How to hide a large Apron Stomach. UK 16-18. Body Shape Master Class 15.

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hello welcome back to my channel my name is Melissa Morrell and I'm a personal stylist for the everyday woman so today we have got the most fantastic lady called Teresa who has gone from being a size UK 28 down to well she told me she was a 16 to 18 but I've just seen her come into the studio and I know she's not a 16 to 18. so I think that's very very common isn't it amongst people who have lost a lot of weight they still feel that they are not as far on their weight Journey as probably everybody else sees they are we're going to be tackling that today and often it's a mind thing so if I can show her that she can fit into a size pair of 12 trousers for example and not the 18 that she thinks she's in then hopefully that will help her continue on her weight loss Journey as well so I'm really excited to introduce her to you so welcome Theresa thank you very much for coming today really really excited to be able to help Teresa because you have lost a lot of weight haven't you yeah so you've gone from a UK 26 to 28 to well you say a lot smaller than I think well she thinks she's a 16 to 18. so um are we okay to talk about your troubled areas so if you can see here this section here so we often call it a um an apron stomach in styling it is an area of concern around here where she's got these beautifully slim shoulders and really nice proportion bust as well but what it's my job to do is to make this disappear and you know how I'm going to do that I'm going to work all at the top here so what people often think is if that's their troubled area that's what they need to focus on no you need to focus on the opposite area to that and I need to balance you out so effectively we can't do anything about that shape around there we can disguise it a little bit but we can't make it smaller right now here and now so in order for that to look smaller we've got to broaden her on the shoulders here and distract around this area and I'm thinking you've probably got a really lovely waist in there it's coming it's coming back but I'm going to show the audience that that is going to be lovely right under your bust and then we'll just skim over it so what we're going to do is put Teresa into hair and makeup with a lovely Hannah thank you everybody loves Hannah um so we're going to make her all look lovely and then it's just so you feel more confident in the clothes really rather than standing here with no makeup on on YouTube it's not ideal is it no I'm just doing a bit of behind the scenes for you here the lovely Hannah hi so cool you're doing the hair bit we've done loads I don't know if a lot of people know but you do hair as well as makeup no shoes a bit of everything yeah and I am sporting you've got this I heard you got one I know do you know what's my color too oh that's for special edition one isn't it um so I well every time Hannah comes here she licks my zoovi halo which is a hairdryer did you ever see the YouTube video that I made showing how I use this hair dryer yes I did yeah no no I wasn't got it because the thing is the great thing about it is fantastic it has to be a hair stylist to be able to use it I know but I think I think I think I would have let you down um so Brad do you want to tell the audience yes because it is the juvie it's I'm going to turn it on to show you or the line it's light technology can you see that it is actually quite quiet I suppose you know since the hairdryers on the market but it works on like care technology so it's all to do with how nature dries up um moisture outside so it's when you use this on your hair it's like you've just let your hair dry naturally yes it's really kind to the hair great for people with sensitive scalps if you've got very fine hair it's fantastic but even equally if you've got thicker hair as well because a lot of time we put like masks on our hair and we use um you know sort of different treatments on our head yeah but actually comes back to what you're using and this is fantastic because it's so kind to the hair but they've done this patented technology that speeds everything up so you're not compromised on time which is key because people with thicker hair don't want to spend a long time so this is great so it is a fantastic tool it is so simple and easy to use say it's lightweight it's portable looks beautiful for that's the special edition one isn't it because I've just got the white one yes and I love the white yeah as well but yeah this color is absolutely gorgeous it comes with three different attachments as well so and they're magnetic so you literally put them on like so yeah a great diffuser for the lovely curls and the nice bounce you've got the lovely one here which is that way around I actually never know what that one does yes so that just um diffuses the heat more evenly okay so that's a really nice one but you can just rough dry off and then go in when the hair is you know sort of 60 dry with this and then go in with your styling tool so when you want to create the lovely lovely bouncy blow dry and really Sleek look so that gives that great look for you and more behind the scenes for you here we've got Ros I pull the pain to get Ros on camera later