How to Submit Your Cards to PSA in 2021!

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today on sports card investor we're diving deeper into grading as i've brought my own collection into joe davis so he can tell me how these might grade [Music] [Applause] [Music] sports card investors and welcome to another special episode about how the grading process works now we did one of these episodes last week where we talked about the five steps you need to go through before submitting your cards for grading and we are back here today again to do a follow-up because now i've gone through those five steps and i'm about to have joe davis check my work and tell me if i did it right and if these cards are ready to go off to psa and hopefully get me jen mintenz joe welcome back to sports card investor great to be back again jeff absolutely joe is a wonderful car dealer here in the atlanta area and he submits thousands and thousands of cards every month to psa grading and as i talked about in the last episode there's two ways that you can submit your cards to psa for grading one is you can go direct to psa or the other option is that you submit through a bulk submission service and joe and i have partnered to form the sports card investor bulk grading submission service you can find out all about it on by clicking the grading button on the main menu bar now the great thing about the sports card investor grading service actually there's lots of great things you get oftentimes better turnaround and better pricing than going through a psa directly but one of the great things is that joe and his team here at got baseball cards will pre-screen your cards for free they'll check the cards to make sure there are no defects that could prevent those cards uh from you know getting a really low grade you don't want their actually prevent them from getting a high grade right you don't want those cards to get a really low grade so what i have done here is i took the advice that joe gave during the last episode about grading and i prepared many cards from my own collection that i think are grade worthy i went through and pre-screened these cards myself i clean these cards myself i put them into these card savers myself and i think they're ready for joe to inspect and hopefully i get the thumbs up on the inspection and submit to psa but this guy's the master so we'll see we'll see if he agrees that these are ready to go or if he kicks some back and we'll see the whole process he and his team go through before they ship things off to psa joe are you ready to get started let's do it let's get going with the pre-screen process all right joe so here we go these cards i inspected the corners i inspected the centering i inspected the edges and i inspected the surface i also cleaned them and i put them into these card savers right but now is the time of reckoning now joe is going to go through and tell me did i do a good job did i miss some things and if so what so hopefully you can learn some lessons from this experience all right we're going to start off with a prism's iron rookie see what we got here centering's very good check the rookie card logo it's clean it's good yeah i think this one passes inspection hey there you go one for one ladies and gentlemen one for one and now this is the process you go through with every card that's sent to you through this bulk submission service we're doing people request pre-screening we have a lot of customers that don't ask for it so you know they just want them submitted but if they ask for pre-screening as they're being entered we check them out and eliminate things that we catch gotcha and pre-screening is free it's included with the service you have to as joe said you have to opt into pre-screening which you check a box on the form but it is included free all right your kyrie hot stars looks good okay two for two ladies and gentlemen all right we've got a tatis optic i'm seeing a print line in this one oh and where surface is good but you can see we've got this line looks like it's running right through his body yeah that's really interesting you only catch that in certain light but it i thought that was part of the checkerboard pattern but i see what you're saying there's a line that's actually not necessarily part of the checkerboard pattern it's running across the entire card horizontally yep and you see this with a lot of optic parallels in multiple sports you see this so that one may be in the eye of the grader but i would think that's no better than a nine likely an eight okay because it's def to me it's a print flaw all right so there we go that is one that probably should not go off for grading i'm probably better off selling that one raw right now um again what you might also want to do is is uh look at psa tens that have been graded on that card and see if they have the same issue and try and see if it can get by or not because the right grader may interpret it differently than i am but same we got another one of the same card another tatis i mean it's also got the same issue same thing but in a different place look at that it's one checkerboard box uh higher on the card panini what are you doing here panini you're killing me panini but this is why they pre-screened this is why we do the pre-screening right because i had those in my pile of things to go off to psa i had not seen that defect okay we got another optic lonnie walker purple here this one good centering corners look fine i mean as with optic corners and edges are usually fine you notice this one look at the background when it hits the light just right oh gosh there's a there's there's a print line down i that would have been really difficult to see under even normal lighting but here we've got some