How to Take the Best Care of Your Pet? 😻 Creative Hacks for Pet Owners!

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a look who's here it's a cute little kitten who lives in a tree time for a ride in your basket cue the balloons ah flying it's the only way to travel the tree kitten has [Music] landed now let's bundle you up like a little burrito let's clean you up we should start with those [Applause] [Music] ears this calls for heavy duty stuff good thing we've got a fingertip toothbrush really get in those whiskers and scrub those messy Paws almost done you can dry off and cosplay as a bunny at the same time meanwhile we've got a special surprise for you huh put some holes in this Milk Carton and add some utters on top now it's like he's got his own personal cow but around here we go all out for snack time we've got food we've got water we've got buttons and the pest resistance the meat bar [Music] of course you might be in the mood for sausages who said cats don't like dogs especially hot [Music] dogs now it's time to have some fun with this long tunnel H add them to some cardboard boxes now our tree kitten has his very own tunnel system after all why should hamsters have all the [Applause] [Music] fun let's add a little personalization while we're at it there's no doubt what furry friend lives here anyone in the mood for tiny Billiards he'll write the great Kitty novel on this what else H here's an idea grab an old t-shirt tie up the ends and hang it up it's a kitty hammock throw on some pillows now grab a rubber glove you only need one add it around a cup and fill it up with sand it's great if you want a tiny chair or a moderate sized hand add a reminder of his favorite person and it's time to explore I told you he liked her he plays pool by his own rules ah such a bright sunny day for napping hey be careful on top of that even if you can land on your feet uhuh huh let's have fun with these paw prints add epoxy resin decorate any way you want and then add them on a chain it's a friendship bracelet well a necklace at his size I've heard of a monkey on your shoulder but this is better run some string through a shower glove's fingertips our kitty is not the only one with retractable [Music] claws now we need to blow up a balloon well that works make four of these and tie to each of the strings it's like a baby mobile and a cat toy rolled in [Music] one cut up some fulan and and [Applause] cardboard it's a tiny sink complete with a tiny mirror we can even cut up a straw to make a [Music] faucet add a dial and what's a bathroom without a bath uh gazuntite is that rain tinsil how'd that get up there h this tub could use some tinsel and pom poms after all cats don't really do water what the I don't think your dolls will miss this Garland time to see if our kitten likes his new water closet probably should powder his nose while we're here next up take a sock and put it on a [Music] glass fill it up with some soil and [Music] seeds and then some more soil we'll need to speed things up a [Music] bit wrap it up and add googly eyes why not now that you know how to make it you'll never run out of delicious catgrass this cat house needs a doorway now take the the bristles off some toothbrushes and add it to the [Music] door grooming now just takes a few [Music] steps time to get out an old plastic bottle cut off the end now add some hot glue in the [Music] middle reattach with some string and pull out the neck now take a ball and attach with some more hot [Music] glue just pull it down and it pops open now add kibble and behold your cat can have treats with the flick of a paw why not make one for yourself while you're at it huh it's the best of both worlds your kitty gets a ball to play with and snacks [Music] chips never mind at least we got the tube tie some jute rope around it lasso It Up Add a bunch to the side of one of the boxes now your little rock climber can get some exercise it's also a fun way of going up without [Music] stairs and it's the perfect place for just hanging around this cute tiny candy ball is the perfect thing for our cute tiny cat got something in your throat ooh a fish skeleton dip it in some paint and decorate the cat's house that or just make some fishbone [Music] broth seaweed in her hair what a she a mermaid H well it's fish related so on the box it goes so tell me kitty do you like your new pad you can just relax and scratch and itch or go on a little Adventure after all you're the king of this Castle who knew that hallways could be so fun oh no oh he thinks I'm a mouse why did I eat all that [Applause] [Music] cheese he'll be in his equally adorable kitty trailer ah just kidding this Kitty's a real professional meow amazing stuff catch you next time wait je do you see what I see there's a dog in a basket in the water we got to save him and by we I mean you jees I'll whip up my very own doggy pocket I'll call you Seiko let's go to your new home a who's a good girl with bad [Music] breath what you need is this finger toothbrush add some toothpaste and start brushing good girl I accept payment in puppy [Music] kisses well aren't we feeling jumpy today here this should calm you down now for some relaxing oils [Music] and a nice face roller massage next up a gacha scraper it'll take care of any muscle [Music] pain and who can say no to a manicure plus a nice soothing paw rub a face mask I guess it fits and while you relax we'll get lunch [Music] ready you know it helps to chew your food looks like you could use a [Music] challenge like this dog puzzle we'll need to hide some treats inside [Music] okay come on down you're the next contestant on The treat is right you win a snack and another and you take your time enjoying them finally it's okay to play with your food wow sand bottles squish them up and it's like a day at the beach it's also great for making paw prints huh and if you want to make it last fill it up with Tiny Treasures glitter and pour on some epoxy resin pretty soon you'll have something sparkly for your dog to wear [Music] a I love you too but just let me finish my nails okay we need a [Music] distraction a rubber glove now fill it up with liquid and seal it up [Music] oh make a bunch and place on your pop for some handsfree petting so we can get back to oh no looks like someone's been shedding huh don't worry our lint roller ball will save the day works great on sleeves so let's try the couch [Music] M now everything looks store-bought [Music] new a he's sharing his toys with you he must like you or he's just playing fetch extreme Edition we need something to hold them all like this and flatable pool there's plenty of room inside for [Music] everyone careful you'll Tire yourself out or is that the idea well as they say let sleeping dogs [Music] lie it's getting late almost time for bed which reminds me he needs a bed first let's get him off the floor get a laundry basket and some cut up pool noodles lay them inside and add a [Music] blanket and the final touch a cute puppy a don't for get the Bedtime Story Once Upon a Time and they lived happily ever after 40 Winks wouldn't be so [Music] bad it's still early so let's keep quiet never mind but hey free planks always fun to squeeze in a little woodworking especially when making a dog house seiko's going to need a name plate and a potato ooh a potato stamp dip it into some paint and decorate the dogghouse everybody raise a paw next add some push pins to the [Music] sides tie some string around them and you can make letters d o g come on Seiko oh I think she likes [Music] it whoops yeah I'd say goodbye that shoe you know if you got any old pumps grab some pipes add them together into a cube and hang the old shoes on [Music] top you know SE Go's right shoes are [Music] fun hang some rope on the other side we're making a Puppy [Music] Playground catch the ball Seiko wow three for one oh let's hang these up [Music] too and that's just the [Music] start come on Seiko let's try it out [Music] now for the shoes H seiko's going to sleep good [Music] tonight oh K's hot oh no Seiko you're panting and dogs Can't Sweat well paw pads CHS oh a duvet cover lie it down on the ground now place a fan on its side and blow it up nice and big it's the coolest spot around [Music] literally time to make some art ooh Seiko wants to help hm it's not such a bad look so why don't we make more paw prints scan them and hang them up at your [Music] house he'll always know he's home yeah I think seiko's going to like it here but sometimes all a dog really [Music] needs is just a nice new tennis ball not that all his new toys aren't cool ah who am I kidding new stuff's great a there's nothing sadder than a cat person without a cat luckily it looks like that's about to change a it's a kitty and she's so fluffy wow something tells me that's not rain whatever it is it's coming with a Chance of kittens ooh are you having a Tom or a queen two of each mommies in the making need lots of love and attention especially when they start shedding don't worry our cat brush will fix you right [Music] up this will catch all that excess hair e and Disposal couldn't be easier who wants a paw [Music] rub let's tuck you in and count some white mice huh this curtain just Sparks inspiration from table to Fort a cat Fort complete with a big fluffy teddy bear bring those two Bear Paws together and keep them that way add a cushion it's your own little chair in your own little corner wow construction's thirsty work you know huh no but save some [Music] water it's just what our toilet water dish needs so fresh and clean you'll want to sip for yourself don't forget some TP always comes in handy after all accidents do [Music] happen some kibble will pair great with all this water oh there's a prize oh we found Nemo of course every fish needs a bowl [Music] ew why not add a little island in the middle Just Add Water too now it's all ready for our robot fish round and round they go ooh careful oh I think you broke that brush no matter those bristles look all right just add some glue and it's a new scratching post wow you sure go through a lot of brushes [Music] we need to get a litter box in here in the meantime it's time for a little 52 Pickup ew looks like she's got an idea and just in time too start by cutting a little door on the side H maybe something in this old Christmas Box will help no not this not that aha our tiny Christmas tree I knew it wasn't such a bad little tree after all in fact we'll need a few to cover up the [Music] sides just lay out the Green carpet and a plastic [Music] bag don't forget to glue it all together add some sand like every litter box needs gravity is just not your friend today but cardboard is far more agreeable you can make it into all sorts of new [Music] things all it needs is some old Christmas [Music] lights and why not add a pillow at the [Music] bottom I think your bird shedding must be catching eh loose feathers means crafting supplies add this to a string