aren't I wrong yeah Ross is a senior stylish she's also our color specialist we've got Sarah there who I think you met earlier on see hey we're coming back to you Hannah oh lovely Theresa very very nice Hannah does online makeup and styling for us which is why we're showing you the end product because you look absolutely lovely happy with that love it really really nice and the hair looks gorgeous as well I'm loving this hair dryer it's really lightweight it's great it doesn't deposit too much heat onto the hair yeah it's great for people with sensitive scalps and also it has becoming more fine it really but it delivers yeah you don't need to sell it to me because I think you copied me yeah I've gone over with the BaByliss absolutely brilliant you know I love that yeah and um it's simple and easy to use and just give that lovely Bend in the hair just to finish off but yeah gives a nice soft curl and I think that's what most people want something nice yeah so we chose the Bobbi Brown long wear eyes Shadow sticks these are beautiful really easy to use you can smudge it out with your finger and also they last yeah and that's key because we want products to work hard for us I've also got the Bobbi Brown lip tint now this is gorgeous on my hand you won't really see it it's like a bar it transfers to your lip color so it's really beautiful and very moisturizing to tell you about the Ilia product as well this is a skin tint it's fantastic it's got um hyaluronic acid in it's got squalene and so it's got um good products for your face but equally it goes on it's got um you know sort of it's like a foundation it's very light so it doesn't look like you're wearing Foundation it's like your skin but a little bit better quickly and is a lovely blusher this is the Steeler blusher it's beautiful yeah nice lovely fresh for the summer and I'll link that one but this I'm just going to give you a little sprayer oh this is the men causal spray you can menopausal spray I'm not I'm never without it the cow Dilly spray it's an Elixir and what it does it just you know throughout the day and you look in the mirror and you think oh my makeup's really sitting in my lines and creases and I you know I don't want that spray this on it'll freshen it will pep up your makeup and smells like a spa doesn't it absolutely lovely it's so lovely oh good all right well I need to feel Teresa back otherwise I'm not gonna get this feeling done so let's get started okay she's back looking absolutely gorgeous feeling confident yeah I love it it's absolutely beautiful it is really really nice isn't it so I think perhaps what we should tell the audience is that you are going on a lovely holiday you've got a lot of travel involved where was it Phoenix no um New York Denver Boston and then home so a lot of flying a lot of flying so she wanted several outfits that she felt comfortable in that she could still go on the plane and then do your sightseeed afterwards and things like that and I just think this looks absolutely beautiful um it's from John Lewis and why it's working here is because we completely balanced her out so first of all did anybody I'm talking to you like you can talk back to me but did any of you notice her stomach have you thought about your stomach no no no because it looks completely fluffed there's just no hint of that going on whatsoever and the main reason for that is because everything from top to toe including a beautiful hair and makeup that's just been done right down to the bottom is attracting your eye I suppose it's not about just wearing a tight pair of jeans where everybody's looking in that area although I always do say that because if you have got a lower stomach area there's not many people that will actually look down there because it's quite close to your private area it's not like people will stare so I bet you they don't look as much as you think anyway but that said when we look at that as a whole everything is styled so we've balanced her out so the reason we balance out I know you've watched a lot of my YouTube videos so I'm sure you know that so I'll talk to the camera rather than I talk to yourself but it's always about the hourglass figure so you're always trying to create the points here of the hourglass figure and then the points down here because when you do that or this middle section is going to look smaller and that's exactly what we've done here with you so we've broadened you out here and it's very subtle we've just got a column going on we haven't even got shoulder pads so if we wanted to add even more structure we would just put a little bit of a shoulder pad like that okay and then that shoulder pad would then match the bottom of the trousers and would probably make you look even small slender around that midsection but she's got the Zips going down here which is halving that stomach area up so it just literally dividing the stomach she's got a white tight fairly cropped top on and look at this beautiful shape so can you see this beautiful shape here I've followed her bust line down and it's come under her bust and then it sits flat over the very area she was conscious of and the reason we do that is because if we had gone baggy from that bust area all it was going to do was add volume to the very area that you don't want to add