we got some lights you know that we brought in here for this shoot today and sure enough run all the way down the card uh-oh all right i i'm now i'm now two for five instead of instead of two and oh here okay i my grading i'm starting to question my own grading skills ladies and gentlemen i'm i'm those are very minut flaws but they are there all right your kevin porter looks looks good okay good gotta have that one that's back to 50 back to 50 and that's one of those court sides from select that i love so much talon horton tucker silver select your centering is off just to here you can look at the dots on this one so you've got a little less border here than here yeah but i mean it's still i think that might be within the parameters we could still get a 10. so so a card like that is it you the centering is close it's not perfect it's close so you're close enough to me all the other elements of the card look good so you're probably it's probably somewhere between a nine and a ten you think okay so then the question kind of becomes how badly do you need that card to get a 10 for it to be worth the grading cost yeah and are you willing to take that chance or not if it's kind of on the border line from a centering perspective alexander walker prism this one looks good the rookie logo is good it's centered well i don't see any surface issues so you're moving up all right we're picking up momentum ladies and gentlemen here we go another prism fastly got good centering no scratches no fingerprints back looks good too i did wipe all of these down with a microfiber cloth per joe's suggestion in the last episode you have to do that very carefully hold the card by the edges to make sure not to get any further fingerprints on it wipe it down with a microfiber cloth then put them into penny sleeves and then put them into these card saver the semi-rigid card holders all right we've got a miles gaskin prism parallel auto front looks really good on the back i see a little bit of tiny tiny amount of chipping on that top black there is so you know what i didn't do you know what i didn't do i didn't turn the card over i i wiped down the back but i didn't inspect the back oftentimes oftentimes i don't inspect the back of the card but that is a perfect lesson as to why you need to do it the front of that card was perfect the back of that card has a little chip noticeable on the top okay michael porter's select nice and clean well centered good good to go let's do a tyler hero prism green all right there's a tiny if you hit it just like right see there's like a little flake little speck it's like it's smallest of scratches it looks like right on the surface again something i i wouldn't have seen now now i should have seen it i own by the way one of these which joe likes to use and if i had i hadn't used this to go over that card but had i done so i probably would have seen it a lot easier this is one of those you know magnifiers yeah those are especially great with vintage to look at corners and edges and so forth but they work well on modern as well this this one you know probably eight or nine eight you know if they let it that slide you might could still get a nine but i can't see it getting a 10. so i'm going to put that in the in between pile okay i mean it's still a tough parallel again a lot of times when you consider the value is it still worth doing even though it may not be a 10. yeah i mean that's the type of card that a nine probably anything below a nine no right so that's you know is and i'm going to look closely at the other aspects of that yeah it's also it's slightly off center which i was willing to accept to being slightly off center but the combination of it slightly off center with this surface scratch probably means that this one actually needs to go in the reject pile prism rj barrett centering's really good surface looks good other than i had i kept moving it you can see just a tiny tiny horizontal scratch right underneath the rookie card logo you have to hold it yourself to see it i had to turn it so how do you see these things goodness gracious oh you're right yeah that is it's minimal and yeah like i said the grinder's in a hurry yeah tiny scratch there i might put that one through anyway but yeah if it were mine i would still try that okay oh but it is very minimal all right we got a hero die love these select die cuts and now are the die cuts harder to get good grades on you've got a lot of different kind of surfaces a lot of different edges you know happening exactly you've got more edges to deal with in a sense but even with the die cutting um this one i'm going to say the borderline the front looks fine you got a little white on that corner yeah i guess that corner is a little soft on the back there so that's up to you but i mean it is numbered at a 99 i'd probably still try it but it was a tough card all right put that in the middle one of my favorite sets it's first year select first year select yeah got a nice lebron here good centering same kind of scratches as the rj see it horizontal scratch and it runs all the way i think it's all the way across the color hides it in the middle but it's on both borders so probably probably an eight probably an eight ah ah ah now it's in the reject pile ladies and gentlemen it's in the reject pile this is these are subtle things that joe's looking for here this is really important for you to remember if you're going to evaluate a card you've really got to look carefully because these are honestly things i missed and i looked at these cards i pulled every single one of them out and looked at them in the light joe's finding some really subtle things here but that's the degree of of attention the degree of specificity you have to give your