How to TRAVEL in the UK | Cheap Public Transport in London & UK

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so what's brilliant about London its transport system what's a nightmare about London also its transport system you could actually look forward to it or you could be in absolute genifit if you don't know how to navigate it so which one is it going to be hi guys I must confess I was quite overwhelmed with the transport system in the UK because it can get a little complicated I mean in India most of the times it's take a train or a bus or a cab but here there are so many options so many different lines it's natural that you're going to get confused to be honest I think I've landed up on the wrong train a couple of times but now with experience I finally got the hang of it and I think I'm quite comfortable on the trains right now I'm quite good at it so a couple of days ago I asked for suggestions on Instagram on and on YouTube on what the next video should be and one of you suggested this and I was like oh my God yes the transport system in the UK is so complicated it absolutely deserves its own video so in today's video we're talking about UK's transport system the train and Tube system by buses transport outside London travel hacks to travel to a cheaper in the UK transport apps you must absolutely have and how to travel to and from the airport I'm ashika and with that let's Dive In [Music] so depending on where you want to go how much you want to spend and how much time you have in your hands there's a bunch of options in terms of Transport both public and private in the UK and you can pick whichever you want so that's the train there's the tube the bus the tram the ferry cabs bikes the Emirates Cable Car helicopter not kidding and horse-drawn carriages again not kidding now like you can imagine some of these are a little more touristy than others so don't expect to roll into your office every day in a hospital and carriage that might be a little too much or even the helicopter for that matter but they do exist but the honest truth is that most people when they commute within the UK they either take the bus the Train the tube um camps they bike it or they walk or if you have a tram wherever you live then trans [Music] if you plan on traveling in London there are a couple of times you should familiarize yourself with the first one is dfl or Transport for London the second one is the gwr which is a Great Western Railway and as you can imagine it's not really limited to London it's the Western Railway the next thing you need to know is that London is divided into zones with Zone one being the closest to the nearest to Central London and zone 9 being further away so it's divided between Zone 1 and zone 9. now the reason why you need to know about zones is because which zone you're coming from honestly will determine how much you pay as your ticket price so obviously the further away you stay from Zone one of the further away you're traveling between zones the more expensive your tickets will get this is the tube map and like you can see there are zones there are also lines there are multiple lines and this is just London because the tube goes only to London there's a red line Blue Line yellow line yada yada now I wouldn't worry too much about the lines what I first suggested you figure out where you're going from and where you need to go and then you can figure out where on the map it falls whether it's in the north south east west whatever the line will come naturally or the simpler way to do it is in the way I do it is you just look at Google Maps so one of the other apps I'll talk about really quickly and then you don't really have to worry about too much about what these lines are because the apps will really tell you where you need to go from which platform all of those details now another really important thing is when you're traveling so when you travel honestly determines how much you're going to pay as your ticket fare because there are peak times and non-peak times because are basically from 6 30 to 9 30 in the morning and from four o'clock to seven o'clock in the evening on Monday to Friday now you really need to remember this because I will bring this up a bunch of times going ahead in the video and you will also need to remember this on a daily basis when you're booking your tickets to try and see if you can reduce your prices anyway one of the most popular ways of traveling within London is obviously the tube like you might have heard of it it's also called The Underground at times and it's really great because it honestly connects almost all of London to each other now something else you need to know is that at the tube stations you have to pay via a ticket at the ticket barriers there are ticket barriers at the entry and exit of every station and these ticket barriers except card they accept contactless payments and they expect except uh travel cards oyster cards all of that but the point is they don't accept cash so you can't go and try and give cash to a ticket but it won't accept it so you if you don't have a card on you and if you don't have contactless or anything like that you will have to buy a ticket or a day pass or whatever it is at the entrance of the station and use it at the ticket barriers for areas that aren't covered by the tube you've got the overground rail there's also something called docklands light Railway a unique driverless Railway line which also connects with the cube at various Junctions the areas that are not covered by the underground or the overground are covered by the real services now just like with the tube the rail system also has the same process they have ticket barriers so you need tickets to go in or you need to have a card that accepts tap and pay or contactless payment now on your ticket if you buy a physical ticket it will be mentioned till where the ticket is valid now assume I wanted to go from maidenhead to Paddington because I live in maidenhead I'm going to use that as an example and if I decide not to use my card or contactless and I decide to buy a ticket I will buy one ticket from badenhead to Paddington and another ticket back from Paddington back to maidenhead the ticket will have it written whether it's from meeting maidenhead to Paddington or vice versa whatever it is so when I entered the station at Mid maidenhead I need to pop this little ticket into the slot into the ticket barrier it's going to swallow it up and it's going to scan it and it's going to pop it back out and I need