and add some [Music] beads let's hang these up like a beaded curtain and it's the perfect place for all your old gum we should add a pillow on [Music] top and look there's even a door we'll need stairs unless cats can fly oh nice pom pom can we borrow it a few of these will brighten up the [Music] doorway a I think kitty wants to help uh maybe not either way this broom is just what we needed take an empty box and fill it up with a bunch of [Music] bristles pour a little cement on the bottom not too much we want those bristles sticking out so Kitty can play with them uh-oh hope we didn't use up our brooms hey there's something in the plant pot oh it helps you make paw prints and we've got plenty of [Music] Paws this is going right in our collage ooh beach balls on tap now that's fancy but let's not forget about all that string either [Music] wrap it around and glue it into [Music] place now all we need is something to stand it on and something sharp don't worry I said we've got them on tap cut an opening it'll help get the ball out and your kitty cat [Music] in WoW someone tell that a ostrich we found her egg it looks like it's ready to hatch Let's Help ooh confetti and a cute baby duck sure had a lot of room in there looks like someone's got a new best friend meanwhile let's have fun with all this laundry these green tights are just what we needed mhm start by folding one into the [Music] other and tie them to these chair legs you've got a little hammock right in your room hey so who wants to try it out any takers what happened to our feline friend well at least we've got a sock so many holes let's make some more take these tubes and add Frills toward the [Music] end accessorize and your Kitty friends got a brand new outfit put your paw through and you're photo ready perfect time for a snack break but first let's have some fun with the container we really just need the [Music] bottom it works even better than tracing paper draw the outline and then color it [Music] in when you're finished cut it out wow leave some room to punch a hole in at the top now we just need to add some heat this this will shrink things down to [Applause] [Music] size it's the right size for our new necklace all dressed up for a nice night at [Music] home your brand new cat home let's explore wow those cats know how to [Music] live guess somebody's got some Cat Scratch Fever now that's a bear hug time to descend the stairs like you just had a makeover and there's so many places to catnap but I think this is her favorite [Music] spot remember to order that big liter of milk and a 20 lb salmon good now does the cat want anything pretty cool stuff catch you next time careful Kitty the cat catcher on the [Music] prowl oh won't someone save this cat don't worry this girl's got your [Music] back now let's get you out of this net and get you ready to see the [Music] vet okay that doesn't look good maybe this will help clear well that didn't work wait I think she's got an idea it's time we unleash our secret weapon [Music] cat food it just might do the [Music] trick hey are you going to finish that now that you're all better inside let's fix you up on the outside too our special glove will do the trick it's time for some serous [Music] petting ooh look what the Cat Dragged In let's clean those dirty paws this soap dispenser should help or at least make things a lot more [Music] fun now it's time for a little brushing [Music] but now let's put it into overdrive and massage all your worries away honestly pressure Never Felt So [Music] Good oh no your bracelet what can we do with all these beads let's use them for a craft make a paw print and place some beads inside keep it in place with some epoxy resin when it dries turn it over and dig kind of like looking for buried treasure but our real Treasures right [Music] here m snack time oh looks like mom's back how do you want to explain the cat or better yet should we put this banana peel to better use H nobody here except us [Music] bananas it's not the right time to introduce you two to each [Music] other I Choose You Pikachu hey isn't he a mouse Pokémon uh-oh but it's all right we can fix him just add some parts to an old [Music] tube ooh Pikachu's gotten taller now wrap some rope around the [Music] tube and don't forget his other [Music] parts he's like a brand new scratching post and I think he's ready for a new play date aw now play nice you two what do we have here a wood stick now let's add it to a a wooden square a nice hinge will keep it in [Music] place got to keep it nice and [Music] secure but now we're going to add some layers mhm like a nice midsection and now for the top [Music] floor H it's a little hard let's get something soft [Music] like a bunch of pillows oh look they fit right in what else can we use ah curtains now let's make some [Music] cuts and tie it around the structure wow wow pretty soon you've got a new canopy bed a this cat tree looks like a lot of fun ah please tell me that's just juice ew well that sock seen better days ew hm that mini toilet could be useful [Music] let's fill it up with kitty [Music] litter and let our feline friend try it [Music] out well I'll get the scoop [Music] e hey what's under here books this will come in handy as our new cat staircase face of course cats always land on their feet ooh the cookies are burning and while she's not looking Luna's in the mood for chicken H let's get you some lunch mhm smear some food on this licking mat that takes care of kitty so who wants pizza oh no that's your second favorite plant good [Music] catch here's an idea collect some old feathers and add them to your shoes [Music] now you can keep an eye on Luna's play time it's time to start another day oh can we borrow this [Music] towel all we need is a little rope belt wow everyone's so generous [Music] today add it [Music] inside make twists and turns and you've got a tiny hammock all that's left is to hang it [Music] up let's make one for the cat too time for a well-deserved snack uh-oh that's going to leave a stain I guess we could just cover it up looks like the cat got to it [Music] first we could just do the laundry but this fur remover should do the [Music] trick now it's as good as new [Music] uh-oh what is it with this cat and plants it's okay add a sock to a glass fill it up with seeds and soil water it and soon it'll grow wow that was quick wow add some [Music] eyes and now it's your cat's new best friend or snack either way this cat prefers food with a face a makes you wish you had a feeline friend [Music] mm nothing a little scrolling can't fix hey Mario are you ready for a new adventure let's go a plumber's job is never [Music] done speaking of Plumbing I guess it's occupied I think he's going to be a while unless we try out this brand new toilet water [Music] bowl it's nice and fresh anyone thirsty quick before a line starts [Music] cat cops ever seen criminal mice you're welcome must be where they keep the best cat toys I'm sure he'd be happy to lend a paw now fill it up with some hot glue and scrape away all that sand [Music] only one way to see if it works great success it was the Perfect Crime hey it's dark in here ow so hard to see is that a [Music] dog maybe the mystery box can help look it's an LED collar try it out and there's more where that came from now shine [Music] on is there any gold around here well that answers that yeah I wouldn't get too close TP maybe aha a pooper scooper oh it even comes with bags seems simple enough scoop it up and put it where it belongs you know I always wondered about those pipes and that's where gold coins come from hey watch your step Mario I'd better think of something before you start seeing [Music] claws look it's a dino [Music] Chomper Kitty want a lick a what a nice kitty maybe we should change the sign [Music] this dog's bark is worse than his spikes stick to head Pats hey what's that ooh let's pretend we don't see it aha oh hey that's not a mushroom it's a pet massager Try It Out ooh a hands free experience but that box is none the wiser oh no the bricks are coming down what the is anything real in here let's hope this pomelo is a different story cuz we could sure use that shell now for a little [Music] measuring and a little cutting your pups got a new helmet just in time the sky is [Music] falling hey this mushroom's a mess actually the room's a mess the perpetrator [Music] ah don't worry here's something that can help a cat brush seems self-explanatory grab that [Music] cat and let's get brushing and look it even works on Paws pause when it's done it comes clean off why don't we collect all this cat hair just get Crafting and soon we'll have a brand new pair of kitty flipflops just the thing for a nice stroll or just a day of pampering now where is that mystery box uh-oh looks like we've got [Music] company eh let's try this one instead it's an interactive treats wheel open it up and add the treats make sure you close it [Music] up now just attach it to the [Music] wall you think he'll get get it out great [Music] success and while no dogs looking this Pug's a mess with stress cleaning him up is the easy part but so is calming him [Music] down with our helpful massage tool now for some tummy scratching these little hands will get in every nook and cranny and let's finish up with a face mask who needs a dryer Sunshine's free of course outside does have its [Music] drawbacks it's okay take a big B and start welding we need to cut out a little opening now add another Basin on top decorate and add something soft around the rim some litter is the final touch and Kitty's got a brand new [Music] poty two container all those little [Music] surprises what has this cat been eating good thing those aren't blocks you should be nice to mushrooms or they won't share their coins this will help a back scratcher um I meant with the dog the dog [Music] that's a good boy okay lift a little more and we've got time keep on [Music] scratching hey careful with those Nails oh your poor overalls it's infuriating great now the basketball's broken wait we can use it for our next [Music] craft look it's a piranha plant it'll probably need a [Music] stem here cover it up with rope and maybe it can use a [Music] tongue now Kitty has a brand new scratching post and a throne right on [Music] top check out this dog mobile you've got insurance right no matter we can fix it up when life gives you lemons oh we can just use this cart of course a new ride should look its best don't forget to add some headlights we're going to need some [Music] engines and an M for Mario and streamers let's take it out for a spin a it's Mario powered guess we'll save a ton on gas ew let's start by wiping all this stuff off you come on we've got sunflower seeds with your name on [Music] it first let's make something special for our new friend start with adding pieces of a poppet toy to this fidget spinner now our new little buddy has his own little fun house to play [Music] in be careful a trick can be just around the corner always great when a watermelon dut breaks your fall while you're here why not try this new ride a water slide it leads right into your own personal little pool of course there's just no place like home [Music] though it's kind of hard to keep track of him now where is he waiter there's a hamster in our salad naughty [Music] naughty jail time come on can't you just let him off with some community service no bars can hold him or maybe they can maybe there's a hidden door like the fun house let's hope that's just a secret tunnel oh no the prisoners escaped what else can we make first bring out the card stock and glue roll it up into a cylinder add a puff on top let's fill up these walls with beads for a splash of color [Music] now our hamster has his own Hills to run over well they're Hills from his perspective now he's on his way to [Music] Freedom ooh looks like someone's back in The Labyrinth oh no the room's filled with trap doors good it looks like those eyes will keep him from falling uh-oh this looks like a tight [Music] squeeze not what they usually mean by knock down the door oh this last one's a little tricky there we go we're out of [Music] here always time for a selfie break huh but this felt pen is giving us an idea it's a little mermaid don't skimp on the [Music] scales though I guess she doesn't need a [Music] face I see it's like one of those Carnival attractions just hope he doesn't squeeze out beforehand [Music] I wonder what she's got planned for that straw let's stand them up on some cardboard now let's add some walls don't stop at just four it's another Maze and don't forget the finishing touch a ball pit well the first level seems simple enough nothing like a b pit to break your [Music] fall good he's making it through the [Music] straws anything in those boxes come on we're almost home free he made it let's sit down for the final course quick before they bring out the check does he want to share his stuffing he has a surprise inside a pop [Music] tube we can use it to make a new maze can't forget the ball pit let's roll up this pipe cleaner too kind of looks like a pigtail so far so good no pipe cleaners a match for him [Music] now this one's kind of tricky at least there's a backyard sort of Victory the ball pit and a way out too I guess bananas wait something's off about this one it's a toy open it up take out that stuffing [Music] now hang it up it's like a hammock this room sure is fancy there's even a flat screen welcome to the banana Cabana oh he needs a lift looks like Huggy Waggy wants to lend a hand or two great idea make the hammock come to you want to take a [Music] nap nah I'd rather go exploring too hey what's that Mark on the wall we should really fix this [Music] up it's time to whip out our 3D pen draw a circle for a base keep adding on now we'll need some sticks well sticking out it's like a tunnel let's fill it up with some stuffing add some eyes it's starting to look familiar isn't it climb up and it's a brand new place to [Music] rest what else is there to explore around here a new hole wherever this leads to this tunnel looks fun enough already wonder what she's up to gluing frames together oh look it's a little house it needs a paint job this shouldn't take too long [Music] ouch should have known those blocks add it again maybe we can make something out of them it's what they're made for these blocks add a nice touch what else can we [Music] add these sticks are great for building too just add hot glue now our house has a brand new backyard playground can't forget the ball [Music] pit time for some real fun it's what playgrounds are [Music] for look it's a swing just for him who said show jumping was just for [Music] horses it's a slide just without water this time time to explore the house can you squeeze through these blocks are the perfect Decor real [Music] postmodern wow these disco tunnels must have been on sale I think we're getting lost oh wait what's that in the distance it's a trophy congratulations after all these rooms and challenges he certainly earned it though now I guess we'll have to make him a trophy room unless this is the trophy room eh just accept it it's the hamsters World we're just living in it squeak squeak squeak squeak stuff catch you next time you know this Cheetos can put some pep in your step just built a little boot around it add some paint or even better glitter sh and you've got new lifts now get stepping on second thought watch your step you got paw prints everywhere don't worry oops enough caramel can cover up any blemish give it time to harden and you've got candy add a stick and it's a lollipop or should we say [Music] lollipop done with that bottle good we can recycle it especially that cap add clay and a paper dog this ain't construction paper color them in for the eyes let's go with googly the gang's all here let's get rocking they just keep going and going and [Music] going wow a dog making dumplings he still better than mine don't don't worry that's what our dumpling Maker's for all you needs the dough and filling and voila you've got a perfectly wrapped dumpling wow careful that might be the one with [Music] kibble ooh a bone ooh an even bigger bone and ooh a corgi kind of breaking the pattern but at least he seems fun to play [Music] with give him a treat and watch what comes out ooh careful where you're aiming [Music] that oh no not the cheese puffs I wouldn't eat that ew someone get this dog a [Music] diaper wow a candy machine looks like you've caught one this game's a lot of fun for kids yes but as for pups not so much but maybe then can join in on the fun we can make our own candy machine just with kibble instead of candy press press a button and the treats come pouring in it's good thing his head fits in H I guess someone ran out of [Music] candy oh no Monica's missing oh there she is so does this mean I get the reward eyes I'll get back to you for now let's get crafty next time she gets lost she'll have an ID tag we'll need her name and a contact [Music] number it's kind of big let's shrink it down to size bake it in the over and Bam it's bite-sized just the right size to fit around her neck [Music] it's lunchtime guess someone doesn't want to share I know grab a pop tube and a funnel and let the food come right to you use a bowl to keep everything in one place unless of course you want to eat off the floor all done well let's keep it around for [Music] dinner I heard of dog groomers but not like this oh no you took off the whole eyebrow it's okay this toy has plenty of hair to [Music] share he just keeps it in his blackheads good it should be more than enough but first he really needs a [Music] shave this is going to take a lot of shaving [Applause] cream time for a rinse and that's good [Music] enough what a good boy you've earned a [Music] treat ooh a hot dog the last food in the house I probably shouldn't have mentioned that it's simple solution just split it up you get a piece and so do you hey what about [Music] me H Pizza wait watch out oh no is the pizza okay we can rebuild it fry up the dough okay okay this might take a [Music] while good this face is nice and crispy but a little makeup wouldn't [Music] hurt no one wakes up looking their [Music] best take a bite just eat around the [Music] eyelashes oh no your wig I told you to tape it down don't worry we'll make you some new hair cut up something purple like onions just as long as she looks like an anime character start by whipping them up into spirals anyone else starting to tear up just me let's Li her down and see if we have enough but save some too I want onion rings that should be enough looking good wow so where are we on those onion [Music] rings oh even the tiniest of Hearts can be [Applause] broken but don't worry we'll make you a new friend literally just need a glove a cup and some markers give it a muzzle and soon you've got a brand new [Music] dog tuck it [Music] inside add a hole in a straw and blow it up she's ready time for a meat cute emphasis on cute wow they really like hot dogs around here the Chase Begins get back here okay now I'm starting to get dizzy hey don't give up get crafty or better yet crafting draw a runner in one Circle and their legs in another cut off the tip of a straw to connect them [Music] together now these paper dolls will do all the running for you add a background and it's like you're in a [Music] cartoon so who won and let's call it a draw ooh what's in that giant block shaped box oh that little shirt sure seen better days we can Spruce it up get out those felt tip markers and I mean all of them make a rainbow roll it up and add to water for a nice relaxing soak once it dries help your furry friend become fashion forward [Music] careful with those Paws don't you look cute well cuter and since you're all dressed up let's dance shake that [Music] tail don't you just hate getting your foot stuck in a jar well then get crafty and get out the assembly [Music] foam let it dry and smooth it out our new boot's going to need some [Music] color think of what you'll save on boot shopping with boots these big you'll go anywhere in no time I guess our pup could use some boots too take the air out of a balloon h m try them on these Paws for size to keep it in place tie on a [Music] ribbon with these booties slime is no match for this pup hey [Music] wow it's hot want to go visit that penguin level how about this grab a pool noodle and poke some holes in a line add some paper cones on the back plug in one end add a hose to the other okay turn on the [Music] water and now we're keeping cool careful with that lollipop oh no uh-oh candy isn't puppy food close Cal next time this cool tool should keep it safe but let's make one for the [Applause] dogs want to lick you know you want to now it's time for a little manicure you know it helps if you keep still you're not supposed to lick it maybe Princess Peach can help she just needs a little [Music] makeover now make some slits on the [Music] back time to hang up that [Music] pup now those Paws will stay nice and steady and it's great for walks too [Music] mhm Great Sand Castle hey watch out at least we got a nice paw print and we know how to make it [Music] last fill it up with a pink glue gun Now cover it up with white glue when it dries it could be a name [Music] tag it's like a bury treasure game in a cup clean it off and give your pup her very own Sandy Pawn [Music] necklace want to go BR [Music] walk aw you hurt your paw let's get comfy fill a big box with pillows and some wheels will get it moving but we can't forget the seat belt your chariot awaits let's go for a [Music] ride bring a whole new meaning to Mario Kart yeah [Music] woohoo someone's left Mario a few surprises well let's hope our scooper is feeling hungry brace yourself pup it's bath time probably shouldn't have said anything it's okay grab a plastic plate and a glue gun now draw up