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what is up guys we are currently down at the water down at the Broadwater on the Gold Coast we're going to hit a 14 kilometer run or an hour and 10 minutes which should be around 14 kilometers and um to be honest I'm not really that Keen today it's pretty windy a bit rainy outside but it is what it is I'm going to show you guys a full day of training today so we're gonna go hit a gym session I'm not sure which gym I'm going to train at yet but we're going to go through a full workout probably gonna do a voice over and um yeah show you guys a full day of training as a hybrid athlete in Marathon prep so running my main priority at the moment I always get it done first thing in the morning and then I usually go to gym just whenever I can um and usually try to get there when it's not too busy as my hours are pretty flexible these days with my work and stuff um usually try to train around 1 or 2 p.m before the rush but um yeah I bought my camera along I'm going to show you guys a little bit of my running route today like I said it's not the greatest day but um yeah let's get to it [Music] [Music] all right we're about four and a half kilometers in feeling really really good at the moment oh what a cop at six a.m this morning so when I was chatting to you guys before it was about 20 past seven so I don't wake up at 4am every single day this year in particular or just the last few months really been focusing on getting a good amount of sleep when I can because I pretty much work from home and just create content and stuff as well I've got freedom and I kind of can sleep in a little bit more so last night I got about nine hours of sleep and I'm really feeling good and fresh today heart rate is staying well below 150 we're holding about five minute pace so we're just going past Sea World at the moment step 5Ks but I just wanted to mention one of the the main things you need to focus on Gwen trying to balance going to the gym and getting better at running because you need to learn and understand low heart rate training so that means not going out every single day and running as hard as you can making sure you do an easy days and then incorporating speed workouts and longer runs when you can if you like there's a lot of dudes out there doing the hybrid stuff but they're not actually that fast either they're running slow lifting heavy weights which is good but you got to focus as well on what do I actually want to get better at so if you want to run a fast Marathon you might have to prioritize running for a while and accept that you're not gonna lift heavy ass waves I've seen a comment recently on one of my videos someone's like this guy looks small he needs to bulk the thing is I've been like 10 kilos heavier than I am right now I've done the whole bodybuilding thing a bean a lot bigger while doing no cardio whatsoever and I tell you what I feel 100 times better right now lighter still strong aesthetic but not some massive dude that can't run 100 meters without getting puffed oh sorry another thing if I'm bulking how the hell am I supposed to get better at running my main focus is to run a quick Marathon something around 250. so I don't need to be any bigger than I am right now [Music] all right we're back at the car but we got 20 seconds left so gonna finish it off so we hit an out of ten basically been a really good run feeling good catch you guys in a sec alrighty that is the Run done just showed you guys the stats on the screen but yeah it was great sun has finally come out so I think it's going to be a nice day it does happen a little bit on the Gold Coast it might be like a little bit overcast in the morning and then it usually always clears up so I think at the moment I think it's around like 17 or 18 degrees so yeah ended up getting the kid off obviously but um yeah that's it for this morning's run see you guys at home refuel going down we've got some BPM whey protein and with some oats and skim milk so I usually put the oats in with the milk for three minutes in the microwave then I mix in a scoop of the protein after so that flavor is literally my favorite at the moment chopped peanut butter and I'm going to put this fruit on top so we've got strawberry and banana and then we'll probably put a little bit of Honey on there as well and then in the Shaker heap of water getting the fluids back in strong red strong greens and then some electrolytes as well and then we've got some vitamins there so we've got two fish oil one multivitamin two magnesium and one glucosamine all right guys I've just been doing a little bit of work inside but I'm about to head to gym it's about 1 30 at the moment whipping up some pre-workout and a little pre-workout snack as well I did have a meal earlier around 11 o'clock and um yeah so we're gonna whip something up now and then we're gonna head to gym pre-workier we got some crumpets a little bit of this raspberry jam on both of those good source of carbs before Jim then we've got creatine one scoop of flight and one scoop of endo pump in the Shaker which I'll just sip on all the way to gym so see you guys there all right guys so like I mentioned said I'd do a voice over so here we are um shoulders and abs workout going down so starting with seated dumbbell