to keep this ticket with me hop on the train now when I get off at Paddington I need to then present this same ticket at the ticket barrier at the Paddington Station or I can't leave the station need to pop it again into the ticket barrier this time it's going to swallow the ticket and not give it back to me because the journey ends at Paddington right for that one specific ticket to go back from Paddington to Maiden hand you need to reserve or preserve the other ticket that you have because you'll have to repeat the process all over again to go back always remember you need your ticket to enter and to exit from the train station so don't toss it away after you've hopped onto that first chain if I'm using my card instead it's a lot simpler so I tap once at the maidenhead station then I get off at Paddington at Paddington at the ticket barrier again I tap again and now the system knows how much to calculate because it knows where I have tapped in and tapped out and at the end of the day not immediately after this journey at the end of the day it will then calculate how much I spent on the train of the rail system and then a final amount will be deducted because after I get off at Paddington I may go in the tube somewhere else so the amount isn't honestly instantly debited it's debited towards the end of the day something you should remember is that you can buy tube tickets at any Rail stations and not just at Tube Station so keep that in mind [Music] now when I want to go from maidenhead to Paddington I have multiple options I can either take the Elizabeth line or I can take the gwr I can't take it to you because like I said the tube is only valid within London and maidenhead it's outside London so there's no tube over here so I have to pick between one of these options I've already told you what the gwr is let me explain what the Elizabeth line is it's basically a rail line that stretches more than 100 kilometers from reading and Heathrow in the west through Central tunnels across shenfield and Abbey Wood in the east now earlier if I wanted to go from reading or maidenhead to Bond Street which is in London I would have had to take a gwr from either reading or maidenhead because there's no tube either at maidenhead or at reading because it's outside London and I would have to take this train all the way to Paddington at Paddington I would have to get off get out of the station go downstairs to the tube station get on to the tube which then goes to Bond Street and then I would be on my way and this entire process of switching trains and stations would take anywhere between 3 minutes to 10 minutes depending on how crowded the station is now with the Elizabeth line I can hop on either at uh reading or at maidenhead and go all the way to Bond Street from this same line that's brilliant because I don't have to go through the hassle of changing trains now now it's obviously slower because there are a lot of stops on the way but it's definitely worth not having to go through all of the crowds and running up with all of your bags now depending on where you want to go and how fast you want to go there are multiple trains now assume I want to go from Paddington back to maidenhead in the evening after a long day of work well there are multiple options there's the Elizabeth line at 5 20 which isn't ideal because it stops at multiple stops and it takes 41 minutes then there's also a gwr train which stops at maidenhead on the way to reading at 5 56 but again multiple stops it takes 34 minutes but there's also a faster train to maidenhead which is an Express train so slightly more expensive but a lot faster because it takes only 22 minutes so honestly you have multiple options and like you saw apart from these three chains there were also a lot of other trains so plan ahead of your journey and you'll honestly see a lot of options and with experience you'll know which routes are more crowded than others because sometimes you easily get space on the Train sometimes you'll find it more difficult during extreme peak hours so plan your journey ahead [Music] now there's also the buses in London the iconic red buses but something you should keep in mind which we learned the hard way again is that the buses don't accept cash and every single adult needs to tap with their card or their either their debit credit card whatever or their oyster cards which I'll come to in a bit but the point is you need to have an individual card so if you're traveling in a in a bunch in a well maybe a pair or a bunch of people one person can't pay for multiple people you need to have individual cards again the bus is definitely more inexpensive compared to the train but it takes a little longer so most people honestly do prefer the tube or the train rather than taking the bus but considering all the strikes going on with the rail system right now it might be a good option for you to know where your bus stop is what the timings are and how much it costs you if you aren't really sure about the timings the really good thing about the bus stops over here is that each of the bus stops has a little printed uh timetable of when the bus comes in the exact time and the buses here are usually bang on time so you can just refer to the timetable at the bus stop if you want to know what time the bus is coming now for a minute let's talk about transport outside London because transport outside London isn't as robust as transport within London for instance maidenhead didn't have the Elizabeth line until a few months ago and now finally reading in Maiden have habit which is absolutely great the bus on the other hand of course there are plenty of buses but are you what I've normally seen is the buses usually do a repeat after route everyone are so if you've missed the bus or if the bus doesn't suit your timings you're honestly in a bit of a fix because there is no other bus covering it so you're gonna have to wait for quite a bit so you either plan your entire schedule according to the bus schedule which is not really the way to do it or you look for alternates like in our case the bus stop is about seven to ten minutes away from our house but we can't take the bus to school because the timings don't really match in our case either we get to school extremely early like 20 30 minutes ahead of the school opening or we get that too late so it doesn't work out so keep that in mind depending on where you live if it's an extremely remote place there may not even be buses coming close by so if you are looking to find a house