volume so it's a little bit like you have to do opposite to what you think you think I've got to hide myself because that's going to cover my tummy but no I want to see the other parts of your body I want to see the strong shoulder I want to see the bust line and then I'll build it up around here so that midsection isn't even seen so we think you look lovely thank you so everything is going to be linked now one thing I'm going to do now is obviously we've got her in a wider trouser but I'm going to put her now in a more tapered trouser with exactly the same on and we're going to see how you feel in that whether you feel smaller bigger and what that does to your profile okay okay okay so all I have done now is change the trouser for more of a slightly tapered leg trouser um but if you don't mind just stepping or watch yourself there um so what I have done I've left the one leg down where it naturally comes to now for me that's too much Navy too much dark across the whole of your lower torso I want to see the ankle which is why I've turned it up on this one but the very nature of this it's a beautiful fabric isn't it it drapes really nicely but I almost think that that's a little bit too casual for this trouser so if I was you I would have these taken up professionally so it's a night it's just an ankle Grazer basically because to me showing the foot there and the little bit of skin just helps break up the whole of the outfit and a lot we get a lot of questions about where is that sweet spot on somebody's ankle and it is a matter of just looking in the mirror and working it out so all I would be doing now is sort of taking the step back so one is a little bit High here so that one's a little bit too high so I as a rule of thumb usually about two fingers from the ankle bone so I would go one lower and it also depends on what shoe she's got on because if you had got a trainer on now and the trainer covers the majority of your foot you would then have to go up one Higher in order to see the Flesh of your ankle okay okay so sometimes it's about higher and lower and depending what shoe you've got on but that's a lovely alternative you like these because the pockets don't yeah yeah so and I can see that the um the wide leg I can see how that improves the silhouette the silhouette yeah well I actually think on you you can do tapered and you can do wide leg as long as things up here are going on because if I if I took this off you and it was just I won't do it because um so Theresa won't buy me say but she's conscious of her arms aren't you so in a lot of The Styling we want to try and cover those as much as possible but if um she just had this top on like that and then the wide leg then that would make you look more of a pear shape it's only the fact that we've built you up there that but then you can wear the wide leg as well or indeed a tapered leg but either looks lovely and you you look lovely getting on your flight in that but let's see what else we can find for you okay so we've changed it up again so this is a slightly different silhouette on her so now we've got some much tighter Navy trousers and we've gone even tighter because she's got these beautifully shaped legs and the reason we can go tighter here is because the shoulder pads in this Blazer have really broadened you so we've gone broader there and then the natural shape of the Blazer has gone in and kicked out so here is the end of your hourglass shape okay so that and that is now matching which means we can go tighter down here and then there's just no mention of the tummy you said they're really comfy aren't they or so comfortable I could almost feel I could work out in the mother really okay so they are Bowden we will link everything as normal the jacket so bear in mind that you said you're a 16 to 18. the jacket is a size 12. okay so I think some head work needs to be going on to realize that you have lost a lot of weight and I think this is the problem that we see a lot when we do our online styling is that people will say um you know I've got this really nice jacket it's do it's meant to do all the things that you said it's done and they put it on I'm like well you got it two sizes too big and that's why it doesn't look like it should do so getting your size in right is really important so if you are buying online buy two sizes buy smaller and bigger and try them on the comfort of your own home because I think with yourself you're going to be very surprised that you're a lot smaller than you think you are but that looks beautiful really really nice the bag is from John Lewis um I can't remember where the shoes are from but we'll link them for you okay so um Theresa needs a round of applause because it is probably the hottest day of the year so far and she thought oh that's great a linen top nice and cool and then I went to through a cashmere jumper over her arms but it looks really nice doesn't it and the reason I've done that is because she's going on this traveling experience and when you're traveling you need layers the plane is always really cold you want them when you're um out and about in the day in case you're out later on in the evening so thinking about the entire outfit including the last layer is really important because we all know you look beautiful in that color