some shapes ooh Stars mushrooms even a mystery box and cover it all with peanut butter now look who's coming back while you're here why not enjoy a nice shower ooh it's laundry day for that bed or better yet let's make a new one let's add some polka [Music] dots and a pop tube around the rim ooh the bed comes with bite but at least it's got a soft [Music] Center why don't you try it out it's okay its bark is worse than its [Music] bite I think someone's been [Music] shedding oh it's the dog seems obvious is now time for our handy dandy pet brush it'll collect all this extra fur and clean up couldn't be easier but let's not waste all this nice fur add some color how about red a few pokes and it's a new hat [Music] and look it's just your size [Music] yeah Mario's been a good boy he's earned a [Music] treat and he's not the only one take out the biscuit mold and fill it with treats yeah ooh broccoli now add some yogurt too make sure you fill it up the whole [Music] bone plop them out and give your pup some [Music] treats hey what watch where you're aiming that you're getting your food all over her how about this carve a pomelo try to cut around the polka dots now she's got her own helmet to protect [Music] her cool toys but what to play with with first aha what's more fun than [Music] Mario why he'll make you a new toy add cones to the top of this bowl give them a nice coat of paint ooh it's a spiny shell and look it holds all of your toys at once [Music] the best part you can wear it also makes a great kneecap she's going to sleep good [Music] tonight watch your step Mario not again ooh this should help you see in the dark place it on your pup and she'll always stay in sight come on the camera loves you you own that catwalk though maybe I shouldn't have used the word catwalk want your pup to be a fashion star start with boots let's try these first aren't they cute Perfect Fit just remember we need four and all it's not like your pup can resist all those puddles now let's try the balloon deflate it a little that was quick now place on your [Music] puffer and it still protects their paws from all that dirt either way it's cheaper than a doggy treadmill of course while dos appreciate a good walk they sometimes prefer to just ride along especially when you do the skating for them hey look ma no PAW but if you don't have a special bag we can try out an old tote bag cut out some Paw holes plop your puppy right inside and go for a spin just be careful if you've got a great D time for gadgets for your dog's more private moments this one's pretty big and look it gets bigger and bags are included just take one and wrap it [Music] around well we might as well try it out oh give it a sec and test it out H that was easy oh guess I spoke too soon what are you feeding him let's just hope we don't run out of [Music] bags now let's try the hair clip hope you don't use it either way we're covering it up hey it works and good thing the trash bins right [Music] here well that was fun but now here's something for the cats look at that cat brush and those [Music] bristles and while we've got a cat here why not try it [Music] out look at all that hair well now it's a toue [Music] up next we're going to try a foot oh I guess just the sock add onto a brush just make sure all those bristles poke through groomed twice in one day H this cat knows how to live pull off the sock and the mess is gone [Music] pets don't do that whole don't play with your food thing huh take this toy Garden bury some treats plop in some carrots sort of reverse gardening you know like come on scoop put that snout to work after all a dog doesn't like to [Music] dig eh car are really more of a rabbit thing take a TP Roll Cover the bottom put a string through it and add a few more fill up with treats and give to your dog the trick is to spin them around it gets them on the floor but not for [Music] long dogs got to keep up their tongue exercises wow look at all those suction cups stick it up and spread on something yummy for your Pooch while they're not looking it's grooming time here's our backup plan take some plastic wrap wrap around your head and add the food now you and your dog can have some quality time so why not squeeze in a manicure can't neglect your pet's dental [Music] care and just in time let's start with a [Music] brush now let's use the GL love but it could use some [Music] help you just can't beat a good bristle add some doggy safe toothpaste now when you brush really get in there ah cats just seem to get the best toys just add a plume on top of this toy [Music] now let your cat take it for a spin so many ways you can play with it this Kitty's going to sleep well [Music] tonight but why not make a toy hey watch out look a feather this could come in handy just tape it to the end of your [Music] shoe why not both slippers while you're at it now you and your cat can play together throw in some catnip and this is Kitty luxury now for a puppy bumper start with the dut after all who doesn't love Donuts open up and stick your p up inside now that fence is nothing to worry [Music] about now try a spoon just add to a harness like a cone of shame but without the [Music] shame pets sometimes need a little space you know a little alone [Music] time this cute little tent is just the thing of course there's some owner assembly required come on Kitty there's plenty of room inside no wonder female cats are called [Music] Queens let's see what we can make out of these old [Music] jeans plenty of legroom but let's add some stuffing now fold it up into a makeshift lap and it's your cat's rightful [Music] Throne it's time for some interactive dog toys this Bone's Got Some Teeth add kibble let's hope its bark is worse than its fite now for the ultimate test the bone or the chicken uh-huh dogs and Bones just go [Music] together if you don't have one just take a [Music] towel add some kibble in a pattern and Fold It Up nothing can hide from a dog's truck trusty sniffer unroll The Pink Carpet it's snack [Music] time puppies are cute but they usually don't come housebroken devices like this should help just add a [Music] sheet and your dog enjoys their own patch of lawn [Music] but maybe a nice plastic bin is all you [Music] need just fill it up with some [Music] sand maybe some rocks and wood shavings [Music] too now roll out a patch of artificial grass stick it in a corner and let your puppy enjoy needing to go [Music] cats just love a good light show what are you waiting for fire the laser if only the laser wasn't so hard to catch just like one of those cartoon mice but maybe all we need is a hard hat h h [Music] with a laser pen taped onto the front shake your head just don't get dizzy I mean you could just use the laser pen by hand but come on where's the fun in [Music] that because selfies aren't just for people H seriously social media is 99% pet photos for this device clip on a snack and a [Music] phone come on time to get ready for your closeup let's send these head shot to Paw [Music] Patrol this Frame might help too smear it with food once again the food will catch your dog's attention zoom in unless you want the food in the photo of course it's hard to take a bad photo with such a cute model pet amazing stuff catch you next time a what a cute little wiener pup and they blow up so fast don't they still this poer could use some fur now she's a real dog thank you Blue [Music] Fairy and she's got a surprise more puppies are on the way good thing she went to vet school cuz it's time for a sonogram oh look someone's having triplets H which means you're eating for four now well that just proves my point e yuck good thing we've got our handy dandy pooper scooper just look at that face he's so happy to help oh me so full but me could always eat one more [Music] puppy owners need to keep up their strength too and if she can get a treat too she won't complain though you're kind of getting a little messy don't worry this hula hoop will [Music] help of course a little water's just common sense let's dry you off and just in time for a little costume change sometimes you just need a random dance braid but we could do without all this hair some durian fruit should help slice in half and add some hot [Music] glue and stick to the wall now now it's a makeshift scratching post one that will keep all that hair in one place of course we want puppies to have a little fur oh no and you didn't even overwater it it's simple our pup needs a secret garden all her own ooh let's add treats our dog will appreciate eh maybe make sure they get in the hole come on girl it's time to look for Buried [Music] Treasure and maybe you should try trimming that uh-oh someone got into some paint still these are some nice paw prints cut them out and Shrink them in the oven Now That's What I Call puppy sized and they're your collar crowning [Music] Glory ooh are the Sheep visiting wait no someone's teething don't worry we'll give you something to chew [Music] on stuff up some tights [Music] and we mean plural now staple them up together well this should give us a hand you know there's always time for a manicure and now you've got the best seat in the [Music] house hot dog that is one big sausage you know Bread's not the only thing that can be a soup bowl besides she likes her Ramen to have extra meat and there's plenty to go [Music] around okay we really need to start cleaning under here more often or at least keep better track of our tennis balls with a little needling keep them on a string in fact this works for all sorts of things hang them up it's like a party in a cube of course all good parties need snacks now for the big unveiling it's like a puppy playroom [Music] the peace de resistance the tennis ball oh she's going to sleep good tonight silly puppy that's for drinking sort of good thing it comes in Fun Size press the button and fill her up have a drink and when you're done how about some tee [Music] ooh a watermelon let's slice it [Music] up well that's one way to do it still we'll need a few more [Music] Cuts now it's time to scoop out the good stuff but first we're going to need the rind with some eyes and ears it's a puppy H as for the red stuff Let's Get Out the Cookie Cutter and make some fun [Music] shapes with all these animals it's our very own Zoo now one for me one for [Music] you it's selfie time mhm well that's not going on the fridge don't worry all you need some handy dandy cardboard time to put those art classes to work all that green can only mean one thing it's a dinosaur well almost we still need a head and we've got just the right one perfect you can be anything the limits your [Music] imagination sometimes puppies need help communicating but all you need are just a few [Music] buttons now your dog can let you know what it [Music] needs whether it's playtime or just a drink or even a little p pampering after all it's hard work being this cute all the [Music] time now it's time for a massage or