How to Travel to Every Country in the World with Lexie Alford

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[Music] alright guys welcome back to growth mines we've have a Lexie Lexie Alfred today congrats again by getting your Guinness Book of World Records thank you so much it's been a long time coming so it's official now you're the youngest person in the world to have travel to every single country 196 I think yeah 196 six according to me there's a lot of different definitions of how many countries there are in the world I don't know that yeah so mine was the 193 countries in the UN plus Taiwan and Vatican City and also I personally recognized Palestine as well so every country by 21 and is it 193 that's like the UN that's like what most people define it as but you won yeah at the UN 193 and then 195 some things some people think there's 205 it's a bunch of different definitions gosh yeah well it's official now so congrats on that by the way thank you so much it took I technically finished at the end of May and it's the end of the beginning of December now so you just finished like six months ago yes I technically finished in in May but had to battle about it with Guinness World Records for the past six months so what's that process like I think everyone's curious is like a lot of people to have like records I guess but I've never met anyone that has gone through the verification process especially traveling yeah so this is actually one of the most complicated Guinness World Records to prove I had to submit almost 7,000 pages of documentation in chronological order and I also started travelling when I was really young so yeah I had to either figure out how I could prove with all of the different evidence that's required about those places or I had to go back to them and there's like a huge list of evidence so I needed passport stamps visas plane tickets accommodation receipts any kind of taxi or any any kind of in inward or outward journey from a country I needed to be documented as well as to witness statements from two people I met in each country every country yeah every country so almost 400 signatures I had to add to get and it's not an easy form to fill out it asks for people's personal contact information and a lot of the time I was approaching complete strangers in the street a little bit more stress to my day and what about the places that you visited when you were young how did that you just have to go visit these places again so those places if it was close to where I already was if it was just like a day trip across the border I would go back for the day and get some fresh evidence for it or I was actually able my family owns a travel agency and I was actually able to find a shocking amount of documents from just how we we backlog all of the trips and plane tickets that we booked so I was able to get away with a good amount nice but I ended up having to go back to maybe 30 countries or so it's something like that how many did you travel to when you were young like us with your parents I traveled to s around 70 countries by the time I turned 18 Wow my family our Travel junkies my mom started a travel agency when she was 19 years old and yes I grew up they would pull me out of school and take me with them when they were working around the world so crazy crazy so you just gather all of this evidence even I guess as you were traveling so you must have had that mindset of going for the record at a certain point what was that tipping point where like oh like I'm halfway there or something yeah so I graduated from high school at 16 I got a degree from Community College by the time I turned 18 and since I was around 12 I had been saving to take off a whole year from work in school to try and two months into my gap year I ended up counting for one reason or another how many countries I had been doing my whole life and that's when I got to to the number 72 I thought to myself wow that that's actually kind of unique I wonder who's the youngest person to travel to every country and that's when the light bulb went off on my head and it went off in my head and I googled that for the first time and came up immediately with the Guinness World Record and it was held by a man who is over 24 years old it had never been held by a woman so it was as if as soon as I saw this record on my phone he just like oh I'm totally gonna have to do this or I'm gonna regret it for the rest of my life if I don't try you're 18 at that time I was 18 yes six years yeah so I had I had six years at six years savings and I was already a travel agent who knew how to to book complex itineraries right it's like I had no excuses and everything in your tool belt yeah exactly and just started kind of breaking the world down into regions I had no idea what I was getting myself into it all ended up being a lot more complicated than I could have ever imagined your parents would just like go do it or they never said no you're not gonna be able to do that or anything because in a way they had been preparing me my whole life for something like this with with all the places that they had brought me because they knew that I was capable of doing it especially on my own because I already kind of dipped my toes in every area of the world so gotcha gotcha prepares that's insane that's insane so then you you go out into this like journey so talk about how you prepared cuz a lot of people obviously want to travel but you've done it in a very focused kind of strict chick way obviously to fulfill your goal but also to experience the world in a way that people dream up their entire lives but you did it before you were 21 you said yeah so 21 and a half is the record now but yeah so I didn't really know what I was doing I had gone on some backpacking trips but nothing too too serious up to that point yeah so I kind of just I looked at the map highlighted all the countries that I hadn't gone to yet and then started looking like where's the easiest place to go to first so I I went to Central America and backpacked down Central America and then went to South America and went to the countries that I