just like that but then come the evening you're going to be cold what I don't want you doing is putting a jacket on that doesn't match or anything so just having a neutral cashmere or or just a nice cotton jumper it doesn't have to be cashmere is always nice for finishing the outfit off but that looks absolutely lovely and we just wanted to show you how that pop of color with her beautiful eyes and the makeup that Hannah's done there is just really gorgeous and again it's all tight around the tummy area yeah and I really can't feel it you know I think this is doing this is doing the work because yeah it's halving you that's all it's doing and even the arms of the jumper hanging down is creating some shape because sometimes when you have just got a I'll take that off sometimes when you've got a bigger baggy jumper on like that and then they've got a baggy top underneath it makes you look baggy all the way over so you must make sure you combine it with a tighter top underneath and also another little trick I'll just throw this down is to not something like this so it goes probably against um how you want to dress if you've got a little bit of a tummy but actually the shorter you go on your outer layer the smaller your stomach will look okay and I will show you this now just do it very roughly can you see now how it's created a waste if I didn't pull that down if that was up here you would probably look hippier because now all of that hip is on display and it's kind of goes quite straight from there to there this elongates waist and it creates this lovely shape around the stomach area I'm not sure I've got loads of girls in the background is that working amazing yeah it's very hard to see in the camera but half the team are all behind so that's working girls so good yeah hey you're right I've managed to get her in some shorts and how lovely does that look we were all just saved behind the scenes this is your color it's like that raspberry pink is it what do you call it yeah it's almost fuchsia isn't it yeah she's really really lovely but both pieces are linen so they're going to be keeping you cool and nice I don't think you've worn shorts in a long time have you it's gonna be long time long time decades decades do you feel comfortable yes you do I really do great okay and I think part of the feeling comfortable bit in shorts is the fact that we're not just all looking at your legs okay we're looking at everything that's going on even the bag there and the bag can often actors um a little bit of a comfort blanket because you can effectively cover up your legs a little bit like that not that she needs to but you know we all have our insecurities don't we um but the fact that the White Band is showing here and creating that waste gives everybody a central point to look at but note that they're probably looking sort of around this area your belly your troubled area is down here and I bet you at home I can see Antonio behind screen is going like this so yeah she's just in the thumbs up which means nobody will have looked down there at all so can you see yourself in the mirror just fall away here don't they yes the delete just hug it they just drop away yes exactly and that's a really good point there because I see a lot of people trying to wear shorts that are too tight and and follow the curve of the stomach and you're right we've gone we've followed it from here and it's gone straight down so it looks really really lovely so we'll link everything and one last thing to say is that this pink would go lovely with any of the blue trousers that we started off with as well so it's all about mixing and matching everything together now especially because she's going on holiday I wanted to be able to pick out any top with any pair of trousers with any pair of shorts and it will all go together lovely oh I never thought I wish okay now for something completely different but how beautiful do you look in this do you feel it yes I mean I would never have picked this up and certainly so why wouldn't you have picked it up what what about this dress would you thought wouldn't have worked on you maybe the size 12 yes it's a size 12. so bear in mind you believe she's a 16 to a 18. it is a size 12. so if I'd have picked it up in a 16 to 18 I would have put it on it wouldn't have looked like this no I would have thought no that's not for me no because it would have made you look bigger I wouldn't have thought I need to size down I just thought that's not the right dress for me yes yes no the point is just like the top before it's following her bus line so it's tight in here which means it's coming in underneath her rib cage at her smallest point it's draping just over that stomach area so if for example this was tight like that then yes of course that would show up your insecure insecurity area but the fact that it's just hanging off there and it's broadening you down here is brilliant now this wouldn't work if it was just single strapped up there so the reason it's working is that you've got the broadening down there and you've got the broadening of the sleeve here so often in styling we see somebody who will say well I got a skirt to broaden me because that's what you told me to do but I'm like but what about the rest of your body you can never just look at one