always remember to check where the closest bus stop is where the closest train station is so that you don't end up being stranded because we have holidayed in some places in the UK which are completely secluded and there's nothing close by so make sure that doesn't happen to you [Music] now as with all big places of course there are cabs also if you want to take a cab the most prominent players I would say over here are Uber and bolt but apart from that um you also have local taxis and local cabs so a lot of times when you get out of the station you'll see a bunch of caps parked over there and in our case the cabs are affiliated to the Burrows so they have rbwm printed and all of their caps so we know they're not Ubers or Olas and not Ola sorry I'm so used to India they're not Ubers or boats but they're actually City taxis and that actually brings up a really interesting point um in India for instance and I don't know about other places but I can tell you about India in India the cabs usually have some form of branding or the other on the cap so you know it's a cab but in the UK the cabs often have no branding so you don't know whether it's somebody's private car or it's a cab which is why it's really important that if you're hopping into someone's car please read the car number on your app before randomly jumping in because there's no signage whatsoever most of the time so you can make a mistake [Music] now the tricky thing with camps is that cap prices can fluctuate quite a bit now on an average if I had to take a cab from my house to the school it's about 1.2 miles and that would cost me about like eight or nine bucks but there are times I have had to pay 30 bucks Just To Go 1.2 miles simply because it was a really cold day and there were absolutely no cabs available anywhere on that day and so Uber decided to jack up the prices so if you do plan on traveling really often by cab keep that in mind the prices can go up crazily and sometimes there can be no cabs available now another really common way to get around either London or some other major parts of the UK is also by bike and the good thing about London is you can very easily hire these bikes it can either be a regular cycle or it can be an electric bike and you can hire them for about 1.65 pounds so 30 minutes and Santander has sponsored lot of these bikes you also see sometimes Barclays some other bank but it's a really really good option it's a really great way to see London to get around London no pollution and very cost effective if you ask me [Music] now one thing you should bear in mind is that people in the UK love to walk they love to walk inside London they love to walk outside London they love to walk everywhere well because hey they're smarter B they care about the environment see well it's a beautiful walk and they they know what's good for their health which we obviously don't but anyway a good option is to consider walking wherever you need to go it's a very common site here for you to see parents walking their children to school people walking to the station to catch a train to go to work people walking to the high streets to buy groceries they'll go along with a little bags so very very common to walk if you can walk I would highly suggest you do that it's great for you the air is absolutely brilliant you won't regret it that's quite a bit wasn't it but we're not even nearly done we're next gonna talk about travel hacks in the UK and how you can travel in the UK for cheaper but if you feel this video has helped you till now or even after you watch the entire video and you feel it's helped you don't forget to give this video a thumbs up and write down in the comment section below how you plan on traveling in the UK or if you feel I've missed anything let me know in the comment section below and as always don't forget to subscribe [Music] so if you don't plan on walking in the UK it's gonna cost you quite a bit so it's really important for you to know how you can save money because a lot of these expenses will be expenses you're occurring on a daily basis and they add up to quite a bit at the end of it so let's break down how you can save money now one way of doing this is by buying a travel card a travel card in the zones it's valid for gives you unlimited travel at any time on the bus tube tram DLR London overground the Elizabeth line the national rail services in London you can use it on all buses and if valid in zones 3 4 5 or 6 on all trams you can use your travel card to get one third off on Riverboat fares on some services travel cards can start on any day now you have the option of buying a seven day travel card which gives you seven days of travel for the price of five days there's also monthly travel cards which are generally cheaper than buying four consecutive seven-day travel cards they give you a saving of 11 compared with the continuing using of seven-day travel cards there's also annual Travel cards which give you a saving of 13 compared to monthly travel cards so you get 12 months travel for the price of ten and a half another option is the day travel card you can get unlimited travel in one day with a day travel card which is a paper ticket there's the option of anytime day travel cards which can be used for the date on the ticket and for Journey starting before 4 30 the next day there's also off peak day travel cards which are used from 9 30 from Monday to Friday anytime on weekends or bank holidays for the date on the ticket and for Journeys starting before 4 30 the next day there's also a group day travel card if you are traveling in a group of 10 or more together foreign for cheap is by using the Oyster card it's basically a plastic smart card that you can add money to like a prepaid balance and you can do this at any Tube Station or shops where you see oyster signage you can pay as you go to travel on the bus tube tram DLR London overground most Elizabeth lines the ifs Cloud cable the Thames Clipper River Bus Services you can also travel on most national rail services in London and some outside London the best part is you can add your travel card bus bus and your discounts to your oyster card now oyster fares are substantially cheaper than buying paper tickets for single Journeys you can buy an oyster card from any tube London overground and tfl station as well as some DLR and National Rail stations and the card itself is free but you would need to pay a five pound deposit when you get the first one if you decide you no longer need your oyster card you can send it back