How to tie a halter by True Burson - Just Ranchin 4

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welcome back to just ranch and today we're going to learn how to tie a halter true bursting bur of burst and halters start to finish please be patient with my camera angles i'm doing the best as to what i think you how you want to see it right over the shoulder you're gonna have to slow it down watch it two or three times or just buy one of the halters on along with one of these caps pow pow [Music] what's your name true uh i make these halters but uh what do you do for a living true i worked for the sixes there in guthrie is that a gas station no it's a it's a ranch a ranch job but yeah a bunch of cows what are you oak cows it's not like goats or anything we've got a few goats but mainly cows yeah have you ever have you ever punched goats one time let's get off of goats back to cows when you're punching cows you need a horse right yes sir unless you're feeding then you just need your feet bugging cake but i guess if you're gonna catch the horse you need a halter more than likely unless you can ride him without one and that's why you decided you know what i'm going to start making these altars yes sir well i made me a board here you call it a jig but each knot i mean it's easy you can just go a halter that fits your horse good they'll get you a board and each knot this is nose bend knot to noseband knot from the theodore to the noseband and you just this is to help you measure how far apart your knots need to be i use 18 foot of halter cord here and that will fit the majority of horses if you got a horse with a really big head draft horse anything grande you might want to use 19 foot but uh starting off there's two ways to overhand knot is that right in the middle well i'm just showing you the overhand knot first okay perfect but you can see it comes through there and over the top of this side and then the other way to tie it it's the same knot but this one comes under and goes over and this one it just reversed if you will but you need to understand that to get these knots correct and for your halter to lay right understand the fact that there's two directions yes sir but you'll tie the nose band half of the nose bend knot first and your first knot needs to be 74 inches from here to the knot and i've got it figured out on my board and once you tie a bunch you'll you can do that on your board and you won't have to get your tape measure out and measure it that was like four and a half lengths of your board there yes is what equals your your 74 inches on your left side from right the tip of here to the middle of this knot should be 74 inches bingo so then i tied that knot coming in and out through here the second noseband knot needs to look like that see how this one points away from me and this one points towards me and then i just lay it up here and here let me get on this other side and get over your shoulder just to show but just to get and get those dudes pretty tight so you when you tie it here in a minute it'll be the correct measurement but this is the biggest key if you don't get this right it'll mess your whole halter up this one points away from you and this one's coming to you oh i see see what i mean yeah the and which one does it go to 74 inches your first knot your first knot on the left and it points away from you and then you're and then how many inches is this well i've never measured it but measured on your yes sir that's essentially the noseband though yes this and that knot comes toward back towards you yes sir and you'll come back and re-tie this but this will just get you started gotcha but i'd stay right there after you get them too tight tied in your measurement and you you know you don't need a board you could have another halter here sitting here and just hold your noseband up however long you want your nose been on your other halter that's it but once you get them tied turn it and put your long strand on your left short one on your right this next knot is called the theodore f-i-d-o-r how do you know how far to go on that well after you tie a bunch you just kind of know but get you a pretty good stretch out here and this will be where your lead rope goes but you'll measure it when you get done and you can adjust it if it's wrong but grab this your nose band come down hold it with your thumb and twist that side up and here's your short one here's your long one again but reach through here and pull it through and over here's my long one come through here and then suck it down and this will get your feet or not you know you're right if you got that square here so you want all four of these strands it's just like tying a rosebud if you know how to tie a rosebud this is the same deal you need all four of these one two three four to come through this middle well this is connected so you have to roll it around there and take this one out and put it right back through that same hole and then you just work your way around so this one's coming up through the middle of the square same deal here take your long strand out and put it through that same hole so now you have your noseband through you know i went boom boom just keep working your way around there's a x here if you can see that x that's where you come up through that x right there you see that yes sir and then here's my next decks that be the fourth one through the middle of that square but this knot's called a theodore i'm sure there's a lot of places somebody can learn to tie the theodore or not but the key to tying these do just get getting that knot tight and you want those to come out even then i laid on my board and the more you tie you'll get that right but you'll get it to where this will be shorter and you'll have to lengthen it out but it's easy all you got to do is feed this back to it it'll make that longer but you don't kind of see now that's starting to look like a halter and it doesn't matter how many how big you make this just personal preference enough to get that lead rope through but make sure you got these two even like that next you'll go the throat latch and evernote from now on is uh the halter knot evernote on a halter is the same except for the one we just tied the feed or but i like to hold it between my legs right there and from from this point on tie your overhand knot with your long strand see here's my long one and here's my short one but lay it over over here and through and then when i tie