hadn't been to there and then it took two trips to finish up all of the kind of oddball countries in in Europe like I'll go to Southeast Asia in Asia and see how it goes over there and then it started getting a lot more complicated with the South Pacific Islands and realizing that there's 54 56 countries in Africa alone getting a lot I'm just realizing that there was so many countries that I had never even heard of before before doing this so just really one step at a time and starting starting small and starting with things that were close and that I had experience with and then that kind of just built the experience is built upon each other for how to navigate so many countries in a couple of months or how to start applying for visas and what that looks like and everything what's what's been like the hardest country for you so far talk about that experience yes so I would say that the country that was the most shocking for me was probably Yemen Yemen that was life there was no other country that I experienced that was on the same page of just a whole other whole nother type of of world because they've had a civil war for the past four and a half five years and it's just devastated the country and I had never seen so many people just walking around the streets with ak-47 and these ruins that were just these buildings that were destroyed by airstrikes and people still figuring out how to live there and it felt like very out of my comfort zone I went alone with a man that I had never met I was his photographer for a book he was writing and I was also me I was 19 years old oh my god 19 I had never been to anywhere like that I had never had to wear hijab before or an abaya so and that's actually the only real time that I felt that I was in any physical danger I woke up on in the middle of the night on our last night there - just the sounds of gunshots outside of our hotel and I just jumped out of bed and was immediately just adrenaline had an adrenaline rush and looked out the window there were about 50 or so men congregated in the in the parking lot of our hotel like blocking the exits and pushing each other around and yelling and it was terrifying and there was shooting off guns I literally ducked in my hotel room like what's what I could hear voices outside and even though I knew we were the only people staying in the hotel and that was absolutely the most scared I've ever been in my life and I called my contact in the country you need to answer because it was like 2 o'clock in the morning so I just had to wade it out in just like am i I was looking for like where to hide I didn't know they were gonna come up yeah if these people are gonna kidnap me they're probably just gonna kill my friend like we're gonna do me so I was so scared and like looking like should I hide under the bed or in this like chest I guess I never even had those kind of thoughts before in my life and then the next morning I was we were picked up by my contact in the and I asked him what had happened the night before and he said to me oh that was just a wedding party no we were just celebrating I just completely misunderstood context of what was happening they just shoot guns at the wedding yeah so they don't they don't drink alcohol in in Yemen so one of the ways that they celebrate is by shooting off their guns I know about any of that so it was a really interesting learning lesson though that yeah what can scare me so much is just a normal part of their cultural life and it was just my misunderstanding of their culture and not anything wrong with their is my god yeah so you're traveling all these countries and how much time do you spend generally on average with each country when you're going out and traveling yeah so it depends anywhere from three weeks to three days so I found that it's actually the least visited countries in the world that are the most expensive really counterintuitive so they like a like for example three days in Afghanistan with the amount of security the 24 24 hour security compounds like hotels and having to have a guide or two driver and all of these different safety precautions yeah costs about the same amount as backpacking for three weeks in Indonesia Wow it's so I self-funded this entire project so the amount of time that I could stay in each country was pretty much based just upon my my budget and I had a goal so I wanted to stretch my own finances to you know to meet the end of it so that was kind of in my mind the past year or two how much you can survive for and this it is a crazy country obviously yeah well actually I found that it's the places that were them told to fear the most that and up being the most hospitable like in in Yemen we were cordially invited into multiple people's homes and they didn't like they had nothing these people are nothing in comparison to what we have here and they were so ready to to give and feed us and let us stay with them and all of this like so welcoming and well that was one of the best takeaways that I had was that you really can't believe the stereotypes you have to go to these places yourself and create your own opinion from what Dennis Robert was just talking about is about North Korea it's a little bit controversial but how did you communicate with these guys when you were there because they don't speak do they speak English some of them so it it depends I only speak English so my my go-to thing when I go to a country where I know there's not going to be a lot of english-speaking people is that I ask my hotel or I find out on social media or something if there's any anyone that can take me or like a local right as soon as I land in a country I'm just on the lookout for a local yeah help show me around so I find different local guides and people I met off of Instagram just like the N people know just okay I would just say like hey I'm coming to this country does anybody know anyone there and most of the time they did shocked oh I didn't even have a large reach and I was still able to find people and almost every country I guess you got a good following now but you're saying before you just all like I didn't