How to sublimate on EasySubli. Siser EasySubli

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[Music] hi friends welcome back or welcome if you're new my name is emma and this is emma's cottage in today's tutorial i am going to go over a subject that is such a hot topic right now i feel like at least once or twice a day i'm getting uh pinged on facebook or instagram um asking emma how do you sublimate on you know htv glitter vinyl or what type of vinyls can you sublimate on and i have the best alternative that i've used quite often and it's called easy subli and it is such a great option for us that you know we don't have a full color transfer machine where we can kind of make our own things or a um screen printing like we may not be able to have that option but we still want to sublimate on dark colors so in today's tutorial i'm going to show you how we can take a very high cotton count shirt that's dark and we're going to sublimate on it with easy subway so if this sounds like fun to you tag along all right so what are you going to need to follow along with me today you're going to need some easy subway which you can get this from my make sure that you use the code emma's cottage for an additional five percent off your total purchase i will make sure that i go ahead and link it in the description below you're also going to need some heat transfer tape make sure that you're actually using heat transfer tape and not regular tape because that's going to be a hot mess the other thing that you're going to need is i always encourage you guys to use a heat press such as this one but i am sure your cricut heat press will do just fine as long as you can put some real elbow pressure in there make sure you give it some good pressure when you're pressing the image and the last thing that you're going to need well i guess there's a few things a sublimation printer and sublimation paper and today i'm going to be using my epson 15 000 it's a typical regular eco eco tank printer that i converted into sublimation what does that mean nothing too special all it means that instead of me putting in epson ink that it came with i put in sublimation ink instead and actually in this case it was also epson ink but it's epson sublimation ink that i had to order separately it didn't come with this printer the other thing that you're going to need is sublimation paper so today we're going to be using starcraft paper which i have become a huge fan of i've been using it in a lot of my last tutorials and i've been super happy with the color transfer and it has very little blowout so i'm very happy with that paper uh what else do you need of course you're going to need the easy subway i told you about that um oh you're gonna need some parchment parchment paper i will show you this a little bit in detail further on in the video but this is the parchment paper i use i will make sure i have it in the link below but i'm gonna use this to sandwich our sublimation print and our easy subway together before we actually press it onto the shirt all right now i want to quickly explain that this is a workaround i don't want anybody confused out there if you have a sawgrass printer easy subway and it's caesar's easy subway is perfect for a sawgrass printer so much though so that all you have to do is put just just like you would put um sublimation paper through your printer you would get your easy subli piece of paper and you would use that and you would put it right through your sub your sawgrass printer and it would print directly onto your easy sublease it does not work with epson so this tutorial is for those of you like me who have an epson printer that you can't put the paper directly through your epson it doesn't want to print directly onto your to your easy sublease can you yes is it going to turn out good no it's going to turn out to be a hot mess you're going to have lines in it it's just the epson printers do not work with the material of easy sublease so the work around is we are going to print on sublimation paper we are going to cut our easy assembly we are then going to put them together we are going to press them so that the sublimation ink is pressed into the easy supply and then we're going to take that and we're going to press it onto the shirt again this is a workaround this isn't the typical way to use it but for those of us that don't have a sawgrass printer and we have epson this is the workaround for you let's go ahead over to qriket design space so i can show you how i work this around in my cricut design space and then print it from my microsoft word all right you guys here we are in qriket design space where i am going to show you how you can use your cricut to cut the easy subli and then we're going to do a screenshot so that we can print it from microsoft word so one thing i wanted to show you really quick is that qriket design space just had an update a little unfortunate one hopefully they'll fix it typically in the past you could go up here to this square and when you click on it it would take away these grid marks well that has been removed and as of right now i do not see a quick link for that so the way around it is you would go up here to the canva these three lines you go down here to the settings and then you've got the canvas grid right here where you've got the full grid the partial grid and the no grid now i believe this has always been here it was just a quick link to go and quick uh quickly select this box it's just been removed as of right now now why would i not want