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today we're gonna talk about how to study for and pass the asset and literally everything else you might possibly need to know about the ASVAB test itself and if I'm being 100% honest I believe this is the best and most informative ass fab video you're going to find on YouTube or anywhere else for that matter but without further ado let's get to it [Music] what is that guy's fan Allen back again with another video and today like I just said I'm gonna be talking about the ass fab and everything that goes along with it you know what you need to know before we get into that though a little background information on myself I did four years active duty as a 68 whiskey combat medic I recently just got out as a sergeant I did a little bit of time in the civilian side and I just recently joined the Army Reserves so I have the active duty knowledge and the reserve knowledge should you guys need it for future videos so be sure to let me know and now this video guys is going to be amazing mostly because I'm providing my own personal experience with taking the asset and I brought on two special guests to National Guard recruiters whose job it literally is to prepare future soldiers to take this test and score high so they can get the jobs they want and without further ado I'm going to go ahead and introduce my two friends sergeant bruja and Sergeant Schwartz so here you go my name is sergeant Booga and I'm an Army National Guard recruiter in New Jersey you can find me it's underscore Gigi on Instagram and NJ recruiter on tic TOCs yes we did six up now I need to talk to you about just like everyone else the Asthma the most popular freaking test right and your recruiting process it's exciting right it's exciting to go through the process and learn about everything what's more exciting is you getting the maximum score that the best score you can get on the Azam and we're gonna show you how to do that so that's all right here for I'm gonna be using my phone because I get to go out of topic a little bit so I'm gonna use my phone to keep me in this flow they're already gonna happen right firstly I want to give a huge shout out and I thank you for bringing me on to your channel today Ben Allen the most one of the most supportive military youtuber influencers on my channel you I mean like think about it during the best military youtuber tournament this past summer you know you are super support we were supporting each other going back and forth helping each other out and all that good stuff and even though I'm the little guy you know you were a little bit bigger not the biggest but man you were killing it now you gave them a run for your money man but again thank you so much for your support those who don't know who I am I'm sorry first class Schwartz your local New York Army National Guard recruiter conveniently located in New York City and you can follow me on Instagram Facebook snapchat and YouTube ad team sorts again thank you so much for bringing me out here because we're gonna talk about the ASVAB test thank you all so much for coming on and help me out this video I really really appreciate it it's gonna be a great one and thank you to the viewers for clicking this video and showing that initiative that you want to succeed and you want to score high on the ass fat because that's gonna set you up for success for your future military career guys and before we get into the meat and potatoes I just want to do a quick overview of what you can expect you know in the following segments of this video so first we're gonna be going over what exactly is the ass fab we're gonna go over the line scores and how they help you know with your job selection what they open up we're gonna talk about how it affects green card holders non-us residents moral waivers we're gonna talk about what to wear what to bring when you go and test for the ASVAB where you test for the ASVAB and so much more including study tips and websites that can help you guys out when you're trying to actually sit down and have a good study session I'm super excited and what you guys can do if you're excited as well is like this video comment down below what your nervous about what you're excited about what you're looking forward to about being in the military and also subscribe to the channel and hit that Bell notification and turn on all and then you'll be immediately notified whenever we post new content because I post basic training videos you know going over your first duty station AIT medic videos infantry videos anything that you could possibly think of its army related guys I do videos on it and that would also set you up for success now jumping straight into the topics at hand here we go first I'm gonna talk about low tips low temps questions that I get asked the most on my Instagram and then I'm going to giving you guys the full study guides what you need to do where to find stuff to study from and to prepare all right so let's get to the Q&A real quick so what is the answer right the adds up is your military entry exam for any branch of the military so you wanna join the Marines you gotta take you you wanna join the Air Force the Navy the army the Army National Guard the Air National Guard the Coast Guard you name it you have to take this test that's what it is all right what does the as that measure right so the Asthma measures your ability to qualify for MOS s it measures your English your math your spatial recognition your general science mechanical shop electrical there's multiple categories and portions of the ASDA we're gonna go into those later all right for right now just keep in mind it measures your ability to qualify for an MOS and military