and the tfl or the transport for London will give you your deposit back if you're 18 or over a student and living in a London borough you can get discounted travel with an oyster photo card your 18 plus student oyster photocard expires when your course ends with an 18 plus you can save 30 on adulterate travel cards and bus and tram past season tickets bear in mind there are some routes that don't accept oyster so make sure you check for instance you can't use an oyster card between Paddington and maidenhead because oyster cards are not accepted at Elizabeth Line stations between either and reading and to get from Paddington to maidenhead you have to cross either so oyster is not valid there [Music] there's another option called The Rail card your National Rail card gives you discount on the tube DLR London overground Elizabeth line and National Rail Services there's a 16 to 25 rail car which gives you one third discount on off-peak pay as you go travel you can add your discount to an oyster card or an 18 plus student oyster photo card there's also a 26 to 30 rail card which gives you one third discount on off-peak pay-as-you-go travel next there's a senior rail card where if you're over 60 you can get one third off on off peak pay as you go travel and you can add your discount to an oyster card there's also a network rail card where you get one third discount on off-peak rail travel in London and the south east for either up to three adults age 16 or over or for up to four children age between 5 and 15 that are traveling with you there's also the family and friends rail card and a two together rail card now I'll leave these details here so you can take a screenshot or make a note of it and of course you'll find a lot more details on the dfl website which I will link in the description [Music] when it comes to children children under 5 can travel free at any time on all public transport without a ticket as long as they're accompanied by an adult with a valid ticket Under 11's can travel free at any time on London's buses and trams without a ticket they can also travel free at any time on the tube London overground and DLR when they are traveling with an adult who has a valid ticket up to four children under 11 years old accompanied by a paying adult travel free on London Underground unaccompanied children between five years and 10 years must have a valid 510 zip oyster photo card for free travel on trains in the London area run by the national Railways children between 5 years and 15 years need a child ticket unaccompanied children aged between 11 years to 15 years must get an 11 to 15 zip oyster photo card to travel free on buses trams and at child rate on the tube DLR and London overground services using an oyster card now there's a bunch of other discounted options but not all of them are valid for the people watching this but I'll anyway leave a link in the description below so you can check it out at your own pace now coming to the apps that you need for transport in the UK and there are quite a bit for cams like I mentioned you can use Uber and bolt to know about trains you can use Google Maps City mapper or train line for buses check UK bus checker to compare prices use gopili I'm assuming that's how you pronounce it it Compares chains coaches flights across Europe and then sorts them out by Price duration departure time for ease of choosing if you need help with the tube download the tube map London Underground if you want to ride a bike download the Santander Cycles app if you want to know how to travel in the most eco-friendly way download changes CO2 fit [Music] now let's talk about traveling to and from the airport if you're flying into the UK soon into any one of London's airports and you're not sure how you're going to get to wherever you need to go the good news is that all of the airports have a train service from the airport all the way to Central London they also have the national Express buses now you might be tempted to take the Heathrow Express for instance because well it's more convenient but you should keep in mind that they're slightly more expensive if you're taking the Heathrow Express from Heathrow to Central London it's going to cost you about 37 bucks but if you take one of the underground options it's just going to cost you about five bucks you may want to consider that now if you don't want to take a bus or a train because we probably have too much luggage here too tired there's also the option of taking the taxis that are outside the airport the black taxis and they usually take you wherever you go they have a prepaid meter meter inside the taxi but a word of caution it's really important for you to understand how much it's going to cost you because it can get quite expensive and if you're not sure how much it's going to cost you a quick way to do that would be to just quickly check and see if you took a Uber or a bolt all the way from the the airport to wherever you needed to go to see approximately how much it's going to cost you and the the airport cap is going to be a little similar probably a little more so keep that in mind because it can get really really expensive if you take caps from the airport but sometimes there's no option but just be aware most of these cabs have a prepaid meter like I just told you and they have a card option so you can pay by card in the cab now speaking of where you're going to live did you know that some of the areas in the UK aren't as safe as other areas where some of the areas are quite honestly quite shocking the crime rates are really high and they can be really dirty now considering you're moving to the UK you might be a little unsure on where to live what if you're going to live in one of those places right well the easy way to do this is to watch this to find out and make sure you don't stay in any of these places
Channel: Absolutely Ashika
Views: 36,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cheapest way to travel in uk, travel in the UK, Travel in London, getting around london, the tube, how to travel around london, public transportation in london, oyster card london, london underground, london tube, how to use the london underground, london public transportation, how to buy an oyster card, Trains in uk, Bus in UK, Transport in UK, How to use public transport in London, how to use public transport UK, cheap public transport in London UK, how to travel in uk
Id: CW3zBMpeZ8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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