the full grid well a little later on in this tutorial i'm going to do a screenshot of these lips and if i did that you're going to see these grid marks and the grid marks are going to print we do not want these grid marks to print when i'm doing sublimation so i'm going to go to my settings and i'm going to go ahead and select no grid the next thing i do is make these lips as big as i want them and i've actually decided that i want them 10 inches i'm not going to unlock my dimensions because i want to make sure that my height also adjusts along with my width i'm going to go ahead and click the enter button here and you can see that that automatically updated my height as well now over on the right hand side you can see that i have this set as i print and cut and you can see that there's a little warning label and it says hey this image is too large you need to reduce the size to a 6.75 by 9.25 or less now this is one bummer thing about a cricket is they do have the limitations on how big we can do a print and cut so i have a workaround that works really great for me and i'm going to show you how to do that today okay so the first thing we need to do is we actually want to cut this not print this so what i can do is i'm going to make sure this one's highlighted and i'm going to go over and i'm going to go to basic cut for this one because i want to make sure that this gets cut out of the easy subli okay and then what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to do a screenshot of the rest of it now how would i do that you guys have seen from my other videos i will either use the snipping tool um it's called something different based on the type of computer you're using but you could go and snip it by clicking this new button and then just snipping over it like this saving it to your desktop and then putting it in microsoft word however i found a quicker way and what i do now is i just go and open microsoft word like so and i just do a blank document here i always go straight to my layout i'm gonna go to my margins i'm gonna go to custom margins i always type in zero tab zero tab zero tab zero we're gonna go ahead and click ok it's gonna say hey you can't do this and i'm like i know i just tricked you because i knew you're gonna do it for me and then i'm gonna click fix it automatically fixes it to the point one two and i'm gonna say okay now what did this do you may ask you can see at the top the margins over here you can see right now this whole section and this whole section all the way down your page is not going to print nothing can print there it's basically the margins are too wide so watch these margins change as soon as i hit okay you can see how far over they went so now you know that from here over and from here over it's not going to print but that still gives us a very big printing section now i'm going to go ahead i'm going to turn this page to a landscape mode i'm going to zoom out just a tad here and now what i need to do is go to insert and we're going to go to screenshot we're going to go to screen clipping and voila it opens up it basically minimizes your microsoft word and i already had a qriket design space open in the background so all i'm gonna do is just try my best to get this as close as i can about like this get as close as i can at the bottom and on the right side there i'm going to go ahead and let go of my mouse i always click this here and this middle section here this just is saying hey i want it behind text and that's so that i can freely move this image around left to right up and down i'm gonna go ahead and click that now and now i can move that around like i told you let's make it just a tad bigger for a second and i'm gonna go crop it so you need to be in the picture format tab to do this i already was when i selected this here and made that change so i'm gonna go ahead and click crop and i'm going to grab this one when you see that your little asterisk changes to that one then you know that you can push it over and i can bring this one down and then i'm just going to click the enter button and that is truly cropping it as close as i can around the image so that when i go and tell it to have the width and height that i want it's going to be accurate and i did see that this needs to come up just a tad probably about right there there we go now i'm pretty happy with it so let's go over here to the height and width it's going to be the same thing as qriket design space once i change this to a 10 it's going to automatically update the height as well i'm going to go ahead and click 10 now and enter you can see that changed the height to 7.22 so perfect now let's say you wanted to unlock these i get this question asked quite a bit all you have to do is click this little arrow down here and then lock aspect ratio you just unselect that and then that way like if i were to go change this to an 11 watch this the 7.22 will stay so changing that to an 11 then that stays okay but of course i don't want it to change to 11 so i'm going to keep it a 10 and hit ok now all we have to do is print this and i can print this with my epson printer um so that it will print the black and the red and it will leave these slits of white all right so that part is done and easy to go now let me go back to qriket design space i think i explained this but just in case i didn't the whole reason i had to do that is because this print and cut is not allowing us to print that size this is my work around this is how i can print larger images through microsoft word and