occupational specialty all right you see my beast cool background so I'm pretty sure they explained it to you but if not the ASVAB is an acronym armed services vocational aptitude battery test consisting of nine sections the four main ones who which you know helps create the AFQT score of 31 percent or better meaning can you pass a test with that score of the math arithmetic were knowledge and paragraph comprehension the additional sections including those first four will create your line scores which is general science shop electronics mechanics and assembly of shapes collectively those nine sections are averaged out 10 different ways called line scores so again your AFQT score of 31 percent or better is the minimum score to qualify for the opportunity to be able to sign your contract the line scores regardless of the AFQT score because the fqt score has very little or if anything to qualify for MLS's which which is your military occupational specialty aka your job skill so that AFQT just means you can sign a contract so don't worry about it it's not like your typical high school college level exam 65 to 70% is passing the line scores is what drives the train that is what's gonna afford you any opportunity within the army okay or within military so the higher your line scores are the more opportunities that you'll have the minimum qualifying line score to start to qualify for ms a--'s is right around 85 points the highest I've ever seen on any given line score of my over 15 years of recruiting for the New York Army National Guard is 159 points so usually between 85 to a hundred and ten is that buffer that we're looking for to qualify for any type of MOS so again the higher those scores are the more opportunities that you'll have what scores do I need to pass the as them right I get this question asked all the freakin time right the scores range from 31 to 99 under special circumstances to get a 21 to 31 if we have cat fours open you might be able to miss but I will not settle for a cat 4 slot right you want the best spot that it's gonna get you the most jobs and the better jobs or the jobs that are better for you because there's no more less better than the other one it's what suits you and your future what you want to do right don't get in the habit of hey um you know intelligence is better than infantry it's that's not the case what is better for you how are you gonna be a better fit in the United States Army or in the United States right gonna whatever you're joining right um so if you just didn't have it if you get under 31 you're failing right oh I was come up with in the fifth year over it it's super good like you're above average 50 under you kind of like under average 30 ones passing hey you got 31 Braille like good you could have sneezed and got in 30 but you got a 31 so we passed right so you're good to go keep in mind right there are people in the military right now people like me I filled my eyes up twice my first time I got a 16 my second time I got in 19 my third I have to wait two months before I can even take the freakin than test right my third test I finally got a 48 I had to study my freakin ass off but I made it happen so if you felt once don't get discouraged some of us have been through it we know what it feels like so you'll be good to go trust me um another thing is if you get a score that's good enough to a list but maybe downline you want to improve it you can do that through the military as well right so all States I know from National Guard's especially we have what it's called the GT enhancement course you could find this class in your educational center in your base your whatever post you're you're like Frost Fort Dix or for Hamilton you know whatever state you're in your base has an occasional office and they give the GT enhancement course they will pay you for an entire week to study and get better so say you got a thirty one your first thing listed whatever you just you just want it and you didn't care what you were doing but then down line three years later you wanted to improve maybe you wanted to do something like recruiting or maybe you want to do OCS Officer Candidate School or one after school you're gonna need a certain score for these jobs and for these assignments so maybe you could take the GP nesland course and improve which is what I did and I went from a 48 to 88 so it's possible and plus you're getting paid for that entire week so take advantage when taking the as a test just worry about getting a 31% or better don't worry about getting the highest score possible which is a 99% it's not even out of a hundred all the people who pass the test average scores between 31 and 50 if you score over 50 you are up of average if you score over an 80 you're well above average but it's the line scores and for initial enlistment purposes only that is when the AFQT score matters later on your career especially if you're like a high school kid or a college kid who never worked at datas laughs or experienced things outside of just normal household activities your skill sets it's an aptitude test so we're trying to figure out what you know now and what you learn through real-world experiences what job skills we feel that you are actually capable of learning and being good at so we can send you to school for it and know that you will pass not wasting money alright so now that they just covered lying scores and what the a style cover is what it is I want to give you guys a few extra tips on how to qualify for the MOS that you are eyeballing or you really really want right and one of the ways you can do that is by going to the go army website typing in the MOS you're interested in or you know do a couple of MOS is you're interested in and