part of the styling you always have to look from shoulder down to your feet basically and you look absolutely gorgeous really really nice so we will link everything for you and just to mention we've had to open all the doors up so I'm sorry if you can hear any traffic or birds or Monty comes flying in but we are boiling we are very very hot today so um don't bother saying about in the comments that you can hear that because we know that we are having to work with it because it's too hot we're menopause so we've got her in a jumpsuit and we all think she looks lovely you liking this one yeah this is really lovely and it's so cool yeah yeah so it's a linen blend now it's worth noting with linen that if it comes up tight in any particular area all you have to do is get your hand down there and pull it so Teresa wanted a little bit more room in this area here so I've literally just had my hand down her top and I've just pulled it and we've managed to get probably another two or three centimeters out of it so don't let the fact that it's tight in one particular area put it off just give it a good old stretch I have to do it all the time around my thighs because that's my biggest area Okay so if we just come a little bit closer I want to show you something with the shoulder pads okay so on this arm here I have put a shoulder pad in the reason I've done that is because Teresa doesn't like her arms and she had actually mention the fact that she's got her arms out and that's good because hopefully she was looking at everything else but in order for your arms to look slimmer you need to create an angle and that's all that this very small little shoulder pad has done on that side so if we compare it against this shoulder I'm hoping that what you can see is a more rounded broader shoulder and more angle there so all we do I've showed these a million times we'll link them for you you take the velcro off like that and you just put your bra strap in there so I'll just do that okay so now we've got both of the shoulder pads in so what that is going to do is going to create the angle which means that her arm is going to look smaller so if we take a step back now if you look at her from head to toe she's got the starting point now of your hourglass and she's got structure here which gives us the top point it brings her in underneath her stomach which is her smallest area around here and then the trousers are just slightly tapered so we're following down her shape because she's bigger around this area anyway so we don't want to add too much bulk around that area unless we've got like a Blazer on that's really giving you shoulders but there you look lovely and balanced and I think that's perfect for traveling in wear a nice bra because you I say it all the time a little tank top yeah a little tank top that's the only disadvantage but you can recreate this with just a Navy pair of Lenny trousers and a navy shirt it doesn't have to be a whole uh all in one so let's see what else we can find for her Okay so we've been joined by Roz for anybody that doesn't know Raz Ross is our senior stylist does a lot of the face-to-face work don't you and a lot of the business ladies as well and she's our color specialist as well so we thought we would bring her in given that we've just put this mad pop of peak onto on Teresa right now so perhaps Roz you can tell us about her coloring and why a color like this suits up yeah absolutely so um because you're very light and coloring you've got beautiful light blonde hair and light eyebrows and it's always very important to look at the color of your eyebrows and versus your hair color and if the whole thing is light then that's going to mean that you're going to suit Light fresh bright colors so therefore anything that is light and crisp and fresh is going to look fantastic on you and really light you up and colors are going to make your eyes pop as well so something like that fresh bright pink is going to a great effect of your overall complexion and then the combination of the white underneath anything anytime you add white to a color it just automatically lightens it and so the combination of the white and the white linking back to the white shoe the whole effect is light and bright which is the kind of colors that you're going to suit yeah that now what would what would have to change if Teresa had gray hair so I get a lot of questions about gray hair from the audience yeah so if your hair was gray then you would suit cool colors and automatically that takes you into anything that has our blue undertone um if it's warm it's got a yellow undertone and if it's cool you have to Blue now this pink has got a blue undertone to it so therefore even if you had gray hair you would also be sitting that shade of pink and how can you tell if a color has got a blue tone to it so if it's going slightly um so that pink I automatically see is having a blue undertone because it is in the purple end of the spectrum if it was slightly orangey and having that sort of peachy shade that would mean it had yellow in the color and therefore it would be warm and wouldn't suit gray hair right okay but um one thing to note about color and how Ros works as well is that we say most people can wear most colors it's just wear on your body that you wear them