How to Survive a Human Stampede

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[Music] have you ever been at a music festival sporting event or a parade and felt just a little too crowded as fun as crowd surfing mosh pits or cheering on your favorite team can be there are many potential risks sure you might have to put up with foul body odor or getting beer spilled on you but there are far more dangerous and even fatal hazards involved with large crowds this is how to survive a human stampede whether you're wiggling your way to the front to see your favorite band taking to the streets to protest the cause or grabbing that 80 off sale for the latest gadget please pay close attention to this video as it might help you and numerous others warning for those that suffer from enclophobia the fear of crowds viewer discretion is strongly advised step one don't panic and conserve your energy panicking will not help you free yourself from a developing stampede stay calm and focused yelling and screaming will tire you out if a stampede occurs you'll need all the physical energy you can muster panic is contagious and prompts a fight or flight survival system to kick in this can lead to clawing biting and other violent behavior kind of like a horde of hungry zombies step two keep pace with the crowd if the crowd is moving in one direction it's best to go with the flow if you try to resist the sheer density of the crowd behind you could crush you if the group becomes too tightly packed you can run out of air by compressional asphyxiation simply put your lungs cannot expand because of all the external pressure even if you're at the front of a crowd you're still at risk with so much weight behind you you could be one of the first to be crushed step three keep your arms up if you're a fan of boxing you'll know that keeping your arms up can be the best line of defense not all of us can float like a butterfly and sting like a bee like muhammad ali did but we can still protect ourselves keeping your arms up will create some space and allow you to gently push people away if you need to step 4 move to the edge of the crown try to make your way to the edge of the crowd by moving diagonally with the flow look for structures that you can climb onto away from others it's time to put all those hours monkeying around at the playground to good use getting to higher ground can allow you to wait until the crowd disperses or the situation becomes safer step 5 avoid any choke points if you can't find your way out of the human herd try to avoid tight spaces or choke points like doorways or tunnels where people are moving through many problems can occur in these areas due to a bottleneck effect where too many bodies try to squeeze through a restricted space this is why we go on water slides one at a time step six protect your head if you happen to fall down on a large crowd try to get up as quickly as possible if you can't get in the fetal position and protect your head you do not want to be knocked unconscious in this scenario if you remain calm and keep yourself balanced you'll likely survive just remember to keep your eyes open arms up and go with the flow of the crowd until you are able to safely escape a large mass of people in an indoor space can raise the temperature from all the body heat be sure to stay hydrated and wear non-slip shoes as all the sweat can make the floor slippery don't turn that mosh pit into a slosh pit speaking of fluids if you happen to live near a dam especially an older one you might want to think about how you'd survive if it ever breaks in that case if you want to stay alive keep watching how to survive you
Channel: How to Survive
Views: 1,342,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survive, how to survive, survival, what if, science, can you survive, could you survive, Top 10 survival, survival guide, survival tips, survival documentary, how to survive a human stampede, human stampede, dangerous situations, what to do in case of human stampede, survival rules, human stampede tips, human stampede survival tips, how to escape in human stampede, escape plan, escape a human stampede
Id: KaDcgIx2PlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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