when it tells you the requirements it'll tell you what lion scores are required to qualify for that MOS so for example sixty a twisted Combat Medic right you need a GT score of 110 or higher and an ST score of 101 or higher and so what I recommend you do right is go and figure out what exactly you know sections of the Hass fab correlate with that specific line score so I'm gonna pull it up on my phone and I'm gonna put on the screen right here for you guys to watch and follow along with right and I would probably also benefit you if I name off these different line scores right so you have the AFQT which is just the the general score that you know qualifies you to enlist in the military but all your other line scores consist of clerical combat electronics field artillery general maintenance general technical mechanical maintenance operators and food surveillance and communications and skilled technical right so you know still technical is st you know general maintenance is GM you know general technical is GT so on and so forth it'll be right here right and so now that you know what sections correlate with that line score so back to the medic right GT and st scores you can see right here that it says word knowledge paragraph comprehension and arithmetic reasoning affect your GT score and for your skill technical word knowledge paragraph comprehension general science and mechanical comprehension and mathematics knowledge correlate to that ste score so one of my tips to you guys is when we give out these study guides and websites focused primarily on those different sections that affect that GT score or you know that has T score whatever line score it is you're trying to improve because if you do that then chances are you know your line score is gonna be higher you'll qualify for that specific MOS you want I wish I would have known that too when I was coming in the military because I just took fast five on a whim you know and but more on that later and I know I get this asked a lot what about infantry what score's you need to be for infantry so if you look it up it'll tell you that you need a combat score of 87 or higher so pull out the phone again right got the picture combat consist of word knowledge paragraph comprehension auto and shop and mechanical comprehension so those are all things that are gonna factor in a combat score so you can focus on studying for those as well if you want to boost that up and so on and so forth for any other MOS that you would like to know or you know score higher on now with all that being said you know great tips we're gonna move on to where do you take it how long generally is the test and a little bit about green card holders and non-us residents and how taking the test and joining the military affects them all right so here you are who gives it asthma and where can you take it right I think we all know that recruiters give the ads up however they don't really give it right they give you the practice test they give you hey here's a practice test this practice test is 30 to 40 minutes long you go to the recruiting office you'll take it and it's gonna give you an idea of what you're gonna score on the real thing but it's not necessarily the real deal the real deal is a scheduled exam at MEPs right so you'll drive wherever your messes with your recruiter or your recruiting a toss and then you'll take it there right the real testing is three and a half hours if you don't take bathroom breaks don't take a breath and breaks because you lose focus right and you just don't take bathroom breaks you just take the whole thing right three and a half hours and then you're gonna take at APIs which is a psychological test after they have done some other things to factor in on whether or not you're gonna qualify for certain MOS is a big one is are you a US citizen either born and raised here or if you are a naturalized or certified US citizen that is a requirement for a lot of MLS's however if you are a green card holder having your permanent resident status as a lawful legal permanent resident that's going to severely limit you to opportunities within the army the reason being is the majority MOS is that we have in the Army require a secret clearance or higher so in order to qualify for those you have to be a US citizen so you may have to settle for something a little less exciting take a step back to be able to take a giant leap forward so you may have to settle for an MLS just to get your foot in the door the benefit of doing so has as a green card holder if you have any aspirations of getting your US citizenship we will waive your US citizenship application fee of close to $1,000 and expedited so that around the one-year anniversary of you graduating from Army basic training you will be called in for your US citizenship ceremony you will bring your n400 and your n four to six to the basic training site and oh six has to sign it and then you can submit it they will process your verbal and your written test and then again around that one-year anniversary you will get your US citizenship that you know itself will open up a floodgate of more opportunities within the United States military or in our case the United States Army all right great info so now hitting on where you take it just a little personal experience for myself I took it in high school guys I had the opportunity as a junior to go and take the ASVAB mostly because the different recruiting stations were hosting it at our school in our library and if I'm being 100% honest for you guys I did not study for the s-type whatsoever I literally took that I have to get out of class and I had no intentions of joining the military at this point in time as a junior but I figured why not I