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so in this video i'm going to be sharing with you guys sixth tip and how you can start learning how to study absolutely anything academic so by the end of this video you should have the tools to instantly start studying well and effectively to better increase your grades and also just do better with your academics in general so if you're interested in that then please keep watching so my name is petty and my channel name is nelly grace is a student lifestyle channel if you don't know who i am i am currently a medical student i'm a final year medical student and i've actually been in university for going on 10 years yes i've got a bachelor's first class bachelor's in my biomedical sciences and now in my final year of medical school so all of my life all i have known is education it's how to study and how to learn and i feel like if anyone knows how to do that really well or how to do that really bad that's me so i thought i'd give you guys my best tips these are things that elevated me from being an average student in medical school to be getting you know first class in absolutely all my exams and i thought i would share with you guys all those tips from someone who's had uncle experience i'm literally a professional student so if anyone knows anything about studying then i'm your girl so let's share with you my first tip so my first tip is something that i actually only learned about two years ago i had no idea about this if you are like me if you're anything like me then most of you watching this are probably studying wrong i know i know no one wants to be told that they're doing something wrong right but this is where i was so about two years ago this is how i studied and if you resonate with this then give this a thumbs up you probably are taking notes highlighting your notes retaking your notes maybe watching your lectures watching something whatever it is that you're trying to learn this is exactly what i used to do up until two years ago i have not taken notes in medical school proper notes in about two years and this is why note-taking highlighting re-reading is actually the least effective way of recalling information of studying because what you're doing is very passive it's called passive learning this is what we do because we feel like we're doing a lot of work we feel like we're doing a lot when we're writing our notes and then rereading them and then um highlighting them and all these things we feel like we're doing a lot of work so we just do it and then we see our friends do it and then we think that's the way to study but actually scientific studies show that this is actually the least effective way of studying so how do you study so the way to actually study is called active recall i've shared a lot about this on my instagram and i have go into it in a little bit more detail there but i thought i would just brush on it quickly here to kind of give you an idea of what it's all about if you had no idea what it what it's about you've never heard about this before so active recall is a way of studying by recalling information in an active way as it says in the in the name right so it means basically studying with questions and answers things like that we do with active recall that we don't know we're doing active reports things like flashcards it's things like um going over exam papers and trying to do an exam paper because you're actively recalling information from your brain you're doing a question and answer type of studying this means that your brain is working harder to try and remember the information that you have learned at least once or twice or three times without just passively writing it down so you're asking yourself questions throughout your studying method this is called active recall instead of writing notes what i do is i write questions so when i'm going through a lecture i will write questions for each single slide and i'm reading through the lecture and i'm learning this also helps your concentration especially now that we're learning online this really helps your concentration when you're doing online learning so this is the way in order for you to be able to actually retain not retain but recall a lot more information and studies show that even if you just do this method once if you just read through a lecture once or read through your notes once and then do active recall with question and answer studies show that people who do this actually come out with better grades i think it was double or three times better grades than people who just write their notes rewrite them and highlight them so this is definitely a proven way to study and this is the number one number one way that i would recommend that you start doing today if you don't already do it it's very difficult to do and get used to especially if it's not something that you do often but once you get used to it i promise you'd be worth it so that's the first tip okay guys so my second tip about learning anything what i have learned in my experience of studying is using the right resources i find that sometimes again students we're never really taught how to study we're never really taught what is the most effective way of studying so we don't know where to find the right information the right books the right resources and i find that using the right resources you really shorten your time that you spend doing useless things like useless studying so for example um using the right resources are videos books lectures the notes that you're using whatever you're using it needs to be the right resources i learned this in medical school i didn't used to do this in my bachelor's but i learned this quickly in medical school that i had to find the right resources because i didn't have the time i didn't have the time to start looking at like 10 different books on on one thing so i learned how to find the right resources so the resource i actually want to share with you guys today is a amazing anatomy-based resource for those of you that are in medical school or in any kind of like healthcare field or maybe you're just interested in anatomy and it's called kenhub i've actually shared about this um resource before on my instagram a couple of months ago i was telling you guys what my best study resources are what i found um and again i share a lot on my instagram guys so if you feel like you want to follow me then you should um you can find that here but this resource is called kenhub i have been using this for about four maybe even five years i remember a few videos back like a few years back i even shared about this resource before but ken home have actually partnered up with me on this video and sponsoring this portion of the video to tell you guys more about um kenhub and what they do which is amazing because i've already been talking about them anyway for years and years and years um so it was perfect because i know i've used it i use it and i thought i'll share with you guys about it so kenhub is an anatomy-based resource or just a medical based resource it doesn't just have anatomy they have anatomy they have histology and they also have medical imaging these are the three things i found hardest in medical school anatomy histology and medical imaging even now i found it very difficult sometimes to interpret ct's and things like that but kenhub has these things for you and what's great about it but it goes with the first tip that i told you guys about which is active recall so what kenhub does it has articles it has um atlases it has quizzes it has um it is tailored for you it shows your weak spots and basically what i love the most about it is the atlases because what you can do is you can learn all the anatomy of something let's just take a bone and humerus for example they have different sections on their website which shows you obviously how to learn about this and they um have this so you can learn it first of all and then the atlas what i love about it is the active recall method of learning that they have because then you can start actually learning in a way that's going to recall information kenhub is the only resource that i remember using when i was doing anatomy a few years back that i can actually visually see in my head what it is that i was learning and i remember it from kenhub so if you want if you're struggling to study