How To STOP Your Dog Pulling On The Leash - EXTREME TRANSFORMATION

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so in today's video i'm gonna be showing you how i took a dog that was pulling so badly that it dragged its owner out onto a road and caused serious damage to beautiful heel walking in just one day [Music] welcome back to femire k9 training guys and we are here for the first ever video at the fenrir k9 sanctuary this has been a project i've been working on for years and with the growth of this channel with the growth of fenrir as a business i'm so pumped to have been able to secure this land at the minute it just kind of looks like a field that's because exactly what it is we're waiting on the builders to come we're having dog proof fencing put up so it's completely secure having agility courses kennel runs it's going to be amazing but for a friend of a friend of a friend i heard that they had a beautiful lovely golden retriever but was so strong was pulling so badly on lead and has become almost reactive towards other dog at least lunging and pulling towards them that he pulled their owner onto the floor caused some severe damage and they were just at a loss of what to do they've tried all the different positive only methods and they can't get on top of it so i've said that he can be our very first dog again we do all my work completely volunteer basis here don't charge a single penny as our mission is to keep dogs out of shelters and off the euthanasia table so we're going to jump straight in to that first initial consultation out of the two consultations that we did in that day to help that dog go from terrible pulling to perfect heal all right come on then buddy let's take a look at here so whenever we're working with a dog that's got the problems that you're struggling with like we've talked about he's clearly a lovely dog you don't have to worry about temperament aggression the problems that you're having especially when it's pulling people over could be classed as kind of reactivity but for golden retriever it's very common for that just to be sometimes a little bit of anxiety because they're not looking for you to tell them what to do we call it guidance and direction and also just share excitement with a golden retriever so what we want to do is not take that out of him but just let him understand that like now there's a time and a place and when you're on a lead i don't want you pulling me i want you here by my side so we're going to do a two-stage process in this first session what we'll do is i'm going to tune him up we'll swap over to my slip lead i love that using the fenrir training lead but for this drill having some kind of communication tool will be much better so we'll swap over to our slip lead i'm going to tune him up for you then we'll help you be able to do the same thing and then in the second session we'll then bring dogs out and we'll use the skills that we're going to teach now to then be able to keep him under control so not only are you able to walk him to heel but when he sees those other dogs and gets excited and wants to go towards them you have the ability to say hey no that's not what we're doing i need you here because he is strong he's only going to get stronger as he gets older and if he's already pulling you over then um that's only going to get potentially worse so let's get on top of it now and again this should be fun so we'll swap over to a slip lead always i want him kind of looking and seeking me for guidance and direction so i have got some food you're going to notice i'm not going to use it much but i want him to start building that principle so if i do pay him it's more going to be when he's just focusing on me working on me because like right now he's not focusing on me or whatsoever and that's a problem so i'm going to get his attention i'm going to get him to come over we'll swap over but then if i start to see that where he's looking up to me for guidance and direction that's the point where i'm going to reward it and pay him for doing so yes good that was good so this when he's seeking me obviously he's focused on the food so lovely offered me the auto sit again yes good that moment there where he looked up to me rather than focusing on the food that's when i'm gonna pay him but why he's finding that piece of food that he dropped here buddy look here good boy oh you're one of those fussy ones no lie my food okay no problem at all so we're going to slip over to the slip lead like you can see i want to go nice and tucked up high behind his ears and we pull that stopper just to keep it up there naturally with all slip leads that might slide down a little bit but as we're working we can adjust it we want to get it nice and up here yes good good boy so anytime he's looking at me like that for guidance and direction i'm going to praise it if he's not interested in my food no problem i'm actually just going to pull that off we're not going to work with any food today we'll work just with communication leadership and praising him so let's go so when we're doing these tune-up drills i'm just gonna kind of crack on and do it first and then when we work out what's happening i'll explain to you what we're doing and then we'll let you jump in and have a go afterwards so cooper let's go good so let's go go better good better yes let's go yes good boy good boy let's go yes good yes yes beautiful yes go beautiful so already in a few seconds there you notice we had to implement some minor correction with the slip lead but all i was doing was letting him know if you're not looking up to me and you're going where you want to go hey stop and that's the essence of what we're gonna do so in this early tune-up it's more about heal but later when we bring the destructions out when we bring the dogs out that is exactly what we're gonna be able to do this is what i want from you good yes good boy and just look at the demeanor change already just because i've come in within a few seconds instilled some leadership into him he's now dropping into this position naturally whereas when we took the lead when i took him off here he was pulling over that way in a matter of seconds yes good boy oh beautiful good boy yes lovely and that comes from me just instilling a bit of leadership into him and letting him know hey no i'm in charge i'm telling you where we're going and that's why he's now relaxing some people think that's cruel but as you can see yes good boy look at him now happy looking up to me for guidance and direction with literally 60 seconds ago he was over there and wanted to pay me no mind but he will be happier because of that that isn't a bad thing he's now gone oh this guy's in charge right i'll just chill then yes and i'll wait till you tell me that we're off again and you'll notice that that's all he's going to do so for this next we're just going to keep wrapping this now so i want to get some serious reps in i'll stop talking to you and make sure that we get him nicely tuned up but i can already tell you this is why i love working with golden retrievers they're just a joy to work with again you've got a lovely dog i think just lacking a little bit of guidance and direction creating a little bit of anxiety over excitement not knowing how to respond when he sees those other dogs he thinks that it's acceptable to pull towards them but because he is a big old strong boy one of the biggest golden retrievers i've ever seen i'm not surprised he's able to pull you over so all we need to do now is get this looking really sharp for the next 30 minutes and then once we've got it looking really sharp i'll then be able to get other dogs out and we'll do the same kind of drill but when he starts to we have that same ability