hit 10,000 followers until I had 10 countries left oh wow total so I actually gained over 250,000 followers after I finished no right once it once people decided because nobody wants to write about somebody that or share that story that's like trying to do something cool nobody cares until you're done such a fortunate so yes the world I had basically no following no media coverage at all while I was doing all of this I was completely on my own you had that before the social network is crazy how you can just tap in and find like yeah I believe that you're only a few degrees of separation between everyone that you could every ever want to meet yeah what was the number it was like five or six isn't there like a term like six degrees connection or something like that six degrees yeah something like that it's totally true I put that too I put that to the test it was oh yeah it's the same so how did you go about traveling alone to each of these countries how did you deal with loneliness that was definitely one of the things that I struggled with the most yeah travel to about 50 or so countries on my own right I feel that solo travel is something that everyone should try at least once in their life to you learned so much about yourself it does so many good things for yourself confidence and your independence it's it's an essential part of being a human is learning how to be fine navigating somewhere that you're not familiar with on your own there's so many learning lessons there definitely but it can get really really lonely especially after a couple of months of just not not speaking language not writing around anyone you know and I really struggled with that a lot especially like really isolate I spent Valentine's Day middle of the South Pacific on this tiny island called Tuvalu there's like very little population there at all no internet no phone can like no cell phone service no anything just completely alone in bed ya know like walking around a beach it's funny anyone to spend Valentine's Day but yeah so loneliness was definitely a struggle but it taught me how amazing it is to find people to travel with and that how I learned how to appreciate the time that you get to spend with people that you you care about who you have similar beliefs and values yeah and yeah it's made me appreciate it a lot more than I I did before I took it for granted without even without even realizing realizing it yeah it's hard to explain unless you've been through it so I mean we were talking about days off the podcast about so I dropped out of McGill actually in my last year and I went through definitely not a similar experience but I would visit first trip I did was to Buenos Aires Argentina and I would travel up to like a new country for the past five years or so I've lived in a different city every three to four months and so it was instead of like three days I would do three months or so and it's a similar experience where you you face a lot of loneliness and you know that out of like this survival instinct you have to be able to get to know someone really quickly and to be able to develop this connection or friendship and I personally felt this this habit of like becoming really good at connecting with someone really quickly just because I knew that I was alone there so you meet someone and you just connect right away but after like a few countries or a few cities you get into this habit of knowing that you're going to leave so it was almost this relationship that was starting when you start the moment you start you know you're going to be leaving and it was very hard a lot of times because you felt the attached detached from a lot of the relationships that you started whether it's like friendship or not like an actual relationship is there something that you've dealt with that as well because you're going through like yeah you're on steroids with that side of you three days a month right especially when you you meet someone that you really like or yeah you get along with and like a really speak of a special connection a special experience in that place but there's an expiration date at the at the end of it which is always tough and it was really distracting at times but upfront about that oh yeah everyone knows everyone knew that that I met knew that I was leaving at some point um so that was kind of just a part of the situation that that I was in and I was not gonna be able to be talked out of that that was your priority yeah but I found social media to be actually really helpful with that because I could in some way stay connected with the people that I met I now feel that I have this really awesome network of people all around the world that if I ever find myself there again that that I'd be able to reconnect with them or find them again really easily and still you know know what they're up to or what they've been doing yeah so I'm really grateful to be alive during a time that that's a possibility because there were some people I met like I connected with this man in Jordan that he was like a Bedouin tribesmen and had never phone Facebook Instagram or anything Friendster or something yeah like no connection to the outside world whatsoever so when I was saying goodbye I knew that I was never gonna see this person again I'm never going to talk to him again and it's like a really weird feeling of like it's kind of refreshing I mean yeah it was a little yeah it was really really refreshing too but it's been really cool to be able to you know keep keeping in touch in this in a in that certain way with the people I met along the way because you never know I've met up with the most random people I met that actually during that Valentine's Day trip yeah okay I I met this woman randomly there she was a kindergarten teacher from Chicago who was also trying to travel to every country and we ended up going together to Fiji Saudi Arabia Chad and Central African Republic together away cuz we just got along and we kept in we kept in touch of a messenger and she had the same goals yeah ended up real inking like the most strange areas of the world Wow yeah because of because of