How to Trade with Market Profile and Market Internals Webinar
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Channel: ShadowTrader
Views: 79,359
Rating: 4.9607072 out of 5
Keywords: shadowtrader, reznicek, live trading, options, how to, windotrader, futures trading, daytrading, stock market, market profile, momentum trader, S&P500, S&P Index, finance, stock market technical analysis, technical analysis, stock market analysis, trading, learn trading, options trading, stock futures, premarket, stock market futures, stocks today, nasdaq chart, chart analysis, stock market chart, S&P futures, s and p futures, nasdaq futures, dow futures, SPX futures
Id: c0wp1ANxeH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 27sec (7407 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
this was a webinar done by the shadowtrader himself (pete reznicek) last week where he goes into great detail of how to use market profile and market internals using the market profile software 'windotrader' and market internals using 'tos' (thinkorswim) ... i thought this was a very well done presentation and highly informative video for those who may be interested into venturing out into the world of market profile, and exploring other methods like this ... anyway, just thought to share this in here on this sub for anyone who might find it useful ... its a lengthy one -- 2 hours
for those wondering who peter reznicek is, he is well know for running the live market squawk shows on tos each day w/ brad augunus, as well as a one-hour show called 'shadowtrader uncovered' over on tastytrade.
i'll have to say, i rarely ever give as much kudos to anyone like this, but i genuinetly rate the guys over at shadowtrader up there with the best of 'em...
if you guys have any questions about this video you can submit them over at pete's main twitter page -