as she calls it a belly rub well I guess your photo needs a new frame H better yet let's get a document folder now you can finally give your photos an outline like you're in your very own cartoon huh that's an idea we'll just need a projector tape it on ADD some light and enjoy the show this is just what the wall needs go grab some paint and put those tracing skills to [Music] work a pacifier oh that gives me an idea H it just needs another cut and we can add a Scooby Snack inside let's add a decoration while we're at it [Music] a now she's giving us a [Music] smile is anyone else feeling dizzy oh it's laundry day I guess those jeans were dry clean only well at least we know someone they'll fit something tells me this happens a lot on laundry day well now they're two of a [Applause] kind you know you should really take [Music] turns don't forget she's got an audition for a kibble commercial in an hour so when can we expect the puppies Bow Wow tastic stuff catch you next time happy birthday oh and look this one's got air holes it's a puppy oh a toy puppy kind of a misleading box well we can still play with it let's give it a [Music] bath sweet Jiminy crickets Your Love made it a real dog thank you Blue Fairy wherever you are maybe we should wait before we break it to Mom pH oh oh just a few seconds old and he's already got bugs e time to break out the [Music] tweezers wow some of these bugs are big enough for a Hands-On approach e someone's got dog breath well don't worry we've got a brush just for you canines are pretty important to canines maybe that's how they got the name now let's clean up the whole row huh what have you been eating now it's time for the other kind of brush [Music] mhm oh soon enough we'll have enough to make a new dog quick let's hide you come on if anyone asks you're a pile of clothes just stay still hey did you have a nice birthday honey what the oh she's just shedding and then dying the [Music] hair wow I can't believe that worked sort of either way it's time for a little spring cleaning let's pile it up now where's a carpet to sweep it [Music] under ooh your pants could use a good swipe too aha wow the puppy's really good at hiding seriously oh this isn't good let's follow that trail of chewed up clothes well dogs like to dig and dig they shall come on we need to clean those dirty paws this device should help it's a shower and a brush Allin [Music] one what a good dog most would have had five Escape attempts by [Music] now let's dry you off well that's one way but let's try this bathrobe and if Mom asks you're a [Music] shark and for being such a good boy you get a face massage but don't let the name can fool you it can massage more than just your face I think there's time to have a turn of your own too wait I'd be careful about taking a nap hey nothing to see here just us Toys uh-huh yeah mom needs to check those glasses now what did we say about naps right now I'm sure we can sew them back up but for now let's trim those [Music] Nails okay that didn't work time for Plan B ah plastic wrap now it's a plastic [Music] cap some peanut butter should please our furry friend now he won't notice the Manny Petty hey where you [Music] going why couldn't mom fill up on birthday cake like the rest of us what you forgot the ketchup well someone doesn't mind at least you've still got your ketchup silly doggy thanks these people no here's something for you a kibble dispenser it's dinner time with the Press of a button bone [Music] Appetit and don't forget moms have to eat too you know what a living room's like a city to this pupp ooh look at all these boxes let's have some fun we can make a whack-a-mole game but with treats besides moles bite quit hide it could be moles come on we're in the clear time to relax with a good book let's see wow that koala sure likes eucalyptus a why don't you come up for Story Time uhhuh H good point how do you get up H great idea this this doggy staircase should help come on it's easy just one step at a time hold on a sec I think Nature's calling though someone needs to keep an eye on him make that something this camera should help okay let's try it out it's all on your phone a yeah I never like those shoes either green with green dots huh he did you a favor oh no still this sniffing match should distract him especially when you add surprises [Music] inside Pockets just make everything a little bit better let's try it out and while he's distracted hide your shoes except toe shoes they deserve to be chewed up o it looks like shoes aren't the only thing on his diet but don't worry now it can be his new collar don't you look dapper and selfie ready this one would make a great ID tag the glue gun's the perfect laminator just cover it with wax paper and flatten it with a rolling pen a don't you look dapper doggy what other looks would you like to try out [Music] wow well you heard the answer button a dragon costume look spice okay then how about a superhero we'll just call him Krypto is it a bird a plane it's super dog wow it's like he really can fly well that was a great workout for both of us photo time the Daily Planet will pay big for this ooh look an ink pad any takers that's one way to get your John Hancock wow this one's going right on the wall but here's another way to help him Express himself add some paint and a clear cover to a [Music] canvas some dog food on top should help too who needs a paintbrush when you've got a nose for art you know wall Arts A step above refrigerator art wait you shouldn't play with paint besides what you need is a chew toy and look it's corn themed smear some food on the kernels now this is what you should sink your teeth into ooh look at the mess there are paw prints everywhere okay actually I kind of like it but that's just me oh no it's worse than I feared she's got contacts now she'll get you and your little dog too a suitcase is she sending you packing wait a minute she's making it a doggy B bed it's the best seat in the house I mean look it's portable a we've had a lot of fun today wishing toys to life but be careful side effects can include a dog growing 10 ft tall all or turning fire engine red do not feed after midnight consult local gnome for any additional questions or comments W horrific stuff catch you next time oh poor puppy all alone on a hot day like today we've got to help naturally we'll start with a makeover for you if only fleas were this easy to get rid of two eyes are plenty look at all these [Music] bugs next time you should really wear gloves oh don't worry we're almost finished here of course our new friend here could still use a wash maybe this hula hoop is just what we need take out your soldering iron never leave home without it and make a few holes especially a big one now gas just what we need a holes secure it in place and turn on the [Music] water we've made our own little dog wash she doesn't even need to move we can just run her through it well it helps if she moves her paws yeah that's a good girl a rinse is a good start but soap's important too just add it to this new [Music] Gadget brush away just don't forget to rinse off good thing we're already doing this [Music] outside all done now let's dry her off uh-oh it looks like we missed a spot quick let's put this device [Music] together it's a paw cleaner once again you'll need [Music] water it's best to do this one paw at a time what a good girl letting us clean her paws H the rest of the Paw looks nice but look at those Nails this is a Manny Petty emergency but we'll need something special let's cut up this [Music] bag it's going to be a harness for our [Music] dog hang it up dog included this might take some muscle now she'll stay in one place as we file down those pesky nails though something tells me she doesn't mind a little beauty treatment much better now let's go [Music] home [Music] nasaa hey that doesn't mean the floor is your personal toilet well this mess won't clean itself up time for the advanced pooper scooper complete with bags just open it up and wrap around the mouth of the [Music] device now you can pick everything up without getting your hands dirty e just remember you might need more than one bag uh-oh she's shedding is she a dog or a cat seriously I'd say there's enough fur for a whole new dog but it looks like our furry friend beat me to it well it's nothing a little vacuming can't fix ew we'll need to keep all this fur under control and this new brush should help it collects the hair all up in one big Clump and clean up some Breeze the hair just falls off looks like you missed a few spots this should help it attracts all this hair like a magnet and the cover takes it all off for you yeah unfortunately we're just getting started with the cleanup [Music] a oh good with all this work we earned a treat yeah I had to say treat good thing we've already got this big bag of dog food you take your kibble dry or wet well at least we know she likes it in fact something tells me she wants seconds this device should help just fill it up with [Music] kibble and all it takes to get more is just pushing a button round and round it goes now she can have seconds and thirds possibly fourths and we can enjoy our Pizza H anyone getting Deja Vu watching this so touching hey can I have one of those tissues oh no not the television did we lose power naughty puppy you could have hurt yourself H we're going to need to puppy proof the house this pop tube could help just slit it [Music] open just slip them over these wires so they're nice and [Music] safe great the television is back on and we can watch together still it's nice to have some private time I guess someone didn't get the memo oh she's not going anywhere meals always taste better with company and without utensils and it's great great to always have someone watching over [Music] you oh you're not getting out of this we'll need to get [Music] creative with this water balloon rubber glove She'll always have a Tender Touch relaxation can be found right in the palm of your glove checkmate or King me either way she needs some [Music] stimulation this match should help just hide some treats under the [Music] flaps and just look there's a whole bunch of different hiding [Music] places we can even hide some right out in the open oh she's good at finding all these Hidden Treasures she'd make a great detective or maybe a pirate someone deserves a thank you a nice big wet sloppy thank you her tongue needs a little distraction add peanut butter to this [Music] mat she gets peanut butter and your face stays dry everyone [Music] wins now now it's time for some fun in the sun come on you need to get out [Music] too and we've got the perfect suit for you to wear you'll look so pretty with all these bows and you can't forget to accessorize of course it's also important to stay hydrated [Music] and that goes for the both of [Music] you this bottle should help we just need to make a few strategic [Music] Cuts once again our handy