i can cut the same size so we know that we want to cut a 10 by 7.22 if anything we could even possibly cut a teeny bit larger but i think we're going to be fine with cutting it exactly so let me go back to qriket design space you can see we've got the basic cut here in fact let's just hide this for a bit just so i can show you this is going to be on white not sublimation i'm sorry this is going to be on white easy subway that we're cutting now i'm going to be putting this on a gray shirt and i actually want this white from the easy sublease to show through because i like the dimension of showing the white so i want to make sure it doesn't cut these lines i just want to cut the outer perimeter so how are we going to do that we're just going to try and fill in the blanks there's a few ways of doing it but i think the easiest way is to try and close these spaces so let's try that first without changing these dimensions because i don't want anything changed i'm going to go ahead let's just grab a shape so i'm just going to grab a square i'm going to unlock the ratios i'm just going to make it a line just like this something like this we're just trying to close this gap in fact i think i'm gonna make it even bigger so i can really really see that gap probably don't need it that long that's about the length i need and you can see that it's good on that side but i need to bring this corner down so let's just bring it down a tad until we get it to match we can close that gap without having too much of a line okay it can definitely be a little tricky zoom in just a tad bit more you know what i think that's going to be close enough yeah i think that'll be fine so what i need to do is i'm going to grab and highlight over both with my mouse so i know they're both selected you can also see on this side they're both selected um in fact we do not want this one i wonder if i can delete it yeah i'm going to delete this layer all together i don't even need it anymore you guys so i'm going to go ahead and delete that layer i'm going to grab this one i'm going to hit ctrl and grab this one so they're both selected same thing as what we were doing before by hovering over both and now we want to come over here to the weld button and click weld and now you can see we closed that gap and we want to do the same thing to this side just toggle over a tab let's grab us another square make it small again let's unlock the ratios and make it just a long thing like this let's tilt it to its side a bit and then it's all just about kind of eyeballing it you guys trying to get it to where it needs to go so that it matches up pretty darn close [Music] that is pretty close let's try it i'm going to hover over both and we're going to click weld all right now why did we just do that let me zoom out a tad now that we closed that gap we can go and click this contour button down here i'm going to zoom out just a tad bit more i'm going to put this down here so that when the contour opens i can see this better go ahead and click contour and now that i move this down here this contour you know i wish that we could grab the contour box and move it but we can't so all i need to do is i want to unselect that as you can see let me select it again you can see all the white and now you don't see the white and then you see the white and then you don't see the white see that's why i like to see the image down here so i definitely want these filled in now you can see this white line and this white line let's go ahead and select them here and that one as well and this one and this one basically i'm selecting all of these so that it doesn't cut these i'm going to go ahead and select all of these [Music] you can see oh that just leaves us with a few lines here on the bottom so i'm going to go ahead and close out of here let's make this a little bigger again what i want to do is i just want to go ahead and click this offset to try and get an outline around so let's go ahead and do an offset here [Music] and now you can see a line around but i'm going to change this up let's put a 0.2 and let's see what happens you can see a very fine line that doesn't remove that let's keep going let's maybe do a 0.9 [Music] see a line there still we don't want that let's go change it to 12. oh i went backwards i'm sorry 12. there we go that's looking a little better and i kind of like the edge around that so let's go ahead and click apply all right now you can see that we have the basic cut in the background and then the original one in front and all i want to do is i just want to go ahead and just size this down just a tad i'm going to use my keyboard to kind of move it up and down size a tiny bit more about right there if you do it too much it won't look very good see like that i think it's going to line up now you're going to have a teeny bit of overlap which i am okay with when it comes to easy subway but like i said before i want these lines to show through so that's why i don't want to cut this with the cricut machine because then you're going to see my gray shirt behind it and i want to show the white behind it so in other words let me take this off for a minute i'm just going to delete it i'm going to change this to white just to give you a full visual of what we're doing and go back to upload i'm going to grab this and i'm going to add it to canvas you can see this one is at 18.841 so let's click this one we're going to type width 18.841 hit enter now they're the same size now if i put this one right on top this is what my screen or this is