How To Train A Cutting Horse Prospect On The CowTrac Mechanical Cow

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hi I'm Larry troca and today we're going to work this colt on the mechanical cow or I call it the flag the mechanical cow that we have here is a cow track Altima and it's the one that I've had for years it's well it's by far the best one has all the features that I need and I'll show you what we do this colt doesn't know how to work a cow he's only seeing the flag one time just briefly it really has no idea he's fairly broke but not broke great which is fine because I actually like to get my horses broke on the flag or on the cow yeah one them control Abul but as well as soon as I can stop them and turn them and and kind of get them supple then they're ready to go on a cow and I can get them more broke and as I work them on the cow now before we get started I've actually working the horse I want to make a couple quick points there's several different philosophies on start and horse on cattle the particular way that works well for me is the first thing I want to teach the Colt is to go with the cow no matter where it goes okay and then once the horse is is has an idea of being hooked up to the cow then I'll start putting more form and style lining I want him to stop straight I wanted to come through the turns nose first versus shoulder first I want him to to back on his hocks and draw through those turns and those are all things that I'll put on the horse you know as as we go along now the other way of doing it is just absolute opposite some some trainers will get their horse really really broke and they will put the form and style on them right from the get-go and you know let the horse learn to hook up to the cow in the meantime and for some folks that works great the other way works better for me and my style so let's go ahead and work this this colt and the first thing I'm going to do is let's adjust the speed of the cow that's a little slow the nice thing about this this cow track it has this bump feature you got two speeds you got low gear and high gear there's low gear I double-click it and hits high gear it goes faster low gear double-click it faster but from here with this bump feature I can actually control how fast slow is and how fast fast is so this is about right I'm gonna slow it down just a little bit there we go but see I could actually make it go real slow even slower or I can adjust the speed a little bit faster it's about right that's my fast speed I like that just about I'm going to slow that down just a little bit that's better that's about right you don't want it going too fast when you're starting your horse on cattle so I'm going to step him to it now if you're if yours is afraid of the flag you're going to want to stay farther away until he loses some of his fear but if he's not afraid of it you can get up here you know you don't want to be you don't want to be right on top of it now I'm going to stop short I'm actually about 10-15 feet behind the cow cow wet let's say 30 feet I only went 15 feet and I do that to give the horse confidence because it's just like him he's following something ok it gives him more confidence to follow something than to be right alongside of it now with stopping him short here again I'm about 15 feet short of the cow when I turn and go the opposite way he's going to see the flag pass across him and it will pull him through the turn and if it doesn't I'll help him with the reins just pull that direct rein push with my outside but catch it Kyle stops I stop about 15 foot short it doesn't have to be 15 foot it could be 10 foot or 5 foot but you see how he's looking at it now he can see it go the other way he's looking at it with both eyes direct rain outside foot stop short bump his nose in there so I want him after he stops I want him to look in there so I'll bump his nose press with my left foot to send him through the turn press press press flag stops I release my legs stop him bring his nose in a little bit to the cow press with my right foot okay now he's looking off so I'm going to bump that nose in there good prey if he does what you want praise him now I'm going to back him up a little bit and I'm going to get him a little more broke on this cow so I'm gonna take him off of it stop him slack take him across the cow send him through stop him back him up slack send him through right foot I'm going to go back and forth across this cow give him the idea of moving with the cow good now face him up to the cow drive him to it and then start the cow and go fetch it stop him short now I stopped him and his front end started going to the cow I wanted to stop straight in parallel I'll take that front end away back him up a little bit get the cow going slack the reins now bring him through nose first left foot press and again the cow stopped and he stopped and his front end went toward the cow which in the beginning is okay but as we get further along I want him to stop parallel with take that front end away I'm going to fix the offending body part the front ends go into the cow too much I take it away if the rear ends kicking out I put it back in start the count the other way back him up slack bring the nose ride with my right foot send him across go catch it now it's cows going a little bit too fast I'm going to slow up this slow Gare there we go that's about right and that way I can back him up and stay with that cow without it getting the too far away from me now I have to use two hands on the reins while I'm working the hand control the nice thing about this Altima this caltrak ultima it has four programs in it where I can actually record the movements of the flag and hit start and it will actually run that program on its own so I'm hands-free I don't have to push the button left and right it'll actually it'll actually go the way I program it which is great and him looking at it press the right foot have him go catch it release my legs let him relax he should stop bring his nose in there so he's looking at it left foot oh good boy I don't know if you can see but he kind of turned on his own there a little bit right foot too far ahead of the cow stop him take him back across stop him go with cow and stop him short that goat if they go too far they went too far take them across the cow stop him across the cow stop him short Ludmilla you want him to stay short on that cow you don't want him passing it up this head goes up too high you can just shake it right down right foot whoo nice bring his nose in this side he's turning on his own that's pretty good oh good you see how he stopped short that time it's good boy okay so we got enough done for one session today he kind of got the idea you don't want to overwork him and get them dred and working the cow you want to quit while things are going good and things are going good right here I mean he's keeping his eyes on the flag his little ears are up so that's a good thing so when I quit I'm just going to back him up turn to the left and walk him off well I hope you liked those tips on starting your horse on the flag if you want some information on the cow track mechanical cow you can go to their website I'll put a link to it either below the video or at the end of the video itself and if you want more horse training tips you can go to my website horse training videos calm and I'll put a link to it again either below the video or at the end of the video alright alright take care bye-bye
Channel: Larry Trocha Horse Training
Views: 43,620
Rating: 4.9032965 out of 5
Keywords: cutting horse, cutting horse training, cowtrac, mechanical cow, ranch cutting, ranch sorting, Larry Trocha, cutting prospect, start horse on cattle, National Cutting Horse Association, NCHA, cow horse, reined cow horse, horse training, colt starting, team penning, ranch horses, how to train a cutting horse, how to train a horse on a cow, cow horse training
Id: B3aAzyH5J2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2015
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