soldering iron comes to the rescue make sure that hole is nice and big and add another filled bottle through it twist the lid and it dispenses the water for you now it's time for us to relax uh-oh the paparazzi are out on the prow careful I think they can see by motion oh no let's get out of here do you hear something [Music] oh that little girl's crying and holding a poster I think we can all figure out where this is going okay they look alike but I think we should spring for DNA [Music] testing well at least she's cheered up wonderful what a happy ending a cat hope she likes peanut butter pational stuff catch you next time people save baby Footprints why not do the same for your fur [Music] babies and here comes the fun part Breaking it all to [Music] pieces huh this cat doesn't look like he belongs to anyone so let's fix that make your shirt into a pouch and bring him to your house which shall henceforth be his house cats usually clean themselves but this looks like a big job at least Skin's easier to clean than fur this looks like a job for one of our gadgets a cat brush and when you're done look how easy it is to remove the hair which also makes it easy to use in crafts after all cat hair is better as ear muffs then on your couch while we're at it let's do something about those nails but why stop at just cleaning those Nails these clips fit right on and think of all the money we'll save on polish wow lipstick for Paws I would have just called it paw [Music] stick good idea a massager you know it's hard work being a cat yeah he should feel nice and [Music] relaxed now how can we make this dinner table more cat friendly maybe this cardboard box can help after all cats already prefer the box to whatever's inside and you can do no wrong with some colored tape look at all these colors it's like a rainbow of tape H Ew with this plastic Bowl we can make a [Music] window if only it was this easy making a window into a [Music] bowl a what else can we [Music] add honestly I'm not surprised Lawns are free with all that hassle of mowing them some people might even pay you to take it ah [Music] H oh some free clothes just lying around could be useful ah yes jeans like your skirt but with legs let's stuff it up with some of these other clothes and tie the legs up together like a [Music] pretzel our project is almost done just add the roof and a few finishing touches like these sticky notes place them down in a pattern like roof [Music] shingles H what else is nice and sticky great idea a sticker we can personalize our furry friend's new home away from home is there anything else a cat would like H ooh [Music] these brushes will make fun self- [Music] groomers what else do cats [Music] like clothes bins do cats like clothes pins okay I see where she's going with this a fish mobile Furnishing a house has never been so delicious oh and what what a lovely picture frame excuse us we're just going to borrow this [Music] too wow this matte fits inside the frame what are the odds and now we have a brand new scratching post this flower pot has a lot of space cut it open and it's a perfect private makeshift litter box oh water cats need water too right let's add a cat water fountain Just Add [Music] Water it looks like our fish Mobile is getting nice and pungent do you have anything else we could [Music] add these beads could add just the Right [Music] Touch let's just run some thread through them this would make a great friendship bracelet wow but now tie up the excess string and cut this way it ends in a little pom pom make different sizes for your new beaded curtains next let's cut up a hole in the stool add a plate right on [Music] top and with the help of these silicone molds we can fill it up with the best customade [Music] snacks and just think of all these different flavors [Music] H she's got that look in her eyes she's got ideas for this traffic [Music] cone we'll need to cut up this plastic bottle and add hot glue add some around the rim to soften things up add to the conb and fill it up with even more cat trees of course what's a cat house without a ball of yarn except we're going to use it for our next craft I wonder if this girl's ever played cats cradle I feel like it'd be right up her alley oh these plush toys would be great for that net we just made of course you can't have much of a cat house without a cat let's see how he likes it does he love it or does he love it a free hat well these wonders never [Music] cease he's having a lot of fun looking at [Music] stuff and would you look at that he's potty trained with an actual pot wow now to kick back with a nice [Music] snack and some more snacks the only thing better than having a cat is being a cat meow amazing stuff catch you next time a poor little rich girl yeah oh no what's going to happen to all her pets I mean think of the [Music] hamster all these bristles should make PA cleaning a breeze and look it's electric just press the button and add water just in time too look at those dirty paws it's like a before and after let's fix that much better but let's try out the homemade version ew it's a cup but what do we do for bristles good [Music] idea don't forget to add water and by the looks of it you'll need to power it yourself it looks like it works just as well you'll save quite a bit if you put in some elbow [Music] grease yes it's playtime bring on the toys it's like a carrot patch with hidden treasure never underestimate a puppy's sense of smell I sense a pattern oh look under the carrots now let's see if we can make our own [Music] fun if you ever wanted to play tic tac toe with animals now you know how wait do you have to eat the treats [Music] too and it looks like we have a winner and he's such a good [Applause] sport finally something for the [Music] hamsters wow this is like the easiest maze [Music] ever a you win and the prize is hamster snacks maybe we can have some fun with this tube too [Music] e soon we'll have our own little Labyrinth and we can add extensions too just keep on eating chips [Music] speaking of snacks either way he's happy with the end result next up is a little something special for the cat wow this combines the fun of an avocado with the things cats go nuts for catnip this Kitty's going to sleep well tonight now what can we do with this toilet paper roll first cut it up into four pieces fold them together into a sphere and add a treat [Music] inside and once again the game begins oh it's not free it's Priceless which one will she [Music] choose I would have picked the one for the hamster just think of all the leg [Music] room a being carried around it's the only way to travel [Music] now it's time to try this giant tote bag yes never underestimate the power of leg room just don't make the holes too big or she'll [Music] Escape [Music] wow and everyone can give your perer a nice foot rub of course pets need to stay hydrated when you carry them [Music] around and with a few little twists and turns it becomes a fountain maybe we can do the same by cutting it up [Music] like all our best crafts it's time to add some fire stick in a bottle of [Music] water loosen the cap and let gravity do its job either way the dogs like [Music] it scratching posts because like the best of us cats just know the importance of getting your nails [Music] done well it's a good shape but will it be good for scratching this yarn should help after all it is yarn and cats kind of have a thing for yarn a let's just hot glue everything into place and add a mustache you know just to keep things fancy good those nails are getting quite a workout with googly eyes and a hat it's a pretty good deal but grooming isn't entirely your pet's resp responsibility [Music] H these bristles will help clean up your cat's coat just in time too with all that hair we can make a new cat Yu told you well we've got the glove but what about those bristles [Music] ah yes hot glue just remember to let it [Music] dry well the cat liked it but it didn't really do anything the toy cat can keep [Music] this now your cat can spend hours trying to catch [Music] fish though after teasing him like this you owe him a nice tuna [Music] dinner let's see if we can make our own version of this besides just letting your cat near a fish tank of course adding catnip sure helps [Music] and now you've got a kitty original to hang on the wall what a deal well when it comes to your cat's litter box it's usually for the best to [Music] splurge cats need their privacy after all [Music] I wonder if they synchronized this in [Music] advance probably should talk to your vet about this ew yeah let's not waste a perfectly good sock here's a better idea let's make our own private litter box cool just need to make a door in this [Music] shelf and add litter to the bottom [Music] now a cat can walk in whenever they need [Music] [Music] to though seriously I'd really ask your vet about your cat and produce as always our animal actors were real professionals [Music] though the human one really could have learned a thing or two from them animal amazing stuff right catch you next time okay almost done [Music] congratulations this girl's going to be a cat person mm unfortunately pets aren't allowed here but when it comes to cats and cat ladies love always finds a [Music] way I won't tell Dad if you won't wait till you see the best part this cat already comes with [Music] kittens now let's clean you up with our very own cat tongue soon you'll do this for the [Music] kittens actually I think both of them [Music] will Ooh someone needs a [Music] bath now let's put on your shower cap oh right cats don't like water hm that's why we've got a special cleaning kit add a little foam and comb it into the [Music] fur now your cat smells brand [Music] new it's time for a little [Applause] redecorating careful you don't want to lose such precious dirt let's sweep it all into a corner make sure to spread it out grab a rubber chicken or other garden tools we're going to plant some [Music] seeds don't forget to water and pretty soon you'll have your very own grass carpet [Music] now grab some cardboard and add them to the [Music] sides now we'll need a bowl an empty one use it to draw a circle and cut it out wow and the bowl should fit right in let's make a bunch of these little [Music] Windows hey do we need to clean the cat again no it's coming from this old pizza box ditch the pizza but let's keep the Box in fact a bunch of these box boxes will help us make a Kitty bathroom complete with all the [Music] amenities think outside the litter box hey I think she likes it but first it's petting time who's a good girl if only we had some room to move here's an idea let's distract the cat grab a bunch of different [Music] pillows and make yourself a decoy U see Kitty an even softer lap and we're free to go explore yes just in time I think I just heard something inside your [Music] closet wow ooh the dolls are having a party complete with a little mini fridge