How to track conversions with Google Ads and Google Tag Manager (2023) + send dynamic values

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in this video I will show you how to track conversions with Google ads and Google tech manager this will help you measure which ad campaigns perform better [Music] hey my name is Julius and welcome to the analytics Mania YouTube channel where I teach people how to work with Google tag manager and Google analytics so if you want to stay up to date with GTM then consider subscribing conversion is an interaction that is important to your business for example a purchase a sign up or something else so if you are sending paid traffic to your website you must know which ads are more effective and drive more conversions so let's take a look at how you can track conversions with Google ads and Google tag manager when it comes to conversion tracking first you need to think about what is the end goal of that particular Google ads campaign if you're running ads and people land on your website after they click Those ads what is the action that you want those users to take let's say that I am running an ad campaign and I want people who land on my website to subscribe to my newsletter in other words they have to land on this page enter the email address and then subscribe so in this case the conversion can be the moment when someone successfully subscribes to get started first we have to go to Google ads and create a conversion because that will provide us with some additional parameters that we will need to include in Google tag manager so in Google ads interface click on tools and settings then in the measurement section click conversions then click new conversion action website and then you will have to enter the URL of your website where you want to measure conversions I can for example enter the URL of the home page of the website and then click scan if you haven't configured anything in your Google analytics property that is running on the website you will see something like this where you can just enter conditions of when that particular conversion occurs for example if the website visitor is redirected after the subscription to the URL that says slash or question mark thank you or something like that then you could configure the following configuration right here you can enter subscribe because that's the action that my website visitors should do or at least I want them to do and then I can enter the condition when that conversion should be counted so I could select URL contains enter URL and then I could enter something like question mark thank you and then I could add that so this is one scenario then another scenario looks like this so let me just to go back and start again and then I will enter the URL of a website where Google analytics 4 is already configured let's enter it scan it and since I am the owner of that Google analytics 4 property then Google ads is capable of seeing that I have already two events which are purchase and they can be imported from Google analytics 4 so instead of configuring tags in Google tech manager you can just select that you want to import that conversion or actually that conversion event from Google analytics 4 and then Google ads will start using that data but if you do not see any suggestions right here coming from Google analytics 4 or maybe your conversion is not related to page URL meaning that you cannot distinguish that a conversion occurred based on the URL of the page then you have a third option which is create conversion actions manually using code and that's where one of the options is to use Google tag manager even though I get suggestions to import Converse versions from Google analytics 4 I will go with this option and actually I've seen many Google ads and PPC Specialists do the same thing because if you track conversions with Google ads Google ads should get more data and more conversions attributed to that particular platform therefore Google ads will have more data to optimize against so let's create a conversion action manually click right here and then we need to select the goal and action optimization in that case we're talking about subscription so let's click subscribe then you can name this conversion name this is purely for internal use so you can enter here whatever you want let's say subscribe form or something like that then you can configure how Google ads will calculate the value of each conversion if you know that every new subscriber is worth let's say five dollars or five euros or some other currency for your business then you can select this option and say that well this conversion is worth for our business 5 Euros if every time the value of conversion can be different then you should select this option but I will explain how to work with this part later in this video or you can select that you just don't want to track the value all you need to know is the number of times that particular conversion was made so right now let's say that I will be using the first option and every new subscriber is worth 5 Euros then you can configure how Google ads will count those conversions for example if in the same session somehow the same person subscribes to the form twice would you like to track both conversions or just one when it comes to conversions like email subscriptions or downloading something I would say that it's enough for me to track just one conversion because I don't care if the person subscribes multiple times what is important to me is the fact that the person converted then you can configure these three options but I will not be explaining them in this video if you want to learn more you can just expand every one of them and then learn more by clicking this link for example and then we have attribution model so if you have multiple Google ads campaigns running in your account and a visitor can click one ad then another ad by using some machine learning algorithms Google ads might decide that not necessarily the last clicked ad will get the credit for the conversion Google ads might decide that maybe the click before the last click was actually responsible for the conversion but if this option is not available for you then usually people select last click which means that the last clicked add and I mean the ad in the Google ads account it will get the credit for the conversion when you have configured your settings click done and then click save and continue now you are asked to add tracking code to your website at the top of the page you will see three options which is to add a particular