press you notice that I've got the bench kind of slightly angled back I don't have it completely upright just um feels just feels um How It Should for me so started off on the 20s just light also started off with some light kind of lateral razors and just general kind of warm-up stuff to warm the shoulders up so I didn't jump straight into the heavy stuff so one set with the 20 kilos and then we jumped into the 35 kilos I think I did three sets of about five to six so starting to work out pretty heavy and um yeah just kind of focusing a lot on form even though I do go pretty heavy with these if I like this for me um I do focus on getting good range of motion you see a lot of people um do shoulder press with a lot of weight they're literally hardly even go down to their their ears and you probably have a look at their physique they probably don't have great looking shoulders or doubts so you want a good range of motion when you're doing shoulder press um this is one of the new Alice KD singlets that's coming out soon so yeah I thought I'd show you guys that while I was doing this workout another set of these uh no sorry we backed it off to the 32 kilos for this set just because I wasn't really getting a good amount out on that last set on the 35 so I think I did one more set on this and then we jumped into some a super set actually so it was as you can see just seated um dumbbell lateral razors just out to the side aiming for around 10 to 15 on these and then you'll see in a moment I'll actually go from these into like a front raise these are only 10 kilo dumbbells so not heavy at all I don't like going super heavy on um any of my lateral raises movements I've got one shoulder that kind of isn't the greatest it gets a little bit of pain occasionally and it's not as strong as the other one so I don't like going super heavy so burning out with like the side raises and then just doing single arm front raises just with the 10 kilos still and just getting getting a heap of volume in there for shoulders in particular I like doing a lot of volume lighter weights starting heavy with the shoulder press but after that pretty much the rest of the session just lighter weights enjoying that okay now I've got the 35 kilos so I've been trying to grow my traps and readouts a lot so I have been doing traps and rear delts at the start of my session I did it differently today for this video but um yeah jump onto some heavy shrugs aiming for like six to ten on those and then dropping it through the 22 kilos as well um and yeah just really aiming on keeping the chin down I used to like put my chin like up in the air I know my my phone might not be perfect but um yeah just don't just doing my best trying to keep my chin down while squeezing up the top there and still putting some decent weight behind it so I think I did three or four sets of this with the drop set and then jumped onto this rear delt machine fly and to be honest I hated it after one set so I've chucked the clip in there but I didn't enjoy it at all I much prefer a cable fly like this a purely light you can set it up where you want it you can put your arms where you want your arms I just feel like with a cable machine like this you just got way more range of motion like yeah like I said you can you can move it to where you want it where feel where it feels best and then hitting the rear delts again with a cable phase pull so both of those exercises aiming for probably like 12 to 15 reps and I did about three sets of each and pretty much finished the workout off with some cable crunches so it'll still it's doing five at the front first and then moving to the side and doing five on each side that's purely for the obliques like if you don't hit your side obliques they're not going to get worked from most other conda front on ab exercises so make sure you're hitting the sides as well I'll give you that nice light kind of fish skills looking on the side so we did five on each side and then we went back to the front and did five and then I was pretty fatigued I think this was like my third set third or fourth set in so I was feeling pretty fatigued by it then but we did some hanging like kind of knee raises I don't like after you're pretty fatigued very hard to do leg raises I can only usually get maybe five or six so sometimes I prefer just to do the knee raises and yeah the same doing some at the front and then some on the side and yeah that's pretty much it for the workout guys all right guys we are back home post workout meal going down some healthy spaghetti bolognese um the Alice Katie singlet that I'm wearing the baby blue probably my favorite color yet in the vapor Flex is dropping in a few weeks I'm pretty sure so stay tuned for that code Tommy if you buy anything from Alice Katie supports me and um yeah we'll get you a discount as well but thank you guys for watching that's pretty much the video done probably start editing this one now and um yeah appreciate you guys watching if you're not subscribed hit that subscribe button and yeah drop a comment and a like I'll see you next time oh [Music]
Channel: Tommy Newell
Views: 18,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dxLTLGp-jAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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