wow now we can fill it up with all of our cat's favorite [Music] feasts what well when Dad's away the cat will play okay a typing cat is impressive but dad's not supposed to see you so let's get you out of here still if you like computers so much we'll make one just for you one that's also a scratching post and it's so fun to sit on oh hey what you looking at ooh Birds I wish we had our own bird and now we do a rainbow [Music] parrot it can fly too Everyone's a Critic well at least we still like it but you know what else is fun a great big cardboard box [Music] thanks let's tear it apart and put it back together but in a whole new [Music] way otherwise it'd just be busy work don't forget to close up the [Music] back it looks like a television set let's put on the mouse [Music] Network talk about interactive television but in life cats are the stars and we are just the spectators [Music] uh-oh dad needs new glasses but let's hope he keeps them for now oh and by the way happy birthday he's got a special surprise for you wow it's a new cat well a toy One MH cuz you don't have a real one oops and to keep him thinking that let's put this fur remover to good use and he's none the [Music] wiser wait where's the cat uh-oh she's on the prowl and she's on a Fang kick H let's get something that'll keep her distracted like this fun whacka Mouse Gadget and the best part no tokens [Music] required let's hope she want wash her paws first quick grab it or at least turn it over as for dad who wants pizza and how about we fill up all these paw [Music] prints give it time to dry and flip it over and it fits right on your cat's collar gimme paw it's the gift that keeps on giving MH next up we're going to need a [Music] sock now add to a glass container and fill with dirt add some seeds cover with more dirt and tie up that sock like peas in a pod let's add some cute little antenna spray on water watch the plants grow and give your cat a new treat it Wiggles [Music] too wow this place is really coming together it's where all the cool cats want to be and what Dad doesn't know won't hurt [Music] him of course even with all the fun stuff we've [Music] made sometimes all you need is a place for a little catnap a trash day again seems like we did this last week uh-oh the raccoons are back oh wait that's no raccoon oh what a cute little puppy and look no collar good thing you already got this pet backpack on [Music] you aquariums they're not just for fish anymore huh there's not a lot of leg room is there with a backpack like that he's ready to go into space right right out of the case and he's already got Muddy Paws oh right you found him in the trash well a nice warm bath should perk things up or don't dogs lick themselves clean no wait that's cats how cute a dog brush and it even has a little place to hold your soap rub a dubdub this must be a dog's favorite type of bath the kind that doesn't use any water but it works mhm good thing otherwise he'd be shaking the water off and we wouldn't get this tender moment wow he must be clean to be on the furniture clean and now he gets his own wardrobe [Music] too huh a little big but maybe he'll grow into it oh wow look at those Nails we need a manicure stat sure I've seen green nails before but that was just paint why stop at the nails let's take care of that fur too mhm of course the most important part of a beauty routine K9 or otherwise is keeping clean cue the foam still no true day of pampering is ever complete without some form of facial [Music] mask ooh H what else can we do for our day of indulgence oh good idea some brushing with a [Music] tongue I repeat isn't licking Yourself clean more of a cat thing not a dog thing or a people thing at least it seems easy to clean ah now for a massage oh and look we've got a gadget for that too first a nice neck rub and then just work your way down the [Music] back hm does it work on people well I guess you can after all though you should probably ask before using it m time for dinner good cuz I haven't eaten in like a whole hour m a nice salad and the puppy gets just some kibble and even he doesn't look too appetiz maybe it's all in the presentation let's cut along the lines it's just like [Music] coloring and we want some Bend to it so add some tape now everything's got a nice shape but still we don't want to show off something that looks like cardboard gold colored paint covers all sins and so do a bunch of fake Jewels just don't advertise the fake bit man and all this just to host the dog food bowl speaking of which can we Jazz up the food here too [Music] great good boy look at him eating all gone guess it's true what they say you reap what you sew wow I wonder if that dog knows the goose that laid the golden egg anyone think they're related well into the drawer oh what's this oh this looks like a collar huh just what our four-legged friend needs but it needs something extra rhinestones are nice and all but we want something personalized and a photo will help show ownership well looks like he's on a roll literally he's going to look so handsome with his new collar which means that it's the perfect time for a selfie give us a smile show us some teeth but not in a show of dominance sort of way any other photo [Music] ideas let's make a fun border now pick a theme ah yes the source of all happiness money just don't use the real kind though by the looks of things this new owner can probably afford to oh he'll looks so handsome in his portrait surrounded by money just like Scrooge McDuck after all this pampering it's finally time for our puppy to relax you better be planning a game of fetch taking his ball like that oh wow Golden Bone let's hope it's not real I mean you could chip a tooth H seems like enough fun for today it's time to get ready for bed or instead time for another craft H with this mold we can make a bunch of little jewels of different sizes and [Music] colors put them all together and we can make a fun mobile like for a baby crib just hang it up and he's fast asleep wow I thought he would need a bedtime story or two let's cut back to daytime time for a fun dress up ooh and don't worry just because dogs don't normally wear clothes doesn't mean they can't [Music] accessorize M ah adorable huh he doesn't really seem to be a hat dog got anything else he'd like how about hoodies well the light up buttons have spoken oh but red is certainly his color and it looks like he agrees just add some chains and some sunglasses and he'll make Snoop Dog look like Snoop cat O Let's see what other outfits he'd like to try a white tuxedo does he look like James Bond H maybe another color will do oh he seems to prefer the more classic black [Music] look and it certainly seems to suit him a he's just so cute what big eyes he's got time for another day of fun with your furry friend what can be better than a puppy simple more than one puppy ooh and this one's so big you just want to cuddle them up and soon they'll be even more puppies in the meantime our Blushing Bride wants some kibble and maybe a steak or two that was Bow Wow tastic yeah I went there catch you next time [Music] well it looks like we've just stumbled upon the mysterious city of boxes hey sup Kitty how's it purring yeah these cats sure know how to party resting up for a big day of sleeping jeez I wonder how they got those posters in there oh look there's a pair of little dog boots and [Music] balloons good they look like a perfect fit perfect for a winter workout keeps those little paws mess free and looks cute while doing it let's try the other one cut off the rim of a balloon and add it [Music] on and look after a walk the balloon shoes are just as [Music] durable wow a donut and a ladle I wonder what they do no wait that's not a real yeah well if you can't eat it wear it and it protects your pup from getting lost now how about the other one a nice big Ladle can work just as [Music] well and the best part is your dog can also help you serve soup H looks like more things for your pet to [Music] wear but this time we're going with cats make sure Mr Kitty is nice and secure zip up that zipper [Applause] wowow now your cat can get lost in a good book as you hold it for [Applause] them okay our plan B is going to be wearing this shirt like a pouch [Music] in you go now he's got a nice place to relax as you prepare him [Music] snacks two different brushes for your cat because cats deserve nice things it even catches and releases all that EX fur now it's a wig oh we're going to add some special touches to this [Music] brush cool it's like you made a little Homespun scratching post oh you got to love that the cat does its own brushing but all that hair a licking mat oh and it looks like hanging it up is a [Music] breeze wow this should also make bath time a lot easier than [Music] usual maybe the plastic wrap will work too even if it goes on your head well this should keep those aliens from reading your thoughts [Music] oh good boy doggo stays still during a bath and a manicure that's a whole spa day a collar that lights up now that is a real fashion [Music] statement this will really step up your dogs l laser tag game and of course making him easy to spot in the dark then again we can always make this out of glow sticks just keep adding them on and make sure that they fit and hopefully last a while and just like that your Pooch is ready for a Rave ah our pets have spent a full day of pampering so let's keep pampering them it's like your cat has a bunch of tiny hands with tiny fingers all at his disposal toothbrushes will save on batteries but the important thing is that the cat's happy [Music] good idea but a cat can't spend all day being spoiled it needs some play time what cute little mice and cool they come in a lot of [Music] colors makes you wish that real mice were this fun to play with but as we all know a cat's favorite toy is the box it came [Music] in especially when you get to play with it together [Music] a oh good now our K9 friends get to join in on the fun and with tasty treats come on puppy put your nose to work and find those goodies seems like fun but can we repeat this game with a towel just lay the kibble on the towel and then roll it up like sushi [Music] seems to work just as well but you're not sticking the toy in the [Music] laundry of course after a treat your dog needs something to wash it down with normally you shouldn't put water in flowers it's not nice but this seems a lot nicer we made ourselves a fountain cool and would you look at that he likes it but can a water bottle be more than enough let's try it out [Music] well as long as it's secured to the wall either way your puppy gets a nice drink yeah peterrific stuff and thanks to our furry friends who helped out with this video catch you next time instant cats Just Add Water huh and they say cats don't like water let's just sneak on by nothing to see Home Free huh coochie this is going to be a great day oh I jinxed it this bed