absolutely and the shade the Hue of it that's it exactly and very much what you were in next to your face that's so important yes and the other question that we always get get asked over YouTube is I can't wear whites I can't wear neutrals and I always say rubbish in 20 years I do agree with you that that is completely rubbish and everybody can wear white again it's how you wear it and the type of neutral that you wear so if you're warm then you'll suit more Ivory creamy points and that kind of level and if you're cool then white crisp fresh white is going to be your best friend yes and it is your best friend in your wardrobe if you want to create a capsule wardrobe where everything mixes and matches it just brightens up an outfit isn't it we had somebody send in a photograph earlier on saying which of these three dresses should I choose for a trip though going on every single one of them was really dark wasn't it it was a summer trip we were like why yeah brighten yourself everything light yeah make everything lighter um so anyway back to the actual outfit that she's got on so this is from John Lewis again we will link it now we've gone through sort of the more youthful brighter pink you know sort of just a more youthful Vibe on this one as skirt a straight leg skirt with the split up she's got lovely legs so why not show them off in the summer but I appreciate you don't want a really short skirt on so that just allows a little flash of leg there and this is a two-piece set now notice how short we've gone again on the blouse even though her stomach is her troubled area the shorter you go the more it's elongating underneath the better the stomach is going to look and we think it looks amazing however Theresa doesn't like the skirt do you no you speak freely as well generally speaking if I'm going to do something like that I'd probably go for a dress because it's only one thing to worry about yes afterwards and that is a that is a really good point but flipping that on the head when you're traveling yeah you could wear the shirt with the trousers the skirt with a jumper so it gives you more outfit combinations which is where I'm thinking yeah yeah um but this just shows you you know we can say although it looks lovely but if a client like doesn't like it she doesn't like it so you know it's on to the next item because we're not just dealing with body shapes we're dealing with people's budgets their lifestyle their likes their dislikes which is why you know yourself being on line styling all the time it's a real personalized service that when we've got a one-on-one client we really drill down into your lifestyle and everything in order to produce this it's not just a matter of saying I'm a similar size to Teresa so that will fit me it's are you a similar size with your lifestyle yes yeah absolutely does so there we go you can go well done thank you thank you very much so next we've got this beautiful dress it's got pockets we love a pocket and the reason that this dress is working is because it's a one-piece item that is recreating The Hourglass shape for you I'm just tucking your bra in there okay we've got a strapless that's not to worry um but that just shows you actually you can just drop these straps down don't you don't actually need a strapless one but yes it's recreating The Hourglass shape for you and again I get a lot of people in America and everything say well I can't wear a blade so I can't wear the layers to create the shape so you have to think about the item doing the shape for you so in the case of Teresa here we needed to make sure that the dress was going to broaden her on top we can do this so you could wear it like that which is equally as nice but because the skirt is volumous as well then I needed to broaden her further in order to match the same width of the skirt if for example this skirt was more of a pencil shape then I probably wouldn't have needed to broaden you quite so much and then that could have stayed up like that so you need to look at the top of the dress and the bottom of the dress to see where on you you need broadening so a lot of time people just need broadening down the bottom or at top so you buy your dress accordingly but you can see here how a one-piece item is completely disguising the stomach area yeah and it's so cool it is so cool you're still a little bit hosted very comfortable this is your own belt isn't it that you put on there Stradivarius and all we've got here is a little grip and we're just going to use the grip to attach the belt just to keep it in place there sometimes I use a little bit of boob tape oh yeah and the only problem with the boob tape though is if you need to take the belt off to go to the Loo or anything it becomes unsticky so a little sort of bobbin pin there Works a treat or an elastic band works well as well it's made out of 100 Lysol which is a really breathable moisture wicking fabric we will link it for you and we will try and find equivalent for American audience as well lovely so we've smartened the look up a little bit just be because Teresa has got a little bit of a new business venture going on which probably a lot of the ladies out here are going to relate to do you want to tell them what you're up to yeah so later after the summer break I'm going to be