don't want to go to football class I'll go and take the ass fab and I was surprised guys like it was actually turned out really well because I scored a 70 and I wasn't even trying to score something I just took it you know to take and what I realized is that if you're in high school right now chances are you can score a little better as opposed to somebody that hasn't been in school for a while if they haven't been in college for a while and mostly because when you're in school you know you're learning all that stuff already right like I had already taken chemistry biology you know physics math you know all that stuff guys English for and it had helped so much because I was just transferring that knowledge from my high school education on to that aspect and turns out I scored pretty high so if you're thinking about oh you know they're having the house up here at school but I don't want to take it you know I'll just wait until I'm actually ready to enlist once I'm out of school and you know say that happens right but you end up you know doing a job at McDonald's or you're working in the oil fields or you're just doing a job in general and you've been out of school for a little bit that knowledge is kind of fading away because you haven't studied it in a long time so now when you go to take the ASVAB and as a 20 year old or a knight a 19 year old I don't know what when do people get out high school whatever you know what I mean and so you're gonna have that you're gonna have less information available to you in your head when you're taking it outside chances are you might score a little lower as opposed to just taking it as a junior or a senior in high school and that knowledge is fresh from learning it in your classes and another thing that helps when you're taking it is that you're in an environment that you're familiar with you're in your high school you're in a library that you go to probably a couple times out of a month and you've taken it with people that you know I literally took my house Pap test with my two best friends that I grew up with we'd known each other for like maybe 12 years at that point of time and my cousin who is literally on my right-hand side just taking the test with me I felt super comfortable I had a fun time taking my house up and it was just super easy and bam you get your results back and they're like hey cool you got a 70 I was like awesome so that's just a little advice to you high schoolers out there if you have the opportunity to take it definitely do it show that initiative and it's you're not really they don't offer it at your school maybe another school is our college campus you know I would definitely talk to the recruiters beforehand before you even plan on enlisting and seem like hey where can I take the ASVAB because that test is gonna be for two years after you take it so that's a big plus guys and you want to do it while that knowledge is fresh in your mind all right and that's just my two cents on that so definitely you know take it with a grain of salt take it how you will but I highly recommend you guys do that if you have the option to you know what I mean all right so now we are going to move on to moral waivers and what to wear and like what to bring when you actually go to test all right moral history is another thing that's going to impact and weed out and Miles's so for those MLS's that require safety clearances or higher and if you've ever been arrested cited a ticket or even your financial your negative financial history could also impact your ability to qualify for a secret clearance or better so with that being said if you have a negative debt let's say you own a cell phone company $250 and went to collections and you never paid it right so you either gonna have to pay it off or come up with a payment plan no matter how minor it is get it in writing via email or snail mail and get right with that company so that way when you're going through the application process depending on the amount owed and the current status of that negative debt the investigator the initial interview will determine whether or not you're going to be qualified or eligible for that MLS so if you're going for a secret clearance in a minimal amount but you came up with a payment plan to show good faith that you're gonna pay off that debt they may approve you for that or less if not you're gonna have to take a step back and choose it of molested does not require a secret clearance what can you expect what can you expect on testing day right so I'll give you the whole spiel of what I tell my own applicants here in New Jersey I tell them hey here's what to wear casual clothing all right so jeans with no rips whatever you do don't worry sweat pants and don't wear leggings if you want to wear adjusting pants that's fine if you want dressed all fancy wear a suit that's fine you don't have to but wherever you do no leggings and no sweats right any shirt is fine sweat shirt or whatever just can't be like obviously no foul language nothing showing females right so no gang signs just a plain shirt no jewelry that's what to wear what to bring and your is your Social Security card and a theta in D so driver's license passport green card wherever alright you bring that to your recruiting recruiting office right maybe your recruiter or a recruiting helper and a toss will take you to the test right you will drive however far MEPs is from your recruiting station you'll go in you'll sign in you'll they'll take away your phone electronic devices anything that happened you have on you pretty much except your show show your ID and your paper that the request form that your recruiters gonna give you you're gonna put it in a locker then you're gonna sign