How to Tint a Back Window

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hey my name is Ralph I'm a flakes filming today we're going to tint this oh one Lexus back window and I'm going to go over every single step that I take from A to Z okay there's a couple of things I'd like to point out about this back window before we get started I would say this is a medium to more difficult back window what makes it a little on the difficult side there's a three things I can see right now first thing we have this dot matrix pattern which makes it a little difficult for us to sometimes get the film to stick to it and it doesn't look very pleasant sometimes if we can't get the film to stick to we're going to solve that we also have extremely thick defroster lines that we see on the Lexus net Lexus is the Tauri for that which could cause the peanut bubbles or fingers that we see usually in areas that we shrink and they're very difficult to continue with if we get them and last but not least we've got this deep we've got this rear brake light here and we're going to try to get the film behind it we're going to use some specialty tools over here to do that and again that's another little obstacle but you know we're gonna be able to tackle that just fine okay I've laid the tools out on the trunk of this car and I'm going to briefly go over them because I'm going to use every one of these tools to tint this window so I'm going to briefly go over and in the video I'm going to go over them in more detail as I'm using them but to start off with we've got a light that I bought it's a convenient - like the inside of the car so I can see where I'm cutting on the outside let's see I've got the Blue Max squeegee right here classic it's a tool that I'm going to use for a final pass to squeegee to get the last bit of water out of the film I've got some microfibers I've got a couple here I might even use more just to keep things clean let's see what's closest to me I've got some 400 grit sandpaper wet sandpaper that I can actually use to prep the matrix tight area some people actually use this to prep the defroster lines I'm probably not going to do that I'll do it a different way we'll get to that a minute I've got some bar soap there's about three different ways I know of sighs wet drinking that we can prep the back glass for dry shrinking I choose bar soap you know we can also use the baby powder and we can also use dryer sheets I'm going to use the bar soap here and I like the Irish Spring I guess because I like with smells some hard cards we're going to use is going to be the smart card and we're also going to use the pink triad the smart card I'm only going to use on the outside of the glass and I'm primarily going to use it for shrinking and you'll see what I do in the video this card here I use it on the inside if I'm going to touch anything on the inside and I need a hard card - there's a lot of reasons I can use it but we'll see what I'm going to do with it in the video we've also got some squeegees here these are what I call the that this is the turbo series the yellow turbo and the red turbo they're both custom cut that came longer when they were sold to me I'm going to use them for the first pass I'm going to get the film on the inside I'm going to squeegee things out one time and then I'm going to use another squeegee to do the final pass for the remaining extraction but this one I use primarily I can just about get everywhere I can get with this one but in the harder to reach areas you know especially along the bottom I'm going to use this one let's see next I've got a tape measure I'm going to have to measure the film at some point to match it up to the back glass I'm just going to keep this handy so it's easy for me to get the right measurement I've got a couple of specialty tools over here I've got the bulldozer and I've got the paddle scrubber now the paddle scrubber I'm going to use simply to get behind the rear brake light because it's very hard to access area and I can you know scrub with that little scrubby that's on the end of that paddle scrubber and get pretty much everything I need to do to make sure it's clean the bulldozer I'm going to use it to squeegee after I scrub and then I'm also going to use it to extract the water I Flender the film I mean literally when we use it as a squeegee also I've got a couple other things over here I've got this steel wool I use a steel wool to prep the defroster lines I'm going to show you how I do that in the video that is a triple aught steel wool I've got a bi prep solution and slip solution I don't just use my slip solution and combine them in a cleaning phase in an installation phase we actually use a a product that we manufacture and sell ones called pre tack which is our cleaner I'll show you how I use it in the video and we got the tent tack which we use as our primary slip solution and we really don't use it to clean with but we can but we try to do two stages here so these are the tools you'll see me use them in the video and here we go let's start setting the window okay we're going to start prepping first for this video we're going to prep first it's going to be easier but you can either prep first or you can actually do outside work first it doesn't matter but in this step we're going to use a pre tackling and we're going to use a little 400 grit sandpaper I polled it over but I'm going to tackle the matrix area it's going to lightly miss them because I want to keep it wet that's that's the key key here and I want to thoroughly sand them I'm trying to just scuff them up I don't really want to cause any trouble here I don't want to sand them down I just want to get a rough because there's always something coating on them oxidation there's always something that keeps my film from sticking like I want it to and I'm going to get that little layer off and I'm going