How To Stop Dry Eyes

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is there a cure for your dry eyes we're going to talk about it today with an opthalmologist I'm Dr Brad weeny sure just watch Marley and Me or the notebook that'll cure your dry eyes immediately okay Dr Paul Z welcome to talking with docs we have Dr Bish here in opthalmologist going to talk all about dry eyes the causes the treatments and if there actually is a permanent cure for this problem so let's start at the beginning why do we get dry eyes and how common is it so as we get older our tier production decreases and as we get older we also gain other medical issues including taking certain medications and that can contribute to dry eye also a lot of people love to wear their contacts they hate glasses so they wear contacts 24/7 every day 365 days a year and that can damage the stem cells of the of the conjuntiva that produce your help produce your tears so you have to be really careful so contacts can do that much damage longterm use of contact long use of contact that should be a video on itself it should be there contact I'm wearing contact there there you are contacts weaning as as soon as I get home though typically I do take them out at the end of the day or whatever take them out early very very important very important give your eyes a bit of a breakr okay so someone that is suffering from D eyes how are they going to know what are they going to present with what kind of symptoms will they have so the typical symptoms is I mean usually happens more as the day progresses your eyes feel dry they feel tired you might sometimes get some intermittent tearing feels like the the sort of the faucets of the eye are turning on you walk outside the wind kicks up and all of a sudden your eyes are just like tearing like anything uh sometimes they're about itchy they're a bit burny uh lots of different symptoms sometimes just blurry vision I was just going to say so it can affect your vision as well can affect your vision lot of number one cause of blurry vision is dry eyes can you still cry if you have dry eyes yeah you can still cry you're still producing teers you're just not producing what we call our basil tier Film Production and that means just the regular uh ongoing tier production that happens uh every few seconds or minutes okay so let's talk a little bit about tiar so our tear just water no tear are a special formulation of enzymes they got some protective factors they help the surface of the eye work they help protect us from infection so they're not just water drops okay what about the dry eye drops that you can get so dry eye drops just kind of replenish your natural tears they have some um products in them such as like hyaluronic acid uh those hones will help coat the cornea and keep your natural tiar film around so that and prevent your tears from of operating quicker okay so so you got the dry eyes you're concerned but you're wondering if it if it's just Dr or it's something bigger when you go to your doctor are you going to see your family doctor or you going to go straight to an opthalmologist or an optometrist so many people present to their optometrist saying they want an update in their glasses because they have some blurry vision and that's where the symptoms and the signs of dry eye come about sometimes you will complain to your family doctor that your eyes feel dry and irritated sometimes you'll actually the biggest complaint with dry ey is you complain your eyes are tearing okay well that's ironic yeah it is it is it's like the it's like the water jets are turning on dry eye irony okay so when they look in your eyes doctor going to is the doctor going to see anything like how do they how do they actually diagnose it so we diagnose dry eyes by a few different things number one we can just look at the at the surface of the cornea it could have some little punctate erosions we can stain the cornea with various different stains and that shows up with the dry eye we can look for blepharitis and mamitis those are contributing factors uh and then we can look at the tier breakup so we we actually get you to Blink and count the amount of time it takes for the for your natural tiers to break up oh like the evaporation kind of time of your tears yeah heard about that there are some formal tests as well where they can check the almity of the of your tear a little bit more expensive right uh out of O cost okay so now you know you got your eyes so let's talk about treatment where do you start so I always start with the most common cause of drye is the evaporative dry eyes so your natural tears are evaporating quicker so you want to just produce a better environment so treat blefaritis hot towel on your eye every day there are various different types of masks something called a Bruner mask um there's a another company tea has a mask these are you put on you put them in the microwave for a minute under high heat and then put them on top of your eyes do that for five minutes clean your eyelashes tell everybody just like a lady who removes mascara or eyeliner clean the base of the eyelashes baby shampoo makeup remover again a lot of commercially available treatments and then just use artificial tiers any brand they all work well have to pick one that works for you three four five times a day and then omega-3 fatty acid so increase your intake of fish and fish oils okay okay now in terms of the drops uh there are drops that opthamologists often do not recommend like the red eye drops and things like that so the most important thing is is everybody always says I use Visine and Visine is a great product but there are five or six different types of Visine do not use the Visine to get the red out cuz that's the one that actually causes more red eye you want to get use Visine to get the dry out there is there is a specific group of people who want to get the red out of their eyes and you know who you are hey now no comment on lifestyle here we're talking about eyes uh that's the red eye irony yes it is okay you said bortis a few times can you just Define that for the viewers not me sub leitis is an inflammation of your eyelashes so right along the eyelid margin are little eyelashes little oil glands they get inflamed and plugged and that can lead to a fair bit of ey eye irritation and dryness okay so the bortis can lead to a plethora of eye problems are there any more serious causes where it would require some type of intervention on your part like a blocked tear duct or something like that so again if people have very severe dry eye they can have damage to their cornea uh sometimes we'll look if you have an underlying health issue like a rheumatologic issue dry very common to get dry eye with rheumatoid arthritis or lupus connective tissue disorders we do have some prescribed topical uh dry eye medications cyclosporin so rasis and sea another company called uh Basham has a drop called zidra These are prescription eye drops to treat dry eye sometimes that doesn't work we have to block your tear ducts to keep your tears around a little bit longer very rarely we take some of your blood and create something called serum tears and those are for people with very severe dry eyes wow okay so this could be a symptom of a systemic uh issue uh so that's what the whole workup is required for exactly I you know it it is certainly Spirits it on a milder form because my contact it is frustrating and you do feel like your vision maybe isn't quite as focused as it needs to be so now you know now you know the causes and the treatments and if you like this video please like it subscribe to our Channel share it with someone that you know that has dry eyes and remember you are in charge of your own health and thanks Dr Bill for joining us and sharing all your thoughts about dry eyes my part see you next time
Channel: Talking With Docs
Views: 86,067
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Keywords: dry eyes, dry eyes treatment, eyes, dry eyes cure, how to treat dry eyes, what causes dry eyes, dry eyes home remedy, doctor eye health dry eyes, home remedies for dry eyes, dry eyes symptoms, eye drops for dry eyes, dry eyes treatment home remedies, how to get rid of dry eyes, severe dry eyes, omega 3 dry eyes, chronic dry eyes, tips for dry eyes, causes of dry eyes, remedy for dry eyes, how to cure dry eyes, dry eyes treatments, treatment for dry eyes
Id: Xw-9qasxKgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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