in and then they're gonna say then I'll show you where the testing room 8 right you're gonna go whatever will I'm sign in once you're in that test your testing room it's go-time like that is it's silent it's computerized you're gonna sit at a computer you're gonna get a piece of paper and a pen and you're gonna be expected from us all of us in this video and your recruiter to perform your best so while you're sitting in that chair and keep in mind you're not taking the same version of test as the person next to you so don't cheat right don't take bathrooms it breaks cuz you're just gonna take forever to get out and three stay focused it's three and a half hours and it's so easy who's taking the SATs here in the ACPs how easy is it to lose focus don't lose focus right because that last five minutes of the last portion can be your pass or fail from your score you can literally sneeze and get the wrong answer like that could be the difference between a 30 and 31 or or a 31 and a 90 like you know take it serious focus and and give 110% while you're in that testing room what happens when you're out of the testing room what happens after they ask them so usually right usually your recruiter will take you back in the office they'll give you a list of jobs you qualify for and they'll talk to you about it and they'll say all right hey you dancers you like this keep in mind stay flexible right we're recruiting for the entire state active recruiters you're recruiting for that you know a lot of people so we you have to stay flexible because jobs depend on training seeds right depend on training seeds you want to be military police but we don't have that training seat you're not gonna get it right stay flexible through your recruiting process get a top-three this is my number one my favorite job ever this is one I want to do I wouldn't mind doing number two and if nothing else is available I'll do number three get a top three going show you you are good to go with whatever happens you know you have your top three and that's what you go for right stay flexible you'll hear me saying that a lot because there are as we speak right now as we're doing this video there are people enlisted right as you're watching it around there's people listening and taking up your training seat that you could possibly want in the future so that's why it's important don't take forever to study for the a that's even either you you might need two weeks if you're under 30 on the practice test you might need two weeks you went to see a weekend you might just need three solid days of study when you set out and put a projected date that you're gonna study actually studied don't sit there for 15 minutes half on your phone you know checking snap really like study because this is your future if you don't want it who's gonna do it for you where no we just we give you the knowledge we have but we cannot take the test for you so take it serious alright so great information as always and now some of the things I want to talk to you about is you know some of the things you can do the night prior and the morning of your house fab test alright so the night prior rid yourself of all distractions right don't hop on Netflix don't hop on YouTube you know cut that out get one last good study session in have a nice dinner and you don't start relaxing just landing your bed stretch a little get your mind right you know what I mean and then hit the hay about like 9:30 no later than that and wake up and now some of the things you can do before you're a star test is how a bit of breakfast research has shown that people that have a breakfast before a task you know if anything like that tend to usually do better and you know there's a variety of things you can have I wouldn't have like a giant breakfast that's gonna make you feel sluggish or anything like that I would have like a breakfast consisting of like slow-releasing carbs kind of because you'll have energy throughout the day because it's slowly releasing so like oatmeal you know some walnuts almonds things like that you know whole grain cereal whole grain bread just things of that nature some eggs you know power breakfast food guys because that'll get your mind right it'll be the energy you need to stay focused and confident on this test that you're taking you know what I mean and one more thing that you can do before taking your test is kind of limit the use of your phones the day of just because social media it's great right like I do most of my stuff on social media but it is also a big distraction you have twitter facebook Instagram snapchat tinder all of that stuff you know what I mean and say you see something you don't like on Facebook that like somebody doesn't line up with your political views or somebody comments on your Instagram picture and it's just- it's gonna bring down your mindset you're not gonna be as focused because then you're gonna be thinking during the test like oh well why would they say that or why did this person post that or oh I can't stop thinking about that funny meme that I saw on the Internet and it's just gonna mess with your mind so kind of like just distance yourself from using your phone before your test after go crazy man take a selfie it Maps you know post that just be like yeah just take the ASVAB you know wearing your army shirt that you got from the recruiter you can do all of that after you take the test okay and those are just some of the things that you can do the night prior and the day of that I've personally done four big test when I had to take them you know what I mean so it's just something you guys can take with you or not but it definitely helps so now with that said we're gonna move on to what kind of questions