How to Survive Your Call Center Training

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hey congratulations for passing your job interview unfortunately i have some bad news for you passing your job interview does not necessarily mean that you are going to get the job offer to get the job offer you first need to pass the call center training only then are you gonna get the job offer no worries though because in this video i'm gonna explain the four different stages of call center training and i will also share some tips on how to pass each of the stage so let's begin so the first stage is the language training this is usually the easiest stage of the training this is where your trainer is going to discuss grammar rules the subject-verb agreement the pronunciation accent and also a little bit of lesson about the culture of the country that you are going to be serving for for example if most of your customers are in the u.s then your trainer is likely going to talk about the culture in the u.s as well as how to pronounce the 50 states in the united states because this is the easiest most call center companies don't do this anymore they usually skip this step and they proceed to the next stage so if the company that you're in right now is doing language training then consider yourself lucky and you should make the most of it because this is the easiest part of the training so the stage two of the call center training is the product training this is usually the most boring stage of the training but this is also one of the most important and this cannot be skipped this is when you learn the company that you're going to be working for and you're going to study the company policy and procedures the only way that you can survive this step is to make sure that you take notes this is where the information overload happens and trust me when i say that your brain is not going to be able to memorize everything so just bring a pen and paper and make sure to take note everything another thing you also want to make sure that you do not absent especially on the product training miss one day of your product training and you're pretty much going to be lost most of the time the length of time that your trainer is going to spend on the product training is even not going to be enough to absorb everything so the best thing to do here is just to take note and make sure that you don't absent so that you absorb every single thing that you can this is also the time that you're gonna learn how to use the tools needed for the job and by tools i mean the applications that you're going to be using once you're on the floor and assisting customers consider yourself lucky if you only have three to five applications to familiarize with in your account most of the time it's going to be around 10 8 to 10 applications it's a little bit hard but this is time that you really need to pay attention to what is being taught during the training even if it's the most boring stage of your training and for the third stage of your training comes the mock calls the difference with this mock call and the usual mock calls that you get during the recruitment is that this one this mock collar during your training is going to be harder and more complicated because you see you're not going to be making up your answer as you go you will have to base your answer on the product knowledge that you learn during your product training so it is very important that you learn the call flow by heart that's really the most important thing that you can do in this stage without knowing the call flow by heart you're not just gonna pass this stage period so if you haven't yet i suggest that you check my mock call playlist in my mock call playlist i have put together the seven steps of the call flow so i'm just gonna link it down up here so you can click that when you have time once you learn the call flow by heart i want you to grab a coach rainey preferably a co-trainee that already has a call center experience and i want you to make up mock call scenarios with her you could act as the customer and then your co-trainee as the agent and vice versa throughout your series of mock calls you want to vary the customers issues and problems and questions you also want to change the personality of each customer and you want to also change a little the complexity of the problem the good thing about this is this is the closest that you can get to an actual call this way you're better prepared for the actual calls on the floor because you're basically using the product knowledge that you learned from stage two and then you're applying that in a mock call that's why i prefer that you pick a co-trainee that already has a call center experience because she would know what she's doing when she acts as the customer acts as an agent she already have that instinct that experience this dip is really important if you have no call center experience and you just don't have any idea what goes on in an actual call so i recommend that you do this apart apart from the mock calls that you're doing on the training floor because take note that your trainer is also gonna do some more calls with you while you're on the training class but what i really recommend is that you do your own mock calls with a co-training exclusively because this will this will really help you get ahead or at least not get behind especially if you are a newbie remember that a call center training is not like a classroom where the teacher has to help you out and give you special attention to be able to catch up well your trainee could still do that a little but it's not like she's going to really focus on you i want you to just be efficient as much as you can and doing mock calls with an experienced cool trainee is going to help you a lot what i really recommend here again is to memorize the call flow and do as much mock calls with your co-trainee and you should have a good chance of passing this test so the fourth stage and the last stage of the call center training is the nesting or the barge in what happens during a nesting is you basically observe what the call center agents are doing on the floor so you basically go to the to the floor and you are given a headset this headset will allow you to listen to a call center agent with his or her customers live yes you're really going to be listening to live and actual calls nesting and barging usually only lasts around two to three days this should be almost enough to give you a realistic view of what goes on during an actual call with an actual customer so my one and