just to say hey no this way this is where we're going but we'll get on to that later but it's going to be no problem he's an absolute joy so again we'll do a good example so we always give him the opportunity to listen first before we ever implement any correction so cooper let's go yes good and then i praise that so no correction needed there let's go yes good he was getting a bit ahead of me there which i didn't like let's go but he is in tune with me so as we practice yes good i was just about to say he'll start to drop in because he notices we do these direction changes when he drifts out in front of me so if he doesn't if he wants us to keep moving forward let's go he needs to not drift out in front of me let's go and because he's now in tune with me we go minor correction he got distracted started to drift out and he says hey bring that attention back to me that's all we're doing and now we're working much better now we're at this point i want to start adding in so i'm going to go right now i'm going to cut straight across him now this will really start to tune him up because if he's not focused on me this is where i'm going to walk straight through him so for him to not have me walk through him he needs to be better in doing better better poker we can do a right remaining calm relaxed shoulders back head up chest forward and we're going to go left i'm going to bring him back in lovely and again lovely good yes beautiful so that was a golden moment there you'd have picked that up he was a little bit unsure and he dropped back in to give me that space because this is my space and i want to be able to turn into it whenever i want to so he's now having to focus on me he's having to work with me to understand where it is that we as a pack are moving let's go good no correction needed because as long as he's paying attention to me everything's okay nice right let's go beautiful yes good boy look at the tail wagging beautiful dogs thrive off this guidance and direction yes good let's see if we can get a nice auto sit sit yes good teaching an auto sit is a really fun additional little trick that you can add to your repertoire that actually has widespread ramifications we always talk about the importance of having a dog looking up to you for guidance and direction and making sure that they must come to a sit when you stop just furthers that command that they must be in tune with us they must be working with us they must be looking up to us for guidance and direction no matter what pace we're going at no matter what angle we're turning at or whether we come to a stop and when we come to a stop you stop you sit you look up and you wait and again there that's another drill that you can work on when i've asked him to do something you've told me we know he knows sit if he doesn't listen again just mind a little bit of pressure to let him know hey i've asked something from you i need you to drop in but as you can see he's not scared of me he's not sad look at this yes beautiful beautiful seeking that guidance from direction i'm guessing yeah you don't get that very often because he's always off because he's not seeking it from you but with a drill with just a couple of minutes yes good and again at that point he's not bothered about my food and this is where i said it would be nice if he was overly food driven have you fed him this morning yeah that'll be why he's probably not that hungry but if we practice this when he was hungry when he's giving me this looking up for guidance and direction boom we can pay that so this would be yes good i'm just letting him know look up to me and everything's going to be okay so we're going to keep working that we'll keep repeating that and that's all you need to focus on once we've got that guidance and direction nice by doing that we're teaching communication through this tool that furthers our relationship he's now again looking up to me as his leader i'm leading him because i love him and you're going to lead him because you love him and we need to keep him safe and you safe other people of a dog safe so it's our job to step in and deal with this but in just a matter of seconds we're able to do that once we've got that and we've taught that communication which i can already say again one of the smartest dogs on the planet i love working with them when we bring a dog out we'll be able to quickly just nope that's not what we do anymore this is what we do nope stop stop when you're offering me this yes good yes and it can be just a rustle behind the ear which is all i'm going to be doing now he's not hungry so i'm gonna let him know i love this behavior now when it's time to let's go off we go it doesn't matter if i slow right down good you slow right down if i turn this way let's go you turn this way but again looking up to me nice and slow if i speed up let's go you speed up because i'm in charge of this you're following my guide direction changing pace when we're doing any kind of tune up heel walk drill like this is incredibly important a mistake that a lot of inexperienced trainers or owners make is trying to keep up with their dog and that completely defeats the purpose the dog must be in tune with us as opposed to us simply trying to keep up with them that doesn't matter if we're a full-blown sprint or walking at one mile an hour i need you on my left hand side in tune with me looking up to me for guidance and direction awaiting my next piece of guidance for you my next command for you and i do that because i love you to keep you safe and to keep other dogs and other people safe lead your dog because you love your dog hey let's go and slow down whatever we're doing and again i'm not doing this because this is oozing bad communication to him calm shoulders back chest up i'm in control leadership energy and i'm passing that down through this tool to him which is why he's now so calm and relaxed we're going to get you in that same state of mind so that you can step in and do exactly the same thing so that concluded our first session after i tuned cooper up we got their owners involved we got them doing exactly the same drill and it went absolutely seamlessly they'd just rather not be on camera and that's completely fine then we gave cooper a break then later in our second consultation in the day we're going to bring out different dogs different distractions and we're going to get that same level of beautiful heel regardless of what's going on so make sure you subscribe if you are new here because you can see that next follow-up video of how we take that to extreme levels now if you're interested in the tools that i used in this video i simply used our fenris slip lead that's available on our website there'll be a link in the description box below and if you'd love to have your dog walk beautifully to heal i understand i've done this with thousands of dogs now something that i'm very experienced and skilled at and i can achieve it in a short amount of time but to make it easy for you to follow along at home i created seven days to perfect heal course that will be linked down in the description box below breaks it down into much more easy to manage chunks and helps you understand the theory as well as the practical of exactly what you need to do when you do it and why you do it so you can become a higher level canine leader and have a perfect canine companion yourself i hope you enjoyed the video i can't wait to see you on the next episode ephemera k9 training
Channel: Will Atherton Canine Training
Views: 261,555
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Id: h7IEwlRLfao
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Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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