get a billet timing cover if I did get a billet timing cover I wouldn't be installing it until obviously I wouldn't be doing the KDP until I got that in or do you guys think it's not worth it it's just a waste of money let me know it'd probably be $200 ish for the billeting cover and about $200 for the billet tattoo cover but yeah like I said I mean it kind of seems like it's just for show but if you guys think that wouldn't be cool to do down the road let me know and yeah but other than that I'm gonna spend that money on more important things for the time being but just thought I'd bring that up let's get the hood closed down I got everything out from out here all tools we did it it worked it worked it actually kind of now I guess it doesn't that's just the steam from being cold out but we got it let's get this camera set up you guys will smoke so if you guys wanted to see it oh yeah we got it it works we gotta figure it out I'm gonna try to get you guys the thumbnail there's a cook bake set my trapline down I'm gonna go up little bit of a drive and see how this thing rolls caught on the road I wish had a GoPro mount see if I can figure out something to get some video I'll let you guys know what happened [Music] [Music] [Music] guys all black smoke jokes aside this truck freakin sat me back in my seat like I have never felt it before and that's no BS I when I went from second and dropped it into third and hammered it before it kind of like it was kind of slow taking us little time but this time guys when I dropped from second get to about 2,000 dropped him to third and then just like hammer it just like sinks me back you just go I wish I would had a freakin GoPro mounted up on this windshield to get my reaction I serious it was like straight face like like what the Freak I tried to set up the camera on the side of the road because I couldn't really shift through gears and give you any kind of footage of holding this two-pound camera and driving but guy is that thing sapping back in my seat no joke I'm not playing games with you I mean I'm being completely serious I'll have to do a video with it like in a couple days of in the cab like an acceleration with a hat niner maybe they try to get my acceleration reading it picked up some power it really did and it felt like good some good smooth power not obvious I bought it down on purpose for the smoke purposes just for Amrish oh but it really does like if you're not you know bogging it out like that though it really does it really does have a lot more power than it used to I highly freaking recommend doing whatever the heck I just did to my AFC housing tuning wise and now this truck is gonna get way more powerful and way better yet like I said guys this trucks only pushing maybe now with the AFC Towson tuning let's just be conservative and say it's pushing 275 horse now I think factory they're about 188 to 200 ish let's just say 175 with the straight pipe exhaust in the AFC howling tuning maybe 250 because we don't have a cold air intake on it yet but two guys we're starting to get there little by little there's a there's still some fine tuning I'd like to do to that AFC housing to make it run a little bit better like I said if you guys would like the added horsepower a little bit more of a smoke show and your tailpipe do that AFC housing tuning that I just did to my truck to yours if you guys want that but like I said do it at your own discretion don't just do it because I did it make sure you check your state laws and regulations and you guys understand the possible consequences not only of that but fuel mileage decrease all this other stuff if you guys want to really know do the research yourself and figure out and make sure it's actually what you really want to do in a if you're allowed to do it I don't know what the laws and regulations are on that for my area but all I know is tons of guys do it and that's what they recommended to get that job done and to work my way up to 600 horsepower obviously I'm gonna have to tune a little bit different when we start to really get up there but um I have certain goals with my truck and that's why I did what I did and everything's still gonna get fine-tuned and all the little details and stuff like that but if that's what you guys are looking for a little bit more horsepower a little bit more performance but pretty much other than that your truck stock that right there is a good way to get a little bit extra gains and it does not cost you a dime hit that subscribe button join the team leave a like on this video and I will catch you guys here tomorrow videos every single day sometimes I pick up Sundays sometimes out-of-town stuff like that but most the time it's pretty much every single day here and we don't stop we keep moving forward so thank you guys so much I catch you guys tomorrow peace when what I love going day-to-day but I know it takes time and uh patiently waiting sometimes I can't play cuz one day you feel so close in the next it's out of sight but I never got a hold on time to go back to just going out every night like if I'm gonna let it go never can live all right even normal life to another fire but I know one morning that I gained this skill wasn't born there at the end of the life
Channel: LOUD 'N' PROUD
Views: 148,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ParoDoXz, wutthaduck, injectors, cummins injectors, greg alberalla, streetspeed717, dipping diesel, 12 valve cummins, 24 valve cummins, 2nd gencummins, 1st gen cummins, first gen cummins, dodge ram, lifted cummins, 3rd get cummins, turbo scream, straight pipe cummins, big turbo, spooling big turbo, rollin coal, rolling coal, 4th gen cummins, 12v cummins, 24v cummins, powerstroke, duramax, diesel, I GOT MY 12 VALVE CUMMINS TO ROLL COAL!!! *FREE HORSEPOWER MODS!*
Id: lpVs5oZIyYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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