social media I always feel like oh well there's a chance I could see this person again if I really wanted to right that's true which is comforting yeah I mean you do you do need that connection for sure I mean it's it's especially dating it's it's it's it's so hard I find even now because I'm still traveling are you still traveling a lot by the way I guess you are I've taken a little bit of a break too to start my youtube channel and to also just take a breather yeah I have really awesome list of the places that I want to go back to so yeah I'm just kind of getting back into the planning mode of figuring out where I want to go next year yeah a little bit of a break right and how do you deal with that with when it comes to how did you deal with it when it comes to like I guess personal relationships like a boyfriend or something like that no I had been in a long-term kind of relationship before I started this whole record thing okay yeah so that completely completely ruined that I went through probably two or three like rough breakups throughout the whole time that I was traveling I felt pretty much undateable because of how determined I was to finish my goal I felt almost like selfish like I can't put anybody else's needs in front of my own because this is really important for me and my career and feeling fulfilled with my life and you're only gonna be so young once so it was really hard it's definitely really hard and I think that if you are someone that has like this massive project in their life or you know some like some dream that they're trying to fulfill or like a goal the key with dating is to find someone who also has something that important in their life so like a relationship where you know you're off doing all of these crazy things and you're super busy and then your significant other is just at home literally waiting for you to come back yeah that's never gonna work never gonna work so you have to find somebody that's at that equal phase in their life where they're busy too and they can't think about you all the time either so whenever you guys do have time to spend together that works but gotcha gotcha yeah yeah and the thing about solely traveling of notices obviously you're spending a lot of time alone together like by yourself and at first I was like a super extrovert and then it went through this 10-day meditation trip in Hawaii called the passing out and that and like mixture of other experiences it turned me into more like an ambivert which is like like I think that means like it's you're both and I realize like it's actually been healthy for me in the end as I've kind of start to settle down a little bit more and because I think what most people they get into this relationship because they're trying to fill this need or they're dependent on someone else being there for them during the relationship just like you mentioned whereas I think the this benefit of solo traveling is you get so comfortable being yourself that when you when you are ready to enter a relationship you're not you're not necessarily trying to fill a hole you're trying to find someone that can make you better because you know that if they don't you're completely okay being alone because you're just so used to it anyways so yeah that's definitely another plus-one if you want to solely travel in general just kind of it makes forces you to grow as a person so I think the more developed you you are on your own the better that you're gonna be in a relationship total no matter what yeah yeah has that I mean traveling all around the world oh what's your what's your relationship with travel now do you still look at it the same way I'm definitely not the way most people look at it so how do you personally look at travel and discovering new places I think that I am always gonna have a bit of a endless love affair with travel I was like my first love probably be my last love I have just it's been a part of my life since before I can even remember I can't really imagine a life without without travel being at the forefront of it it's always gonna be the most important thing to me I think maybe that's it's just where I'm at right now but um I just feel like all of the most incredible moments I've had the most painful but good learning lessons I've ever gone through really everything that I've needed to learn throughout my life has been taught in one way or another because of traveling right so I feel that it's a pretty much the most effective catalyst for personal growth and that's what I'm always trying to do is like learn learn and grow and you know become more connected right and in the world that we live in so travel has always been always been and will always be the most part of your life yeah and do you are you now trying to find different ways to travel I may be doing more long-term travel now instead of like a couple days or yes I definitely want to start traveling more deep deep travel and spending you know slowing it down I've realized that I don't I don't like hopping hopping around places every couple of weeks yes rather way rather take it take it slow and kind of see where it naturally takes me throughout a longer period of time yeah but I really feel like I almost got a like a sampler platter the whole world yeah got a little bit of a taste of everywhere and I would never want to change that experience because now I'm thinking of all of these places that I would have never even thought to have gone right if I hadn't have put myself in the situation of going to so many places for a short amount of time so it really opened up my mind a lot right what are some of those top places for people listening that I've got a lot no I want to inspire people to travel encourage them to go especially because one of the biggest issues I saw around the world while I was traveling was over tourism so there are these amazing places like Italy or Japan or Bali or something that they're touristy for a reason because they're amazing right the the amount of tourism is ruining the environment there and it's also making all of the the locals really jaded because of how many people come and just