do they ask you on the outside of /water this sections consist of and just a little general overview of you know kind of the subject matter of the aspect so here you go what kind of questions will be asked on the azib and we're already kind of talked about this but I'll break it down a little bit more about the testing areas so you're testing on general science arithmetic reasoning word knowledge paragraph comprehension mathematics knowledge electronics information autoshop information mechanical comprehension and assembling objects all right you have one two three four five six seven eight no nine parts of the atom and that's why three and a half hours right what we want you to focus on as recruiters is your math and English so your math arithmetic reasoning and mathematical knowledge and your English which is your word knowledge and paragraph comprehension these two right here make up the majority of your test scores so that's why we want you to study those because we know that if you don't know autoshop right if you don't know mechanics like you're not gonna learn those overnight and we don't expect you to we just expect you that you give it your hundred time percent best educational guess right and maybe you'll get it right and you maybe you never even get a freaking day in electronics but you get that question right right and then general science right general science is kind of like in-between it's gonna ask about environmental science like what is photosynthesis you know it's questions like that again if you're not a freakin biology major and you took environmental sciences high school once you're not gonna remember this and it's okay that's why you gotta freshen up right all right so you know hit the nail on the head with that area right there you know what kind of questions can you expect things like that now I want to give you a couple of my own study tips that I've used on big big task guys when I say big test I mean like the nremt to become a 68 whiskey because that test was super hard a lot of studying right and in the next section in this video they're gonna be giving you these websites they're gonna be giving you all these study tips apps that can help you out that you can click on everything's gonna be in the description box below and in the comment section so it's gonna be super accessible to you guys just literally a click of a button it'll open up you know the website to help you study and literally you can apply the study tips I'm about to give you whenever you're on these pages that way you can get the most bang for your buck whenever you're having study session alright so some of the study tips that I have actually applied to my own study sessions is I would get whatever material is I'm learning right so the way I did it I was learning out of my EMT book right I would highlight the important stuff I would make flashcards I would write the important stuff down and then you know kind of the stuff that I knew I would need to know what wasn't as important and I would highlight key words because I would associate the color to that word so I would think at the color in my head I've been oh you know what that means this and so it would just pop it up for me because I would have that photographic memory kind of thing and that color word association and that's just something I've personally used and then another thing is 30/10 right so whenever I was studying however I was studying I would do 30 minutes of that particular study session and then I would take a ten minute break I would go to the rest room I needed to you relax just refocus myself pretty much if that makes sense and then I hit another 30-minute session right and I would do that for about you know three to four times until I felt confident that I knew a little more than what I did when I first started that study session and I would go to bed and then I wouldn't push it I wouldn't like exhaust myself study and once I felt tired I would go to bed you know because sleep is gonna be really really important and you want to wake up the next day to hit a couple more rounds you know and studying you know what I mean and that's what I've done personally and I feel like that is one of the best ways that has helped me because I'm not cramming everything into my head I'm not trying to remember every single thing all at once I'm not getting overloaded you do not want to overload yourself a studying because then you're gonna hate it you're not gonna want to do it it's gonna suck and you're not gonna have a good time and two other things that you guys can do is focus on you know when you feel more energized throughout the day right so pretty much study during the time of day that you know you have the most energy right like I'm a morning person so I have a lot of energy in the morning I want to get everything done as soon as possible and you know as best as I can in the morning because I know once it gets the afternoon I'm not gonna want to study I'm not gonna want to do things like that that's me if you're more of an afternoon guy or night out and that's when you get your best most energized study sessions in do that do what's gonna work for you in terms of picking the right time to have that study session and also focus on how you study right how do you best learn how do you best take in new information are you an auditory learner or you visual learner are you a hands-on learner are you a mix of them you know what is the best way for you that you retain information right so whatever it is all the links we're gonna have available have a variety right you know Khan Academy has videos YouTube has you know specific mathematic do word comprehension videos for you visual learners Spotify has you know