review process scratch just to the left of his kneecap i see it yeah i do i see it joe i see it i don't want to see it but i see it sorry to be the bearer of bad news today oh man look at this i'm getting i'm getting killed oh my god look at all the money you're saving on grading well hey that's the other thing right had this had this batch gone off without pre-screening i probably would have ended up with i mean you know not a not a very good gem rate that's for sure i would have gotten a lot back as eights or nines that are maybe even worse that i would have been quite disappointed in all right i'm not seeing any scratches here you've got a little print divot right here yeah and then another one underneath the logo yeah so notice i guess on the top edge there's kind of a slight a slight you know like a chippy yeah a little slight shipping on the top edge of that too now that i look at it under the light so again not a flawless card but what am i gonna do what am i gonna do can i sell you some cards today this ladies and gentlemen i will be truthful most of the investment cards i buy i buy them already graded because this is the risk you run but of course if you're opening boxes uh which a lot of these actually came out in fact i think all of these came out of boxes that i opened and so of course you want to get those graded and there are a lot of people that are obviously better evaluators of card condition than i am who make really good money by buying raw cards and turning them into gem intense they obviously have the experience of having done done it many times over and can evaluate and see these types of little surface issues that uh joe's able to just quickly see like that certain things that i didn't notice at the time i first went through them all right good news is both your select 1213s of kobe and durant look clean okay they passed the eye test there we go two good ones in a row got something there to grade finally finishing up with a select anthony davis give me some good news at the end here joe this is his rookie year select 2012 as anthony davis's rookie year we've got a nice in-flight anthony davis that i pulled from a box of 2012 select unfortunate has a nice little scratch of course it does of course it does right there little horizontal screen yes when you turn it when you turn it you get the light oh goodness gracious so we got all right one two three four five six seven eight nine rejects five six seven eight nine ten that passed and two that are up to you two that are in the middle yeah okay all right so depending on what i do with these two uh that's that's gonna deter now if i remember that rj i think had a little surface issue combined with the centering not being great i'm gonna i'm gonna put that in the uh i guess i'll put that in the rejects uh the tyler heroes number to 99 i'm going to go ahead and get that one graded plus that gives me more grading than rejects which makes me feel better about myself so we're just going to go forward with that and say that i had at least a slightly greater than 50 rate here so joe this process if i were sending the cards in with with the sports card investor grading program they arrive at your store and and if i check the box to say yes please pre-screen my cards what would happen now you would have just gone through those what would happen with the reject pile what we do is we contact you and let you know this many were rejected we give you and we'll ship them back for no charge in this case you've got a lot of high dollars so we ask you since they're your cards you know do you want to add insurance coverage we basically had insurance coverage at like a dollar per hundred so you know we will pay the shipping part but if you say oh no it's five thousand dollars worth of stuff we ask you to cover you know the insurance on the rejects and we go ahead and ship those back so you know they're not sitting here waiting on your other grady cars to come back we get those out of the way back back to you then we take the ones that are going to get graded we look at the forms that you would have filled out and we decide you know what level they want to get graded on what speed of service you want to pay for then we we enter in our database with psa and then we ship out to psa multiple times per week then after psa checks it in and it's in their system which right now is taking them about 15 weeks unless you're paying for an expedited order once it's checked in we can then start providing you with email status updates as your order progresses through their system all the way from check-in to when it's been shipped back to us then when we receive we contact you and get the cards back to you all right joe i'm going to grab my computer and take me through i want you to take me through the process of putting these in so we can finalize this order sure thing all right joe so i got my computer here i'm going to go ahead and put in these cards into the form now normally this is something that people would do before shipping the cards to you i cheated in this process i haven't done that yet because i brought my cards here to joe in the store but now it's time i need to do this so that joe can process them and get them off to psa so what i'm going to do is go here to the sports card investor website i'm going to click on grading in the main menu bar then i get down here into the form part and the form part is going to ask for my basic you know contact information and that type of thing but then there is a submission template that you click here to download and you fill it out you save it and then you attach it here as a file before you submit the form and that's really where that magic is so let me switch over to that submission all right so i