utilize their resources and you know trash their homes and then just leave without really contributing anything to the local economy or anything like that so the thing that I really want to encourage people and show people especially through my like the channels and the content that I put out is that there are so many awesome places that literally nobody is going to yeah thanks so much untapped potential in the places you would never even think of so one of the the main areas of the world that's been really capturing my attention is Central Asia Central Asia Central Asia has so much interesting stuff between Europe and Asia that everybody thinks of like China like in-between yeah there's like there's the the stands and places like Armenia and Georgia and Tajikistan and Kazakhstan like all of these countries that there's very little information about them or there's very little people like on social media traveling to these places but I am digging through and seeing even more photos and places that I didn't get to see while I was there because it's hard to get out to like the really really cool spots lives of hearts because it's dangerous I wouldn't say because it's dangerous but because it's just like it's a it's not as obvious like the infrastructure for tourism isn't as developed as it would be in France or something like it's not as straightforward so that's kind of off-putting for people they don't necessarily want to put in a little bit more research but the more you you look into the places that people aren't going you just find all of these hidden gems where the magic is instead of fighting to be this like 7,000 person to take a photo of the Eiffel Tower yeah that day you could have these serene mountains in Kyrgyzstan all to yourself yeah so yeah people for sure no I totally agreed though I so I lived in Mexico City right now and I'm back and forth in LA and my business partner was having like this music retreat in this place called San Pancho in Mexico it's like an hour drive from Porto far out it's called San Francisco night at eat and population of like 2,000 people and you get in there nobody has like cell phones or anything like that and everyone knows each other so you can leave your bike unlocked and like no one's gonna see like severy buddy knows each other's name which you think of when you think of traveling in Mexico definitely not definitely not I mean just amazing kind of destination is my favorite awesome feels like you're in on some secret that nobody knows about yeah totally yeah and like the people that were like the way they make money is all community driven as well so what would happen is the people like the mothers they would open up their house like their patio basically outside in front and it would set up chairs and they would just have like a little sign that says like dollar in pesos and they would just make a little extra of what they were making in their dinner for their children and they would put it out to the people that lived there and obviously people go there so it's like you're getting home-cooked meal you're able to enter into someone's home and that's like the way they're like a small little economy works and it was just so refreshing for me amazing those are my favorite kind of travel memories and stories to tell yeah so much more memorable than like laying by a pool and some resort in Cancun yeah I mean it's not in stuff friendly I guess but you know it certainly can be just not people don't think that immediately because there's not a ton of people doing it right but it really can be I see so many travel vloggers and bloggers putting out genuine travel experiences and then audience are loving it because he's doing it huh yeah I really really like interesting niche that's developing I imagine yeah there's like a lot of this places are so travel to that the thing about is like I I feel almost the my instinct is not to take out my technologies just because no one else can no one has it yeah if you don't want to be present but now I can totally I can totally see that yeah well it's nice to about like taking out technology in that kind of environment is that people aren't really used to it so like when you're you know bombarding this little village in Austria that has like a thousand people coming to it every day and tour buses to take photos of it the locals are gonna hate you yeah like when I was in Pakistan Pakistan is really underdeveloped for tourism but the potential is unbelievable it's like such a best-kept secret it's gonna be completely different in ten years Wow but what about it now is it's just so like the natural beauty and one where I was going was these people are so friendly and they've never really been jaded towards foreign tourists before they've never really annoyed by them yet yeah they're so excited when you take out your camera they all want to take photos with you or like have their photos taken they're like really excited just like when you pull out a drone and start playing a drone they're like so excited because I've never really seen anything like it before like yeah yeah yeah they're not annoyed by it yet so that's another perk of traveling to the lesser known areas yeah you got to find the ones where they're you're not judging it's actually a little bit more encouraged than unusual gotcha yeah in the end cuz you're helping them attract more tourists so you're actually yeah it helps their opening me so much they're so grateful to I mean the huge tour companies in Greece so like kind of a monopoly I'm sure there's one or two people capitalizing on each of them but when you go to an underdeveloped country and you spend money on a local guide and then you eat at the local restaurants that that money that you're spending is going directly into their economy mm-hmm which I've always really enjoyed spending my money in that way really being able to see where it's where my money's going definitely definitely well I'd like to end it off with I think there's a lot we can learn about some travel hacks or tips that you may have about how people can find low fares how people can get around