could use a makeover anyway remove this wood add a panel to the [Music] side oh anyone getting dizzy a Fresh coat of paint fixes up everything M all three walls let's see what we can do for the outside a stencil pattern let's spread on some paint who says we need a [Music] brush besides this is much faster peel [Music] off on second thought a brush can take care of the little details look a cat face as if you didn't guess who this was for H this hole looks scratchy and not the kind cats like this cat door will help make an easy entrance and with the help of these toothbrushes huh the cats will get the scratches they like let's take a quick tour shall we this grass carpet will please the wild cat inside your pet what else can we add hm an old pizza box cover with tape and you can make a few steps steps right to the cat's own private bathroom meet the new and improved glitter [Music] box now what else do cats like how about this take some rope and twist it around a base it so it's nice and tight and your cat has a new scratching post what else maybe they'll like that pigeon oh even better take a desk drawer add pillows cushions and some toys and it's a brand new [Music] bed here's something we can add to the wall now your cats have their own private television oh it's getting hot in here you know the cats might want a drink so let's give them their own Fountain after all it's easy to get hot when you can't take off your fur [Music] coat always smart to try things out before trying on the cats huh now that they have water they might want something to nibble on too and we're going all natural with Cat Grass and there's plenty of room for a bowl full of catchow but let's keep the fridge stocked with wet food just in case everything's really coming together let's add some more toys well he's off to Wonderland what's down there anyway ooh candy oh this bowl should fill up the hole it's the perfect place for some cat toys mhm and if the cats are feeling a bit hungry at playtime this toy is the perfect thing just add food see they'll get a treat when they spin it around that'll keep them active hey can we borrow this pillow now take some tights and cut them up we need an X shape with some material in the middle tie each of the two opposite ends together it's like a bed and swing all in one let's test it [Music] [Applause] out you know these buttons can help get their point across they can tell us when they want water food or even playtime [Music] a it's a bit too small to be a staircase but we can still use the base attached to the wall and we've got stairs after [Music] all hey you're not using this giant bucket are you thanks huh now that we've cleaned it out we'll cut out an opening huh what else do we need how about more toys you can never have enough cat [Music] toys and we can use them for a project hot glue them to the patch from earlier you remember from the [Music] hole add them to the bottom of our can for a soft cook [Applause] [Music] now break out the power tools we're drilling some holes after making a few run some thread through [Music] them it's kind of like a checkerboard pattern the cats are going to be so happy where are they [Music] anyway I uh think you've got a little something there oh that gives me an idea add hot glue press it down and it's as good as laminated perfect for keychains or personalized collars this cat toys interactive let's add it to our collection cats sure have good taste this looks fun cat food maybe we should leave some things to the cats oh it's just a toy and we've got the perfect place for it you know it's a little small we need to think bigger let's get a large glass container filled with water fill with stones and marbles add a plant and the Finishing Touch these cute little fish I spy with my little eye well her eye eyes a plastic bottle empty it and cut it up take the bottom and hot glue some string in the middle now use the string to reattach the two pieces add a pom pom to the top and fill with catchow hang it [Music] up more snacks these are going to be some lucky cats cool a laser for our cats to catch let's try it out either it's the laser or she needs to clean her pores huh hard to catch just what we need what's on your head it's like a fidget spinner let's add to the wall what can't be improved with the addition of stickers these pictures will help give it a more homey [Music] feel some more toys cats sure know how to live maybe we can put this tablecloth to better use has the curtains for our brand new cat Hangout yeah this is where all the cool cats come to play great place for a nap you got to for a big day of [Music] sleeping still look at all the fun stuff to do eat grass use stuffed animals as a floor or just relax looks like someone's ready to play too or maybe just [Music] stretch you got to love all the [Music] accommodations and there's still so much more to [Music] explore who needs steps when you have a giant scratching post to climb un one watch a little TV have a [Music] drink oh no he's found the cats I mean what cats a it's love at first sight meow horrific stuff catch you next time Happy Chicken day everybody or whatever this is a now chicky can finally live up to his ancestors and look just adorable while doing it what a cute little nugget in fact it looks like all the animals are having a costume party [Music] today a dog dryer let's hope today's toys are all about our furry friends but first let's make sure it actually works thank goodness we already have a wet puppy what a good girl staying calm while putting something on her let's hope she stays nice when the dryer turns on well if you ever wanted a puppy puppy here you go wow it works and while you're here why don't you subscribe anything that makes balloon dogs is worth its weight in gold a dog umbrella wait how is she going to be able to hold that handle something tells me that chain is going to answer that right the hook keeps the umbrella close by while you hold it good thing too it looks like a real storm out there and there's even room for two but the important thing is that the dog's okay I guess this is a tool that you and your furry friend can share yeah relax those smile muscles seriously she smiles way too much but let's try it out on your cat wow he seems to like it you've got yourself a real cheser cat here don't you I wonder if it works on pets other than cats let's see this thing seems to be a real crowd-pleaser doesn't it from this angle this thing almost looks like a face with this pouch now you can always keep your best buddy close by after all why should kangaroos have all the fun they've had it good for too long make sure to zip everything up how on Earth did she get that jacket on [Music] underneath aw now you can take your dog on bike rides through the park keep them close while doing your laundry and other chores and even introduce them to various babies I mean you probably can do that without a pouch but where's the fun in that that lady's just jealous that you have a cuter [Music] baby what makes this cat toy more interactive than regular cat toys well I guess we're going to find out aren't we oh wow huh it moves on its own all the fun of playing with your cat without actually playing with your cat or the fun yeah in other words some cats just have good taste I wonder if we're going to see anything for that baby chick a duck muzzle for your dog I guess that's close enough okay I see this way your perer doesn't sneak snacks without you knowing especially any suspicious breadcrumbs yeah that's right I read Hansel and grle and your puppy's already got a Halloween costume too of course dog care is a little more than just fun in games being a responsible pet owner can be real dirty work in other words honey that's not a purse oh well get your bag ready it's time for a [Music] walk oh man I don't want to know what you've been feeding this dog good idea use the tool you don't know where this Toy's been and you can throw it away without getting your hand dirty hey don't tell me what I can and can't use for a purse well whatever this is I'm having flashbacks to my pet hedgehog which is weird considering I've never had a pet hedgehog aside from Sonic that is either way it's a paw cleaner and it looks like you need to put it together complete with some water and a lid make it tight and it looks like we already have some dirty paws to try it on she's caught red-handed or maybe a brownish greyh handed three two one success her paw is nice and clean but don't forget she's got Four Paws make sure to really get in there and we've also got a Nifty tool for cleaning those paw prints on the floor a mop this thing looks like a gadget from an old timey sci-fi movie please tell me you're not feeding candies to your dog okay good idea try it for yourself before testing it on your dog I mean I wouldn't want something happening to the dog good thing your dog's such a good girl it's always time for a treat wow that's a good catch could you do it a second time yes third time's a charm make that fourth good girl no one cares about the fifth that' just be excessive yeah a dog deserves a nice treat after a good workout what's this oh it's a brush for doggy bath time only now we just need a magic tool to get your dog in the [Music] tub a that's clever you even get to sneak in the soap and every second counts once your puppy hits the water wow either you have the most well- behaved dog on earth or your pet fish is in serious need of a haircut but seriously how do you do it extra walks double kibble don't forget the towel we don't want her to shake herself dry although I'm surprised such a good girl doesn't towel herself off if only everybody else was so easy to train by the way who gets to tell them that's the dogs H what's next a tennis ball come on that's an old classic now that's more like it adding a techno twist oh uh not that kind of techno either way she seems to be having a good time if only they made something that puts the balls in for you cool with this next tool we get to play doggy dentist by the way have you subscribed already come on even your dog wants you to do that hey bad girl that's the dogs I really need to keep an eye on her that's better and by the looks of things or rather the smell we picked the right time to try it out if only she'd open her mouth don't forget to hold her still I should have spoke sooner there's a reason they invented Dental chews those toys were dog gone awesome catch you next time [Music] he [Music]
Channel: Coolala Global
Views: 3,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon, challenge, cool, cool tool, coolala, diy, do it yourself, experiment, extreme transformation, from nerd to popular, funny situations, life hacks, love story, makeover, nerd, prank, school, tiktok, tutorial
Id: uaa4VEzK650
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 37sec (11197 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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