How to Stream Directly to your Website using Restream, StreamYard, or Ecamm

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for your private customer paid summit conference workshop or masterclass where you want to live stream instead of using conferencing platforms it can be difficult to control youtube or facebook groups and other social media destinations a new feature from restream allows you to embed your live stream into your website creating one place for viewers to attend then you can take advantage of website features like password protecting that page and only sending that password to paid attendees learn how it all works in this video i'm kirk nugent your live video coach and on this channel i show you the nuts and bolts of live streaming for the diy streamer and today we're looking at how to stream directly to your website without youtube or facebook can't tell you how many times i've been in a discovery call where this scenario was needed and we didn't have a simple solution the bonus at the end of this video is that we don't have to use restream studio to take advantage of this feature excited to get into the details so let's do that right now so here we are on restream uh looking at the dashboard so you would have already had to log into your restream account to be able to see this same page so do that so you can follow along with me what i want to show you is the feature itself and in order to show you this new feature we will have to set up an event so let's go here to set up an event on the side we have the ability to go to events so let's go to events real quick you'll see i have one test already set up i'm going to create another one just so you can follow along i'm going to select the encoder rtmp option here select that and then just going to call this testing embed and we will just use that same that same description same title in the description and we are let's let's select a a picture why not because why not right we'll just we'll just select that one and we will keep it at uh 10 45 it's fine we'll just keep the date and time but if you were setting this up for your your program or for your conference your summit workshop whatever you would set this date and time correctly you would set the thumbnail correctly so you'd set these up this way put your description in there put your title in there click next of course it's got all of these destinations we're going to click off on all of them this is actually one of the key things that has changed is that you can actually turn all of the destinations off and still be able to create the event it's going to ask you are you sure you want to proceed without enabling any channels you can say yes and it creates the event and it gives you the ability to send this to restream pairs that's a whole other video for another time but we can say done here and you can see we have testing restream embed the the secret sauce right here right here is this feature this function right here right we now have this option right on the side these like greater than less than signs which in the tech world means embed it means the embed symbol right this is the embed symbol so we can click on this embed symbol we can grab the code here just by clicking copy code i always recommend doing the responsive one so i'm gonna click copy code and now we can take that code for this live stream for this live event and go over to our website i use a wordpress for my site for the how it all works website and here i am on one of those pages already ready to edit the page and i'm going to simply go to the html code and paste that event code right into the website and now you can see that that is on the website simply click update down here at the bottom and we can go over to the page itself right we're going to actually show you what the what the where the option is to be able to set the password so on this page is uh on this page we are looking at the page from the uh the normal wordpress view and we're gonna look in the publish section and for visibility we want to select password protected and for password protected i can just say embed right this is our code i'm going to say okay here that's going to be the password say update now that page has been updated and we can look at it on the website by simply going to a incognito tab let's pull up that page right now and hitting enter and you can see that it's saying this content is password protected please enter you can click embed here embed hit enter and it should let us into the page now we can see this embed code is here this could be your event that you download the conference no cheat here some of the uh some of the sponsors this could be your event and this would you can already see how to use this for your uh for your summit for your workshop in all of the different ways you would simply go live just as a quick recap we are on the event page itself this is what it would look like to your your attendees and viewers but just as a quick recap let's go back over to restream here we are and again all i did was come here to the greater than less than sign right for those that are technically you know that this is the embed uh icon we would simply click this grab our embed code from here copy that code go over to your website and put that code in your website and you're in whatever way that works for you and then save that page the additional piece that we did is that we showed you how to then go through and edit making your page a password protected page by editing the visibility and then once that's done you can have your guests go directly to that page and you'll ask them for that password and they'll be able to view your event the password protect piece is optional but if you take some time and think about the use cases shared this could really open some doors also while i showed you the process on wordpress it would be similar on whatever website backend you have now here's the fun part as mentioned you don't have to use restream to take advantage of this feature so on restream once the event is set up you would simply go to the event created either on the events page or on your dashboard and where it says rtmp settings click the down arrow on the right and then select switch to studio once you do that rtmp settings will change to enter studio which if you click it it'll take you in the studio and you can follow your normal process to go live from there for my stream yarders you aren't left out we would ensure the restream event is set up the way we showed and click on the button that says rtmp settings take the url and stream key and add that destination in stream yard [Music] [Music] then select that destination when creating your event studio and use your normal process to go live [Music] and lastly for my ecam fam it's literally the easiest keep the restream event set up the way we showed head over to ecamm live select restream from the destinations list then select the event from the drop down and go live like you would normally [Music] awesome option gotta love when features open up opportunities and scenarios like this want to learn more about restream features check out these videos right here [Music] you
Channel: Kirk Nugent
Views: 8,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: restream tutorial, live video production, embed video in html, restream embed to website, restream embed video, restream embed code
Id: iYv5mcIu-tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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