to give it a little elbow grease here and not miss any spots and at this point I'm going to take my paper towel and I'm going to just wipe it down really good one sweep here almost if your paper towel looks like that your you've done something right it looks like that you need to go back and do it again I'm going to take some more pre-tax I'm going to just wipe it again just want to be real clean and get all that little powdery black stuff off so it's going to be really really clean the end here and I'm done with that phase next things I want to show you is how we're going to prep these defroster lines that's next okay now we're going to prep these defroster lines again we're going to use the pre tach I'm going to thoroughly spray all the defroster lines want to tell them really good like this this is this stuff pre tack is what we sell and it comes concentrated we it's about about a third of the product and then you add two thirds water we always recommend use distilled water now thoroughly wet everything we've got a coffee little bit because the alcohol sometimes makes me coffee a little bit and I'm going to just thoroughly I'm going to thoroughly like scrub these lines I mean go this way you can get this way but when you know you're doing it right is when you can physically see these lines turn really shiny like a brand new copper penny because this trip a lot still wool here does the job I'm talking get now all that stuff off and man it makes it really easy for your film to stick to these lines with something you know obstructing your teeth it's like oxidation or who knows what you're going to probably get these peanut finger bubbles everywhere you shrink and this is one mistake people make a lot is they want to just wipe over this with a tile or squeegee it or maybe use one of those white scrubs I just I know on a challenge winter like this that just doesn't work does it work on most cars yeah you'll get away with your work your work just fine but on these cars it's not going to work um because it's a Lexus and for whatever reason they make these defroster lines a lot thicker than normal because this is an older vehicle it's gonna I'm gonna go over these other matrix dots here again just to get them better cleaned I'm also going to go over the painted surfaces on the edge kind of one scuff them a little bit with our free time a pre-tax has almost zero surface tension I'll go into that in another video that enables our product to get deeper in the cracks than an average cleaner and really with the right combination surfactants it gets a lot of the gets basically gets a glass will clean cleaner than just about anything you can see I'm going to use this paddle scrubber so I got to get behind this light give me a little tricky but with a specialty to lighting powder scrubber I can kind of get back there really easy I'm actually happy with that now what I want to do is take my microfiber you can use a paper towel you want to dry it down I just want to see what all I've done make sure everything I've scrubbed is it got shiny on it I don't want to see any contamination around the line oxidation or anything like that just write it down this is when you start sweating and breathing hard if you're doing it right and so I have a little trick here I want to get behind that bright light I can choose my bulldozer because it's closer to me just kind of go behind it like this just don't try and do is dry it up I'm not trying to clean it yet for final prep let's see here wiping everything down there's a lot of isopropyl alcohol and pre-tax so her anything okay I'm happy with that prep and the next phase we're going to do we're actually going to stop cleaning for now we're going to go to the outside and start our outside process when ready to install the film we will do another clean without slip solution and we'll show that when we do it okay in this stage I'm gonna take my slip solution and I'm gonna thoroughly wet the back glass about that much all I'm trying to do in this step is I'm getting ready to work on the outside of this glass so you know I don't know where this car has been I don't know if it has any dust dirt contamination I don't want anything to cause me to be any problems that I'm heat welding this film I like the absorber because I can just wring it out thoroughly get it clean so they don't feel anything on it so I'm good with that to the other side it's a quick step just check it everything for cleanliness because you don't want any little hardened particles to get under your film you might actually rip the film as you're trying to heat mold it so that's the absorber step the next step is the Irish Spring clean as a whistle I like to wet the soap a little bit literally just lather up in my hand and I'm going to come over here and I'm just going to start you know just kind of putting it in places because I'm going to just work it around I want to get a thin layer of soap this soap is going to be a buffer between my film and the glass and the film the hard cut side is what's going to touch it if the hard cuts really slippery you don't usually need as much soap but if the hard cuts a little grippy you're going to need more soap because what you don't want the film to stick to the glasses that's the whole purpose here is keeping the film which it's almost dry know if you can see that or not so I'm let's dry that's why I like my hands cuz I can just like save time and throw it on here it's dry to the other side let's see 10 the back window give you a workout start breathing hard you got 10 or 15 cars lined up out there you'll get really good and fast at this ok you see this is real time here I could actually begin to see the film I mean the soaps dry on the glass it's leaving the film and that's ready we can cut that I'm going to make the next step where we actually start placing the film on the glass and going