audio for you guys that you can listen to you whether it's podcasts or just general you know audio or you can just throw it on youtube to listen to the audio portions as well you don't have to watch the screen if you learn through the auditory method and if you're hands-on then hey you know get a practice test out on your phone you know study and you're clicking things in you're feeling like you're learning more or if you actually have to write down the cards like I said that's what I did I would write down stuff also because I would commit it to memory a little better so you just got to you got to know yourself in this situation you got to know when you're more energized during the day and also how you learn the best and you have to apply everything together to have a really really good study session and you'll be better off for it guys so now with all that being said we're gonna jump into the last portion where they're going over the specific study tips and websites and materials and apps that they personally give their new recruits to study for the a so this is to recruiters guys giving you all the information that they personally give to their future soldiers so definitely take it in everything is gonna be in the description box comment down below what you're most excited for what websites you think you're gonna use first all that stuff once you actually see the list so I'll further ado here it is again the four main sections that drive that AFQT score to be able to join is paragraph comprehension word knowledge arithmetic and mathematics math mathematical knowledge okay so that being said the two things that you can impact the most is math and arithmetic forget word knowledge unless you memorize every word in a dictionary get any happening paragraph comprehension is more strategy than anything read the question first then read the paragraph once you find the answer stop reading because the rest is just fluff in a waste of time then when reading your multiple choice answer read the entire answer before making that your final selection because sometimes oftentimes that first half of the answer sounds correct because you're rushing through time you're going to assume that the rest is correct and not realize that the second half of that answer is wrong so always read the entire answer before making that your final selection when in doubt for the entire test if you cannot make an educated guess choose option three same thing when they said see in high school with that being said the two things that you can't impact immensely in a short amount of time is math and arithmetic so the two websites I recommend for my applicants to study is and as AB I'm gonna go shoot into the study guides right now all right so pay attention this is this is the all everything I gotta give you everything I give my applicants to make them successful right so if you gotta take a pen and paper and write this out and take your phone and write this I'm gonna give you three websites one is as gob tutor comm AC asre ASVAB another is M om et RI XCOM another one is for the number four tests calm these so they look like this this is literally a message I sent my applicant right um just go on your website you paste officially URL or Google these you'll find them easy alright you get you can take free they're free right as a practice test and a guide to maybe because the practice tests won't give you the question you know they won't tell you what you got it'll tell you what you are wrong they won't tell you how to fix it so maybe you don't know how to solve for X and you need to learn how to solve for X these are the guys L took they'll give you that answer another my favorite one is the app they add that up and it's right here alright if you open it and it's gonna look like this I don't know how much you can see it right now so you have your general science your expensive reasoning your wording on its paragraph comprehension although all those the categories in the adds up will be in this app so what you could do is every day pick one and do it so we're knowledge right do 1oz there's different levels you can complete so go to level one you know just just scroll through the stop and figure out what your week what your weak point is and just focus on that sort of math is your problem maybe you want to do more arithmetic reasoning again and again and again until you get it and another thing technology girls and boys like we have technology you can google question that you don't know and some geek there's nothing wrong with geeks some geek out there we literally take the time and spell it out for you there will be a video up there till show you exactly how to solve for X so copy and paste that question put it on Google find out because I'm telling you those questions especially percentages and stuff like that they will be on the answer so that's what you want to do right find out because they only change the numbers then won't change the formulas for how to solve for the actual problem that just change the numbers around so if you learn how to stall for it every time you get that question ring all right so that's the app another good thing with the app they ask that BAP if you guys have an iPhone and Android all you gotta do to go to your App Store your Play Store and put an ASVAB it's the second thing that comes up and that's the thing they have an actual test so there's a test simulator right next it says as that practice and test you literally click on the test and you start taking the test Riley from your sound the pen and paper by you and don't use out calculator because you cannot use them on the real test so don't cheat yourself out and just take it see how you do right that's another thing