How to Stop Paying Xfinity Internet Equipment Fees Forever

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michael here and today how to stop paying internet  equipment fees 14 a month 168 a year that's how   much xfinity internet customers are paying to rent  a gateway but you can put that money back in your   pocket if you buy your own modem and router and it  is a lot easier than you think flashback to 2018.   in one of my first videos here on youtube i  shared how i replaced my xfinity equipment   with a motorola modem and router combo that cost  less than 100 bucks i've spent the past few days   researching the best options and if you're  thinking about buying your own equipment in 2022   or beyond i'm going to show you exactly how to  do it let's get started if you have xfinity this   gateway probably looks familiar it's the one they  send to everyone but from xfinity's website you   can find the my device info page when logged into  your account you'll see your current equipment   and a long list of supported devices that you  could buy instead of renting take a look here i   selected a 600 megabits per second download speed  more on that later and then you see 45 results are   displayed so when you're used to using whatever  device your internet provider offers you how are   you supposed to choose between one of 45 devices  well i found a good place to start this here is jd   power's 2021 rankings of the best wireless router  brands you see here that asus ranks number one   for overall customer satisfaction tp-link is  second and eris comes in third now that's followed   by motorola and fourth the brand that i chose  back in 2018 based on price and customer reviews   further down below the industry average you see  linksys and netgear look at all the factors on the   screen right now this is what jd power's report  measured in order of importance and the rankings   were based on responses from more than 1200 owners  of wireless routers so with those rankings in mind   i went back to xfinity's website and i took  a closer look at the 45 compatible devices   for a 600 megabits per second download speed now  that's a higher speed than you may currently have   or ever need but i chose it for a reason look here  xfinity's website says choose equipment compatible   with your plan's current speed or higher to  get the most out of your internet service   so my thinking with the 600 megabits per  second is that if you're buying new equipment   right now you're going to want to future proof it  so that it lasts for years to come let's continue   next i want to walk you through a free resource  that i created and i spent hours and hours on   this it's this spreadsheet with xfinity approved  equipment there are actually two spreadsheets here   one is for gateways which are modem and router  combos and the other is for modems only for the   purpose of this video i'm going to focus on the  spreadsheet with the wi-fi gateways and i really   like these gateways because they combine your  modem and router in one device otherwise you have   to purchase a modem and router separately back to  the spreadsheet for the xfinity approved gateways   and you can see that i've grouped the equipment  by brands they're listed in the order of the jd   power rankings that i just showed you each list  starts with the equipment that can handle the   fastest download speeds that explains why  devices toward the top are more expensive   but remember all of the devices on my spreadsheet  handle up to megabits per second very fast   the prices listed are regular prices from as of this recording date some of   this equipment is much cheaper when it's on sale  i'll drop a link to the spreadsheet down below   in the description but i also created something  else for you to help you compare prices in real   time let's check it out here is an amazon shop  page for gateways and it includes all the devices   from the spreadsheet the benefit here is that you  can see the current pricing including sale pricing   watch here when you hover over a picture you can  see the name and model number for each device   for example this aeres modem router combo is only  about 150 bucks and you may recall eris was one of   the above average brands from the jd power study  now after you click through to the product page   you can learn more about the features and  scroll down to read reviews from customers   and one thing i want to point out here most of  these listings will say xfinity approved device   front and center but it doesn't hurt to log into  your xfinity account and use the my device info   page to just double check that it's compatible  before you make a purchase because that list on   xfinity's website is bound to change over time  the bottom line is that for a one-time cost of   around 150 dollars you can buy your own modem  and router combo and say goodbye to xfinity's   monthly fees think about it this way the price  of the errors gateway that i just showed you   is less than one year of your current rental fees  from xfinity but 150 bucks is still a lot of money   though you may be wondering if you really need a  device that is best for 600 megabits per second   or more when your internet plan speed is only  100 or 300 megabits per second remember i use   the 600 megabits per second filter so you can buy  a new gateway today and not have to buy one for a   few more years but if you're on a tight budget  there are cheaper gateways available and i want   to show you a couple options now for example the  motorola gateway that i bought back in 2018 it's   still for sale and compatible with xfinity plans  up to 100 megabits per second as of this recording   and the price has dropped a little bit over the  years it's now 80 another affordable option is   the motorola mg 7540 for 130 bucks this one is on  xfinity's list for plans up to 300 megabits per   second and it gets good reviews from xfinity users  on links are down below purchasing your   own gateway is a great way to save but it is not  for everyone if you're planning to move soon and   don't know if xfinity is the internet provider in  your new location think twice you may not be able   to use your new gateway with another provider  while conducting research for this video i was   surprised to learn that some internet service  providers include equipment free of charge and   others charge a fee and insist that you use their  equipment another big exception is for xfinity   customers who are heavy data users xfinity's  gateway is fourteen dollars a month as of this   recording but for eleven dollars more you can get  unlimited data so for twenty five dollars a month   that's your gateway and unlimited data for  comparison's sake if you own your equipment with   xfinity and need unlimited data that's going to  cost you an extra 30 a month now keep in mind most   people don't go anywhere near their data limit  check out xfinity's website here's everything you   can do with the 1.2 terabytes included in most  plans you should know if you're a heavy data   user likely you've received alerts that you're  nearing your data limit or you've had to pay   overage charges in the past now if you decide to  buy your own equipment the next step is to install   it i've only been through this process once  with that motorola device that i showed earlier   as i said in my original video it was a fairly  simple process and took about 15 minutes start   to finish most of that time by the way was on the  phone with xfinity so they can make some changes   on their end and after your new device is up and  running remember to return your rented equipment   because that's the only way they're going to  stop charging you for it thanks for watching
Channel: Michael Saves
Views: 303,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c_vmc8Se5Nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 06 2022
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