How to tabulate, analyze, and prepare graph from Likert Scale questionnaire data using Ms Excel.

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[Music] hi everyone welcome to 84 in this video I would like to introduce you how to tabulate analyze and prepare graph from Likert scale questionnaire that are using Microsoft Excel Likert scale questions are widely used to measure attitudes our opinion to the great degree of demands than a simple reiha-sama question Likert scales are survey questions that offer a range of ample options from one extreme attitude to another like strongly agree to strongly disagree Likert scales are quite popular because they are one of the most reliable ways to measure opinions perceptions and behaviors let's move to the process open the Excel and control each column for your data tabulation suppose the first column representing the respondent ID and second column question number one third column chose number two 4:5 like this provides each column for each questions up to ten customs in this example I'm considering ten questions just leave some space for each caller here s fine from the number one and in this example I'm going to tabulate the antics of 40 respondents so it's okay and simple icing just okay then we are considering four scales from strongly agree to strongly disagree so the first respondent give strongly agree Turkish number one and second respondent give strongly agree and third that's going to give a grayscale and fourth respondent agree then click disagree and six disagree against seven strongly disagree so in this way just give dummy data for your own analysis for ten questions so 42:10 responds you can get fill it up firstly pause this video to it I have already finished my work like this so this is the dummy data so we have turned into 40 responses from respondents the first column represent any question 1 second column that's comes of question 2 they fought like this so we are collected response of 40 response so we need to count the number of first phones and we have to count the blank ganses anyone who note answer any questions then you had found the total Lachlan three so we can apply an equation equal to count a count a that function returns blank cell number of non blank cell give the range here the drag it out then trust and rookie ok 40 everyone we've danced for the first costing the note and said apply another function of X is gone blank to find the number of blank URLs give the range to possibility 0 everyone do the answer for the first question then calculate the total equal to sum of range count and note answer equal 40 so we have find out the count total number of answer blank answer not answered count of not answer and total 40 next we need to count the number of responses to different scales we have four strings so common response to strongly agree like that Apple an effective equation of Excel equal to count if equal to County the first parameter is the range give the full range of first question comma in double quotation give you the subscriber that is strongly agree exactly this quotation close close bracket and okay 26:26 respondents view answer a strongly agree to first custom so we need to modify break little more delete the strongly agree and give the cell f50 a 50 the content of a 50 is strongly agree automatically it will reprise in the function 26 so next we need to change the cell address give a dollar sign between B and 2 automatically to become constant the same way 40 between 41 become constant and here the a cell become constant and cookie 26 dragged down yes it's easy the different number of response to different skills find out the total apply the function equal to some drag it down and okay 40 yes we get the total 40 next step is to find out the percentage of each options soft only agree in percentage agree in percentage like that because for the reporting purpose we need the person this is not the count total yes for calculating the total just put the cursor equal to the strongly agree number divided by the total number and change the 54 in constant present okay yes one six five okay then drag it down yes we can see in decimal numbers we can convert it into percentage so here click the percentage button now see is converted into percentage yes 65 percent AJ says strongly agree eight percentage says disagree like that so we can operate to all these calculations for the first question into remaining all questions and drag it down yes perfect you see the first costing calculation applied to all the questions 100% we can see and this is the result of calculation centralized it now this look good now next step is to convert this result into a good report select the another sheet fresh sheet from the top copy the top row copied then here paste it right bottom paste special selected from here select values and transpose okay now it will convert into transpose V but all become column change the first column into questions you can see the ten questions here next copy the totals here copy follow the same procedure white button paste special values transpose okay now the total number of response to each questions is very easy next step is let's tuck copy all the percentage results including the title copied upper the same procedure right bottom place special value transpose now it's on decimal numbers selected change it in percentage click the home or sandwich button yes now Asian percentage now make some modifications and make it presentable yes word wrap in some space yes LaBute centralized it now it's okay give a little background color it green yes now it's centralized nice then B column width height okay yes it is look good now we can give a border select from here a pick border here take you a thick border URL oh good now select thin lines between cells select both styles from border select that thin line and apply across here click here ok now it's pretty good now is involved it the percentages yes and total bold it yes now the result is okay next how we can prepare a graph from this tabulated data for this purpose we have to select the first two rows from the table which are representing the person number one cause number one answer only select the four options and then insert and then prolem select a bar graph that's it this graph representing the data of first question double click on the border you can see the format chart options every set of formatting options are available for the graph so you can change it like this click here you can change the graph type to any type now the direction is changing for the bar graph again click here change it into another one just look like it you can increase the size of graph by clicking here yes now keep that we can you the border for the graph just click on the double-click on the bottom we can get the property window so select the border select the color yes that's it okay now we can see a bar of color that's not going to change it to a dark blue okay yes Doug blue okay now okay so this way you can prepare the graph for each customs data which is very helpful for a possession purpose that's it I hope that you enjoyed this video and please provide your comments below and subscribe my channel for further videos thank you for watching this see you again [Music]
Channel: Edifo
Views: 343,050
Rating: 4.8583083 out of 5
Keywords: microsoft excel, likert scale, tabulation, analysis
Id: iawmdLDTJqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2017
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