only tip when you're on this stage is to make sure that you ask smart questions to the call center agent that you're assigned to so remember that you're going to be given a headset right and you're going to be sitting with an agent you're going to be assigned to an agent and at this point you're actually expected to ask the call center agent questions of course you need to ask the questions when she is not busy so when you get that opportunity to ask questions make sure that you are asking smart questions what i mean by this is don't ask questions that you can't find easily in your product knowledge because that would be a wasted opportunity for you ask questions that is not found in the product knowledge questions that really confuses you and you think that this question is only going to be answered by a tenured call center agent those are the questions that you need to be asking during your nesting period this will help you tremendously once you're on the floor the good thing about asking an experienced call center agent that's working for the account that you're going to be working for is you know that you are getting the right answer so once all these four stages of the call center training are done this is the time that you are gonna get the job offer from the company and lastly these are the tips that i recommend that you should do all throughout the four stages of the training the first one is to practice practice practice your english i know that you have passed your call center job interview and that's something but because english is our second language then most of the time there's always going to be room for improvement and if you think that this applies to you then you really need to always always practice your english even if you already passed your job interview in fact this is the best time to practice your english every single day even if you're outside the call center training room make it a point to always always talk in english think in english talk to your family members in english even if they laugh because i assure you it's going to be really overwhelming once you're on the floor and and you know that you're talking to an actual customer who's a native english speaker add to that the anxiety the novelty and the information overload that you have to deal with it's gonna diminish your english i am pretty sure that all these will somehow negatively affect your communication skills your english fluency so now that you're still on training i really suggest that you use that time to improve your english practice practice practice as much as you can basically what you want to do here is to learn the conversational english the english that native english speakers speak every day and the best way to do that is to watch movies and watch youtube videos of native english speakers or better yet if you know a native english speaker personally you could have a daily conversation with them and that would be the best way to practice your english i don't care what you do just make sure that you practice your english and that you consume materials that are spoken by native english speakers another thing is you need to make sure that you sleep well especially if you're if your shift is a night shift if you are a night shift then i'm sure that it's it's really going to mess with your body clock so just make sure to get as much sleep as you can make sure that there is no light in your room and make sure that your room is well ventilated so you get that eight hours of sleep the change of time zone is going to at least make you drowsy for a few days or even weeks so coffee is your best friend you also want to make sure that you work out and i know this is really cliche you need to exercise and work out and move your body but how many of us are actually doing this you don't have any excuses for not doing exercise because you just go to youtube there's a lot of free videos online which means you don't even have to spend money on a gym 10 minutes exercise really is going to help you already i have experienced it personally i i do hate exercise but i know that it is necessary when i don't exercise in three days i can already feel it in my mood i'm not even exercising to build muscles or to get some abs i'm really just exercising to improve my mood because with a bad mood you're not just going to do anything productive i personally recommend cardios and hit or high intensity training because it will speed up your heart rate and it will at least compensate for the sedentary lifestyle that most call center agents have and you will probably have once you're in if you don't like that so much you can also do yoga but i just recommend that you just get your body moving it's very important for the mood especially if you are going to be working in the call center and lastly and the most important tip is that know that you're gonna make mistakes and you should not feel bad about them you make mistakes and you move on the important thing is that you learn from them and you don't make the same mistakes again i have seen some calls and attorneys who give up and it is such a waste especially if they're already in the last stage of the training and they decided to just give up because they think it is too much for them call center is not for everyone but if you can and you really want to be in this industry then a little more optimism is really recommended because this job is going to be really overwhelming especially if you're a beginner all right so those are all my tips on how to pass your call center training and if you have any questions suggestions you know what to do comment down below and if you need to practice a mock call now then check this playlist above because that is where i store all the macall recordings in this channel and if you like this video consider liking and subscribing because i'm going to be uploading more videos like this in the future bye
Channel: Kwestyon
Views: 830,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to pass a call center training, how to survive a call center training, how to get a job offer, call center training tips, tips for call center agents, surviving a call center training, survive a call center training, what happens during a call center training, stages of call center training, tips for call center trainees, call center tips, call center philippines, BPO Philippines, call center India, call center tips and tricks, nesting tips, product training call center
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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