How To Take Down Tanks Easily In Generation Zero

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what's going on everybody and welcome back to generation zero my name is tenebrous infinite and today we are going to be finally taking on tanks I talked about it last week and here is the video today so we're going to approach this the same way that I approached my hunter how to kill hunters pro tips video so what we're gonna do is we're gonna just run around kill some tanks take them out and then I'll break it all down and go into a finer detail about how you guys can kill tanks with ease so first things first I thought it would be a good idea to go over to this tank here and start showing you guys just a couple of the weak points on these guys before we start taking on more of them because the big difference between the tanks versus the hunters is that the tanks have a lot more weak points on them a lot more vulnerable points that you can exploit and utilize to take them down a lot easier so right now I'm just getting rid of this guy's guns in order to start showing you guys some of those key components that you should be targeting so the first weak spot I'm going to point out to you guys it's the easiest one to miss there is a yellow triangle boss kind of warning symbol up on the sky and that is a very key component to aim for it does a lot of damage to the dude and so it's usually one of the first components that I will start targeting after I finished taking out the weapons and stuff on the enemy the next thing that you want to go for is the eyes and the face so the face is just down here at the bottom the thing is is the face has a little bit of armor plating on it but once you remove that armor plating you can start doing direct damage and you can tell the difference between direct damage and damaging armor by the type of sparklers created off the machine when you're shooting so the blue spark means direct damage and the yellow spark means you're hitting armor of some sort then we're just going to take out this eye here doing a little bit more damage and then after that I aim for this little square box on the top of his head so the next week point I'm going to show you guys here are the cooling vents and you can find the cooling vents on the lower part of the tanks in a body part there and so you'll notice that I'm shooting off kind of chunks of him and each one of those is doing a significant amount of further damage to the tank and then after that another weak point you can go for is Justin behind the shin plating so if you shoot off the shin plating you're again able to do direct damage to the back then as well you can remove the armor up on the front of the body there and then even if you aim just a little bit tightly to the corner there you can kind of catch out the gas canister and again aiming for gas canisters as always one of the quickest ways so first off we're going to be starting with the prototype tanks and the prototype tanks are pretty easy to deal with they generally are kind of like the stupidest tanks out of all of them and also their weapons come off incredibly easy the only slightly threatening thing about these guys is that they love to throw out their melee attack that can cuss of shockwave and so that just means that you kind of have to really pay attention to your distance against the prototypes as they'll always be looking for an opportunity to hit you with some sort of a shock wave and the last thing to note about these guys is that you'll find their warning label on the right-hand side as opposed to the left-hand side comparison to the veneks tanks and the military tanks and just to kind of show you guys here if you're going to go for the gas tank on the tank never really try to approach the guy from the hind because he will immediately turn around and start shooting at you and start taking you out so what I prefer to do if I'm gonna go put the gas tank on these guys is I will shoot off their weapons as usual and then I'll start trying to kind of inch out their gas tank while they're turning around so I'll show you guys that here lastly with any variation of the tank if you can manage to draw them into a setting where they're surrounded by trees or some sort of natural coverage for you that's gonna be the best situation you can get them into so for the military tanks here I'm not going to be talking strategy too much because you can utilize pretty much the exact same strategies that you use against the prototypes against the military class avoiding their melee attack constantly strafing to avoid any sort of machine-gun fire and paying mind to any sort of rocket barrage as they launch off so the main thing that I really want to talk about with the military class here is that the military class has the widest array of weapon loadouts that you'll find for the tanks in the game you'll be able to find them with a setup of either a machine gun and a rocket launcher a long ranged grenade launcher and a rocket launcher or a railgun and some sort of other attachment with it so due to this due to the wide array of weapons that they'll be carrying always pay mind to the weapons that they have down beneath their little face there so that that way you can know what kind of dodging tactics to utilize and what weapon to prioritize taking off first I usually find that the fastest weapon is the best weapon to deal with first and time for the big boys the veneks tanks these thick dummies are really not that threatening actually if anything I find the prototype tanks to be more dangerous than the fennec safe tanks because the fennec type tanks don't have a shockwave attack and so because of this you're able to get really close up to this guy and you could just kind of wander around him and he'll never be able to get a clear shot on you if you'll you'll notice at certain points in times I'm even able to just kind of sit there and wail on him and he just has no idea what to do with this you do need to pay attention to his stomp attacks so you can't get in incredibly close because that stomp attack does hurt quite a bit but yeah these guys are really easy to deal with the only thing that's kind of irritating is that they constantly constantly drop these ticks so all you got to do is just kind of hipfire and aim for the tick canister on its back which is the big ol barrel because if you try to if you try to aim down sights you'll likely lock onto something like they're done or their face or something like that so hip firing is the best approach to take off those canisters on the backs of the tanks and once you remove the weapons off the Phoenix tank he becomes absolutely useless so he'll kind of wander up to you but a lot of times he'll be quite fine with just stand-in there and farting away so if you ever take off the weapons to the Phoenix tank you've pretty much got a beat at that point and then you can just kind of sit there shoot all of those weak points that I pointed out to you guys before and they'll go down nice and easy so my last pro tip for the Phoenix tanks is that if you ever can't approach them from behind always aim for their tech pod and try to get in as much damage on that tech pod as you can because getting that down first will make taking out the tank really easy for the rest of the place again you'll want to utilize your hipfire primarily when you're strafing around the tank in order to avoid locking on to certain things that you don't want to lock on to I really do hope that in the future generation zero will have no sticky aim at all I really do look forward to that ugly but until that point right now hipfiring is the best approach when running around and taken out all of these different attachments on these tank guys and as usual now that I've removed all of his weapons I can just kinda hammer away on him and take him down so while I do that I'm gonna kind of close off the video here so thank you so much for watching hopefully you guys enjoyed this little video talking about pro tips on killing tanks and stuff if you guys did leave a like if you're new to the channel maybe consider subscribing because I put out generation zero content every week and I think that I'm one of the most consistent youtubers out there for it uh-huh so thank you so much for watching and I will catch you guys in the next one peace [Applause]
Channel: Tenebris Infinite
Views: 123,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PlayStation 4, TenebrisInfinite, Xbox, PC, June Update, Bike, Bike tricks, 80's nostalgia, generation zero, gz, best game ever, Tanks, ww2 tanks, robot tanks, tips and tricks, #PS4share, Sony Interactive Entertainment, SHAREfactory™, Beginner tips, Best start, Generation Zero, How to play, Mission, Trap
Id: 2mzAAsbEge8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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