code which is called gtag so your developer can add this code to the website when that particular conversion occurs or you can email instructions to the person who runs your website or you can use Google tech manager and that's the option that we are going to use in this video so now let's go to Google tag manager in this video I presume that you already have some knowledge at least basic knowledge about Google tag manager if not then I will post a link to a tutorial where you will learn the very first steps of how to get started in the text section click new then tag configuration and then click Google ads conversion tracking then if you don't have the conversion Linker tag you will see this suggestion so you can just click create right here name this new tag conversion Linker and then click save then you have to enter at least conversion ID and conversion label and you can find them in the interface of Google ads here is the conversion ID you will see it once you have selected Google tag manager option copy it paste it and then you need conversion label and here you will see the conversion label that looks something like this obviously in your case the value will look slightly different so copy it paste it and then we have to enter the condition when this particular attack should fire but right now we don't know what exactly to enter here because first we will need to inspect how that particular form works so right now let's skip this we will come back to it later and here we can enter that name of the tag I usually name it like that Google ads conversion and then let's say the name of the conversion which in my case is subscribe form like that and click save for now then click save tag now we have to inspect how this form works we have to check what happens on a website when we actually enter the email but to do that first we have to go to the preview mode of Google tech manager click preview and then enter the URL of the website where you want to test this so in my case I'm working with my sandbox website so I will just enter the URL like this and click connect now let's enter an email click the button and here I am on the success page and if I go to the preview mode to Google tech manager I will see this event now the reason why I see this event is because I asked a developer to push data to a thing called Data layer which is an essential part of Google tag manager so when the form was successfully submitted a developer pushed this event and some additional information if you have no idea what data layer is then I will post a link to another tutorial below this video but what you need to keep in mind is that this event is not something standard that is available on every website on every form this is something that a developer did specifically for this page and for that form so now I have this event which is called email subscriber and I can use this as a part of my trigger in Google tag manager container so let's go to Google tag manager triggers new trigger configuration custom event and then end enter that event which is email subscriber this is case sensitive again if you have no clue what is happening watch that data layer video and I will post a link to it below this video Let's name this trigger and then click save now we can go to tags and open our Google ads conversion tag and in the triggering section I can click anywhere or on this pencil and then select that email subscriber trigger so when on a website this occurs our Google ads tag will fire and it will send the conversion data to Google ads let's save this and let's click the preview to refresh the preview mode and we will have to submit the form once again so now I will enter my test data I will subscribe then in the preview mode I will see a new email subscriber event and here I can see that my Google ads conversion tag has fired once that is done you can go to Google ads click done here is my conversion action created right now there are no conversions to start seeing some other status right here you would need to actually click on your ads then complete a conversion on your website and then within hours you should start seeing a different status but it is normal even to wait for 24 or more hours so when you do that and you see that your conversion tag has fired then the next step would be to publish these changes on your website and you can do that by clicking this submit button and then clicking publish right here after that moment this combination will go live to your website visitors but what if you want to track conversions where conversion value can be different in every case for example maybe you want to track purchases one visitor might purchase for 10 euros another visitor might purchase for 100 euros so it would make sense to send Dynamic values to Google ads let's take a look at another example here I have a demo page where I will click this purchase link right here and then I will go to a thank you page page where I have purchased this watch let's take a look what happens in the data layer when I do this I will go to Google tech manager by the way I have already closed the preview mode tabs in my browser so now I will click preview and it will open a new tab once again and now I will enter this URL of my sandbox e-commerce page click connect I see that my tag assistant has connected and now I will click purchase here is the success message and here I have an event called purchase so again I asked a developer to push the purchase data to the data layer and the bare minimum that is useful here for Google ads conversion tracking is currency and value why because if we go to the Google ads conversion tag here we will see two additional Fields conversion value and currency code oh an actual transaction ID that one is also useful so to insert some values right here from the data layer right here we have to create data layer variables let's start with the conversion in value so I will click this button and then I will create a data layer variable that will access the value which is right here so I will click Plus verbal configuration and then data layer variable here I have to enter the name of the parameter from the data layer and that is value but value is inside of purchase and purchase is inside of e-commerce that is why I have to enter Ecommerce dot purchase dot value if you want to learn even more about the data layer for example these more complex data structures then take a look at my Google tag manager course for beginners I will post a link to it below the video so let's enter eCommerce purchase value e-commerce dot