that one it'll save you a lot of time i like to set it up on my jig and get it the right length maybe it's just a scouch shorter because when you tighten it it'll lengthen out but when i first started out a lot of trouble right here tying this halter knot if you can see this strand goes under and then over so do the same thing with this one you want to look identical you go through and you want these two coming out on top of this strand right here this would be the incorrect way and it won't work but see they're on opposite sides you want them on the same yes sir that'd be the incorrect way but run it through there where it lays like that and you want to bend it back towards the way it's going and hold it there and back through and there's your halter knot and here's another thing that you need to understand tying these this strand is connected to this one and this one is connected to this one so i got them even here but if one of these was longer or shorter you would need to push this one to make that one longer and vice versa see i got them a little well that's about right right there but once again just get them as tight as you can and i'm real big on keeping keeping it between your knees and it'll just make make the halter lay better so there again i got my shorty you won't use this till your last knot like i said before just keep keep tying your knots with the long strand go over your strand here and through and then lay it here again get your measurement about right a little shorter because when you suck it down it'll come tight but however big you like your pole knot you can do whatever whatever your preference is but this is the exact same knot as we tied here at the throat latch go back to where your strand came from strand comes down point it back that way and hold it right there and keep keep that hole and go through and there you got your pole see it's a little long so i'll push that one in and it's caddy corner to what it's connected to that's a little bigger than i like so i'm gonna roll it all around make it a little smaller and now you'll finish tying your noseband knots and a lot of people mess up on this knot just because it's laying a little funnier but come from the inside out so it's matched up so like i said before the key to this knot is putting it in and making sure both strands come out on top of this strand that would be the incorrect way going in right there because this one's coming through the bottom this one's going over the top so always check yourself when you first do it so it'll work correctly but you can look at it right there these two coming out on top and these two are on bottom but same halt or not strands coming this way so go back towards it and over and through you hope but be sure and measure your pole the nose band and your nose band to feed or because it'll move on you see that's too long after i tied that knot so shorten your feet or do your noseband knot up now you go to the next noseband and always make them knots a little bigger so it'll be easier to tie as much as you need to widen it up but there again same knot i'm going back to where the strand came from and around and through is is the only name for that not a halt or not yes sir as far as i know what what's the what's what's the matthew walker not the matthew walker is that and that the or is that the matthew walker not i think it is i think this is coming at one time that's the one he'll tie like if he were like putting a piece of leather on the end of a pocket knife or something yes same yeah yeah i think he told me it's a matthew walker matthew walker but to make sure your nosebands are correct grab it by the top and they're even there and then you want those strands even and sometimes they'll look uneven if you hold it there but you want them even like it would set on a horse this is your last knot here but go over over this strand and back through and then there again both of them come out on top on this side and bottom on that side but i like to measure both of them again so it'll just kind of speed you up so and then see my pole knots are a little off shorten that dude up they're even there and then you want to line your nosebands up to get this length correct from noseband to pole see we need a little but sometimes if you just sucker down they'll get get even then we're good then we're good i mean whatever you want to do on the end here i get i get shrink wrap and cut them off and heat it up with your lighter but that shrink wrap works real good or you can tie a tie knot in the end or whatever you want to do but now you gotta halter how long does it usually take you to make one i can get one time about 10 minutes if i'm looking not talking yeah and basically these little these little holes or dots that you've drawn on there those are just uh just reference points and this one's which again these two are noseband to noseband this one is theodore to noseband it's kind of goes as you tile you'll tie your noseband first theodore the noseband theodore the throat latch and then you go from your throat latch to your first pole knot and then your pole to your noseband this just helps it go faster yes sir what happened to the corner ah i just found this board and i kind of liked it so i used it yeah a sharp i'd have beat it i can't remember how many halters have you todd just won so far that's your first one total yeah i got it ray down but i bet four or five hundred forty five hundred um so what if people don't want to buy a hulk don't want to make their own halter where can they get one uh gebo sells them but if you don't have a jeep gevo's near you can get them from bursting halters hell yeah me and my wife got a little business and we make them and sell them the caps too hollywood if you don't need a halter get the cap help out
Channel: Dale Brisby
Views: 104,096
Rating: 4.8952208 out of 5
Keywords: rodeo time, bull riding, cowboy, dale brisby, bareback riding, saddle bronc riding, ranching, wrangler national finals rodeo, professional cowboys rodeo association, Professional bull riders, ranch horse, horses, horseback riding, Horse training, colt breaking, barrel racing, team roping, tie down roping, horse, cow calf operation, feedlot operation, sale barn, rodeo, trucks, cows, farming, JB Mauney, ProRodeo, bull fighting, freestyle bull fighting, rodeo clown, steer roping
Id: mWWyIoRWjdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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