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what is up everyone Andy Krueger here here with my buddy Lincoln German Shepherd he was in one of my more popular videos from last year the first steps of teaching heal if you haven't watched that definitely check it out I'm here for a little update Lincoln's back for some training and I'm going to show you some of the progress that he's made with that heel command you guys know how I roll loaded up with some food on me for him for rewards he now fully understands the heel position and the behavior so we've layered in our training collar and negative reinforcement and we're gonna hit some training drills so sit back relax Lincoln are you ready are you ready oh yeah he's ready let's go yes [Music] foreign [Music] so in that first video we're teaching in the heel position and it's a lot of this it's a lot of this we've done that quite a bit he fully understands it so now we are fading the lore this is the next step this is when the hand comes off his face then the food ultimately comes out of the hand so here comes the fade here we go ready okay oh yeah food is not directly in his face anymore he's waiting patiently for it it's a loose leash yes if your dog can't do that don't you dare move on [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you do you want to bond with your dog do you want to teach a real skill set or do you just want to stop the pulling if you just want to stop your dog from pulling and doing other things this probably ain't the channel for you this is teaching the actual behavior of heel it's teaching the dog this is your favorite place to be this is the best part of your day walking right next to me working for me [Music] you see how we're progressing it's food in the face it's food away from the face now it's no food in the hands at all foreign [Music] [Music] okay [Music] right you see how the progression starts to happen fading Allure is a skill set in and of itself there's many steps it sure isn't easy but hopefully watching some of these drills will give you some good ideas how you can begin to do it with your dog okay [Music] thank you [Music] okay [Music] side note one of the most asked questions on the previous video with him was how do you do this with a small dog yeah the dog's right at your waist how do you do it with a smaller one well I actually made a video with a small dog so how dare you for asking that question without watching the rest of my videos here's the answer yeah bend over Andy that's gonna kill my back okay don't get a small dog with a small dog how do you reward anything sit down come Place free you bend over for everything that's like buying a big piece of furniture and having it dropped off it's got to go up to the second floor you go well how am I going to get it there that's gonna kill my back it just might hire someone to do with that the exact same principles apply to a small dog to a puppy but yeah you gotta bend over a little bit so do your stretches drink your water you'll be just fine [Music] thank you [Music] yes eye contact and attention is not required but it sure is nice I definitely pay the eye contact but the position is what's important because obviously if I take Lincoln for a walk out and about downtown he's not going to be staring right at me the whole time now he's going to be inclined to periodically check in with me because that's what's been paid so that's great but the dog is certainly allowed to look around observe the environment so don't worry if your dog isn't staring at you the whole time as long as their head is in line with your hip and when your left hand just reaches down it touches the top of the dog's head that's when they're in the perfect position [Music] yes foreign ultimately the goal is to replace the food with praise they're both positive reinforcement they're both the reward the dog likes both of them that praise has to be valuable to your dog if you try to pet your dog out in public and they're like and they don't want any part of it that praise doesn't hold a whole lot of value does it so getting away from the food we want to go to praise and every now and then boom reward marker I explode food magically comes out I'll show you [Music] okay [Music] when big link looks up at me I want to pay that a bunch of healing no food out praise only he's doing good doing good Boom the food comes out this is fading the Lord you can't go from constant feeding all the time to Total cold turkey no food there's a process behind it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] technique negative reinforcement on the training collar Opa is the French word for heal Opie Opie good boy good boy yes the leash is your friend it's an extension of your arm use it not to correct but to communicate everyone sees the leash in prong and they go [Music] battle spikes on Fluffy's neck and you jerk it and the spikes dig into fluffy and it makes me sad just because the dog's wearing a prong collar it doesn't mean we're punishing doesn't mean we're ripping the dog's head off it's a communication tool can you correct with it of course you can but that's not its only purpose the dog should be excited when the prong collar comes out just like your dog gets excited when you go you want to go for a walk fluffy and you go get the leash out of the mud room and they go nuts why not with the prong collar it's a training tool your dog loves training they should love the collar [Music] foreign oh yeah that's a good boy okay yes so you guys can see how this command should evolve and develop the more time you spend with the dog referencing the first video again if you only do what you saw in that video one million times over it's not going to get you to the end result of heal it's called the first steps of training heel but you can't stay on the first step forever so fading the lore adding a training collar when the dog understands the behavior understanding negative reinforcement you can clearly see that Mr Lincoln understands what I want from him when I tell him Opa therefore if I start adding distractions into the environment neighbor dog behind a fence kid on a bike it's more than fair to start correcting the dog appropriately for totally leaving heel because he knows what you want in the first place you're telling him what to do instead of what not to do here's what's not fair you spend six months with your German Shepherd on a flat collar on a harness for some reason your knees don't bend walking like that and one day you go you know what my dog's getting so strong walking him is a nightmare I'm gonna put on the prong and start making him stop pulling not fair to the dog whatsoever because you're telling him what not to do instead of what to do you tell him for months pull pull yup this is it this is it and then one day you go metal spikes in your neck stop it right now dog goes wait a minute you've been lying to me this whole time this is unfair I don't trust you I don't feel bonded to you the heel position first everyone always asks how do you stop pulling how do you stop pulling and you're gonna hate my answer if you ask that question the answer teach heal start to finish that's how you stop pulling you put an actual heel command on the dog there's no magic trick there's no magic collar dogs can pull on a prom collar almost the same as they can pull on a flat collar nothing magic about the collar it's the technique it's how you use it it's what you teach the dog in the first place so linky here is wearing down a little bit we're gonna do one more lap gonna get the boy some water maybe we'll let him jump in the pond okay link here we go look alive Lincoln look alive yep got the food boom load him up boy ready [Music] my leash isn't doing the work Lincoln's brain's doing the work yes [Music] I tell all my clients if you take your dog for an hour walk and they're tired at the end of it if you actually have a real heel command take him for a 15 minute walk he'll be way more tired he'll be mentally worked tired in a much better way and you won't have to over exercise the heck out of your dog German Shepherds are known for hip dysplasia they're known for joint issues especially as they get older the biggest mistake is getting a German Shepherd puppy not having the right lifestyle not being educated on training creating a rambunctious puppy and just running them into the ground walks walks walks walks dog park daycare run run run run he's still not tired you can't exercise a puppy like that it's horrible for their structure their growth plates aren't even close to being closed yet you're gonna kill their elbows and hips you need to work the dog like you see here work the dog instead of just exercising the dog of course exercise is important throw them in the yard give them a toy let them run around here and there great perfect but you need to work your dog and not just run them into the ground and depend on them being exhausted to behave then you work for your dog dog doesn't work for you I hope this video helps hope I didn't defend anyone Lincoln we appreciate your work Buddy we appreciate your work Bud oh yeah oh yeah okay oh okay okay Lincoln we've obviously broken his spirit kidding if you guys have it if you like what you see you want to learn more hit my patreon Andy Krueger over 100 videos full training sessions step by step broken down there's tons of healing videos on there hours worth in fact so if you really want to make the investment in your dog and in your training you will not need anything else except patreon so check that out let me know what you guys think in the comments until next time Lincoln tell them tell them link all right we're still working on that free see you guys foreign
Channel: Andy Krueger Dog Training
Views: 51,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: German shepherd, German shepherd training, dog training, heeling, heel command, training heel command
Id: i2kiB3kcAiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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