purchase dot value and let's enter it right here click save now let's enter transaction ID so click this button again click plus variable configuration data layer variable and then I will create a variable for this which is transaction underscore ID eCommerce dot purchase.transaction ID let's name this variable dlv here stands for data layer verbal that's the naming convention that I follow click save and then currency code if you are operating in one currency for example Euros you can just enter it like that but if you have some information in the data layer for example here you can create a variable which is ecommerce.purchase.currency again keep in mind that in your case the structure in the data layer might be different or maybe you don't have anything in the data layer at all then you will need to use some other techniques to access the data and there are plenty of them and I teach a lot of them in my Google tech match courses so let's click this button create a new variable which is again data layer variable and then I will enter eCommerce dot purchase dot currency and then I will name this variable click save all right looks like we are good to go however this conversion label right here and conversion ID are using the data of the Subscribe conversion action that we have created so in this case if you're tracking purchase you should create a new version action click button right here then click website then again enter the URL of your website for example I use this one scan then create conversion actions manually using Code then I will select purchase because we are tracking purchases then you can name this just purchase or maybe something else and then the value in this case will be different because we are going to send the value dynamically with Google ads conversion tag in GTM so you should select this one and here you should select the default value because basically this is like a safeguard if for some reason for some transaction the value is not sent you have to enter some default value let's leave this as one Euro for now then when it comes to purchases I definitely count every conversion even if the same visitor makes multiple purchases then I definitely want to track all of them then let's click done and then click save and continue now let's choose Google tag manager again the conversion ID will be the same but conversion label will be different so let's copy this conversion label I will paste it right here and then click save now let's click preview and make a purchase once again click continue then I will make a purchase and then in the preview mode of Google tech manager I will click purchase event right here and for some reason my tag did not fire and yes I realized that I forgot to update the trigger in fact it would have made sense if I had created a different conversion tag for the purchase but right now let's pretend that the Subscribe form never happened so I will just enter purchase instead of that previous tag and here and the email subscriber trigger I will change its condition to purchase click save so as a result right here my container will have just one conversion tag but it will be tracking purchases dynamically if you want to track both subscribed form and purchase you would need to create a copy of the Google ads conversion tag and then add different conversion labels for subscribe form and for the purchase click save and now let's reload the preview mode by clicking this preview button click continue then make a purchase and when I click purchase in the preview mode I see that my tag has fired in fact there is one more way how you can check if the request was sent properly to Google ads and that is with the extension called tag assistant Legacy I will post a link to it below the video Once you install it you will need to click enable and then make a purchase once again so now I will just refresh the page because let's pretend that I have made another purchase and here I will see my Google ads conversion tracking and if I click it I will see my conversion ID conversion label conversion value and conversion currency I see that the tax status is green so it means that everything is fine in fact I can also switch to URLs then switch to the table View and then I will also see another parameter which is oid in other words order ID and its value is what I have in the data layer which is this one so this is the order ID D that I sent with my tag to Google ads and that's it when you make these changes don't forget to publish your changes by clicking this submit button and then clicking the publish button after you publish your changes and you collect data for a while let's say for several days for a week then you can go to places like campaigns in your Google ads and you can then see a list of campaigns that are running and then you will see how many conversions did you get from each particular campaign and then you can also check other reports such as keywords or ad groups and you can see what is working for your business and what is not if you don't see this column then you will need to click columns then modify columns and then include that all conversions column right here so this will include your primary and your secondary conversions if you want to see only primary conversions then you will need to make sure that the column of conversions is also included in this report and again you can do that by clicking columns and then modify columns and then select the conversions column and that is how you can track conversions with Google ads and Google tag manager if you found this video useful hit the Thumbs Up Button below the video because it helps me continue working on this channel also if you want to learn more about Google tech manager or Google analytics then consider subscribing to this channel my name is Julius this is analytics Mania and I'll see you in the next video [Music] thank you
Channel: Analytics Mania - Google Tag Manager & Analytics
Views: 34,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google ads conversion tracking, google ads, conversion tracking google ads, google ads conversion tracking tag manager, google ads conversion tracking google tag manager, google ads conversion tracking setup, google ads tracking, google tag manager adwords conversion, conversion tracking, google ads tutorial, google ads conversion, google tag manager google ads, google tag manager google ads conversion tracking, google adwords conversion tracking
Id: tFNX6Z0gQpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2022
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