How to Tint a Door Window

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hey guys today I'm going to be showing you how to tip this 2012 Ford Focus okay so first step is prep the glass I'm going to do that with this one inch razor blade and a little bit of soapy water from the spray bottle but it'd be a good idea to make sure the core is calm first before you start trying to roll it down to fail on my part roll it down a little bit just spray the whole thing now take your razor blade start at the top and scrape off all the dirt that's on the window now this is just an initial prep on you be prepping this a little bit further right before I have to take the window but you can also just spray it down again squeegee it off just to make sure that none of the glue sticks back to the window when window dries out spray down your seals because you're going to have the most dirt there then you're going to want to take a rag and wipe off the outside of your window now that we have everything prepping is three down my window unwholesome fell place it release liner side to me headed off and this is my initial starting point all right I'm going to spray that myself get up where I want so I have all my had discovered take my open knife just put a little bit of light out there down the bottom and but imagine first got one side I'm going to shift it over a little bit and then cut your other side give up the FS move to the back half as much so yeah a little bit of tent a ring both sides take my tent pull it down just a little bit so it goes farther inside the seasons tacked on my window roll down the window a little bit goes the habit cut your tap it now I just have to trim all my corners I'll be ready to eat drink it now I have to pattern spray off the window again put your same pattern just a little bit away from left edge in the bottom end and you're going to sweetie with a hard card all your fingers down to the bottom so their vertical is you can only shrink film up and down start at the top of the fingers and you'll notice the zigzag pattern soon as that starts to happen custom sink down without gold tap on guard then you run your heat gun along the bottom edge to make sure all your fingers are heated up just start to pop up a little bit just getting all the last 10 years out there we go so I'm going to put it on the door side legs just makes it easier to peel off tack it down a little bit I'm ready to cut the inside look okay now I'm ready to do a final prep on the window before I install the tent spray the whole thing down wipe it with your hand just to make sure there's no grit left on the window take out a kind of keister door and just wash out the sides then take your bluemax squeegee start at the top let's read all the water down then wash down the rest of the water let's pray down a whole window again and now the tents ready to go on the inside of the window okay so when you peel the release liner flip the tip back you can shift it in between your teeth a little bit to separate the tint and the release liner and just peel it down we want to go down about halfway and spray off your shoe peeling up the rest of the release liner a little bit later okay then I'm going to lift up my fin and place it on the inside of the window start with the big edge first and keep the other side away from the window so it doesn't touch any of the pillars now I'm going to pull my tips a little bit and press it into the seal press the rest of the 10 on hold it back just a little bit this way I can sneak the other side line it up use the top of it the window is a reference guide I'll kind of show you exactly where your tent needs to go you also want to check both sides just to make sure you're not leaving the light gap three down the window take your blue mat start at the top just squeeze your way outward you're also holding it with your other hand so it doesn't shift and tack down into another place that you already put down the window is still loose with the soapy water so you can shift it around just a bit then you want to take your time piece to door squeegee out your Seelos always start down go up make sure your windows tacked in place by just moving it just a little bit if it's not you can take a heat gun and heat up your top edges but this one's okay so I'm just going to leave it roll up my window now I'll scratch to the bottom part just Mickey there's no dirt and then peel my release liner by holding the tin here and pulling it down and moving my hand across have my release liner peeled grab the bottom side this in again to get that wet to surprise easily and then I'm going to pull this one down a bit hold this one into this part I got here is platinum easy reach fold up the tent pulling back the seals and trying to tuck it into the same play okay so once you effective element Spray it off you're ready to squeegee it out if you Platinum easier pull the seal back after you squeegee out the window and then pull back the seal and swipe your timepiece the door and the seal and just squeegee up the rest rest of the window that one I also want to go over it one more time just make sure we did all the excess water and air bubbles out of the window gotta clean up take your microfiber rag or whatever you're using wipe down everything that's the soapy water so it won't happen okay and lastly we're just gonna check over a window make sure I don't mess anything well guys this is the finished product this is gumar ATC 40% all the way around including a windshield strip as you can see it's pretty light tent all the way around he just wanted to have a nice light uniform look all the way around even though it doesn't make much sense to have the windshield strip and 40% still turned out really well little pretty good-looking car thanks for watching make sure to comment rate and subscribe
Channel: Tint Studio
Views: 6,794,517
Rating: 4.7186446 out of 5
Keywords: tinting, door, window, ford, focus, new, sweet, glass, cars, 2012, how, to, tint, windows, tintstuff
Id: M7UOQq3h2s8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2011
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