what my easy subli is going to be sublimated on it's going to sublimate on it just like this and my white easy subway is going to show through on the background that's exactly what i'm going for now another thing you could do is if you want to get a little bit closer around these then you can just messy cut it yourself with pair of scissors but i think i'm going to be okay with this i think this is going to be cute and i'm happy with it so i'm going to go ahead and hide this and we just want to do the basic cut of course this is way too big we definitely don't want to uh we don't want to cut this this large we want it the same size that we're going to print this right and what was that it was 10 by 7.22 so i'm going to go here to my width and i'm going to type in 10. and there you go 7.214 it is close enough so this is exactly how we want to cut our easy sublease so to do that we're going to go ahead and click make it okay now the moment of truth a lot of people get super confused about so easy subway is a lot like hdd heat transfer vinyl the biggest difference though is it's not going to come with a carrier sheet and because it doesn't come with a carrier sheet you don't have to mirror the image so when we are cutting easy sublease don't worry about mirroring it go ahead and just cut it correctly in the right direction but you are going to mirror your sublimation print when you are using your epson printer now please don't confuse this if you have a sawgrass and you are going to print directly on to the easy subli then you don't need to mirror your image in sawgrass you can actually go ahead and print it um the correct way but because we are not printing directly onto this easy sublease we are actually printing onto sublimation paper and then applying that to the easy sublease then we want to mirror our sublimation print but we do not want to mirror our easy subway okay i hope that that was clear as much alright we're going to go ahead we're going to click continue we're going to get this cut and then we're going to jump over here to microsoft word and we're going to get this printed just keep in mind like i said before this is going on to our starcraft sublimation paper and to make sure that it lines up absolutely perfect we want to make sure we mirror that how do i do that in my options i'm going to go ahead we're going to go to print i'm gonna go ahead and print it with my fifteen thousand um you could actually print this on the smaller printer the 2720 let's see what else the 2760 i've got that too you could definitely print it on that as well but this is where i go and mirror my images here at more options and then select the mirror image i already have this set up um so there we go the mirror image i'm going to go ahead and hit ok and then we're going to print this on to our starcraft sublimation paper and then i'm going to meet you guys over at the crafting table all right you guys we're gonna go ahead and prepare our mat with the easy sublease and when i ordered mine i ordered two at a time you could definitely order more i know like on the my craft source website the more that you purchase the cheaper the rate's gonna be um but if you were to just get one sheet it's going to be 299 currently is what their pricing is and the sheets are 11 inch by 8.4 inches it really is a great alternative for some of those darker fabrics that you want a full color image um like i said when we were looking in qriket design space it doesn't necessarily have like a cover sheet the typical htv would have meaning when we go to press this we're gonna have to make sure that we're covering it with a certain material so that we are protecting obviously are easy subtly but when you're looking at the easy subway you're going to have like a shiny side which a lot of people think this think this is the carrier sheet it's not it's just kind of what's holding it together and then you've got like a textured side almost this is what if you have a sawgrass printer you would cut this to size and you would send it through your printer and it would print directly onto this now with the epson printers we can't do that i mean yeah i can but you're gonna have lines it's not gonna be it's just the the quality is not there with these um epson printers i've got the 2760 and i've got the 15 000 that instead of using regular ink i have sublimation ink in those they do not work for those printers so this is the workaround if you guys have a sawgrass printer though you don't need this work around you could go ahead and do a print and cut send it through your saw grass and then cut it with your cutting machine however with my epson i cannot print directly onto this easy subway it's just my printer does not have the right quality it gets lined it gets splotchy it does not work so we are going to be cutting it like i was showing you in qriket design space with the cricut we're going to be cutting the easy subway like i said before we don't need to mirror it because typically when you're mirroring it it's because this side right here would be you know face up on the shirt it's not the case with easy subway with easy subway this is actually the face so we don't need to mirror this but you do need to mirror your image which i got this just printed so this is mirrored so then when we go and we lay this on the easy supply then they will match up so this one needs to be mirrored this one does not i know it can get really confusing so hopefully it makes more sense as we go along in the process so i'm going to go ahead i'm