working in organizations um my own business going in and offering menopause awareness training for companies it's a huge thing to keep women in the workplace at that point yeah so yes I need to look presentable and support women through going through quite a difficult time yeah well this would look absolutely lovely for something like that and we've seen these trousers before where we dress them in a more casual way at the start but just this simple top from John Lewis you will have seen this before and that's because I think all of us girls have got this top because it does all the work for us so we have got the flutters here on the shoulders it's helping to broaden it's got the v-neck in it's that crisp sort of creamy rather than white color so it suits a lot of people and then we've just teamed it with some white Light fresh mules what would ruin this look now is if you end up with a black shoe with it and I see a lot of that with clients they always think black shoes are the way forward and we say no 99 of the time is a lighter colored tube but that looks really lovely but more importantly you can put your Birkenstocks on with that put a t-shirt on and then you've got another outfit as well so and none of it's going to crease this is another lovely cheesecloth it's cool yes these are super stretchy and comfy yeah I mean if you're commuting absolutely ideal yeah exactly yes um comfortable around the stomach area yeah I mean I was a little bit nervous but I think you said yeah yes because she wanted it down here like that which actually to be fair with this particular top because it's got an Iceland rounded Edge didn't look so bad but because I shortened enter here on the ankle so I turn the trousers up if you shorten yourself here you want to regain the height somewhere else so I tucked you in a little bit just to regain that but yeah no I can't see anything and that just skin yeah lovely really really nice great okay so a lovely dress here this one is from Bowden it's a hundred percent cotton it's got the pockets in it's got a lovely three-tier skirt I'm not sure if you can make that out or not and it's got the buttons down here so I'd be opening those a little a little bit more Flash the leg and oh you've got a lovely and what have you got on your legs again Sally Hansen legs I think it's called oh very easy yeah it looks really good I haven't used it myself but Hannah was saying that she's used it before and it's really good so if we can find it we'll link it um but this is gorgeous so the thing about about this is that the pattern is really Timeless and classic and there's not many dresses that you can say that about with a pattern so too many people go down the floral route and things like that and they can date but a geoprint like this or a stripe for example doesn't date and that's the key to longevity in your wardrobe but everything else about the dress is working as well so we've got the strong shoulders here the lovely collar it's opening up I love how it's lined on the inside there so the white is really fresh against you it's pulling her in under the waist I would even go a little bit tighter on that waist to be honest with you because I think you can afford to go up a little bit higher and sort of community I don't know if you can see a difference there but I've just sort of pulled it in touch about that but yeah you could go even tighter there on that waist so it follows around her bust but another really really lovely one that could be dressed up in the with those meals that we had on before yeah or or just in your Birkenstocks like I think you'd get a lot of wear out of something like this because it's cool it's comfortable Pockets you feel comfortable you feel totally covered up yes yeah and for me that would work equally as well with your new business venture and go to a meeting like that when it's called but equally just walking around in America on your holiday so you can really dress up or dress down that type of thing really nice okay so I'm just going to give you privy to a conversation that we have just had so Teresa has just said to everybody all the team is behind should I size up in this jacket when I get it and everybody said no no why would you size up in that that's a medium it's from Amazon and it fits you beautifully do you go any bigger it's going to be falling off the shoulders and there's going to be too much fabric here I think that's where you've been going wrong it's two and I get it it's because your head is still where you used to be yeah um but that's not where you are now you've worked really hard you know you can look beautiful um so talking about the jacket it is the Amazon jacket that I showed in my last Amazon video and I actually kept this for myself it's a size medium so bearing in mind I'm an eight to ten and as we're seeing now um Teresa is more probably at 12 to 13 if it existed on top and perhaps more of a 14 to slide 16 on the bottom and it fits her just as lovely and she's got it paired with the navy blue denim style of jogger from marks and Spencer's these are back in stock NOW super comfortable and we've just got the small little top underneath now these are your own aren't they yeah they're mine so you bought them today because you didn't know how to style them yes have you been