from there ok in this step what we're going to do is we're going to take our tape measure and we're going to measure the width of the rear window and I'm coming up with about 55 inches I'm going to take the tape measure over to my window film roll pull the film down cut it and then transport it back over to the car okay in this step what I'm going to do is I'm getting ready to lay the film I don't have to do this but sometimes it's convenient to take a moistened cloth paper towel and put a little moisture spot there because I can use it to grab the film that I just cut now I'm going to lay it evenly across the glass kind of come to the side a little bit and adjust it like I want to and then ease it down and then I you know I'm going to make it all even cover everything I'm going to make sure that it's actually horizontal because when I drink it I want to know that I'm getting the best perpendicular shrink that I can possibly get what I want to point out is this is the way the film came off the Roll okay they call this machine direction this other direction from left to right is called transverse direction we can only shrink fingers perpendicular to machine direction so if I turn the film the other way I'll have to shrink the fingers on the side but because of the way I roll it on the glass which is the most common way I want to shrink fingers from top to bottom so after I've laid the film down like I want I'm now going to do a pre trim but before I do that I'm going to use my smart card now that I see that I got my feeling laying down like I want and I'm going to start to anchor it and I'm just going to come through here make sure everything I have on top of bottom is evenly distributed I'm going to come to the other side and duplicate that fingers are kind of wet okay now I'm going to take a very sharp blade I'm going to just for insurance cut it and I'm just going to do what they call a pre trim this is not my final trim I just want to cut off some of the excess the way I'm going to shrink it here with my shrinking technique is you'll see in a minute I don't need the excess film there are some shrinking techniques where I would use the excess film but for this window don't need it just a simple quick I'm going to rip the film away if you rip the film the wrong way it'll rip down into the work area but if I rip it away it will easily rip I'm going to do the same thing just for insurance I want to break my blade off and I'm getting so I don't scratch the glass that is how I'm holding the angle of the blade I'm holding it almost horizontal with the glass I'm not holding it like this this is causing a scratch yeah everything you do on one side you do on the other side I am right-handed so sometimes I favor one side a little better than the other but I've learned to adapt again I've got everything pre-trimmed I'm going to use my smart card to further anchor the film I don't necessarily have to do an H pattern I almost like to do just a one horizontal line and I like to if I do an H pattern that means I'm locking this film down and I like to use every bit of this film the way I like to shrink I like to make sure all my fingers are lined up and down very straight notice how my soap is keeping my fingers from sticking to the glass this is going to be very important in the shrinking phase and that's what I was exactly what I want and then I'm going to go do the other thing that I did here which is the same thing I'm going to push down the sides going to work down the fingers on top and bottom making them even making sure everything floats and now I'm ready for the shrinking phase okay before we turn the heat gun on I want to show you something that's in my brain I want to show you how I see this window because right now this window can be overwhelming it's like man there's a lot of window here a lot of fingers lots of but whatever I don't look at it like that anymore I used to look at these individual places they call fingers I used to look at how many fingers they were how big they were now I see a bunch of rectangles okay I don't know if you see the rectangles yet but I want to make you see them okay I'm going to use my sharp yeah this is the best way I know to do this but you know I've got since I'm standing here I'm going to work on this side first I want to show you a rectangle if you see that line I just marked and this that's the rectangle I see a rectangle right here okay I see two more over there now this doesn't look so intimidating to me oh this is flat it's already dealt this is done I don't have to mess with this I've just got to get these rectangles laying down flat and so now they don't look so intimidating to me okay now in the next step as I shrink I'm going to show you how we're going to view the window and rectangles and how we're going to attack this with a heat gun to get the best most even shrink we can possibly get without hammering down on any of these fingers which would in turn probably create these finger bubbles that we're going to see or could see on the inside of the defroster but we're not going to see them in this video and how all this comes together in this face okay in this step we're going to use the Oh heat gun I like the well built and I like about 950 degrees on setting number two but again I wanted just because I'm on this out of the car I wanted I want you to see this I see rectangles not triangles rectangles okay I'm going to draw one that right there is the rectangle that I see it actually goes in my brain all the way here and I'm going to see and manage everything inside the rectangle that helps me process what I'm about to do a little easier so here we go we'll let the heat gun warm up a little bit one of the mistakes that I used to make is I used to start off first of all let me put the cord here so I don't hurt my mother-in-law scar if I did I guess you'll have to get over