How to Strip Paint Using a Heat Gun | House Painting

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[Music] hi we're going to talk about stripping paint there's two ways to strip paint we have a heat gun a heat gun is not the same as a blow dryer this has a little more horsepower so you have to be careful with it the other way is a chemical stripper they both have their pros and cons the heat gun is kind of like ironing you want to be methodical and not hold it in one place too long the Heat heat will loosen up the layers of paint and you can scrape it off the plus point is you don't have to inhale the chemical from a chemical stripper all right so we're going to do a section for you and show you the heat gun pretty soon you'll see it start to Bubble it's okay to use this on wood but be methodical about it and be careful you're going to see whole layers of paint come off it's good to do just a section at a time this is not a fast process wow look at that so plan your weekend accordingly and always use safety measures long sleeves gloves so it may not be fast but this is an efficient way to strip paint if you're very careful
Channel: Howcast
Views: 550,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strip paint, heat gun, how to paint, paint, painting, painting techniques, paint how to, paint tutorial, paint video, paint walls, howcast
Id: 8VIQbnzeq2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 59sec (119 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2013
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