anatomy i get this question a lot how do i study for anatomy and how do i use active recall atlases are your best friend can help have that it also have articles that teach you more not just in visual format but also in word format if you're struggling to learn histology that is for you if you're not maybe in your clinical years and just you're really struggling to interpret imaging especially like you know chest x-rays and ct's and things like that then kenhub again is for you so if you guys um are interested to kind of join kenhub they have a premium version too that you can join i will be putting the link in the description down below so that you can click that link and also get premium and if you are coming from me then you also get 10 off of that premium um subscription so i think that is great and also in the future in the next few months i'll be doing the random med monday videos where i'll be doing a giveaway for um the kenhub subscription so if you guys want that you should definitely watch my med monday videos because you don't know when it's gonna pop up it'll be just kind of like a quick giveaway that runs probably for like a week or so and then i'll be giving that out for the next few months for you guys to use that resource so that is my second tip is find the right resources that work for you that work for your study pattern that also work for how you learn because this will absolutely save you time and it will help you to learn and study effectively so this next tip actually goes really well with this last one that i just given you because when it comes to the right resources you also need to know how you learn active recall is about how you recall information but how do you actually get information how do you how does information get import into you and this is where we have that whole thing that you've probably heard about are you a visual learner are you a kinetic learner learner are you an audio learner i'm a big geek about studying and learning guys i've studied this not a lot but i've studied it a little bit and i've read a lot of books about this about like recalling information retaining information getting important information and one of my favorite authors or one of my favorite scientists is dr caroline leaf and she has a whole book that i will click eggs can't remember the name i'll put it here about this about how people best um actually get information in the input part of it so you need to be able to know how best do you take an information i best take in information through visual of a visual learner i'll call it um so i import information through videos through pictures through drawing through things like that so that's how i best learn if you're an audio learner maybe you need to be listening to music while you're learning because it will help you to import that information if you're a kinetic learner maybe you need to be again drawing or maybe you need to be doing something um like on your feet while you're learning so learn how you learn and then pair that with active recall and the right resources you see how it all goes together you're going to be more focused you're going to know exactly what it is that you need to be doing and therefore you're going to do better and learn absolutely anything and also more effectively so that is tip number three okay guys so tip number four about this and again it goes with all the tips it's about using the right tools when you are learning but an ipad is absolutely life-changing when it comes to learning because this is what i use the most when i'm doing my active recall it completely changed everything and i actually told you guys a lot more about it in this video that you can watch here i have a video about six student hacks that i have actually that shows you a lot of the hacks that i think are amazing you can watch here but that basically shows you the tools that you can use in order for you to actually make your study and your learning time a lot more effective and actually be able to learn more when you are studying is you should know your syllabus inside out and i mean the syllabus that you get in the module handbook at the beginning if you're in like your a levels at the beginning if you ask your teacher about your syllabus what you're supposed to be learning that year they'll give it to you and not only your syllabus but your exam outline those are two different things your syllabus is everything that you should be knowing and learning throughout the year but your exam outline is what it is that you would be tested on and teachers will always have this because this is what they use to pick up the exam questions and things like that ask your teachers for the syllabus ask your teachers for the exam outlines of the things that they will be taking the exams on pay attention in your classes because teachers will say this is important you should know this for the exam ask them ask them what it is that's important that you need to learn get as much information from them as you can because this is what changed the game for me so this is my fifth tip this is the sixth and final tip on how to be able to learn anything study effectively and also increase your grades in whatever field that you're studying in time management it's just how much work you have divided by how much time you have or want to give yourself gives you the amount of work you need to be doing every single day but 30 topics 30 days 30 divided by 30 so i know i need to study one topic just one topic and one question a day this allows me again to study smart and not hard because i am not studying more than i need to that day so then i can have a life i can have a social life i can film youtube videos i can be with my husband i can do other things so i'm not studying five topics when i don't need to and i'm not studying less than i need to so for example if you realize that maybe you need to do three or four topics a day then you only study three topics or four topics a day and then you stop that is the power of an exam timetable that is the power of being able to start early and being able to manage your time so guys that is basically my six tips that i have learned my six best tips i'm giving you the you know creme de la creme here the best of what i know this is all i have to give to you and so that is my six tips on how to study effectively how you can instantly start actually increasing your grade grades starting today if you use any of these methods in your next exam come back to this video comment below if you did increase your grade so i just wanted to share those things with you guys and most especially being kenhub and their amazing platform amazing amazing amazing platform for learning anatomy histology medical imaging a lot of things i've got a lot of articles on there so like i said go in the description below and find the link so that you can sign up to their premium access or to their membership access which allows you to have so so so much resource it is one of my number one if not my number one way of learning anatomy and has been for years so thank you so much guys for watching i hope you enjoyed this video if you did then comment down below and let me know which tip you think you will be starting to use like from today or which tip you think will be most effective in your study um in your study time i would love to know that otherwise you can check out my last videos that i mentioned before my study hacks are here and also the things and tools i recently got from my last academic year that i bought that i think you might be interested in you can watch that here as well thank you so much for watching and i will see you guys on my next video next my next video might be on wednesday my weekly not so weekly podcast with the new otherwise i'll see you guys next week
Channel: Dr. Nellah
Views: 411,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to learn, how to study anatomy, anatomy study tips, kenhub review, best books for anatomy, medical school study tips, ali abdaal study, ali abdaal study tips, kharma medic study, how to learn anything, how to study effectively, nellahgrace, medical school vlog, dr mike, dr anima yonis, ali abdaal vlog, active recall study method, active recall explained, study hacks
Id: e3Lsto4zhUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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