but um I'm going to start off really nowhere I'm just going to start using the circular motion I'm going to take advantage of everything I'm not going to just hammer the tip to these things I'm gonna kind of come around here at the bottom maybe sort of work my way up I'm staying in my my rectangle and I'm really just utilizing all the film I'm not looking at each finger and it doesn't look like it's doing much notice I'm using my hand I don't have to be I can probably even which I'm going to do eventually you know he's my smart card will put my smart card there right now I'm just having fun with it because I'm just doing the beginning steps of my stream I'm also this is this method I'm really trying to prevent these little peanut annoying bubbles hot dog levels whatever you want to call them if you can see on these defroster lines that's why I'm trying to keep this feeling as smoothly as possible and I went outside the rectangle a little bit with this okay see the film's it's kind of slowing down on me a little bit it's not looking like fingers anymore you know it's just kind of looking rough and wrinkled that's when I take my smart card and start to push on it a little bit now I'm gonna a little more a little more aggressive on the sides because now I'm off the actual blasts I'm just trying to shrink though all the way to the bottom just because it's a habit I want to make sure everything lays down like I want it to see I haven't put any stress on the film in any one place I've spread it out very easily okay how long if you see that that's my first rectangle it's all smooth now now the theory here is I can do one rectangle why can't I do all four of them let's um let's look at our next rectangle I'm going to say here it starts here and then it goes up here if you can see that maybe with some good editing we can make that more visible but that's what I'm going to do if you notice how I'm going to just start my heating process I'm just going to go in circles I'm going to move across starting the little in the middle I'm just kind of messing around I'm pulling the film a little bit I want to keep everything vertical I don't want these fingers to shoot off to the side I don't kind of mess things up I want to push these fingers on the roll through the vertical side heat a little here heat a little there this films dancing around so I've got the soap just keeping this film from sticking to the glass that's why I'm going to get it dancing like I'm doing but you want it to do you don't want these film these fingers - bubbles whatever you want to call them you don't want to lock down I'll change the arm here so you can see a little better give my right hand to rest and then when you do it like this you can start to see what you really need to work with and don't shrink see it here's a here's an example right here the finger is kind of pinching on me a little bit that means I'm shrinking a little too much right here and this is going to cause this thing you're here to shorten and be really fat and right there is where you're going to pinch it if this happens and when I see something like this starting to happen I start cutting on the tops here I want to I want to pull the top together a little bit so I can really see here what I need to shrink and not shrink more than I need to that's a common mistake a lot of people make in the shrink and they heat too much in the points and then they create a big fan so they pinch the film and that's where they get their creases so now that I've got this laying down like I want I'm going to be careful and inch it up see what I have to work with here I'm not going to try to run over anything and want to crease it and I look at my rectangle now it's starting to take shape I'm going to go a little aggressive right here in the corner usually you will if you set everything up right you don't have any too much that you can't handle and I want to set the top up and you get this far your confidence level goes up because you think wait a minute if I can take these two triangles and make them all flat now why can't I do the other side without any complications well you should so we're going to move the other side we're going to do the same thing okay we're ready to start side two heat guns still hot you don't have to let it heat up again on this side you remember we drew the triangles the rectangles I keep saying triangles I mean rectangles rectangle rectangle and again I'm going to start my I guess inconsistent heating a lot of circles they notice I'm not even on this one I'm just not even touching it I'm just going to you know play around let the heat do the work I kind of like this I have it I want to manipulate things on my hand but you don't really always have to do that you can you know with the right set up what we have here you can just start to play around and heat everywhere a little at a time and hardly you have to touch the film but now I'm going to start using a hard card I drew the rectangle a little different over there kind of asked me up a little bit I should have thought should I come over here a little bit more on my heating right so far so good let's just move to the top now let's start seeing what the film does I'm always switching arm gets tired there is a lot of shrinking going on it's got to be patient and filming start laying down even though it looks a little wrinkled we can deal with that with our hard car it'll lay down nicely we just don't want to heat any one finger or place too much we want to spread this out as much as possible we know we're going to be a little aggressive in the corners that's where we're going to see the most heating but if we heat smart through here we don't get a really big finger right here if we move everything here then we're going to pinch it up and this is probably what we're going to get our crease but if we really spread this out we can