and the final thing I want to show you guys is the study guides on YouTube those helped me out so much those helped me from my my 18 to my 48 that's what helped me pass ah it's called again mometrix trust IM mometrix test preparation so mo m ET r IX test preparation just youtube go on YouTube you're right now you're watching this right just go on that search and put this in and it's gonna have study guide so it's gonna say as that study guide for arithmetic reasoning or as that study guide for paragraph comprehension you know find your weakest point when you go see your recruiter and you take the practice test your recruiter is gonna let you know this is what I want you to study on to get better take that information go on YouTube as them slash um arithmetic reasoning boom look at the half hour video I know my god half hour I came in my favorite half hour look at the frickin video this is for your future this is for you right if you're not gonna take the time and study and learn these things quite honestly we don't want you in our army or in our military because guess what you're gonna have to do this for a lot of things you're gonna have to do your own research and teach your own self stuff so take the freaking time it's for your own good in your future do it do it alright I know I'm passionate about this because I've seen my applicants go from an 8 to a 70 because they studied and that shows commitment right like an 8 - except that shows freaking commitment so you have it in you and you have the potential study I'm right because this could be the factor between you succeeding in life or workout accounts so there you go there you have it um other than that guys you could always always reach me at it's underscore GPU on Instagram um hit me I'm DM me with any questions you have I'm just an army national guard recruiter but I am a military recruiter we know all about every single branch so if you guys have any questions please reach out to me stress words the Ben you know it doesn't matter we're gonna help you out alright thanks for having me on this video um you guys just hey don't talk about it be about it that's eight that's all you're gonna do and G team we out the definition of insanity is to do the same thing next two different results so if you're failing a test and all you're doing to study is taking tests without learning anything new meaning that that test that you're taking does not show you and break it down to your Barney style step by step leaving you to the correct answer you're not learning and you're just taking tests for the sake of taking tests and expecting a higher score without learning anything new so don't be insane okay you need to be in a learning mode so learn it has to be a website that you're learning or a book or what other resource that you're using okay to study for the azov you need to be learning in math in arithmetic are the two areas that you can improve on I know you can and I know you will good luck on the ahzab test again thank you so much Ben Allen for inviting me onto your channel I really do appreciate your support and I'll see you next time all right so there's all the study tips and websites I really really appreciate you guys coming onto the channel it means a lot to me for ya'll watching be sure to hit both of them up on their instagrams youtubes tick tock show that support send them a message thanking them if you took anything away from this video at all I really really appreciate that you guys stuck here till the end it shows that you were truly committed to bettering yourself for this ass fab and your future military career and if you took anything away at all please like this video give it a big thumbs up it really helps the channel reach a larger audience and it gets this information out there and hey if you're interested in basic training videos 68 whiskey combat medic videos infantry going to your first duty station you know how our drill starting is anything like that subscribe to this channel I promise you we have a lot of videos covering a wide variety of topics pertaining to the military you know specifically the army and it is just great stuff it'll definitely help you out or help out some of your friends or family that are going into the military and turn on that Bell notification know what you guys can stay up to date whenever we drop new videos and if you have more personal questions or you don't feel comfortable asking in the comment section or you just want to follow me on Instagram feel free to do so at then underscore Allen 175 it'll be here on the screen for y'all and yeah I answer all of my messages on there so feel free to hit me up if we missed anything at all or you have any questions still after watching this video ask us in the comment section below or again message us we will be more than happy to help you all out and answer those questions for you thank you so much for watching this is the end of the video yeah we'll see you on the next one later [Music]
Channel: Ben Allen
Views: 421,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asvab test, asvab tips, asvab, asvab study guide, asvab practice test, what is the asvab test, how to study for the asvab, how to pass the asvab test, asvab study guide 2024, asvab 2024, everything you need to know about the asvab, what is passing on the asvab, passing the asvab, passing the asvab 2024, passing the asvab test, ben allen, asvab study, asvab study tips, asvab test prep, how do you study for the asvab, how to get high asvab scores, asvab mathematics knowledge
Id: MuOUfSVZ7vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 34sec (2674 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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