going to set the print off to the side and we will go ahead and just lay this on our cricket mat um i typically would say use like the standard grip mat for something like this it works out great for me and then you just want to make sure that you're setting it in a way when you were in qriket design space you could kind of see where the lips are lining up just make sure that you're lining it up exactly the same as it is on your cricket design space or whatever cutting software and cutting machine that you're using so without further ado i'm going to go ahead and get this cut all right while that is cutting i'm gonna go ahead and cut around our image here now on these type of images obviously the less detail the better when you're using this option because you want to cut as close as you can around this image so that when we go gosh that cuts so fast when we go and line it up with our easy subway that we just cut the closer you are to the edge of your image the easier it's going to be to line it up perfectly so i'll go ahead and fast forward this part [Music] looks good all right it's cut i'm gonna go ahead and turn on our heat press because we want to make sure we're getting that heated up and ready to go check my notes i'm telling you guys i keep really good notes anytime i do a project on hey don't do this next time or hey that time worked really well for me so looking at my notes last time i did this i did 3.85 so let's go ahead and increase that um when i pressed it for about 60 seconds so i'm going to go ahead and just preheat my heat press to 385 perfect heating up so next thing we want to do is we want to weed our easy subway so what i like to do it's white just like white vinyl it's kind of hard to find but what i do is i just find the edge and i go through with my weeding tool and i kind of just pull away around all of the edges first very slowly very softly just to make sure it doesn't rip one thing i have noticed with easy subway is it's very easy to to rip or tear so you want to make sure that you do this part really nice and slow and i feel like this this uh to do this first versus weeding it from one side to the other uh absolutely helps me uh prevent any rips in the fabric or in the material again i'm just running my weeding tool underneath the perimeter not sure if you guys can see this very well you can kind of see how i pulled it up all the way around and i'm doing it on the part that i'm going to throw away i'm not doing it on the part that i want to save then what you do is just very carefully pull it away and because i already went and made sure that that bond was completely pulled apart it's going to come off like butter and this is all garbage all right so then here is our cutout and go ahead and take this off let's get that out of the way and voila there you go um now keep in mind this front rough part this is the part that's actually going to be showing on the shirt so the next part is a little bit interesting and tricky again because typically when you use a sawgrass printer which is a sublimation printer it has such great quality that you could actually take this straight through your sawgrass and it will print the sublimation ink on it well i can't do that with my epson i mean i can but it doesn't turn out well believe me i've tried it so instead i get my sublimation print that i mirrored i get my easy subway that i did not mirror and i'm gonna make them kiss like literally and i would just lay it down like that and it's gonna line up so great super excited but what do we need to do to get it prepared to press i am going to press this between two pieces of parchment paper now this is the non-waxed kind actually i'll show you the kind i get i get it from amazon i'll make sure that i have it linked below it comes with 200 pre-cut sheets i love this stuff i use it all the time and like i said before it's not wax so you're not going to have like a weird residue so what we need to do is we're going to sandwich it between these two pieces now depending on the size i may even be able to fold it in half and only have to use one piece the next part you need to be very patient and very carefully you're going to try and peel this off as one piece now i've seen people do this with really detailed intricate things it's going to be difficult but you know what the end result is really cool so just be really patient when you do it so that those pieces will somewhat come up together it's more so i'm going to go ahead and just kind of like a sticker very slowly very slowly pull this up and i'm going to keep grabbing it so that i'm not stretching the material because it would definitely stretch again i just keep getting closer and closer to the edge so that i'm not stretching the material nice and slow trying to bring it up without stretching or tearing it tada i no longer need that piece move it over to the side now i don't know how much you're going to see on camera but i'll try and show you this piece is very shiny just like the shiny backing that i had on it this piece is very matte and like honestly it definitely has like a rougher texture to it the material itself is quite thin i would say it's thinner than um adhesive vinyl i would say it's thicker than htv a little bit thicker than hdd um and definitely thicker than foils so it's like the only way really this is gonna rip at this point is if i tried to rip it okay let's go ahead and put our lips down and i think i can definitely fold this in half so to put those lips down you want to be really careful to make