got the form up here joe so i'm going to put my name up here looks like my email address uh so insurance that is if when we ship back okay so tail end so yes i would like insurance obviously i'm sure that cost additional correct you ship free i believe but but if the person wants insurance they have to pay for it correct yeah and all the shipping and insurance to and from psa is included this is just the final shipment back to the customer yes okay and then pre-screening i am going to give pre-screening an absolute yes on this because obviously obviously you did that for me and and i was needed i needed pre-screening right so please put yes for pre-screening if you want joe to take a look at it so then i guess down here i'm just gonna enter the card details of each card is that right so the first card is going to be the zion williamson card over here so i'm going to go ahead and just enter zion williamson uh that's the that's a 2019. oh you know what i was supposed to put the the brand over here wasn't i right prison basketball and then year was 2019 card number 248 248 zion williamson there we go no serial number now estimated value this card right now raw is around 200 looking in the sports card investor app i can tell that so i'm going to put 200 here but that means that this card's not qualifying for this ultra modern lowest price service level right too valuable i got to go up to this faster service right max 499 dollar value it's an extra 10 bucks it cost me 10 more dollars to grade to that level but i have to get the card back faster correct usually about two months quicker okay so over here under service level i'm going to type in faster okay perfect all right so i got my first card in there good all right i'm gonna put in my second card we're not gonna of course do all of the cards here in in the sake of time but let's do one more let's do this kobe card so that is uh i've got quantity one of those that is select basketball yep 2012 from 2012 card number 54 card number 54 kobe bryant's no serial number no serial number i i haven't looked up what the estimated value of that one is i'm going to guess 50 bucks i'll put 50 bucks down um and i'll i can double check that later and so this could go on this regular modern service since it's prior to so here we go modern 2007 and older and and 2017 and older max 99 so that's only 16 then to grade that card including the pre-screening and the shipping and everything so that's great so i'm going to put that as modern service okay great excellent fantastic you can fill out as you're doing multiple service levels all on one form all in one form so you if you have one card you really want back in a hurry you can put that at the expedited level you know you can do the 65 level that so okay so i would save this form on my hard drive once it's filled out and then i would go back over to the sports card investor website this was that form that we were on just a minute ago on the sports card investor website here and what i would do is i would fill in these personal contact information details and then right here i would click to attach that file that file which was that submission template that i just saved and then i hit submit yep that way immediately we have a copy of the form we know what's on the way to us we that way even if you forget to include the hard copy we can check it in when we receive and that way we've already got all your contact information and we're good to go and then you're ready to head to the post office or ups or fedex and ship away okay easy enough easy enough indeed so let's talk about shipping i know we talked about that a little bit on the last episode but here we go so these are the cards that i am going to be sending you for grading so obviously if i wasn't here in person with you what would i do bundle all of these together and and do what i you think wrap these in bubble wrap put them in a box or what would you recommend yeah don't i don't recommend using tape on them it just makes it that much more complicated and more risky when we're taking it off yeah so use bubble wrap what we recommend is use a small inner box okay and then put that down inside like a larger priority box or ups shipping box and put like some peanuts around that so it's nice and secure box can't shift in there and and of course include we do recommend uh if you've got a printer print out the submission form so then we have a hard copy with it when you receive it as well then recommend whichever method you want to ship we recommend something uh trackable we recommend adding signature confirmation so that way you've got proof of delivery and peace of mind and uh then a lot of people like to take it to the post office themselves or wherever to get tracking in person you know and instead of just sticking in their mailbox sure so yeah that's always a good idea have the post office scan in the package uh you know you can print the postage ahead of time or you can buy it at the post office but either way have them scan it so it gets in their system so that way you know it's getting tracked properly and then you can track it all the way to delivery here at joe's shop when his team opens up the package and begins processing it so once you receive these cards from me from someone who would send them into you once they've done all this on the sports card website they've shipped the cards in then what's your own process here well we get multiple shipments every day we take them one at a time we break down we pull out the cards pull out the paperwork if they don't include the paperwork then we go print it from the database where we've already received their information we check in the order to make sure their information matches what's there because we've