make this thing you're smaller that's where we can deal with it so that's what I'm doing I'm still working over here before I'm trying to put all the heat over here when it's not time yet trying to smooth out this top here and I can really see what I need to work with over the remainder of the finger everywhere it just kind of thing flows ladies down nicely okay this is the trickiest part I'm going to come up here I'm gonna shrink the base of this thing first shrink on the sides I get in a hurry because I'm trying to utilize every square inch and things very getting hot we could definitely make use of this card well we don't have to use our hands to touch it it's amazing how you start using this card and heating these areas you don't normally think about heating things start flattening out quit I'm definitely doing a dance with this one but it'll all work out in the end to see you can tell I'm in deep thought here deep concentration alright one thing I want to point out if you watch this video all the way through did you notice how struggled over here and I didn't struggle much over there there's a reason for that and I'm glad this happened if you peel the film up and you look I'm going to show you what the card that's the end of the glass I've got literally an inch and a half extra film which really made things more difficult on me I thought this was the edge of the glass so I was trying to shrink a lot more in this corner than I really needed to which kind of threw me off and made it a little bit more difficult for me to shrink so when you do these pre cuts sometimes you know don't cut too much if you're going to use this method if you do have the really curved glass and you're going to use the pull method we'll talk about that later then you need more film but on this method I probably should have cut it a little bit shorter and I wouldn't have probably struggled so much like I did on the other side anyway we're done shrinking this window and we dealt with the rectangles all four of them every one of them were not that hard to deal with now I went ready to do a final trim and then we're going to do some inside prep final prep and then we're going to lay this back window we're getting close folks ok in this step what we're going to do is I'm going to take my light and I'm going to turn it on the 1,200 lumens it advertises to half I'm going to put it behind the glass so I can see through this tent because this is a 20% film kind of dark this will help me see when I need to cut and then I'm going to always break my blade and I'm going to hold the knife at the right angle and I'm going to cut the perimeter of this window and this is my final cut I'm going to cut it probably about an eighth of an inch all the way around like so if I cut it too short kind of like that if I want to do that for example right now I could probably cut it long at the top and then when I put place the film on the inside of the glass have a second chance and overcompensate for that she just got to be paying attention and always look for an out and then I'm going to see I'm really depending on the light now to see through where I need to cut I keep breaking blades off I'm really scared of up about cutting glass but with these things with steel blades it's really hard to cut them if you hold the knife at the right angle I'm going to change the angle of this whole light here there's a move around the glass I want to get it at a better angle I like that all right then I want to round this corner just right okay I'm gonna go the other side and we're going to do the same thing okay now we're going to do the opposite of what we do on the other side with the cutting again I'm going to break my blade okay and break it too many times to protect your back laughs I'm going to start well left off want to reposition light again I'm gonna favor it to this side of the car there we go the light of the film the easier this is because you can see better but actually pretty good I'm right-handed so I actually cut the film kind of choppy on this side usually so far so good I like where everything's going I lift the feeling a little bit so I can let some light through and see a cheat a little bit okay now what I'm going to do really quickly is I'm going to kind of push everything back down again let's see how it lays down the edges I'm looking for stuff like this and I can have a second chance to heat it up with my heat gun real quick notice what the soap I don't have to do what they call a wet check where we can lift the film back up and spray it the soap allows my film to just bite down and gives me an opportunity to see how smoothly and flat it's laying you know if I was you another method sometimes I would like the baby powder method I would literally have to lift the film up and we wet it because the baby powder gets really dry there's the soap has a little bit of a little moisture in it and it helps my film stick and when I press it on the glass and it locks down and I see everything I need to see without creating an extra step but I want to do the same thing on the other side I'm going to look around the perimeter for these little little bitty bubbles that I want to kind of heat them a little bit and get them all laid flat and we'll be ready to prep the inside do a final prep and lay this pattern let's film and Swede you doubt and go through those steps okay in this step we're going to do the final prep this involves my premix tent tack solution and my impact sprayer it's going to also involve my two turbos squeegees I'm going to use my bulldozer paddle squeegee I've got a couple of paper towels microfiber but what we're going to do oh and my stool huh what we're going to do is going to thoroughly spray the back glass with the slip solution I'm not using the pre tacking anymore I'm just going to quickly go over not any I'm just gonna just go over not anything