How To Stay In The Middle Of Your Lane

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foreign the driver of this vehicle in front could do with watching this video they're too busy looking at the scenery [Music] surely it's simple to keep your car in the middle of the lane isn't it [Music] hi everyone in today's video I'm going to be looking at a subject that I didn't really cover properly in detail when I first mentioned it it was actually in a learning point and I was chuckling with one of my students who was going over some speed bumps and I'd recently just told them a little trick to try and help him get his wheels either side and uh it was sort of mentioned in the comments about what was it talking about so today's video is all about this quite simply it's how to judge when you can get your wheels either side of maybe a speed bump or how to keep yourself in the middle of the lane now to do this I'm going to use my POV Camp so you'll have to excuse me looking like I'm going down a coal mine um I'm just going to start this up what we're going to do we're going to explain a couple of things about what I'm talking about first of all if we were in the middle of our Lane there's a few ways that you can tell you can tell Maybe by checking in both side mirrors checking in both side mirrors you can see the space that you've got either side of you easy enough um if you've got an idea of where you can position your car when you're parking you can also see maybe where the curb is in your windscreen and also you can do a similar thing as if you were turning right you'll have an idea of where the center line of the road should appear in your windscreen it's sort of down here and if I was parking it's sort of there for me so you've got an idea of how wide your car is that way but I've known this little trick for a number of years but I've pushed it with my students over the last little bit and it's worked really really well and I've adapted it to try and help them with other things first of all it's where your left knee or where you perceive your left knee to be now it's hard to tell but I perceive my left knee to be smacked back in the middle of that lane and that's effectively it it shouldn't really work but it does again I'm thinking hey I want to be on my side of the road so my lane and my left knee I'm looks as though to me it looks smacked back in the middle we know it's not because the middle of the car is obviously here where the gear stick is and straightforward but from my headline um out towards mine is obviously to the left hand side a little bit um so that makes it be perceived in that manner so we can use this to get ourselves in the correct position you can use it to get over speed bumps not these type of speed bumps because obviously they go across the full width of road but the other speed bumps the ones that you can get your wheels either side you can use it for that purpose but there are many other things I'm just going to go through a couple here I'm going to use the road in fact speed bump we've got one here left knee over the middle of there perfect oh Brothers uh I could do the same here with the middle of the lane my left knee I think it's about in the middle and if I check both side mirrors that one's looking good that was looking good the gaps are about equal so I am smack bang in the middle like I said it shouldn't really work but it does if you're driving a left-hand drive car or in fact if you're a driving instructor in the UK you're going to be sat in this seat over here it's quite simple works the same but it's your right knee it's not your left and it's helped many of my potential Drive instructors that I'm teaching judge where they are or where the students are and it's quite helpful um I'm gonna have a look a little bit further up we're going to head down onto the melling road I'm in the middle of ancient Racecourse and what we will do is uh is let's have a little look at this a little further but I also think that being conscious of your left knee where your left knee is also has a benefit to Lane discipline I'll explain in a moment I'm just going to get myself out of this Junction I'm actually going to be looking at me thinking what the hell is this guy doing with the camera strapped on his head but anyway it is what it is all in the name of road safety so um what am I talking about regarding lane discipline well if you're thinking about your left knee it's naturally going to pull you back to the left a lot of people do take their normal position from this line and that's also one of the reasons why people tend to close past cyclists and take mirrors off cars because they're thinking about this side but if um you think about your normal position your left knee is naturally going to pull you back to the left and be aware of the left hand side a little bit more so it is really useful I know these speed bumps are a little bumpier but I'm still going over them pretty equally thinking and judging where my left knee is now I've had a little go at this in a number of cars and it does seem to work I've not had a go in a van so my van drivers who follow my channel could you give this a go and see whether this works and remember it's not where your knee is we know your knee is slightly to the right of the center of the vehicle but it's where you perceive it to be does it work with Vans um Lori's not sure you could probably uh let me know with that one as well obviously if you're on a push bike on a motorbike that ain't gonna work because you sat in the middle anyway it's easy with your eye line but anything that you're sat slightly to the offside um it's probably a good Shout so I'm just gonna get over this bridge again I've got to make sure that my knee is in the middle there's only room enough for one thanking you cheers buddy so what am I going to do to do this right turn I'm going to position my left knee over the giveaway triangle perfect and I'm in a good spot and even when I'm doing my turns I'm gonna go quite yet but even when I'm doing my turns I'm thinking about my left knee going around into the middle of that other lane so if I've found it helps people with steering massively um so please let me know how these little things would affect your drive you might uh might go out next time you're going on your commute you might go and have a little practice at it I'm just gonna have a quick go at this mini roundabout up ahead I'm gonna do a right turn and just talk through what I'm doing here yes so again I'm going to want my left knee I need it to the right of the uh center of the lane I'm going to try and get my left knee to go around this roundabout and that's what I should be thinking to do this turn uh we can go now so I'm a left knee you've got to make sure it goes around that roundabout and into the middle of the new Lane yeah that works out quite nicely so that's enough of that I think um I thought I'd just let everyone know about it I think it's a good little help and actually it's going to pull me back to my correct side um please let me know how that works for you if you're learning to drive it could very well be a massive point if you're a driving instructor use your right knee I promise you it will help as well let me know what you think in the comments keep safe and I'll see you all soon
Channel: Ashley Neal
Views: 29,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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