had a number of times where customers left cards off the form but they shipped them to us so in that those instances we let the customer know hey you you left out this card and that card we're going to add it you know to your shipment so that they can update their record sometimes they enter that they've shipped three and there's really two you know so we correct it you know and we always keep a paper trail going on email if there's ever a discrepancy then we pre-screen we contact the customer if there's rejects get those back to the customer and then the others we break down uh you know like like we received your shipment and we said okay this is going to go on the faster service so this is identified for you with faster service this is modern then your hero if you're going ultra modern so right there you're going to be part of three different shipments right there and so we process you know a master shipment for uh for faster for modern for ultra modern depending on how many cards are included and for each level they get sent out we ship out the psa multiple times per week we don't leave the card sitting here they don't get dusty sitting here they're checked in promptly they're shipped out promptly yeah and obviously the time frames for all of these change psa is often changing the time frames for how quickly things go through but one of the nice things about going through a bulk submission service like the one we have here at sports card investor with joe is that you actually get quicker turnaround time from psa on some of the service levels so we get priority by shipping them in than you do in some of these service levels now joe what if i was an international customer what if what if i'm watching this overseas outside of the u.s and i wanted to get my cards graded oh we can absolutely help with that we do it all the time there's a lot of different ways if you're an international customer you can still ship to us and still download the same form fill out the same thing shipped to us the only difference in handling international customers is that the return shipping back to them is not free because that can get pretty pricey so what we do is we contact the customer their pricing for the grading is exactly the same the only difference is going to be the return shipping back and what we do is when the cards come back from psa we contact the customer we let them know you know this is the estimated value how much insurance coverage do you want we typically use dhl for worldwide shipping it's it's very fast and very reliable we and so we've shipped to countries all over the planet with our us breaks group doing that with our soccer customers all over the planet so we use that now we actually have a new method that we're using we have a lot of international customers who have a comc account so what some of them have done is not only ship us their cards from their comc account but then they ask us once they're graded we ship their graded cards back for them to their comc account then they're not incurring any customs fees coming into their country interesting and they also can manage their cards through their company account where they want to price them sell them and then eventually may want them back but that's one way we can ship for free back to their compc account unless they need additional insurance coverage interesting that's a great option for international sports card investors to not have to deal with those customs fees or those overseas shipments back by having having going back and forth between comc and joe's service here through sports card investor that's that's a really nice option i'm glad you're able to offer that yep yeah it's been very it's worked very well for a lot of our customers yeah good awesome well ladies and gentlemen we're ready to go i'm excited about getting those cards submitted for grading and it will be a little while before they come back obviously because it's not the quickest turnaround at psa but going through joe i at least will get priority and uh when we do eventually get them back we'll have to do a grading reveal video people people love that see how good my pre-screening was that's right we'll see if joe and we'll see how good joe's pre-screening was absolutely well hope i hope everybody i hope you guys have enjoyed this deep dive into into grading if you didn't watch the first episode last week make sure to watch that one as well where we went through five really great steps that you need to go through before submitting your cards for grading this has been fun joe thanks for joining us yeah i've enjoyed it it's been great absolutely and of course check out the grading service again by going to and clicking on grading in the main menu bar and get the free sports card investor app in the app store by searching for sports card investor in the app store so that you can look up card prices before you submit or subscribe to market movers because market movers has the largest database of sports cards in the world go to and click on market movers in the main menu bar thank you so much for watching everybody thanks again joe your thing we'll see you back soon with our next episode
Channel: Sports Card Investor
Views: 70,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sports card investor, sports card investing, investing in sports cards, sports cards, sports card, sports card flipping, flipping sports cards, football cards, basketball cards, baseball cards, hockey cards, soccer cards, football card investing, basketball card investing, baseball card investing, football card flipping, basketball card flipping, baseball card flipping
Id: 1o5pAPxnJxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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