serious no pressure just kind of go over everything real quick put the slip solution mixture been sitting a little while and I'm just gonna wipe it down just want to make sure everything is gonna be ready for my final squeegee I'm gonna get those uh matrix dots this is with my microfiber that's really absorbent it's good enough for what I'm doing not really going to get behind the break glass break light okay now want to respray everything slightly cuz I want to squeeze you this gonna get behind that break light a little bit and now I'm going to take strokes all the way across with my yellow turbo squeegee got a few drips on the seat nothing I can't just wipe up I guess if I wanted to be a little more professional about this if this was a higher-end car not the mother-in-law's I probably put a towel down but this is an older car we're just using it for video purposes anyway if I were using a nicer car I'm still not going to harm anything little extra water if you notice I can only go down so far with the squeegee that's why I'm going to have my special cut red turbo use the red turbo because it's a little stiffer and it makes a better longer squeeze you than the yellow one does I'm going to get all the way down the bottom do clean strokes as far as I can get love the squeegee to clean now I'm gonna take my paddle squeegee I'm going to get where I could not reach on the brake light or wipe it off every time I swipe it push everything to the bottom I'm going to drive things off around so I don't hit it when I film and get some contamination on the edges okay now I'm ready for install let's do it okay in this step what I'm going to do is I'm going to go inside the car I'm going to lightly to medium miss the inside of the glass totally everywhere then I'm going to come outside and we're going to peel the film I'm going to show you the trick that I'm going to use to manage this film and get on the inside of the glass okay now I'm going to say what I'm going to do is I'm gonna spray the outside first and there's a reason for this I want to make sure that there's no static electricity that can pull anything into my film all you got to do is just miss it really good I should be enough then the next thing I'm going to do is I'm gonna fill the film I using my teeth actually I can't do it with my hands very well other people can hurt their open eye I use my teeth probably a bad habit the way I was taught how to do it now to expose the glue it's only really quick with this I just want to get it thoroughly wet I don't to pull it back over to protect it from any contamination and do the other side same thing use my teeth since our reflects ir sunny film and got used to it yet I have to practice with it some more so I can get to do that faster okay now I'm going to roll the film up in a tube not very tight just medium can actually see how I do this because I want to do what they call California roll or the reverse roll this is the way I always do it come to about the middle I usually give up and handle the film and hand roll it and see how the soap that's on the glass got a quick trick for that I like to wipe it off real quick I think I can reread it park my absorber plus bi which is on top of the car and I simply wipe down the window real quick so I can see what I'm doing and even the camera can see what I'm doing so you guys can see what I'm doing so I'm going to take a minute out to do this park the absorber now I'm going to come back in the car install the film I like to have this door open because I'm going to discard the liner maybe since I've been talking so much I'm going to read wet the glass just a little bit I grab the release liner the trick to this technique it's not to try to roll the stem in the glass that's what a lot of people make the mistake all we're trying to do really is roll it across the bottom so that I can find myself here in a minute in this Frankenstein position so that I can get it on the glass they come here duck my head underneath it now I'm in a te NT by the t int and I'm going to try to ease it down taking my time here and I just want to kind of work it down though creases keep it off the rear deck just a little by little and they're starting to cave both sides kind of come up with it a little bit so far everything is going really well get these corners carefully this is where a lot of people were just getting hurry but probably the worst thing you can do take your time make Cheramie all the light gaps are covered that's what the game is here nobody gaps probably could use a little more slip solution here that's why you only get a hurry I try to do this without having to even pull it back anytime you pull the film back you certainly increase the risk of contamination so I didn't like to have to do that but it's not going to be the end of the world under me I'm going to get it just increases the risk okay now say I've got everything laying down like I want it I'm gonna read wet the I'm gonna rewrite the release liner so I can have some more slip that I'm gonna need and I'm gonna use my squeegees my turbo series now I'm you see what I'm doing I'm making sure everything's laying down smoothly with my hand that way I don't know I can assure myself of not having any fingers that might create creases if I mow over them really fast I'm gonna start off from the yellow turbo this is just a preliminary squeegee I got another squeegee after this I'm going to deal with the Blue Max but I'm going to work my way down the middle now I'm going to do a I'm going to bring my my rectangles back not triangles rectangles I keep getting confused I don't know that now I'm going to work on the rectangles doesn't matter which one you pick first once you have them divided out and I'm going to manage my water carefully as I'm squeegee and I don't want to mow over any tent then cause any creases it's just a just a game