what's been something that's been true to you since you've started traveling that's always been very useful as you find out in your countries to play visit and so forth yeah so one thing that I have found really interesting and not a lot of people or companies will tell you it is that you actually don't everyone's looking for the the secret or the hack - or like what kind of you know luggage they can get or there's camera they can get to make their experience of traveling like so much easier yeah I would say my number one piece of advice is like don't let any kind of material need for material possessions or anything like get in the way of you going out and traveling just don't let anything like slow you down from from just getting out there or like don't let anything hold you back because you actually don't need anything really don't tell you really don't you know maybe like a change of clothes the kind of thing but you don't need like a new fancy camera or or like this certain type of skin moisturizer have like a good time yeah so I really want to encourage people not to spend too much money on things that they don't need just go out and and try to find an authentic experience somewhere is there been this sometimes I always ask is is there a purchase that you've made that's been let's say less than a hundred dollars that has been really useful throughout your travels can you think of something like that that anyone can just buy anyone listening I'm just really when it comes to travel I'm a I'm a minimalist I I traveled to pretty much every country with only a carry-on piece of luggage so I really don't think that there's like any one thing that you need to other than I mean some kind of camera just some way to capture it can be your phone it can be a little like an old GoPro yeah there's some way to capture the experience that's like the only the only thing you need gotcha just the idea is just bring less than you think yeah bring probably one one one case yeah what's the least amount of things that you brought through your travels I usually only travel with like four or five different combinations of of clothes I keep it really light really like basic simple never packed like a pair of heels or never pack anything that you're only gonna use once alright stay away from those yeah so you do laundry like every couple days I guess oh yeah like every week or so yeah it's something like that and then just wash if I can't find a way just don't sweat that much [Laughter] but yeah I just say keep it simple yeah we really don't need anything fancy just do it nice experience you can just get out and do it you no need you don't need anything love it cool well where can people find you what's something that you've got coming down now you've got a YouTube channel that's coming out everyone should check out where can people find you online yeah yeah so if you want to find out more about my adventures you can check out my Instagram and YouTube and website all at Lexie limitless and I'm going I just launched my youtube channel I'm really excited about this because I've been stockpiling footage from every country for years and I'm just gonna be releasing it releasing it now and also I'm developing a travel course called how to travel so you can check that out for all of my in-depth tutorials and tips tips around that so and the course is just gonna show people like where to find best countries how to get the best prices and yeah so I'm gonna break down there's gonna be a basic half of it where I'm breaking down how to find flights how to pack efficiently the kind of things that people want to know for their first first trips and then a more advanced side of it of how to plan a 30 country trip or how to get visas for really like getting complicated visas for hard to hard to get to countries stuff like that yeah I've learned I've learned a lot made so many mistakes so I want to help people not make as many mistakes I mean one of the methods you try to get at North Korean ice is curious yeah so I contacted every tour company that runs tours into North Korea I looked into how to get in by boat not the most legal I tried actually my friends were trying from a huge really well-known new station in the partnership with the Olympics they applied to the US government to get a single-use passport for journalists to go in to cover the North Korean marathon and they wrote this whole whole letter spent maybe twenty thousand dollars on lawyers the letter saying you know sports kinnexa is supposed to connect us all like we'd like this story deserves to be covered and yeah the u.s. still denied their denied their visas so it's been absolutely impossible I've been told no so many times over and over again and then I found the the JSA the joint security area in the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea yeah I was as close as I could get I went there tried the first time was denied access civilian access that time flew all the way to South Korea for that to literally be able to see anywhere I wanted to go then had to try again six months later when I was told that it was reopening and then I barely got it because they closed it again for some sort of meeting between Trump and and softer yeah yeah the North Korea closed it right after I left so my god yeah I was a really frustrating one I would still love to go and see that place for myself wasn't able to share it with people Saturday yeah one day well you can't say you don't know that you haven't tried every single things yeah I learned a lot about North Korea process at least there's that I'll exit thanks so much for being on and check her out guys on youtube or course and I think you've got a book coming out right course is gonna be coming out first perfect all right Chuck Lexi out guys thanks so much for being on thank you
Channel: Sean Kim
Views: 1,460
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneurship, podcast, interview
Id: HN75hQ2G69k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 58sec (2638 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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