starting to get like that now I've just got them out of the Wardrobe put a t-shirt on and thought I'm not quite sure um maybe it is the extra layer that has made it could be slim it down a little bit if you've been wearing a bigger t-shirt you might have been feeling bigger all over they're so comfortable aren't they comfy yeah they are my favorite jogger this is what I would put on every night they look nice because they've got this sort of den in me look to them and we will link them for you okay on the basis of what you've just said I'm going to put a bigger jumper over now and see if you still like the look of it and we'll show the audience what that is so it's the same joggers that we just had on but this time we've put the chunky jumper on to see if you still like yourself in it and you do yeah I mean this is such a lovely color it's a lovely color so I think probably where you've been going wrong is you might have just put a sweatshirt on a plain old normal sweatshirt when I select a jumper for you I am broadening you here with this big open zip collar I'm looking at the lovely detail here like on the sleeves there it's just this sort of balloon sleeve but down there so it looks really nice and classy we've just pulled it up for now because as we've mentioned a few times we're a little bit hot in here today um the zip is breaking that area up the white is breaking everything up so if I had just put it on like that she probably now looks a hell of a lot bigger than she did a few minutes ago I'm looking to the girls behind me is that right yeah it looks a lot bigger so this is where you don't want to just shove a jumper on you need to think about it a little bit more and it doesn't take much thinking about just to do the small little tweaks even the white they're showing is really really nice yeah that looks lovely and what I've got in my trousers I'm not going to what I got in my hands is what I was about to say is another pair of trousers that we bought for Theresa that she actually has already worn and she said they are super comfy yeah these you can't yeah we're just running out of time so we can't show you everything but these give the same silhouette but what's really lovely about these she said she was going to do some hiking when she was in America so these are from Sweaty Betty so they are a moisture wicking um walking type of trouser but it gives exactly the same silhouette as the comfy at home joggers and that is really the key to particularly for your wardrobe is that you can go from the one to the other and you don't have to worry about changing anything else so I think they're definitely coming home I mean perfect they're like you can roll them up in your bag perfect for traveling great okay now some of you might recognize this next dress because I wore it in last week's Amazon video uh it's from Amazon it's really inexpensive I was wearing the same size that you got on right now so could you imagine that you were in the same size as somebody who's an eight to ten never never so what size would you have thought you were going to buy or did you just Excel double it oh my God no no so definitely this fits her really lovely it's one size anyway so there wouldn't have been an option but it just shows you as a one size piece it suited you and it suited me it's a work you look at the beautiful hat on her she suits her hat really well again Amazon h m and some Birkenstocks and she's just got a swimming suit underneath there I'm not going to open it all up because I think that might be a step too far for you but it did look really lovely just open thrown over that swimming costume light Airy perfect for the beach just really flattering yeah and I think if you haven't got a confidence when you put your swimwear on this gives it to you because you feel elegant yes and completely covered but you're not boiling no totally even covering your arms yes but without being boiling hot as well so I think that was definitely got to come home with you yes definitely definitely so that's it for today's video thank you so much for watching that was actually body shape master class 15. so there are another 14 of them out there so they cover everybody's shape from probably a size eight to I think a UK 22 that we've had before and ladies with bigger boobs ladies which stronger shoulders bigger thighs so you name it I've dressed it basically and do remember that all of the clothes that we've shown today you can purchase so if you just go to the description box underneath there there will be some links and if you could press that subscribe button I would be really grateful and for anybody interested in our styling courses I will also put the link again in the description box for you but thank you for watching we will see you next week where we have a summer Workwear video for you so tune in for that one thanks very much bye
Channel: MM Personal Styling
Views: 746,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #zuvihalo, How to disguise a large stomach, styling a larger stomach, hiding a big stomach, how to dress a big stomach, apron stomach, over 40's styling
Id: jdpLT6tyBUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 27sec (2727 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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