of being really careful see just pay attention what you're doing I'm gonna go to the other one here on the why just how to just felt like going to this one I want to come back into a hard tool on this I'm just trying to get everything to lay down really smooth because once I get to this phase that last squeegee is the easiest one it's actually the hardest one physically but it's the easiest one as far as being the problem free ok I'm going to go to the next one that Paul's kind of set things up a little bit I've had my slip solution mix just right I didn't want to have to delay too long but if I'm gonna be okay everything's going really really smooth but I'm just going through the motions you'll sweat if you're doing this right it's just a lot of work so for this is going smooth I want you to notice if this goes like I hope which I know it will I'm not going to use the heat guy on that side of this window if you got to use a heat gun on the outside this window I'm not gonna say anything wrong it's just you probably created that situation somehow some way and you know that's time if you do this the way we're trying to show this video it ought to just lay down you shouldn't even have to plot a heat gun after this that's the name of the game here now I'm going to get to this little section in the middle and we'll use my paddle and I'm just going to push down all the way let the pressure off ease it up repeat ok the pressure off doing a really hard tool it back there in the bottom okay now this window looks finished but what I'm going to do in the next scene so I'm going to clean my mess up at the end but I'm going to do what they call a hard tool or a final pass with the blue max I don't have a lot of time it's setting up so we're going to rewrite this just lightly for friction to reduce it and we're going to do a final squeegee we're going to clean the inside and outside this one is going to be done and I'm hoping there's going to be no heat going to work we'll look at it in a minute okay still sweating time is of the essence I'm about to go back in with the blue Max and do a final squeegee to get that last bit of water out that causes us a little troublesome bubbles that you see and a little extra backup for a retire here we go this step right here is probably one of the most overlooked ones I've seen it makes a really nice job but I'm going to use a lot of force with this blue max to get or extract this last bit of a bit of solution out to keep those annoying little bubbles that you see I mean if you're at a cold climate those little bubbles can freeze if you're in a hot climate they probably dry out quickly anyway but I'm still gonna push on a real hard everywhere it's probably going to be what completely eliminates any possibility you've been thinking about using the heat gun on this window he just goes right on and this is a hard one considering these lines are really thick and troublesome and we're just doing it in one step it's the way it was supposed to go think about all these other cars that are just really easy that you know um you don't have to worry about these extra prepping measures I still do them but you can get three back windows you know a lot of people are going to complain about oh you took you took a long time or you made a you made a lot of steps I could do this when didn't you know five minutes or whatever but you know we did it right and there's nothing you can argue about that this wind is going to last you know this wind is not going to peel back in 15 minutes you know everything about this was right and you want to spend your time with a heat gun on the end of this window trying to get everything to lay down I just want to do it right when you squeeze you everything out we can just walk away that's what we're going to do now I'm just going to wipe everything down let's see wipe everything down squeeze you everything down and then we're gonna walk away with a smile on her face yeah I'm out of breath cuz I'm fresh real hard on this window let's go to the outside and polish it up let's see just for the camera we can do all kind of in prep work on this car but for the sake of the video we're just going to quickly wipe it down and we're going to do a shot at the end showing what this looks like it's pretty flawless from here I was able to use the pre tack okay there you go we're gonna do another shot and do okay here we are at the end I've still got the sweat on me this is all I can find on the window so it's a little bitty finger bubble and this is my chance to use this card I didn't think I was going to have to but sometimes I don't have to use a heat gun I can just go on the inside sometimes even with a paper towel and just get the moisture out from around and this stuff will just lay right down but anyway I was going to try it without the paper towel just to see if I could get it lay down and there it is I would go around this window with a paper towel and maybe some glass cleaner and everybody happy and a lot look nice and pretty and this cars ready to go this is how you do it right here all the steps if you're do them right you don't skip any you get results like this on a medium to difficult windows with very thick defroster lines and a board that's peanut bubbles hot dog bubbles whatever you want to call them hey uh um are y'all ready to do the next video I'm going to take this off
Channel: Ralph Van Pelt
Views: 1,889,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tint, window tint, car tint, flexfilm, flexfilmplus, flex film plus, flex film, window installation, ralph van pelt, nano, carbon, ceramic, dye, window film, tint tips, how to tint, how to car tint, panaflex, terraflex, tint tools
Id: 6YO6WlwwtiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 29sec (3329 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2016
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