sure that you don't have any lint or pieces on this i wouldn't necessarily take a lint roller to it because you definitely don't want it to stick but just do your best to try and get away any imperfections or lint before you press it we're going to go ahead and we're going to get our sublimation print here we go i'm going to go ahead and lay this and because i cut it just myself which is fine i can see that it's going to be lined up perfectly with my cut from my cricut machine it's going to look great i'm so excited let's go ahead and get some heat tape to go ahead and tape it down [Music] good so let's just grab a few pieces of tape to make sure that it doesn't shift while we press it and move it nothing worse than getting this far in a project just to have it all shift when you're pressing it and then it doesn't turn out very well i always seem to go overboard on my taping just because i don't want to mess up so you guys can kind of see there it's taped to my parchment sheet and then i'm just going to fold it over just like this kind of i call it i'm sandwiching sandwiches sandwiching it in between two pieces of parchment paper one other thing that i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and lay another piece underneath it just in case any of that ink bleeds through just always want to protect my press as soon as this gets to 385 we're about 100 degrees off then we'll go ahead and press this together for 60 seconds and then we will press it on our shirts all right you guys we are up to temperatures we're going to go ahead and press i'm gonna go ahead and lay this one down just to make sure i don't have any uh blowout and we're gonna go ahead and press this for 60 seconds i'm gonna increase my temperature or my pressure just a tad well it's probably too much [Music] perfect all right i'll watch the clock and we'll see what happens in 60 seconds while we're waiting for that to sublimate let me go ahead and get my shirt ready i decided to go ahead and do a dark gray shirt this is a gildan i want to say it's the 6700 i don't remember i don't have it memorized but this one is 60 cotton 40 poly so i have tried bleaching this one in the past and it works um it actually gets pretty white if you let it but it is only 40 polyester so you're not going to get that bite bright vibrant image that you typically would on a higher material sorry high polyester material all right you guys who's ready to see if i totally just messed this up i'm kidding i've done this a few times before it works i promise all right before i do anything there i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to lower my temperature because when we actually go to press this onto this shirt it needs to be i believe it's 310. i'm going to double check my notes yes we're going to lower it to 310 degrees okay so ready to go let's take a gander let's see how this turned out awesome now one thing i really do like about this starcraft paper it does not bleed through that much if at all i'm just a chicken and i don't want anything to bleed through onto my press so i'm always protecting it but truly it very very little uh bleeding through so let's go ahead and take this tape off and very carefully try and separate the tapes trying to stick to my easy stubbly i'm going to use my spatula to try and help release it so that it's not sticking too much to this the easy stubbly material just kind of going around and slowly separating it again i don't want to rip my easy subway you definitely can rip it at this at this stage so be very careful be very patient and be very gentle as you're releasing it from your sublimation paper it's like sticking to it but not not a ton it's not like sticky sticky it's just like pressed together hopefully that makes sense oh my gosh this image is so bright and vibrant love it i love it look at that look how pretty i love it isn't that so cool oh my gosh i love it so much okay so now what you have to do again be very uh gentle and very patient with yourself we want to peel it off of this parchment paper now it's not sticky again it's just like pressed that's the best way i can describe it is it's it pressed to the parchment paper just like that it's kind of like stack electricity to me right now and what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna lay this um it's folding over on itself i'm just gonna lay it face down like with the color face down just to kind of hang out right there while i prepare the shirt okay so to prepare the shirt it's actually really simple we want to make sure that we're getting our lint roller we're trying to take off any of that extra lint any dog hairs or cat hairs if you've got that going on in your house or like me my hairs i find my hair everywhere do you find your hair everywhere we want to pre-press just like we would with sublimation um pre-pressing isn't just about releasing moisture you guys it's actually you know help get the wrinkles out so that you've got a nice flat surface um but it's also to help pre-shrink your fabric us you know a tad so i pre-pressed for about 5-10 seconds and again it's just somewhat kind of shrinking your shirt if you don't do that pre-press and your shirt's going to shrink just a little bit like in the dryer then your image is going to start coming off a lot sooner um than it typically would okay who is ready to put this adorable thing on this shirt now one thing you could do at this point is if you were really patient you could get a pair of tiny little scissors and you could go around the edge if you didn't want to see any white line let me show you so you can see a little bit of a white line all the way around see that but you know what i actually kind of like it this way for this image so i'm not gonna messy cut it i'm gonna leave it just like this and i'm gonna sit here and pick and choose where i want it i definitely want it kind of turned slightly versus just straight up and down so i'm going to tilt it slightly i'm going to put my fingers i usually say four finger links below the neckline so i just pull it up just a tad about right there shift it over i like to grab my ruler and i try and look at you know either from the armpit that's usually a good spot to find how far over you're looking to make sure it's center so about three and a half on that side oh three a little bit over to the left okay i'm actually going to shift this down just a tad a little more than four fingers let's go with that hopefully that's center i think it'll be fine now typically you don't want to take anything down but if you wanted to you absolutely could so that it doesn't shift i'm just just in case i just don't want it to hurt any of that sublimation um color ah you know what no i'm not gonna take this down i'm not i'm not gonna do it i'm just gonna do my best to hold it in place i probably should have placed it on yeah that would've been smarter there we go now you definitely want to protect our easy subway if i were to press this right now it would probably be okay because i have my teflon sheet however guess what's not okay my sublimation ink is going to bleed on my teflon sheet so you can either either use butcher paper or in my case i'm just going to reuse the subwoofer this uh parchment paper go ahead and set it there let's see we are almost to 310 i'm like five degrees off so a few more seconds we will go ahead and press this and we are going to press it for 15 seconds so exciting you guys there's just so many opportunity of using um i know i've got another video which is that glitter htv um video that you can sublimate on it's the same process it's just with glitter htv um but the only difference with that one is you actually will mirror the glitter htv because it does have a cover sheet or a carrier sheet where this one the easy subway doesn't have a carrier sheet so that's why you don't mirror that that is truly the only difference between these two methods you guys all right we are at temperature let's go ahead and press this for 15 seconds oh so cute it turned out adorable oh my gosh i love it and there you have it sublimating on easy subli onto a dark fabric so that you can still enjoy a full color turn out adorable so so cute now let's compare this i wish i had my other shirt down here in fact i'll go ahead i'm going to grab the other shirt i hope i know where it's at which is the glitter htd and i'm going to try and show you guys an up-close comparison of the two products okay be right back so here's the one that we did with the glitter htv which i'll show you here up close don't mind all the little fuzzies and dog hair pet hair and stuff but this is how the glitter htv turned out super cute still just as vibrant i have washed this you guys probably 10 times i kid you not and it has not faded it's not lifting like it's great okay now we've got the easy subway this one is just as vibrant if not more vibrant than the glitter htv um this one is much softer like definitely you can feel that there's something on your shirt um but it's much softer whereas the glitter like it is rough like you can feel this glitter now i get asked all the time does the glitter come off no the glitter does not come off um it just has the look of the shiny glitter this one is definitely going to be the one that's the hardest um definitely is not as moldable as a movable see how this one just moves like no big deal so turn out really cute when you guys wash these both of these make sure that you're turning them inside out um if you can don't dry them like hang dry them if you can there you have it so cute all right you guys that is it for today's tutorial and it's such a great alternative to be able to sublimate on dark colored shirts and on shirts that are a very high cotton count so if this is something you're gonna do please share it in our facebook group i love to see what you guys create you can find me on facebook instagram and tick tock at ms cottage diy as always friends thank you so much for watching if you liked this video go ahead give me a thumbs up it helps me know that i'm kind of headed in the right direction at the type of videos that you like to learn about make sure that you hit that subscribe button but the most important thing you guys ring that bell so that you will get notified any time that i upload a new video until next time we'll see you later friends [Music] you
Channel: Emma's Cottage
Views: 78,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Sublimate, How to use a heat press, How to use Cricut Design Space, How to use a sublimation printer, sublimation for beginners, sublimation tees, bleach shirt with sublimation, how to do sublimation, sublimating for beginners, Emma's Cottage, #sublimation, design bundles, How to sublimate on EasySubli, how to sublimate on siser easysubli, How to sublimate on 100% cotton, Epson 15000, epson 15000 sublimation, Epson 2760, siser easysubli
Id: WeWUm84jOco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 32sec (2432 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 09 2022
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